Quadruple split

Chapter 247 Command Power

There is absolutely no way to refute it...

In front of Xia Lian's rare wise eyes, Mo Tan and Yu Chen remained silent.

At this moment, there is no room for lies and sophistry. Even if the Holy Lady in front of her has not seen through everything, her words just now are enough to make the two players speechless. Now that Xia Lian has spoken frankly. Expressing her doubts can only mean that she has noticed enough problems and anomalies, and they are too many to hide.

Even if Mo Tan was standing here under the personality of 'chaotic neutrality', he would only come to the same conclusion.

Not to mention Yuchen, the little girl is now completely trapped.

[However, this is not terrible news. Not to mention that Miss Pakosi, who believes in the Dawn Sect, has already known that we are not aborigines. Even Xia Lian, who was aware of some abnormalities, did not show any hostility towards us. , I can feel it... She is still friendly, but even so, it is definitely not a wise move to reveal all the players' concepts at this juncture, but if it is just a little bit revealed...]

Mo Tan took a deep breath. He first sent a friend message to Yu Chen to ask the somewhat confused Gu Liang to keep quiet. Then he looked up at Xia Lian, who was smiling but not smiling. On the surface, he was calm, but I felt panicked.

Of course he was nervous, and he couldn't help but be nervous, just like most of us. Although many times he had already thought about how to say or do something of great impact, and had already made a mental draft, but in terms of specifics, It is inevitable that your heart will beat faster and you may sweat a little before the exercise, which is normal.

Even though he knew very well that there was no risk between him and Yuchen, he also understood that Xia Lian (probably) was not the kind of unreasonable person, and he even knew that if it didn't work out, she could still ask Yuchen to communicate with the goddess of dawn Pakoxi. The two excused themselves, but these did not conflict with his current position...

Just like bungee jumping, visiting a haunted house, riding a roller coaster, or walking on a high-rise glass plank road. Although we know rationally that these things are safe, their accident rates are only a few tenths of a percent. (Okay, even horror movies can occasionally scare people to death), but this does not prevent many people from still panicking~

At this moment, Mo Tan is no more special than ordinary people in terms of temperament, personality and psychological quality. Maybe as 'Mo', he can play bungee jumping with peace of mind, or maybe as 'Tan Mo', he is visiting a haunted house. Sometimes it will cause some extremely bad physical and mental experiences to the official staff and other tourists. Maybe as Mo, he will blow up the roller coaster... Well, this probably won't happen, but now this 'Black' has most of the human weaknesses. Brahma' can obviously fully enjoy the above-mentioned projects, so we can conclude from this...

Mo Tan is now panicking normally, panicking reliably, panicking justifiably, and panicking confidently!

Anyway, back to business...

"You can relax a little." Xia Lian seemed to read Mo Tan's emotions. She showed a carefree smile that could ease the atmosphere, and said slowly: "If it's really hard to say anything, you can just say it for the time being. , but you must at least tell me how the results during this period came about, and whether there is any way to replicate them."

Mo Tan sighed: "Okay, I think I can explain..."

Xia Lian nodded with satisfaction, lowered the fingers that had been twirling her hair, and cast a searching gaze: "Hmm?"

"Yuchen and I..." Mo Tan paused, then rubbed his forehead and whispered, "There are some other people who are different from most people."

Xia Lian blinked: "For example, that girl named Yu Ying?"

"Uh, yes, that's right." Mo Tan was curious about when Xia Lian discovered it, but he did not ask immediately. He just continued: "Yu Ying, too, and some people, for some reasons, People like us can convey some messages over long distances after we become more familiar with each other. You can understand it as a magic letter with the power of space, but there is no limit or any delay. During this time, we rely on With this ability to communicate in a timely manner, well, that’s probably it.”

Xia Lian didn't show any too much surprise. She just asked Mo Tan with interest after combining what she heard on the road: "So, those low-level professionals you arranged in the rescue team are all Are...well, are they all the same kind of people as you?"

"No." Mo Tan shook his head and shrugged: "There are usually no more than three people in each team who can communicate with us instantly. Everyone else is normal."

Xia Lian nodded slightly: "Okay, I probably understand. Take the team we met today as an example. There is an elf female warrior named Putao, an orc shaman named Tirion Windfury, and a half-orc shaman named Shi Lezhi. Are the dwarf priest and the little ranger girl named Robin the same person as you? That means it has nothing to do with race or age..."

"Yes." Mo Tan nodded, spread his hands and said, "It has nothing to do with that, but I haven't figured out how to explain it to you yet."

Xia Lian chuckled: "It doesn't matter, I was just a little curious about how that elf girl who must be at least 300 years old got together with an orc who looked younger than fifty years old. Now I finally understand it a little bit. "

Mo Tanqian laughed and did not take it.

"Then what?" Xia Lian smiled and then continued to ask: "How did you get the situation to this point?"

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment: "Didn't I finish what I said?"


This time it was Xia Lian's turn to start to feel dazed. She tugged at the tip of her ear and looked at Mo Tan with vacant eyes: "You just told me about communication..."

Mo Tan nodded vigorously: "Yes, yes."

"Then it's gone?"

"No more."

"Where are the other moths?"

"Where are there so many moths..."

Looking at Mo Tan's honest expression, Xia Lian smacked her lips. After a while, she pointed at the map beside her and the chess pieces on it and asked, "So, on the premise of ensuring that you can contact each team at any time, , just in this room, you bulldozed the surrounding mutants? Not only did you not suffer any casualties, but you also rescued most of the survivors that could be found in the surrounding area?"

"Mo Tan doesn't have a vagina~" Yuchen dared to speak now. She smiled timidly at Xia Lian: "The other saint sisters are right."

Xia Lian pursed her lips and nodded, her expression becoming much more solemn than before. She turned sideways and looked down at the map with a large number of markings and dense scribbles on it. She looked at it carefully for a long time. He raised his head and whispered to Mo Tan: "It seems that I have to improve my evaluation of you again..."

"Improve your rating?" Mo Tan smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "Just don't think that we people have ulterior motives."

Xia Lian smiled: "I have never thought that you have any ulterior motives, whether it's Wang Yu, you, Yu Ying who almost died at the hands of mutants to protect civilians, or those who are willing to cooperate. I never doubted that the knights were adventurous people.”

Yuchen blinked his eyes, leaned close to Xia Lian and asked in a low voice: "Sister Saint, haven't you noticed that there is something wrong with me a long time ago? Why don't you think I am a bad person? I have been hiding it all this time..."

"You?" Xia Lian took Yuchen into her arms, and then rubbed her little face hard: "You are the cleanest, purest, and most unscheming silly girl I have ever seen. What's more, you are Beloved of the Goddess, this has nothing to do with how special you are. Everyone has their own little secret. The previous His Majesty the Pope also gave laxatives to his love rivals when he was young. Many things are not worth going through. get to the bottom."

Yuchen struggled to break free from the other party's embrace. Although she felt that the example given by Xia Lian was a bit wrong, she still laughed easily: "Thank you, Sister Saint~"

"Well, what about me?" Mo Tan also relaxed and asked Xia Lian with a smile, "Am I also pretty clean and pure?"

The latter rolled his eyes and said, "I don't think so."

"Uh, then why did you..."

"Aren't you an old friend who forgets his words?"


"Okay, no more joking, it doesn't matter to me whether you two have been friends for a long time." Xia Lian waved her hand, and then said seriously to Mo Tan: "Not to mention those things that are not easy for you to talk about, I now have a I have something very serious to talk to you about.”

The latter nodded: "Ang."

"Ang, you are a ghost." Xia Lian covered her face and sighed, looking into Mo Tan's eyes through her fingers: "What do you think the future direction of Misha County will be at the current pace?"

Mo Tan frowned slightly. He did not answer immediately. Instead, he lowered his head and pondered this question that he had been thinking about for a long time. After a while, he asked: "I remember that you and Yu Chen were talking about the plague when they first came into contact with it. I have requested support from the Sanctuary, how long will it take for them to arrive? What kind of support is it?"

Xia Lian thought for a while, then spread her hands and said: "About half a month, it is a support team composed of high-level priests and more than a dozen chief priests. Their combat capabilities are limited, but they are relatively professional in treatment. Hey Don’t sigh hastily, there’s nothing you can do about it, there were no mutants yet when we asked for support…”

"Well, our only support will not arrive until half a month later, and it will be difficult to come in handy in the battle against mutants." Mo Tan rubbed his forehead with a wry smile, and then started talking one after another. He knocked on the table and was silent for about half a minute before looking at Xia Lian again without any expectations: "Does the Sanctuary know about the mutants? Have they made some... well, arrangements that they like to hear about."

This time it was Xia Lian's turn to sigh, and she shook her head helplessly: "There are no arrangements. Although I had sent someone to pass the information back through the nearest magician's guild before leaving, during this time, the Holy Land We are also facing some difficulties. On the one hand, there is the holy mountain Sumir in the north. A large number of traces of cultists have been found there. They have caused great damage. A prophet even died in Sumir. Now the City of Light We are organizing manpower to rush there, and the situation over there at Guillotine Cliff is not optimistic. We have to send people to keep an eye on it at all times, so here in Misha County..."

"I understand." Mo Tan did not let Xia Lian continue. He glanced at the map on the table and asked simply, "Can you tell me about the situation in the south now?"

ten minutes later

"Okay, okay~" Mo Tan leaned back weakly on the back of the chair and said to Xia Lian in an almost cryptic tone: "You just asked me what the future direction of Misha County will be if this continues, right? Right? Well, personally, the best result would be that the northern and central areas can be preserved, and all the areas south of Sprout City will fall. In the process, the number of civilian casualties will be very bad. According to the numbers, optimistic estimates suggest that more than three large cities will fall, and that’s about it.”

Yuchen took a breath and asked in a low voice: "Mo Tan, do you think this is... the best result...?"

"That's right." The latter threw the quill aside casually, lay facelessly on the table, and replied dully: "There are too many mutants in the south, and the number of civilians infected with the plague is also increasing sharply. Even if Excluding those who were killed immediately after transformation, the number of monsters growing every day is scary enough. If it weren't for the continuous efforts of Her Highness Xia Lian and the four hundred paladins some time ago, the situation would have been infinitely worse. times, so my suggestion is...Urge the Sanctuary to send some high-end combat power. If it doesn't work, seize the time to save as many people as you can, and then slowly fight a war of attrition."

Xia Lian, who was sitting in front of him, smiled and said, "I thought so too before."

"Before?" Yuchen tilted his head and asked curiously, "What about now?"

"Now I have changed my mind." Xia Lian casually grabbed a handful of chess pieces on the table, then pushed them all in front of Mo Tan, and asked him in a deep voice: "What if I give you the command of all the Paladins?" , and unconditionally support all your plans, and are willing to give yourself to your command, how far can you go?"

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, then pointed to himself slowly like an old sloth: "Me?"

"That's right, you." Xia Lian nodded solemnly: "Whether it's recruiting low-level professionals, civilians, or even infected people who don't get priority treatment on a large scale, or driving the Paladins or myself to do it No matter what happens, your plan will not be questioned in any way, any of your plans and tactics will be implemented immediately, and all your ideas will be supported unconditionally. Under this premise, to what extent can it be achieved?"

Fine beads of sweat appeared on the head of this 'shadow commander' who had made many small moves recently...

Five seconds later, Mo Tan reacted and subconsciously wanted to refuse. He felt that he would never be able to hold the pressure!

Then he saw a friend message flashing in front of him...

‘You can do it! Mo Tan, you are so awesome! (ω)’

five minutes later

"Before tomorrow night, all low-level professionals and civilian volunteers in Hofer City and Mida City must be assembled. Within two days, our current group of 'urban and rural combined forces' will arrive south of Sprout City no matter what. On the Gudami Plain, before those monsters gather, how many can be dispersed..."

Chapter 244: End

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