Quadruple split

Chapter 246 Really Exposed

After a moment, Mo Tan was the first to break the silence. He raised his head and met Xia Lian's eyes: "Come to my room."

"Ha?!" The first saint of the Dawn Sect in front of her almost jumped up, then cautiously took two steps back, pointed at Mo Tan and exclaimed: "You, you, you, you, what are you going to do! I am a serious elf! I’m still Wangyu’s mentor, even if I haven’t had a boyfriend in these hundreds of years…”

"Stop!" The corners of Mo Tan's mouth twitched to interrupt the other party's nonsense, and he said in a deep voice with a dark face: "It's all nonsense, I just want to take you to see something! Yu Chen is coming too."

Yu Chen, who was giggling behind Mo Tan, nodded quickly.

Xia Lian still looked horrified: "What are you going to show me! Ah, don't you mind, Yu Chen..."

"Okay, I won't go." Mo Tan sighed, and spread his hands with a haggard mind: "You can find a place to hang me up and beat me."

"Tch, it's just a joke." Xia Lian's expression that was mixed with panic, confusion, vigilance and fear suddenly turned away. She curled her lips with empty eyes: "Let's go, hurry up and explain the matter clearly."

Mo Tan nodded with a grimace and turned around to give Yu Chen a look that said, "I feel so tired."

Yuchen covered her mouth and chuckled, then blinked her big bright eyes and said, "Okay, okay, Sister Saint is probably just too stressed and a little irritated, so she just made a joke and wanted to relax." ~'

Mo Tan thought about it for a long time, but still couldn't figure out what the other party wanted to express, so he took the lead in the opposite direction of the United Holy Church... with his head downcast.

Yuchen pulled him back with a snicker on his face: "Before you memorize the map of the city, I'd better walk in front~"

Mo Tan: "..."

Xia Lian looked up to the sky and sighed: "I just said that I have been single for hundreds of years, and you two are almost the same!"

twenty minutes later

Holy Union Chapel, Mo Tan’s Room

"This is?"

Xia Lian looked at the Misha County map in front of her with some surprise, which was larger than the top half of the table, with a large number of lines and markings drawn on it, and a pile of various chess pieces on both sides. The map was very detailed. He couldn't help but be a little dazed: "Combat map?"

"That's right, Sister Saint." Yuchen nodded obediently, and while carefully inserting the two quills lying on the table, he replied: "It's Mo Tan's special combat map~"

Xia Lian blinked, then moved to the north position on the map and looked at it for a long time. After looking at it for a while, she nodded slightly and said, "Well, I don't understand."

Mo Tanqian laughed and said, "I don't understand what you are nodding to."

"It looks professional." Xia Lian chuckled, then picked up a white chess piece shaped like a horse's head: "What is this for?"

"Representing a team of knights who are in a safe situation." Mo Tan shrugged, then stretched out his finger and tapped another chess piece, which immediately turned light red in a hazy brilliance: "This is A low-level threat, the kind that requires a certain amount of time to be resolved."

Xia Lian felt a trace of magic power the moment the chess piece lit up. She poked the 'Knight Squad' in her hand with great interest, causing the latter to be dyed scarlet: "What about this?"

"This is a serious threat." Yuchen explained in a low voice from the side: "The gap in combat effectiveness is too large. If we resist head-on, there will be a lot of casualties. We must immediately move to join other teams."

Xia Lian smacked her lips and increased her magic power output again. Soon, cracks appeared on the horse-head-shaped chess piece, and all the light outside was extinguished. Her Highness the Saint looked solemn: " So is this a state of total annihilation?”

"Well, it's not." Mo Tan shook his head calmly and said equally seriously: "This is a state where the magic power is overloaded and the chess piece is broken. Well, the cost of this thing is 10 silver coins. You see... …”

Xia Lian laughed and patted Mo Tan on the shoulder: "Okay! I'm really impressed by you. I guess you solve problems through these things, right?"

Mo Tan nodded: "Yes, but I personally paid for these chess pieces and entrusted Miss Luna to help make them, so..."

"Hahahaha, that's great. I will definitely praise you greatly to His Majesty the Pope when I go back~"

"Thanks, but my financial situation has been..."

"Don't worry about Taylor, I'll educate him later, and I'll make sure I don't have any objections to your little tricks!"

"That's great, but those 10 silver coins..."

"Hey, you must introduce the little alchemist to me later. You cannot make such a thing at the 'trainee' level. I will take her to the Alchemist Association in the City of Light for another evaluation."

"Luna doesn't seem to care about this very much. Compared to this, when did the 10 silver coins you broke just now..."

"Damn it!" Xia Lian raised her eyebrows, glared, and gritted her teeth, and said angrily: "You kid, do you have any eyesight? Why can't you see why I've been talking nonsense to you for so long? !?"

"I understand." Mo Tan nodded with a smile, and then suddenly asked when Xia Lian's expression had just calmed down: "But those 10 silver coins..."

Xia Lian: "I@#¥%\u0026!!!"

Yuchen chuckled at the side, and whispered to Xia Lian with a smile: "He is teasing you, Sister Saint~"

"Ah?" Xia Lian was stunned at that time, and quickly confirmed to Yuchen in a low voice: "He doesn't want to ask me for money..."

"No, it's just a joke~"

"Ten silver coins, that's not a small number! Do you really not want it?"

"Uh... I really don't want it anymore."

Xia Lian breathed a sigh of relief and glared at Mo Tan: "You're kidding me!"

The latter laughed sarcastically: "I didn't know that money could put so much pressure on you..."

"You know what the heck, a clergy like me, who lives and eats in the church and relies on the church for everything, doesn't have any savings at all." Xia Lian spread her hands and said: "10 silver coins is a huge sum of money for me now~ "

Mo Tan couldn't help but stand in awe, sincerely appreciating the hard work of a high-level clergyman like Xia Lian, and then...

"Because I live a stress-free life, I spend the money quickly as soon as I get it~"

Her Royal Highness the Saint's last sentence made him stop where he was.

"Ahem, that's probably what happened." Mo Tan choked for a while before he suppressed the emotion in his heart. He pointed at the map and the chess pieces on the table and explained: "We have achieved some results by relying on these talents. that is it."

Yuchen also nodded his head at the side: "Yes, yes, yes~"

"Oh, so that's what happened." Xia Lian patted the two of them on the shoulders with a smile, and then knocked Mo Tan upside down with her backhand: "You think you can fool me by saying this? !Where’s the point!?!?!”

[Alas, there is really no way to muddle through this easily. 】

Mo Tan slowly got up from the ground, exchanged glances with Yu Chen without any trace, then raised his head to look at Xia Lian: "What point are you referring to?"

Xia Lian glanced at him and said with a smile: "Do you want me to explain it clearly? Okay, then let's talk about how you arranged the action routes and plans of those teams... We can also issue temporary instructions to them."

Yuchen timidly opened his mouth, "That's..."

"Good boy, you'd better think it over before talking~" Xia Lian touched Yuchen's silky hair kindly, and said leisurely: "If the saint can use the communication with the goddess to obtain the power of long-distance communication, "Crystal" If you explain it in this way, Hei Fan will be hung up and beaten until he cries~"

Yu Chen: "..."

She seemed to really want to try this argument just now.

In fact, from the player's point of view, this matter is not difficult to explain at all. As the temporary adjutant of the temporary commander, Yu Ying temporarily added a group of friends, and then arranged those people one by one according to online time and configuration needs. In the knight team, at Mo Tan's request, those players mixed with NPCs would contact Yu Ying as soon as possible no matter what happened, and the latter would then feed back to Mo Tan, and finally feed back specific instructions, and those players would One of the rhetorics of "Lord Taylor's Secret Arrangement" is used to mobilize and direct.

Because Mo Tan's average online rate is not very high, he always arranges two sets of tasks, namely regular patrols and low-risk search and rescue tasks when he is offline, and wasteland reclamation tasks that require a lot of changes. The former are all done when he is already offline. Ensuring search, rescue and clearing operations in areas that are generally safe is better than safety and stability. In most cases, Mo Tan himself needs to conduct online dispatching, and he can gain a lot every time.

Of course, the third situation occasionally occurs, that is, Mo Tan suddenly disconnects when several teams are conducting land reclamation operations. However, because he has the talent of 'premonition' that can last for several seconds, Mo Tan finds out that he is about to Before they were disconnected, they would quickly tell Yuchen and Yuying how to deal with the aftermath. Although the effect was limited, there had been no accidents in such a long time.

All in all, their series of operations during this period were actually not complicated at all...

From a player's perspective.

But NPC is different!

[Sure enough, I still haven’t thought of a suitable word or explanation before Xia Lian came back, but is there really no problem in telling her directly like this? Not to mention me, Yuchen, as an 'other worlder', actually became a saint of the Dawn Sect. From the perspective of God, there is no problem (certain), but can the secular church accept this kind of thing? Xia Lian is not Cole. Should she tell the truth while ensuring that Yu Chen is safe, or should she lie without being exposed? How much did she learn about what happened during this period on the road? Damn, I’m really bad at this...]

Mo Tan frowned hesitantly. Xia Lian's early return made him a little confused. If possible, he really hopes that he can become a 'chaotic neutral' personality. In that case, things should become much easier. but……

【Huh? 】

Mo Tan's eyes suddenly lit up, then narrowed dangerously, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He suddenly looked up at Xia Lian, and said with a calm smile: "It's a long story. , to be honest, it’s really unspeakable~”

A feeling of sudden enlightenment made him inexplicably excited. At the same time, the [Reflection] in the talent column of the 'Hei Fan' character panel had quietly become activated.

And his camp is...

"Is it hard to say it?" Xia Lian suddenly answered, with a meaningful arc at the corner of her mouth: "If it is really hard to say it, then don't say it."



Yu Chen and Mo Tan were both stunned. The former looked at his saint sister with wide eyes and disbelief, while the vague madness in the latter's eyes was instantly dispersed, and the [Reflection] talent silently Closed, the character's camp of 'Black Van' also changed back to 'Absolute Neutral'.

Both of them were a little confused.

"Is it an accident?" Xia Lian took a sip of the hot water that Yuchen had just boiled. She leaned on the table holding her very weighty cross, with a calm and indifferent temperament, as if she had been pierced by someone's soul. Waiting for the two of them After finally regaining consciousness, he said leisurely: "You two, don't you think I didn't find anything?"

Yuchen shivered at that time.

Mo Tan, on the other hand, forced himself to be calm and asked: "Are you referring to your old friend or something?"

Xia Lian smacked her lips, turned her head and looked at him steadily: "I mean Mo Tan..."

"Huh?" The latter responded subconsciously, and then his eyes widened in vain: "What did you just call me?!"

"Mo Tan." Xia Lian smiled slyly, stretched out her slender white index finger and shook it gently: "Wangyu often calls you that, doesn't it? The most recent one should be the sentence just now, 'This is Mo Tan. A dedicated combat map~', I'm obviously talking about you, right?"

Mo Tan lowered his head and fell silent. During the half month of Xia Lian's absence, he and Yu Chen had been calling each other by their first names for a while, so much so that he didn't react at all when Yu Chen called his real name just now. And based on what Xia Lian just said, that’s not all that was revealed...

Yuchen was also stunned. She had obviously just realized how problematic her previous words were.

"Don't be nervous. The abnormalities I discovered are far more than these. I just never mentioned them." Xia Lian's eyes flashed with wisdom. At first glance, she looked like a mainstream saint. She gently tugged at herself With his pointed ears, he smiled and said: "Whether it was Hei Fan or Mo Tan, when you first appeared in front of me, or when I first saw Xiao Wangyu, I could feel some inexplicable dissonance. Although it is as weak as an illusion, it exists without a doubt. Your way of speaking, your lack of popular knowledge, and many of the words you usually speak are not like... well, how should I put it, at least In my concept, he doesn’t look like a normal person.”

Mo Tan/Yu Chen: "..."

"After all, I am a saint who has lived for hundreds of years."

Xia Lian raised her eyebrows and winked at the two of them playfully: "Do you really think I'm as stupid as those silly knights whose heads are all muscles~?"

Chapter 243: End

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