Quadruple split

Chapter 2293 A drop in the ocean

[That just now...]

When he was less than three meters away from the trapdoor at the top of the tower, the Holy Light King, who had collected all seven [Ice Star Emblems] and completed the ‘speed pass’ without any damage, suddenly stopped and shook his head gently: "It should be an illusion, right?"

After that, he breathed a sigh of relief, then took a step, pretending to continue walking towards the top of the tower, and then--

"What the hell! Under normal circumstances, people who say such things will have to die in less than five minutes! The thing floating outside the window just now doesn’t look like the original goods in this copy!"

While the Holy Light King burst out with a lot of complaints because of excessive depression, he frantically blessed himself with various enhancement skills. In just less than ten seconds, he turned himself into a skeleton surrounded by holy light and blinding dog eyes, as if he had traveled through the inferior animation CG of those [Skeleton Gold Servers] more than 20 years ago. Just looking at it makes people feel safe.


"Isn't this telling people to fire at me?!"

Old Wang, who was almost blinded by the special effects on his body, complained with a click, and then waved his hand to erase the buffs on his body that were enough to stack a mid-level professional to a quasi-high-level combat power. After a brief pause, he made a move that made all the spectators dumbfounded, stunned, brain-shortened, and incomprehensible.

He began to take off his clothes!

Or to be more precise, he was stripping off his equipment!

In fact, when the Holy Light Old Wang took off the white headband, which was not much different in color from his head and was difficult to recognize as an equipment, people did not realize the seriousness of the matter; when he untied the two white rune cloths that served as gloves and wrist guards, everyone still did not react much.

But when he began to clumsily use his ten fingers to toss his robe, which looked like rags but was actually engraved with a lot of marks and magic patterns on the inside, and tried to pull it off, people's faces began to change subtly.

And when the Holy Light King successfully turned himself into a half-naked skeleton, exposing his clavicle, shoulder blade, ribs, sternum, humerus and lumbar vertebrae in front of countless people, everyone finally couldn't sit still and began to become uneasy.

Finally, when the Holy Light King slowly and firmly untied his belt, kicked off his boots, and tried to get rid of his last, literal "fig leaf", people's anxiety finally turned into madness. Those who compiled reports held their breath and prepared to leave a strong and colorful mark in the history of the game. Parents turned off the broadcast or covered their children's eyes, vowing to protect their children's pure childhood. The haters immediately criticized the official standards of [Innocent Realm]. Even the beautiful woman who regarded herself as a professional commentator covered her eyes with an exclamation, and dared only to secretly peek at the big screen through her fingers.


The resident guest of [Crime Battle·Team Battle], the well-known planet-level idol Xue Yin scratched her hair and said in a puzzled way, "There's nothing good about a naked skeleton, right?" People suddenly realized and were shocked to find that... naked skeletons really don't seem to be good-looking.

Then, when everyone looked at Lao Wang, who had finally stripped himself completely naked and turned into a pure skeleton, they didn't feel anything. Except for a few exceptions like Juechen Tianping who were extremely resistant to skeletons, most people who watched the live broadcast realized that this naked skeleton, apart from looking good, had no special features that could make people's eyes light up or darken. There was really nothing worth writing about.

Lao Wang, who felt this way from the beginning, also didn't feel ashamed. Although he was indeed a person who cared about his face, considering that he didn't resist taking X-rays during the regular physical examination of [Pai Lao], it was enough to show that he had not evolved to the level where he was embarrassed to let others appreciate his skeleton.

So, Lao Wang continued to plan according to his own ideas. For example, he silently performed a technique similar to divine magic but looked a little weird, which greatly catalyzed the two soul fires that were originally only burning in his eye sockets, making them burn so fiercely that they could fill the entire skull. Not only that, he even performed a secondary catalysis on this basis, which was very harmful to the visual effect, allowing the azure flames to spread to his chest, turning himself into a skeleton with surging soul fire flowing all over his body.

Then, the Holy Light Lao Wang took out a golden solid the size of a soap, slowly and carefully smeared it on his body, and after about 30 seconds of observation, he finally concluded with a smile that this action was polishing.

Next, Lao Wang spent about three minutes to complete a careful "polishing" for himself, making his already very good body texture even smoother and brighter, and even carefully removed the white marks around the skull due to wearing a head (bone) hoop for a long time.

After completing the above actions, Lao Wang took out a short sword that looked low-key but noble, and looked at it carefully for a long time before nodding with satisfaction, then straightened his chest and raised his head, took a deep breath, and then...ran towards the trap door a few meters away!

Almost at the same time, countless ghosts rolled up from downstairs as if a pot had exploded. Although there were many undead creatures such as banshees and ghosts, the largest number was still various skeletons, among which regular arms such as skeleton warriors, skeleton archers and skeleton mages accounted for a considerable proportion.

Since the Holy Light King is undoubtedly a spellcaster, his movement speed cannot be compared with those agile warrior-type undead creatures. It is for this reason that even though he is only a few meters away from the trapdoor, when he rushed up, he was still caught up by the skeleton army from behind and "swamped" in an instant.


At the same time, Xue Yin let out a short scream and subconsciously held the arm of his wife, not knowing whether she was worried about the Holy Light King or frightened by the large number of undead creatures swarming to the center of the screen.

And Xiaomian touched his chin and said on behalf of countless viewers in confusion: "What's wrong with the Holy Light King? He was fine just now, how come he was submerged by those monsters in an instant?!"


Because it is clear that Xiaomian will not be able to see the clues, the handsome guy has no intention of joining in the conversation. He just hugged his arms and wanted this guy to realize how embarrassing the situation is and then explain it himself.

After all, it is one thing for the four hidden commentators, Smiling Face, Handsome Man, Beautiful Woman, and Good Wife, to see the specific situation, but it is another thing for other people to see it. It is no exaggeration to say that in the eyes of Handsome Man, the scene just now, let alone ordinary audiences, even professional players, would probably find it difficult to perceive the specific situation...


Xinglong stared at the hundreds of skeletons in the camera that were constantly pouring from the trapdoor to the top of the tower. He immediately gave an unambiguous answer to the question just asked by Smiling Face, and said seriously: "Lao Wang should have restored his vitality for a moment just now! Although the amplitude is very small, but in This environment is enough to attract a large number of undead creatures to his side!"

The handsome guy's eyes flashed with admiration, and then he followed Xinglong's words and asked: "We all understand the relationship between vitality and those undead creatures. Can you tell me specifically how you saw it, Xinglong?"

"I noticed that the moment Lao Wang raised his head, a dark shadow seemed to 'shrink' in the depths of the fire in his chest. "

Xinglong had no intention of keeping it a secret. While continuing to pay attention to the undead creatures that surged onto the top terrace of the [Ice Star Tower] like a tide, he said: "Personally, you think that outline is very similar to the 'heart'. The reaction of the undead creatures behind proved my guess. "

The handsome guy nodded slightly and said, "I see, but in this case, isn't the Holy Light Lao Wang..."

"Lao Wang is fine!"

This time, it was Xue Yin who answered him. Although this star-level idol didn't seem particularly smart, she had a very sharp intuition. She clapped her hands and said proudly, "Look, Lao Wang's health didn't drop much! I think it should be the 'vitality' that Brother Xinglong said that appeared for a while, and when those monsters rushed up, Lao Wang had died again. "

The beauty smacked her lips and clapped her hands: "Then the purpose of his doing this can only be..."


The smiling face narrowed his eyes, and his tone was quite happy--

"It's a very, very, very wise decision!"



Almost at the moment when hundreds of skeletons rushed out to the terrace on the top of the tower, the giant dragon that had been waiting in the lead-gray sky for a long time swooped down in an instant, and suddenly braked in the air about 20 meters away from the top of the tower, trying to avoid dozens of vicious attacks that rose into the air like fireworks and surged with coldness through a heavy right-angle change of direction.

The bad news is that the Thick Earth Dragon Christina Yuk's evasion, which was not clumsy but was too heavy to be agile, was useless. It did not help her dodge even one attack, and she was instantly filled with damage from the large number of ghosts and gargoyles that suddenly appeared in the air, and she roared (Woo woo woo! It hurts... Although it doesn't hurt much, it hurts just thinking about it!).

The good news is that these injuries only caused Christina to lose about 3% of her health. In other words, "although her defense was broken, it was limited to breaking her defense."

By the way, if you read the above paragraph at a relatively normal reading speed, Christina's health has most likely recovered to 97.5%. If you read slowly enough, she may have recovered her health with your help.

However, although her health has not been challenged for the time being, Christina's current situation is still somewhat severe. The reason is that although this [Ice Star Tower] has lost most of the lord-level undead such as 'skeleton dragons (dragon-shaped undead creatures made of non-dragon bones, which have nothing to do with real dragons)', 'black soul knights', 'withered giants', etc., the 'guardian' that suddenly appeared on the top of the tower at this moment should not be underestimated.

Although the surroundings seemed empty and nothing a few seconds ago, when Christina, who was obviously emitting the breath of the living, approached a certain range, a large number of high-level undead appeared in the air one after another. Although the crazy attacks of these monsters could hardly pose a great threat to Christina alone, with the blessing of the number and the [Ice Star Tower], if these undead creatures were allowed to desperately inflict damage, even Christina would probably not be able to hold on for too long.

[Five minutes, run back if you can't handle it, don't blame yourself, I will find another way. ]

Almost at the same time, Lucy's voice was secretly poured into Christina's ears through the [Eye of Ritual] that appeared behind her at some point.

In desperation, instead of blaming herself, Christina wanted to turn around and run back to find everyone to reunite. While resisting the overwhelming attack that washed over her like a tide, she stared with her eyes wide open, desperately searching for the 'breakthrough' observed by Lucy, that is, the powerful backing of [Card Man], the Holy Light Old King who climbed to the top of the tower alone!

However, the reality did not match her expectations. At this moment, the Holy Light Old King who had already mixed in with a large number of people who rushed to the top with her had already completed the invisibility. After stripping himself naked, he was like a grain of sand on the beach, a drop of water in the stream, a star in the vast universe, and a fool in the fan circle among these high-level skeleton soldiers, perfectly integrated into the environment!

In addition, Lao Wang was pleasantly surprised to find that he did not need Guo Shi Wushuang, who was probably the "descendant of the boss" mentioned in the mission description, to secretly seize control of the tower with the seven [Ice Star Emblems] in his hand. So if nothing unexpected happens, as long as he can continue to hide in the skeleton group for a minute or two without being discovered, then as long as he completes the control of the psychic tower, this game will basically be a suspense!

Then the question is, what is the probability that Christina will find the Holy Light Lao Wang within one or two minutes?

The answer is beyond doubt. If the current situation of hundreds of skeleton soldiers stabbing near the trapdoor continues, then even if Christina is given ten times the time, she will not be able to find the Holy Light Lao Wang.

However, what if the ghosts and banshees that seem to appear out of thin air in the sky swoop down and lift the skeleton warriors, skeleton archers, and skeleton mages who came up with Lao Wang into the air so that they can better attack the invaders?

The answer is, unless Lao Wang can run to the pile of skeleton assassins that have not been taken to the sky, the probability of being discovered is definitely more than 90%.

What if... the skeleton assassins enter the hidden state without hesitation when their companions take off, waiting for the "prey" to cast the net?


"It's over!"

Chapter 2284: The End

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