Quadruple split

Chapter 227 Out-of-control plan

The four of them discussed the septic tank issue for several minutes (Mo Tan remained silent for most of the time), and finally Yi Dong, Kang Lan and Wan Yang happily reached a consensus - that announcement was definitely from Guilty Company. spoof.

Due to some unreasonable concerns, Mo Tan had reservations about this...

They chatted about the game for a while, until Wan Yang let out a short scream: "Fuck!"

"Brother, what are you going to do!" Kang Lan was frightened by his loud voice, and she complained with a grin on her face while picking her ears: "We all know that your war rituals have war songs, but can we not say it in reality... "

Wan Yang ignored him and just looked around blankly. After being silent for a while, he looked at Yi Dong with a complex expression: "Liar!"

Yi Dong: "?!"

Kang Lan's expression suddenly became very exciting, and then she quietly elbowed Mo Tan and whispered: "There is a story~"

"Ha." The latter laughed dryly, shook his head and said, "I probably know why..."

As expected, Wan Yanghu stared blankly, waved his hand, pointed steadily at a large poster hanging behind the TV, and said in a deep voice: "Don't tell me you're not a fan of Gu Gu Jiang!"

Yi Dong's face turned pale: "I'm really not her fan! I am..."


The two people next to him said in unison.

Wan Yang: "Huh?"

Yi Dong sighed and collapsed weakly on the sofa: "Actually..."

five minutes later

Wan Yang covered his head in pain and lamented with a pale face: "It turns out that the idol I have liked for so many years is actually an Obasan! Her son is even three months older than me! Ah!!!"

"Hey, hey, who are you talking about, Obasan?" Yidong glared at him with an unkind expression and hummed, "My mother will always call herself seventeen years old. If you say this in front of her, you will probably be beaten to death." …”

Mo Tan nodded his head at the side, and secretly kept Yi Dong's words of "self-proclaimed in parentheses" in mind, and planned to have a good chat with Aunt Gu about this matter when he comes back to visit, in order to achieve the sinister purpose of retaliation.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about the idol's disillusionment for now." Kang Lan stretched out, took out his phone and glanced at it: "There is still more than an hour before the appointment time, let's go first. Do you want to play something?"

Wan Yang collapsed on the sofa, "I'm going to die if I don't have the world to play with."

Yi Dong nodded: "Second."

"That's not the case, you two." The corner of Kang Lan's mouth twitched, and he said to the two of them with a smile: "You can only play Innocence for 12 hours a day, are you guys hanging out in the game cabin during the day? ?”

Mo Tan shrugged: "Let's play board games. I remember Idong has a lot of them."

"Yes, yes." Yidong nodded, and then added: "But it's not mine, it's my mother's."

Wan Yang immediately jumped up as if he had been beaten to death: "I want to play, I want to play!!!"

Kang Lan pushed up his glasses like a professional tennis player: "It's time for you to see my Kang Lan field, eh..."

Then the doorbell rang.

"It seems that everyone is used to coming earlier." Yidong, who had already stood up and walked to the second floor, shrugged, then turned back and said: "I will get the board game, and one of you will open the door."

Wan Yang shrank his neck: "I'm afraid of the cold."

Kang Lan buried herself with a pile of cushions: "I haven't recovered yet."

"Then let me go." Mo Tan smiled, then stood up and walked towards the foyer.

Wan Yang's encouraging voice came from behind: "There is a one-quarter probability that it is a boy, and a three-quarters probability that it is a girl. You won't lose money if you go!"

"Yeah, I'm so happy." Mo Tan turned around and complained, then tightened his clothes and walked forward to open the door.

Standing outside was a rather tall girl wearing a pure white down jacket. She was wearing a yellow woolen hat. She seemed to have a timid smile on her nervous little face. She shrank subconsciously when Mo Tan opened the door. He held his neck and took a small step back, like a frightened rabbit.

Looking at the pretty face in front of him that he had seen every day recently, Mo Tan subconsciously touched his collar, and after being stunned for half a second, he gave the other party a nondescript priestly salute: "Happy New Year, Your Highness the Saint~ "

"Mo Tan!" Yu Chen, who had also been stunned for half a second, exclaimed with joy. Most of the panic he had previously felt dissipated, and he happily jumped on the spot: "I thought the one who came out would be Yi Dong. ! Great ~ Happy New Year!”

Mo Tan blinked: "Does he look that scary?"

"Ah! That's not what I meant!" Yuchen shook his head vigorously, wrinkled his nose and said, "It's just that I'm not familiar with it. I'm sure I'll be in a hurry and don't know what to say..."

"So how afraid of strangers do you have to be? We have a lot of common topics~" Mo Tan scratched his hair, turned sideways and said, "Come in first, it's cold outside."

"Well, thank you~"

Yuchen nodded slightly awkwardly and walked into the foyer.

Mo Tan got a pair of slippers for Yu Chen, and then took the lead to walk to the living room.

"It's too slow~" Wan Yang shouted when he saw Mo Tan coming back. Then he saw Yu Chen who was following him in small steps. He immediately raised his arms and said hello: "Hey, classmate Yu Chen, happy new year." ~"

Yu Chen blushed and nodded, revealing half of his head from behind Mo Tan and whispered: "New...Happy New Year, classmate Wan Yang, and classmate Kang Lan."

"Still so introverted~" Kang Lan smiled familiarly and joked: "There are not many good girls these days who can go to appointments an hour early."

Yuchen shook his head slightly: "I've been getting up earlier lately, and there's not much else to do... Wow!"

She suddenly raised her head and looked around, her little face turning red with excitement: "Gugu-chan is everywhere!"

"But she is married."

"And he has a son."



Kang Lan and Wan Yang let out a faint sigh at the same time.

"Huh?" Yu Chen blinked in excitement, and then whispered: "It turns out she didn't lie to me!"

Mo Tan, who was closest to her, was stunned for a moment: "Do you know each other?"

"Ang, I said a few words at a comic exhibition in City S." Yuchen smiled shyly, stretched out his little hand and tapped his chin gently: "Gugujiang quietly told me that she is married, and My son is about the same age as me, ah! She told me to keep it a secret..."

Mo Tan smiled dryly: "It's okay, I already knew it. Well, my son is here."

Yuchen tilted his head: "Son?"

"Mo Tan, that's enough!" Yi Dong, who was walking downstairs with a bunch of board games, stretched out his neck and shouted, "Are you so petty? Hey, classmate Yuchen, happy New Year."

"New...Happy New Year, excuse me." Yu Chen nodded gently to Yi Dong across Mo Tan's shoulder, and then changed the subject understandingly: "Um, did everyone read the announcement?"

All four of them nodded: "I saw it."

"Well, actually I think the first one is a bit unrealistic..."

Yuchen, who was trying his best to find the same topic as everyone else, smiled timidly: "It should be an official joke, right?"

"Definitely, how could such a thing happen?" Yidong put a lot of board games in his arms on the coffee table and smiled at Yuchen: "Sit anywhere you want... Well, the relationship between you two seems to be similar. It was unexpectedly good.”

Only then did Yu Chen realize that he had been huddled behind Mo Tan talking to a few people since he entered the room. He quickly took two steps to the side and whispered awkwardly: "Mo Tan takes good care of me in the game..."

Kang Lan narrowed her eyes slightly and pushed up her glasses like a high school detective: "You didn't add the word 'classmate' just now."

Yu Chen trembled and looked a little embarrassed.

Wan Yang, on the other hand, shook his head indifferently and said, "Aren't you talking nonsense? They have been acting together in the game for a long time. How can they not be familiar with each other?"

"Yes, it feels too inconsistent to have classmates come and go in the game." Mo Tan smiled very naturally, spread his hands and said: "Don't hug your thighs too blatantly~"

[But I was still misunderstood...]

Yuchen quietly added something in his heart, and then sat down obediently on the edge of the sofa.

at the same time

City B, 6F, a certain express company

The elevator door suddenly opened without warning, and a man in fancy clothes walked out of it very unexpectedly. He was wearing an extremely unseasonal floral shirt, large pants, and flip-flops. Although he had a Huafa, but that lazy face does not look like an old man who is nearly 250 years old.

By the way, even in 2049, the average life span of human beings has not changed much. It is just that the accidental mortality rate has decreased a lot. To sum up, this two hundred and five years is quite curious...

"So why can't the entrance be opened directly on the seventh floor? It's so troublesome." He muttered in a low voice, then walked listlessly up the stairs to the seventh floor, and suddenly disappeared from the surroundings halfway there. Within the observation range of those viewing cameras.

However, he did not leave the building, he just appeared in the same place at the same time. In a sense, it was half a different space.

In short, he strolled up to the top floor, and then his expression suddenly became extremely exciting, and he exclaimed: "Convert this place into a cafeteria? Oh my god, who's genius idea is this!?"

There is an extremely wide space in front of him. Except for a large round table in the middle and a dozen scattered chairs beside the table, it is the same as an ordinary cafeteria in every aspect. The long tables are piled high in rows. There are a variety of dishes and drinks from Chinese to Western styles. The overall color scheme is mainly festive red and gold. There is even a piano playing automatically in the corner, which is displayed on a large screen hanging in the middle of the ceiling. With the countdown to zero o'clock, even though there weren't many people inside, it still looked full of New Year's spirit.

Well, the spirit of the New Year is quite full, and there are two strings of firecrackers that are crackling and exploding in the air...

"It was that girl Bingtong's idea. She seems to think that combining New Year's breakfast, New Year's lunch and New Year's Eve dinner is the whole meaning of the New Year."

A silver-haired boy who looked to be at most fourteen or fifteen years old came over with two small bottles of white wine. His rather cold tone was full of helplessness and displeasure: "Long time no see, my lord, would you like a bottle?"

"I've long since given up being a god." The young man who was nearly 250 years old rolled his eyes, casually took a bottle of wine, and showed a wry smile as if he had been beaten to death: "But I think it is better to drink red wine in this current environment. Compare……"

"I think so too, Boss Du." The silver-haired boy corrected the title, then shook the liquor in his hand: "But your disciple said that according to historical records that I don't know where it came from, New Year's Eve and liquor go well together, so that's why That’s it.”

Boss Du unscrewed the cap of the bottle and took a deep sip, and then said seriously to the young man in front of him: "To be honest, Water Shaper, I think you should have directly punished that person who had incorrect three views, deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors. Kill the obsessed bastard!"

"Stop being so polite, just call me by my name." The boy known as the Water Shaper said coolly, and then glanced at Boss Du: "If we had really killed him back then, you would still be able to hug him now. Grandson?"

Boss Du thought about it for a while and grinned very proudly: "Wan Teng, you don't know yet~ Now Xiao Yu can even hug me..."

"Tch." The other party snorted coldly and said shockingly: "My son can also hug me."

It seems that this person's appearance has nothing to do with his age.

Not scientific, not magical, not evolutionary at all...

"Show some shame. My son will be able to hug you when he is in elementary school." A tall woman wearing a rose-colored dress and dazzling red hair appeared behind Wan Teng holding a tray and pressed the button hard. The reporter's hair: "I asked you why you stayed at the door for so long. It turns out that Master Shensuan has come over. Let's go in and chat. Everyone is basically here."

"I told you not to call me that again." Boss Du curled his lips and followed the strangely styled couple next to him as he walked in and asked, "Basically, who is here and who is not?"

The elegant red-haired woman of the Royal Sister answered with empty eyes: "Our bitch savior, by the way, Senior Du Tian, ​​you can't do the math yourself? You can't do the calculations and you can't open your eyes to see?"

"You think there isn't enough 'karma' left, right?" Du Tian glared at the former angrily, and then suddenly felt an extremely dangerous aura. Without saying a word, he jumped several meters away with a somersault, and then Then he turned back and looked at a long table filled with things: "What the hell is this!"

Wan Teng introduced expressionlessly: "High-explosive eggs, broadsword tea bombs, fusion fried rice, beheading crispy rice, popcorn, bombing chicken, the rest can't be named, my sister tried to stop it, but Failed……"

Boss Du was sweating profusely: "..."

The red-haired woman staggered Wan Teng with an elbow, and said angrily: "When will you stop calling your wife 'sister' out of habit! I have been married to you for twenty years!"

Boss Du sighed and glanced at the few people around him who had come over at some point: "Let's talk about business..."

"What's the matter?"

"I did a fortune telling some time ago. Even though it's very vague... our plan should be successful."

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and the two firecrackers flying around were extinguished instantly.

"Then I lost control the moment I succeeded~"

Chapter 224: End

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