Quadruple split

Chapter 256 Purple Jiu Hall

Game time AM: 12:05

Southeast Continent, Violet Empire, Royal Capital Salamun

Royal District, in front of Zijiu Hall

A young woman with long ice-blue hair stopped. She took off the decorative sword from her waist, handed it to an old man in gray robe behind her who was very simple in appearance, and said softly: " Please wait for me here, Uncle Deku."

The latter stretched out his hands to take the sword and bowed slightly.

Emmeline smoothed her hair in annoyance, then raised her hand and muttered something. Soon, a blue water element mirror appeared half a meter in front of her...

Emmeline looked at herself in the mirror carefully. Her long hair was neatly styled, her broad silver cloak was spotless, and the gold-plated dress that looked a bit strenuous looked quite similar, although The face that is not too beautiful but is quite heroic is also satisfying, even the pair of obsidian high heels...

No, this is still intolerable!

She stamped her feet vigorously, breaking the heels of the shoes that she would not wear for several years, and seemed much more satisfied.

Emmeline, who appeared in a confidential place in the Royal District, did not wear any family crest or anything that could prove her identity, but His Majesty Clerval's personal guards obviously did not forget the youngest female Grand Duke in history, so she There was no obstacle along the way, not even a single figure was seen.

[But if someone else had appeared here, they would have been torn into pieces by those shadow guards...]

Emmeline Wolfchrist turned her head and smiled mischievously at the old butler with a somewhat bitter look on her face, and then gently pressed her right hand on the door of Zijiu Hall. Accompanied by a pleasant sound of wind chimes, the door slowly opened. Slowly opened.

She walked in, passed through a long corridor with murals on both sides, and soon came to a spacious hall. There were no too complicated decorations here, only a picture of unknown texture. A long white table was placed in the center, with only one empty seat left.

Emmeline unexpectedly discovered that she was indeed the last one to arrive, but she did not pay too much attention to it. She just bowed to the old man facing her and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, The Duke of the Crystal Wolf, Emmeline Wolf Christo, was invited to come.”

"Thank you for coming here, my dear Amy." The emperor in the main seat, Clairvaux Bresne, who is also the current patriarch of the Violet family, smiled gently: "If possible, I would prefer to hear you call me Uncle Clairvaux."

Emmeline smiled slightly: "If Your Majesty plans to invite me to have a casual meal in the Tricolor Courtyard later and catch up with Aunt Susan, I will call you that then."

Clairvaux blinked lovingly: "Of course I am willing."


A middle-aged man at the long table suddenly coughed slightly. He glanced at Emmeline and knocked on the table impatiently: "You are late, Grand Duke Crystal Wolf, so can you go back to your place quickly?" What about the seats? None of us have much time to waste, do we?"

Of course Emmeline knew this thin, mean man with a big hooked nose. His name was Scorpius Hussein, who was Grand Duke Hussein, one of the nine lords of the Violet Empire, who ruled the territory of the Crystal Wolf. Bordering the Hussein Territory.

Although she had only met Grand Duke Hussein a few times, Emmeline could not control herself from hating him. This man was greedy, cunning, and mean, and had never paid any attention to his subjects (except for tax collection). During the levy of food and troops), Scorpius is a very rich man. He is getting richer every second. Even the Grand Duke of the Crystal Wolf, who hates him very much, has to admit that Scorpius Hussein He is indeed very good at amassing money. The capital he inherited, the power in his hands, the force under his command, and his unscrupulous character are simply invincible. You must know that this guy only spent a few decades after inheriting the family. Let Hussein become the richest surname in the Violet Empire, bar none...

However, it is only the Hussein 'family' that is rich. As far as Emmeline knows, among the nine territories of the Violet Empire, including the royal family, the people in Hussein's territory are the poorest. The reason is self-evident.

"I came to Salamoon within the time requested by His Majesty." Emmeline did not return to her seat obediently. She just glanced at Scorpius teasingly and said coldly: "I also stipulated I arrived at Zijiu Hall within the time limit. Of course, if by being late you mean 'the latest arrival', I would be happy to accept this responsibility. After all, there will always be people who are 'late', right, Husse because?"

Scorpius narrowed his eyes dangerously and asked coldly in his feminine voice: "Did your late father ever tell you to call me Uncle Scorpius?"

"No." Emmeline shook her head honestly, then blinked her eyes as if remembering, and said leisurely: "But he seems to often mention the nickname 'that cunning old dog'. Of course, father I was not asked to say that, and I think we should maintain the minimum courtesy to our elders, so... you won’t mind if I call you by your last name instead of your nickname, right?"

A dangerous light flashed in Scorpius's eyes, and he clenched his right hand tightly in his sleeve, as if he was planning to teach the unruly little girl in front of him a lesson, but after a few seconds, he just revealed With a hypocritical smile, he shrugged and said: "Sorry, Emmeline, you may not know, but my territory had some annoying problems some time ago. Although it has been solved, it is still very annoying. Forgive me. Let’s go~”


The young Grand Duke of the Crystal Wolf was about to say something, but he accidentally caught a glimpse of the fatigue and helplessness in Emperor Clairvaux's eyes. She seemed to be hiding but clearly nodded slightly to Clairvaux, and then turned to Si. Scorpius smiled: "I was just joking, Uncle Scorpius."

Then he walked to the only empty seat next to the long table and sat down.

"Being late is a lady's privilege." The square-faced man sitting on Emmeline's right smiled heartily and winked at her: "Of course, this is just a metaphor. I know very well that you are not late."

Emmeline smiled sincerely at the former: "Thank you, Uncle Vernon."

Grand Duke Vernon Baroka is a tall and strong knight...at least tall and strong when he was young. He is the ruler of the Baroka Territory and one of the few lords who are close to Emmeline. However, because of the territory between the two Although they were far apart, they didn't meet each other that often, but they exchanged letters fairly frequently. Vernon would always enthusiastically provide Emmeline with some lordship experiences, which were all very good suggestions.

He is a passionate, straightforward, fair, and kind person. Although Emmeline thinks that these are not excellent qualities for a lord, they make her respect her from the bottom of her heart.

The Archduke of the Crystal Wolf looked around and was pleased to find that he could recognize most of these people.

In addition to Emperor Clairvaux, Archduke Vernon Baroka and Archduke Scorpius Hussein, Emmeline also saw the white-haired, always smiling Archduke Dantès; a man of few words and a strong sense of presence. The dwarf Archduke Fernando, who is humble and has almost no characteristics of his own race; the dark elf Archduke Ximu Simon, who is unsmiling and strict in everything he does; the Archduke Buffy Marshall, who is extremely popular and approachable; and...

【Who is that? ! 】

Emmeline looked at the orange-haired girl who was dozing next to Clairvaux with some confusion. She was petite and wore round black-rimmed glasses. Judging from her clothing, she seemed to be a low-level mage. She also had no Wearing anything that reminds one of one's identity, it seems as if one is closing one's eyes and meditating... provided that no one hears the thin, almost imperceptible snoring...

[She is definitely not Rhinoceros Blood Ax! 】

Emmeline made a decisive judgment in her heart. The reason was very simple. Although she felt that the Grand Duke of Fire Claw, whom she had never met before, would not be as eight feet tall, eight feet waist, ferocious-looking, and three-dimensional as rumored. He weighs more than 100 pounds, loves to eat children, and can breathe fire, but...

[There is absolutely no way that the chief of the Fire Claw Territory is less than 1.6 meters tall, and she cannot be an orc! 】

The Grand Duke of the Crystal Wolf looked at the sleeping girl with great interest, feeling curious, admirable, and kind at the same time. She was curious about the other person's identity, and admired the other person's courage to take a nap in the Purple Jiu Hall. As for the intimacy, The source...it's just because the other party is a beautiful girl.

But Emmeline didn't think for too long, because Clairvaux had slowly stood up...

"I'm glad that everyone has the opportunity to gather together. I still remember that the last time I sat around the same table with the eight grand dukes was seven years ago." King of the Violet Empire, Clairvaux Bresne gently Sighing: "Actually, I really hope that you can meet more on occasions other than preparing to face threats. Of course, I also know that everyone is very busy..."

Clairvaux paused briefly here, giving Scorpius a chance to interrupt.

"You are right, Your Majesty." The Grand Duke Hussein stood up and pretended to salute, then sat back down and played with a gold coin that looked quite old: "Everyone We are all very busy, and everyone knows that you are the hardest worker, so can we get to the topic quickly?"

Archduke Vernon Baroka glared at him: "Scorpius, you must know that you are talking to the emperor, you need to correct your attitude, he is our majesty!"

"Of course he is our Majesty." Scorpius said slowly, and he laughed exaggeratedly, but there was no smile in his eyes: "Our Majesty has to deal with many things, time is precious, and I am trying my best to Your Majesty makes money, and your time is also very precious. Your time... I think it is very precious, so I hope that your Majesty will start talking about business as soon as possible."

To be honest, if Scorpius was a grand duke or lord of the Chauvin Empire, if he dared to talk to William Bohe like this, his body would probably be cold by now, but this is Violet, an empire even though it is called 'Empire' But it is not a country where the imperial power is supreme, so Scorpius Hussein, one of the eight great dukes, dared to speak to Clairvaux like this...

Although he maintained a superficial respect, his attitude was not that between a minister and a king.

Perhaps Scorpius's performance was indeed a bit revealing, but except for the Archduke Baroka, none of the people present, including the young Archduke Crystal Wolf, showed much respect for the Violet Royal Family and His Majesty the Emperor.

In the eyes of these people, everyone just performs his or her duties.

Futaba, who was snoring slightly, muttered: "Well, it's quite disgusting..."

"What did you say?!" Scorpius immediately stared at her and said in a very gloomy tone, "Who are you?"

There was a loud smacking sound in response to him, and Futaba muttered something vaguely, making everyone feel as if she was eating delicious food in her dream.

"I think she can only be the representative of Archduke Fire Claw." Archduke Simon said lightly: "His Majesty mentioned it in the summons before."

Buffy Marshall smiled gracefully: "Okay, Scorpius, we already know how bad your mood is, so please be quiet for a while and let our Majesty continue."

Scorpius nodded and really didn't say anything else, but his eyes still didn't leave Futaba.

"Then, Your Majesty Clerval." The kind-hearted Grand Duke Dantès smiled and smoothed his gray hair: "Can we talk about that... um, that plague now?"

Clairvaux nodded pleasantly: "Of course, old man, I was just about to say it~"

"Excuse me, Your Majesty." Archduke Fernand pointed to Futaba, who was still dozing, and asked in a dwarf's unique high-pitched voice: "Is it time for the representative of Archduke Fire Claw to get up?"

The next second, Futaba opened her eyes and nodded to Fernan with a bright look: "I'm listening, Lord Mediterranean."

Archduke Fernando was slightly startled: "What sea?"

"Mediterranean Sea." Futaba smiled elegantly, and then explained incisively: "It is the state before baldness. It mainly means that although there is still a certain distance from eggs, some areas of the head have become bright and smooth. This phenomenon is truly enviable.”

Archduke Fernand was stunned at that time.

"Let me introduce you." Clairvaux stretched out his hand to Futaba and said with a smile: "This is the representative of Fire Claw Archduke Rhino Blood Axe and the senior advisor of Fire Claw Territory Futaba. It was she who brought us Information about the plague, Miss Futaba... Please forgive me. In fact, Miss Futaba herself is also one of the victims of this disaster, so please be more understanding of this brave girl. She has not systematically studied the nobility. etiquette."

Scorpius' face became a little ugly. He knew very well that the little girl not far away did it on purpose. She must not have fallen asleep!

"Yes, please be considerate of me."

Futaba showed an unclear smile and took out a stack of thick parchment...

"From various angles~"

Chapter 253: End

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