Quadruple split

Chapter 2294: Life and Death Without Boundaries

Thousands of years have passed since the lawful and good sects fought side by side to resist the malice of the God-Destroying Society and the followers of the evil god. With the strong rise of the Holy Church Union, in addition to the God-Destroying Society and other organizations that were destroyed in just a few centuries, many other groups or individuals that tended to be chaotic or evil were also affected, and the first group to bear the brunt was the necromancer!

Although forces or individuals such as the Dark Night Sect, the Blood God Sect, the Demon Warlock, and even the Thieves Guild were also disliked by the Holy Church Union, and were even labeled as "heretics" by various sects, if the most severe blows were to be said after the Holy Church Union became bigger and stronger, it must be the heretics who studied the knowledge of the dead and the madmen who practiced human body transformation.

Although the number of these people has been sharply reduced under the targeting of the Holy Church Union, so that now in the year 9571 of the Holy Calendar, they are infinitely close to extinction, but in most cases, they are not wronged to be targeted.

After all, whether it is the knowledge of the dead or the human body, in most cases, it is the ultimate blasphemy against life in an objective sense, and this kind of "blasphemy" behavior itself will gradually distort the concepts and cognition of the parties involved, and gradually become a monster that has lost its humanity.

This is not a stereotype. In many cases, the taboo knowledge of the dead and the human body is like the "plug-in" when we play games. Even if we have enough self-control to avoid causing trouble to others, after getting used to the "plug-in", it is really difficult for the parties not to get tired of and despise the normal game process. Even if it is just subconscious, it will be enough to turn a normal person with sound values ​​into a monster over time.

Of course, what is said here is the "most" cases. In other words, there are indeed people in this world who can use taboo knowledge or power for the right purpose, or at least ensure that they do not go astray. Even if their style of behavior is slightly inclined to chaos or evil, they can still abide by the bottom line and act with the most neutral principles.

As far as Mo Tan knows, in the Academy City located in the center of the continent, there are still several academies that teach undead knowledge or related knowledge. The common point of these academies is that the threshold is extremely high, regardless of talent or character, so that most of the time their students are not even as many as teachers. Not only that, among their teaching lineup, there are not only many undead wizards, but also real liches and even highly intelligent undead. What these guys have in common is that their values ​​are generally more correct.

To what extent?

Once, the Pope of the Justice Cult, His Holiness Tychus Folsom, went to the Academy City [Naxxramas Comprehensive College] to do some work. After chatting with the Director of [Epidemic and Infectious Diseases], Kirog Bitter Eyes (an old orc necromancer with one eye blind), Professor of [Spiritual Communication and Ritual], William Louis (a real lich), and the optional lecturer of [Bone Sculpting and Minimally Invasive Surgery], Hakka Bladefist (an ogre necromancer who replaced more than 80% of his bones) for half an afternoon out of curiosity, he actually rushed back to the City of Light overnight that day and organized a rare event within the cult called [Promoting Civility and Establishing New Trends·Actively Cultivating the Social Responsibility of Active Clergy: Establishing the Moral Ecological Construction and Behavioral Norms of the Justice Cult in the New Era], which made countless people think that he had finally gone crazy.

At that time, the Saint of Dawn Xia Lian Zhuye, who was too curious and privately interrogated the Pope of Justice, secretly told Mo Tan and Yu Chen some time ago that the main reason why His Majesty Kaitai Kess tried to save the sect like crazy (unsuccessful) was that when he visited the [Naxxramas Comprehensive College], he realized that the ideological and moral level of those necromancers and liches was much stronger than that of the Justice Cult, and he was severely stimulated.

Considering that Xia Lian's source of information was Eliphis Surk, who had not yet retreated to the second line and was still the dean of the [Naxxramas Comprehensive College], Mo Tan and Yu Chen always believed that the accuracy of this news was probably ridiculously high.

In short, in the thousands of years since the Holy Church Union completely turned into a behemoth and began to strike some groups across the continent, there have been fewer and fewer masters of undead knowledge. Today, except for a few colleges in the Academy City, there are almost no undead wizard groups who dare to live in the sun. As for the masters of more taboo knowledge such as human body refining, they have disappeared from the public's view for centuries.

Admittedly, now every few centuries, there will be various major disturbances suspected to be caused by this group of people, such as the [Wertheim Disaster] in 8526 of the Holy Calendar, the [Kren City Blood Tide] in 8103 of the Holy Calendar, and the [Seven Days of the Dead Tower] in 7591 of the Holy Calendar, which can be regarded as one of the largest disturbances in modern history. However, compared with the literal undead disasters before 5000 of the Holy Calendar, it is no exaggeration to say that they are not even worthy of carrying shoes.

"Unless Elphis suddenly becomes desperate and wants to destroy the world, as long as the Holy Church unites, those rebellious guys will never be able to show up." The above is what Xia Lian said when she chatted with Mo Tan and Yu Chen in her spare time. In fact, even this very...mature elf saint has only seen the truly 'powerful' army of the dead in some records that are not open to the public.

Large numbers, low cost, and no fear of death. These so-called advantages are actually all contemporary people's misunderstandings about the undead army. Although they are not wrong, none of them really hit the point.

"The real advantages of the Undead Army are its perfect execution, terrifying assimilation ability, and its flexibility to be infinitely arranged and combined after deployment, and to be strengthened in a targeted manner during the battle."

In the conference room of the haunted church, Mo Tan looked at the multi-skeletal units on the screen that were lifted into the air by ghosts and spirits, and said softly: "If the defense is not enough, strengthen the defense. If the strength is not enough, strengthen the strength. If the mobility is not enough, Just increasing the speed is not a problem at all in front of the truly powerful Undead Master, and what’s even more terrifying is that these creatures can really complement each other on the physical level.”

Yidong, who is also a necromancer, twitched his lips and said dryly: "But using advanced undead creatures like ghosts to assist skeleton soldiers...isn't it too..."


Mo Tan interrupted Yi Dong, shook his head and said: "As a necromancer yourself, you should know very well what it means to have the freedom to choose between 'bone control', 'summoning spirits', 'flesh' and 'plague'."

Although occasional 'flashes of wisdom' are generally covered up by Motan's persistent 'intellectual fusion', Yidong has never been a person with dull talent, especially in terms of metaphysics that he does not like. His understanding and reaction speed His ability and understanding were terrifyingly strong, so before Gu Xiaole wanted to give a hint, he reacted and suddenly said: "Rank deception?"

【This kid...】

Turning to look at his cousin who revealed the main characteristics of the psychic medium/onmyoji lineage, Gu Xiaole pursed his lips with a subtle expression and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously, although she is known within the family as a genius with potential as good as Gu Yanyue, she is convinced from the bottom of her heart at this moment that if this boy Yi Dong entered the industry as early as herself, then her original style of painting would be very 'relaxed' ’s childhood will definitely turn out differently.

After all, his father is an arrogant person. Although he admires his uncle in his heart, he will never allow himself to be much weaker than this boy Idong.

However, although Gu Xiaole felt lucky for a moment, after that, she felt more envious of her cousin. This was not about superman envying ordinary people in Versailles, but in this 'peaceful and prosperous age' Among the people, her generation has long been unable to become the heroes who can turn the tide when it is falling and support the building when it is about to collapse.

In this era where basically nothing dares to harm the human world, but if a thorn pops up, a bunch of people will line up to beat it up. In Gu Xiaole's eyes, the title of the strongest onmyoji of the younger generation is not only not at all honorable, but also full of honor. trouble.

So if she had to choose by herself, the temptation of becoming the strongest onmyoji beyond Gu Yanyue and inheriting the title of head of the family would be far worse than staying at home and being a danbi cartoonist.

One thing to say, judging from the current situation, her Onmyoji experience is not as useful in reality as it is in the game, but if we just talk about it in the game... this kid Ito is also a serious person【 Psychic] Ah!

"It's interesting, it's interesting."

The psychic nodded slightly, rubbed his chin and murmured enthusiastically: "Although at first glance it can only be applied in the direction that ordinary skeleton soldiers may be high-level, epic, or legendary skeleton soldiers, if you go further, if Being able to combine the virtual and the real, in actual combat, it is very likely that every punch of the opponent will hit the cotton, and even...possessed body... What if this deception is applied to possessed body? ? If I reverse the existence form of myself and the super-spiritual body, and do extraordinary things with my mortal body, or do the opposite..."


Gu Xiaole suddenly let out a scream and looked at Yi Dong with wide eyes. His mind was full of the story his father mentioned when he told him a story that he developed a new form of super spirit body at a young age, which could be used in a short time. The monster that erased the boundary between life and death, used the body of the living to complete the amplification of the dead, used its own strength to supplement the weaknesses of the dead souls, and killed the five ghost emperors in three steps, exclaimed: "What did my uncle teach you!? "

"My dad?"

Yidong was immediately stunned and wondered: "What does it have to do with him? Uh...you don't think those are the advanced game skills my dad told me just now because he cheated as a sponsor, right? What are you thinking, he doesn't do it either That kind of person."

[No, so you really want to realize [no boundaries between life and death] on your own? ! What kind of monster are you, このやろう! 】

Gu Xiaole, who realized that Yi Dong had not been taught any strange knowledge, clenched his hands and complained loudly in his heart, while saying in a very reluctant voice: "Then... that's good... otherwise we won't be able to win even if we win. Takeru, um, that’s right, we are all friends, we can’t win without taking the fight.”


Yi Dong glanced at his startled cousin, shook his head, then turned to Mo Tan and said seriously: "I have some new ideas, why don't I study them quickly and tell you about them? I feel like I can have more chips."

"Need not."

As a result, Mo Tan shook his head without hesitation, and said without looking back while paying attention to the game: "We have been fully prepared. Even if this kind of temporary idea can make you really improve, It may not be effective in the game, and may even lead to confusion due to insufficient preparation, so if you want to practice some new tricks, wait until you finish the game to calm down and think about it.”


Yidong nodded, then looked at the screen, raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems that Lao Wang has given up and continues to hide."

"He tried his best."

Realizing that he had just lost his composure, Gu Xiaole, who was trying to make up for it, nodded seriously and agreed: "Now that he has been completely exposed, instead of making any unnecessary moves, he might as well use the things he found along the way. Something happened. King Holy Light must have noticed that although she encountered an enemy, Christina came here on her own, and Kasena, Mika and Lucie were not here."

Ji Xiaoge flapped its wings twice and asked curiously: "So?"

"So Mr. Shengguang's thinking is very quick. He is betting."

Mo Tan looked at Old King Holy Light, who was standing still, with seven coats of arms spinning at high speed beside him, and chuckled: "He is betting that although Christina's defense is strong, she is not strong enough to defeat her." He is a squishy healer with a high-speed kill ability. He is betting on Christina as the core of the strategy and a girl. He does not dare or is unwilling to directly knock down and use his weight advantage to complete the 'crushing' when the attack power is insufficient. "

"so what?"

Under Yu Chen's comfort, Yuying finally came back to her senses from the hell of 'sacrifice her life' and frowned slightly: "What does this mean?"

"Bold, careful, cunning, keen, confident, decisive."

Mo Tan praised the Holy Light King for six rounds very generously. He looked at the latter on the screen expectantly, and then turned his gaze to the hesitant dragon in mid-air and murmured: " Now, it depends on what Christina will do. If her attack power is seriously insufficient and she may not be able to successfully escape under the siege of a large number of undead, can she...ah?"

"Shall I go?"

"Nana, she..."

"Is this okay?!"


"Oh my god!"

Game time PM23:57

[Crime Debate·Group War]

Mirror Space S4977-9313, Eskni Mass Grave, Ice Star Tower

Christina's head was hot under the confusion, she gritted her teeth and withstood a large number of attacks and stormed past the top of the tower, and in the process...

She used her right rear foot with a hot girl style brass painted manicure to wrap around the body of the Holy Light King and soar into the sky!

Just ran away!

So ran away!

What ran away!

Ran away!

Got it!

Chapter 2285: End

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