Quadruple split

Chapter 2291 The Corpse Collector and the Soul-Teasing Dream

【Corpse collector】

Category: Special side mission

Quality: Epic

Introduction: After seven hundred years of discussion, the Dragon Council finally completed the evidence collection and voting, and dropped the seventy-two felony charges against the Dracolich [Safiri Icescale], believing that the compatriot was She committed a heinous crime all because her lover in life and after death, the abominable Bone Sage [Haus Garon Laser], was too crazy and was still unwilling to let Saphire free after her death, and finally sneaked in The Dragon Tomb stole Saphiri's body and transformed her into a terrifying undead dragon.

The great consul of the Sun Dynasty, Donard Jo Herzog, provided crucial evidence. This great leader was very considerate. He said more than once that although Saphiri was there nine hundred years ago, He played a key role in the [Battle of Eskni] that destroyed three main armies of the Sun Dynasty. However, both the Archon back then and myself now believed that the Evil Bone Sage was the culprit. The culprit, and Saphiri Icescale, like the 400,000 heroic souls sleeping under the Eskni Plains, are all victims of that madman.

Finally, with the efforts of three generations of consuls, the dragon council, the pride of the dragon clan, finally dropped all charges against this compatriot, and decided to send a young and responsible dragon to step into that area with the dynasty's team. The cursed place comforts the heroic souls of the war dead, recovers the bones of Saphiri Icescale, and returns her to the Dragon Tomb to gain eternal rest.

Of course, in addition to this, you also have a small task...

Mission goal: Enter the [Ice Star Tower], recover "Haus Gallon's Notes", "Haus Gallon's Experiment Log", "Haus Gallon's Investigation Report" and "Eternal Frozen Star", and take them with you Go to the [Sun Yao Outpost] two kilometers away from the Eskni mass grave.

Special goal: Enter the hidden tomb of [Ice Star Tower] and gain the trust of ‘Safiri Echo’.

Warning 1: If you leave the cursed place Eskni Mass Grave without holding [Eternal Frozen Star], you will be regarded as a hostile unit by [Pyrotechnics Demolition Engineering Group·Ninth Special Company].

Warning 2: Except for [Christina Yuk], every time the other units stay within the cursed land for one minute, they will receive damage equal to 3% of the upper limit of health, and the upper limit of health will be reduced to its theoretical maximum. 0.5%.

Mission success reward: [Pyrotechnics Demolition Engineering Group·Ninth Special Forces Company] will provide the final ‘purification’ of the Eskni mass grave within 30 minutes.

Penalty for mission failure: None

Special target success reward: Destroy all non-undead units within the Cursed Land except members of the [Sailor Moon] team.

Special target failure penalty: None

[Remarks: None]

"I see……"

Lucie nodded slightly, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, and said softly: "That's what happened."

"What's going on?"

After noticing that Lucie had finished reading the mission, Mika simply closed the task bar and looked around at the 'cursed land' that had various negative qualities such as gloom, desolation, and silence, and asked casually: "Little Qian, do you understand something?"

"Yes, as far as I know, we should be in the coastal area of ​​the southeastern continent in the year 4977 of the Holy Calendar."

Lucie nodded slightly and said in a brisk tone: "This place was once called the Eskni Plain, but during a siege nearly a thousand years ago, too many creatures died, and it became what people call it [Ancient Battlefield: Ai Skene mass grave], if nothing else happens, there will be at least more than 300,000 corpses buried under our feet, and all of them died violently."

"Ho--(Oh, I'm afraid!)"

Christina let out a dragon roar with disdain, her eyes showing fierceness, and she obviously didn't care about a mere three or four hundred thousand wronged souls.

"Don't worry, my dear, I know you can't wait to drink the blood of your enemies."

Lucie casually comforted her partner who kept making anxious dragon roars, and then said seriously: "Let's not go into digressions. There are three things to pay attention to in this game. First of all, time is not in our favor. If the game lasts for three hours, The upper limit of our health will become one-tenth of the normal state. Because of the upper limit, even if the eldest brother is a berserker, he will only suffer a loss and not take advantage of it. "

Kasena spat on the ground, gritted her teeth in displeasure and said, "It's really annoying."

"Second point, don't think about special tasks. You can't do that. I can guarantee that [Ice Star Tower Cemetery] is definitely more dangerous than [Ice Star Tower Magic Center]. If you have the ability to sneak into the cemetery, it's better to just let that It’s feasible for the tower to shut down.”

Lucie looked at the looming blue-white building in the distance and said in one breath: "In the end, although this game is much more dangerous than I had expected, as long as we play normally, we still have a good chance of winning. So we must keep a calm mind.”

"Ho-(I...I'm still scared.)"

"That's right Nana, of course we will kill them all."

"Stay close to me. My healing aura can at least help offset the normal blood deduction."

"I won't go in. Help me maintain my blood volume at about 70%."

"Don't panic, we don't have an intelligence disadvantage, so we'll go back this time."


Category: Special side mission

Quality: Epic

Introduction: After having countless nightmares, a young man with sinner's blood flowing in his body finally realized that compared with the title of the most talented young man in the City of Miracles in the past three hundred years, he has another identity, that is, the descendant of the great sinner, the Sage of the Bone [Hausgaron Raxing]. Although the years have diluted the blood of the devil to almost nothing, the scenes in the dream that are engraved in the depths of the soul are still enough for this genius to make the right decision.

The only problem is that although the ancestor in the dream looks and names exactly the same as the infamous Sage of the Bone, he does not look like a demon who has fallen to the end of evil and has blood on his hands. In fact, the dwarf looks like an introverted, dull and kind person.

The friendly demon in the dream made the genius of Miracle City feel at a loss. Although he had no intention of reporting to the Truth Council, for a long time, the dwarf who always wanted to talk to him failed to get his wish. Until recently, the old man who always sat by the fireplace in the dream with a sad face sighed deeply and murmured without a beginning or an end.

‘It’s too late’

After leaving such a sentence, the Sage of the Bone disappeared in the man’s dream, and after that day, this cold, gloomy but inexplicably warm dream also disappeared in the man’s sleep.

A year later, the man finally came to this cursed land, accompanied by his best friend, lover and life and death.

He made up his mind to uncover the secret of the Sage of the Bone with the information he had deciphered from his dreams over the years!

Mission objective: Enter the [Ice Star Tower], collect seven [Ice Star Emblems], and activate them all at the top of the tower to gain control of the [Ice Star Tower].

Special Objective: Enter the hidden tomb of [Ice Star Tower] and gain the trust of ‘Safiri Echo’.

Warning 1: There are a large number of undead guards inside and outside [Ice Star Tower]. The long years have made them lose the ability to distinguish between friend and foe. They will mercilessly attack any living being, including the descendants of their master!

Warning 2: The undead guards affected by [Ice Star Tower] cannot be completely killed. They will recover their form every once in a while and have a high resistance to the attack type that kills them.

Warning 3: For every minute you stay in the cursed land, you will receive damage equivalent to 3% of your upper limit of health, and your upper limit of health will be reduced by 0.5% of its theoretical maximum value.

Mission Success Reward: Control of [Ice Crystal Tower], exemption from the effect of Warning 3.

Mission Failure Penalty: None

Special Objective Success Reward: Eliminate all non-undead units within the cursed land except members of the [Card Man] team.

Special target failure penalty: None

[Remarks: None]

"It doesn't feel good."

Guo Shi Wushuang frowned, then looked up at the towering, majestic, light blue [Spirit Tower] in front of him, and after about five seconds of silence, he turned to look at Shengguang Lao Wang: "You go in first."


Shengguang Lao Wang did not hesitate at all, and immediately nodded in response. In the three minutes that followed, the five [Card Masters] did not have any overt communication. Obviously, the current situation was not beyond their pre-match predictions, and it was still within the level that the five card masters could handle with "tacit understanding".

In this way, after the preparation time was over, Shengguang Lao Wang walked into the [Spirit Tower] in front of him without hesitation. The structure was similar to the Mage Tower, but there was no elemental power, but it exuded cold death from the inside out. The official camera also enlarged the picture intimately, allowing countless viewers to appreciate the scenery inside the tower with Lao Wang.

"So this floor is a library?"

The soul fire in the eyes of the Holy Light Old King swayed slightly, and he was seen moving quickly among a large number of bone bookshelves in an efficient and vigilant manner, and in the process he found countless frightening undead creatures, undead creatures in motion!

Beautiful, pearly white, the more beautiful and dangerous the banshees shuttled between the bookshelves in groups; huge, terrifying stitched monsters patrolled the "aisles" with heavy steps; dozens of eyeballs scattered in the air were suspended slowly, and the soul fire in their eyes was cold and wooden.

In addition, what frightened Old Wang even more was the large number of "kindred" at the visual level, which were simply various skeleton creations, and even the skeleton soldiers, who were the lowest in theoretical rank among the undead creatures, looked extremely hideous and terrifying.

For example, if the low-level skeleton soldiers summoned by Yi Dong are the kind of common goods that "wear tattered cloth, carry rusty knives and swords, and have a little loose bones"; the low-level skeleton soldiers summoned by Wen Qiu are high-level goods that "wear old armor, hold sharp weapons, and have only a little lumbar disc herniation at most"; then the low-level skeleton soldiers in front of Lao Wang are... strong and muscular men.

That's right, although these skeleton soldiers are not wearing anything, not only are their textures as smooth as jade, but their skulls and chests are also burning with Pengbai's soul fire, and the weapons in their hands are all high-level enchantments, and they look like extraordinary weapons.

It is no exaggeration to say that in Lao Wang's eyes, the individual strength of these low-level skeleton soldiers can basically crush about 70% of the players. In other words, these things that can be seen in the tower at a glance are all close to the peak of the high level!

Not only that, but what made his skull shiver even more was that the bone products here were not just skeleton soldiers, but also monsters such as skeleton assassins, skeleton archers, and bone bats, all of which were so powerful that they made people break into cold sweats. degree.

However, as Guo Shi Wushuang had keenly noticed before, even if these things are very strong and are said to have all fallen out of control, they will only attack living creatures mercilessly.

And Old King Shengguang... is not a living being in the strict sense!

In fact, like Yi Dong, he is also a very rare 'Eternal Race' in the [Innocent Realm], but unlike the latter who maintains a 'living' form in most cases, Lao Wang has never entered the pit. It has been in a 'dead' form since the day it was born.

Compared with Idong's zombie-like 'death form', the 'death form' of Lord Shengguang is much more intuitive. It has a clean skeleton, without any superfluous parts or missing any necessary parts. bones.

All in all, while maintaining a 'dead state', Holy Light Old King is no longer a 'living being' in the normal sense in theory. Compared with those secular living creatures, he is now more like a 'living' one. 'Undead'.

And the living undead, as the name suggests...are the undead.

Fortunately, this kind of undead soul is not really a 'living creature', so even though there are a lot of powerful monsters here, there is really no trouble for any of them to find the Holy Light King.

This is actually not difficult to explain. Perhaps a long time ago, the undead soldiers within the control range of this ziggurat would kill any uninvited guest, but as the mission description states, they have now lost the ability to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. In this case, they would either kill each other until only one of them was left, or they would just attack the living in a muddle-headed manner.

Therefore, Guoshi Wushuang made a bet before seeing the situation in the tower.

Obviously, he won the bet.

Ten minutes later, the figure of the Holy Light King reappeared at the entrance of the [Ice Star Tower], holding a coat of arms with a pair of dragon wings flowing in blurred blue light.


The national scholar Wushuang nodded slightly and asked concisely: "How is the situation inside?"

"It's terrible. I haven't looked at the top yet, but there are nearly a hundred monsters with Yaoji level strength on the first floor alone."

"Understood, is the coat of arms hidden?"

"It's just so so. In the category of ordinary puzzle games, you, Xue Yue and Slam are all better than me."

"We'll get beaten if we go in, right?"

"For sure, he will be beaten to death."

"Then it's hard on you."

"No problem, could Sanse sense me just now?"

"Yes, the magic barrier of this tower collapsed a long time ago."

"So you can make a link?"



"It can be filled."

"Chain once a minute."

"No problem, let's get started."

"Open! Drive the hell!"

Chapter 2282: End

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