Quadruple split

Chapter 257 Additional Questions

"This is some information I prepared. I hope you will read it carefully and memorize the full text~"

Futaba stood up and handed the first piece of parchment into Clairvaux's hands: "With all due respect, Your Majesty, I think these clear and detailed analyzes will be more convincing than empty rhetoric. Please let me distribute it before this meeting officially starts, so you can listen carefully."

The approachable Emperor nodded slightly and placed the densely packed 'documentation' with neat handwriting on the table in front of him: "You are interested."

"With a little effort, Your Majesty." Futaba left his seat, walked slowly behind Archduke Fernando, placed an identical piece of parchment in front of him, and said leisurely: "Although Your Majesty has sent a messenger to send most of the I have told you all the situation, but I still want to give a brief explanation. In short, a very terrible plague broke out in Misha County in the northern part of the empire..."

Clairvaux, who was looking at his 'information' carelessly, was suddenly shaken, and his pair of light gray eyes that were somewhat weathered but still bright suddenly froze. He originally thought that he had already learned this information from Futaba. All the information on its own is of little use, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

"That's right, a very scary plague." Futaba showed an imperceptible smile, pushed up his glasses slightly, and then walked to the side of Grand Duke Baroka who was sitting about the same height as him, and put the other man next to him. A piece of parchment was placed in the latter's hand, and he bowed slightly: "That was a disaster that no one with any conscience could ignore. Conventional healing magic and magic had almost no effect, even if it was of value. Advanced alchemy potions worth more than a hundred gold coins can only delay the death of the infected person by a day or two, if you're lucky."

Baroka nodded seriously to Futaba and said solemnly: "If what you said is true, then we should indeed lend a helping hand."

Fernando Fernando, who was sitting on his right, suddenly started to tremble, his face pale and frightened.

"Thank you, Grand Duke Baroka, of course you will not sit idly by." Futaba smiled meaningfully, patted the back of Vernon Baroka's chair, and then walked slowly past him: "According to I know that Grand Duke Baroka has a rare and noble character, and no matter whether it is natural disasters, man-made disasters, conspiracy or bribery, he can't be shaken, right?"

"I think so." Vernon turned his head, raised an eyebrow at the girl who had her back turned to him, and then looked down at the parchment in front of him.

Futaba handed another piece of parchment to the young Crystal Wolf Archduke, exchanged a cordial smile with him and continued: "Death and fear enveloped that land, and countless kinds of diseases were spreading crazily. The locals worked hard to After that, they established a blockade and tried their best to prevent the scale of the disaster from expanding again, but there were still fish that slipped through the net; the Holy Union in the north of Misha County also tried their best, and they sent two saints. With five hundred low-level paladins, it’s just a drop in the bucket…”

She walked around the long table, walked to Scorpius Hussein, and gently placed a piece of parchment in front of him.

The Grand Duke Baroka and the Grand Duke Crystal Wolf across from each other exchanged extremely shocked looks. The former's fists were tightly clenched under the table, while the latter suddenly raised his head to look at Futaba.

But Futaba didn't look back at her, nor at the Grand Duke Hussein who snorted softly from his nostrils. He just walked past him silently like a ghost and handed the penultimate piece of 'intelligence' to Grand Duke Dantès. , the latter took it with a smile and nodded cordially to Futaba.

"If you have paid close attention to things outside your own territory, you will clearly find that the geographical location of our Fire Claw Territory is not far from the southern part of Misha County. Even if civilians use two legs to walk, they can only walk at best. It’s just a few days’ journey.” Futaba sighed leisurely, and then walked towards Grand Duke Ximu Simon: “Since this period of time, we have accepted many escapees infected by the plague out of humanity, risking extreme risks. Big risk..."


Scorpius Hussein stood up abruptly, waving the parchment in his hand, staring at Futaba with his two narrow eyes: "You...what is on this...don't you mean... "

Futaba asked without looking back, "What did I say?"

Scorpius clutched the deformed parchment tightly: "What is the relationship between what you are talking about and the content on this paper..."

"Duke Hussein." Emperor Clairvaux suddenly interrupted the grand duke with a different expression. He knocked on the table lightly, his tone full of fatigue: "Perhaps we all have the same doubts in our hearts, but now You might as well let Miss Futaba finish what she wants to say first."

Scorpius turned his head to look at the old emperor, and was surprised to find that the doubts and shock in his eyes seemed to be no less than his own: "But your Majesty..."

"Although the respect you have expressed is limited, Scorpius..." Clairvaux's tone suddenly became harsh, and he knocked on the table again: "But you are still calling me 'Your Majesty'. Does this mean you Do you still recognize the Violet family as the rulers of this country?"

Scorpius was stunned for a moment, then forced out a fake smile, sat back on his chair, and lowered his head slightly: "Of course, Your Majesty, I was the one who was offended just now."

"If I were you, Duke Hussein." Futaba, who had been silent since just now, suddenly laughed, turned around and winked at Scorpius with malice, and said loudly at a volume that was not subtle at all: " Even if it is just a gesture, I will definitely pay for the offense I inadvertently caused to His Majesty, so that everyone will not think that I am an idiot with a head full of feces."

Scorpius glared at her angrily: "What did you say?"

"I say calmness is a good quality." Futaba grinned, showing a set of neat white teeth: "Especially for an influential noble with a limited appetite."

Scorpius Hussein swore to God that this was the first time in his life that he had heard anyone imply that he had a limited appetite.

But he smiled in the next second, and after nodding slightly to Futaba, he turned to Clairvaux: "Dear Your Majesty, this...well, Ms. Futaba is right, I must pay for my previous Offense, well, specifically, two offenses will pay for it, and next month the Hussein family will donate 300,000 gold coins to Salamoun free of charge to repair the city wall."

"Thank you for your generosity, Scorpius."

Clairvaux readily accepted, but he did not raise his head. He just continued to study the parchment in front of him. After a pause of more than ten seconds, he softly said: "Go on, Consultant Futaba."

"You're welcome, Your Majesty." Futaba nodded with a smile. Not only was he not affected by Clairvaux's cold attitude at all, it even made others feel as if the emperor was thanking him instead of Scorpius. Likewise, she strolled up behind Archduke Ximu Simon, gently placed the penultimate piece of parchment in front of him, and suddenly stopped: "What did I just say? Well, we took a huge risk. risks of?"

Clairvaux looked steadily at Futaba's unusually bright eyes, and slowly said: "Yes, you told me some time ago in the Tricolor Courtyard, and the envoy I sent to the Fire Claw Territory also sent back Got the same feedback, but…”

The old emperor placed his right hand, which had some sagging skin, on the 'information': "What is this?"

"Of course it's the trouble derived from this plague incident. It's also the so-called additional issue. Well, it's an additional issue that we need to deal with simultaneously~" Futaba clapped his hands lightly, and suddenly leaned forward and frowned at the side. Simon Ximu asked: "Dear Duke Simon, do you know what kind of people will be infected by the plague?"

The middle-aged dark elf, who was meticulously dressed, had a meticulous hairstyle, and a meticulous beard, looked at Futaba carefully with his ancient scarlet eyes. After a while, he replied calmly: "The messenger sent by His Majesty the Emperor told me, The lower the strength of the person, the higher the possibility of being infected, while it is difficult for low-level professionals to be infected unless the wound is in direct and long-term contact with the blood containing the plague. Intermediate professionals and above can do this. Completely immune."

"Yes, it seems that you are indeed a serious person." Futaba smiled, then turned to look at Raoul Dantès on her right: "Then Grand Duke Dantès, do you know about the plague in the north? How fast does it spread?"

The white-haired Raoul spread his hands and widened his eyes playfully: "I'm sorry, Ms. Futaba, it's not that I didn't listen carefully to Xi Mu, but the messenger didn't tell me such a specific thing, but I Guess it won’t spread too slowly, otherwise His Majesty wouldn’t have reconvened the Supreme Council after so many years, right?”

"Of course, your analysis is completely correct." Futaba stood up, the smile on his face slowly faded, and then said slowly in a low, sad and provocative voice: "In just half a month, , Misha County has been infected throughout the territory. Those evil plagues that cannot be driven away by elements and beliefs seem to be able to spread and multiply through all media. They are omnipresent and pervasive. An infected person can spread the plague to all areas in just a few days. A hundred infected people in an entire village can cause the plague to sweep through the entire city overnight. Please think about it, if those things that even the Holy Religion Alliance's Favored Persons have not solved so far spread in the empire..."

She shrugged, rolled up the last piece of parchment in her hand, tapped her forehead, and let out a faint sigh.

The pale Archduke Fernando trembled.

Grand Duke Emmeline of the Crystal Wolf frowned, not knowing what she was thinking.

Grand Duke Baroka looked down at the piece of paper in his hand, with a faint flash of anger in his eyes.

Grand Duke Hussein looked gloomy and twitched the corners of his mouth twice, almost clenching the parchment.

Grand Duke Dantès no longer looked left and right with a smile.

Archduke Simon sat on his seat meticulously, squinting at the information he had just received.

Emperor Clairvaux's eyes were lowered, and he seemed a little older than before.

Only the Archduke of Marshall, who had not gotten the piece of parchment yet, was a little anxious. This middle-aged man, who was still handsome and elegant even though he was slightly overweight, was the first to break the silence. He first murmured "You must control it" in a low voice, and then Swallowing with some difficulty, he turned to Clairvaux and said loudly: "Your Majesty, if what Ms. Futaba said is true, then the empire is about to face a disaster of unprecedented scale. We must prepare in advance. I think... "

"Dear Buffy." Clairvaux did not look at the Grand Duke sitting on his right, but lowered his eyes and whispered softly: "I think Consultant Shuangye still has something to say, and she brought It seems that this is not the only problem..."

Buffy Marshall said "Huh" in confusion, then turned to look at Futaba, who was separated by Archduke Simon, and smiled at her: "By the way, dear lady, you seem to have forgotten my information. Of course, if possible, I can also read one with Grand Duke Simon. We often did this when we were students at the Knight Academy together..."

"Sorry, Buffy." Archduke Simon raised his hand to hold down the parchment in front of him, and shook his head at Marshall: "I think Ms. Futaba did not 'forget' your information, but I don’t want to give it to you now.”

Buffy looked at her old classmate in surprise, with a confused expression.

"Don't worry, Grand Duke Marshall." Futaba suddenly smiled at him and waved the last piece of parchment: "I'll give it to you after a few words. I don't need it myself. The content on it is mine." I’ve memorized it all, so please be patient.”

The Grand Duke of Marshall seemed stunned for a moment, but quickly nodded calmly: "No problem."

"Well, since our Marshall Archduke is in a hurry..."

Futaba shook her long orange hair that hung down to her waist, and said unhurriedly in a very lazy and completely different tone from before: "Then I will now tell you about the third crisis that the empire is about to face. To summarize, one problem is that infected people carrying the plague are constantly pouring into the Fire Claw Territory. They are extremely dangerous. Only a few powerful warriors can guard them without scruples, and we cannot kill those infected at will. Or, because after turning into corpses, even if they are buried in the soil or burned with fire, they will cause pollution. The stench that my unlucky brother emits after he rots can even make many elite soldiers sick. Come, not to mention that mass killing is not a long-term solution. Humanity and reputation issues must also be taken into consideration. As for letting go and expulsion, everyone here will not be willing..."

Emmeline, who loved her people like her own children, nodded subconsciously.

"So this leads to the second problem." Futaba spread his hands and raised his eyebrows: "The Fire Claw Leader is short of manpower. Yes, there is a shortage of manpower..."

She could put an accent on the last four words, and many people's faces became serious.

"As for the reason for the shortage of manpower, I think at least one percent is because the people in the Fire Claw Territory are simple and don't have much enthusiasm for nightlife." Futaba chuckled at herself, then walked up to Buffy Marshall and said The last piece of parchment was gently placed in front of him: "The remaining ninety-nine percent is because our good neighbor has been too diligent in the past few years~"

Marshall froze and looked down at the parchment like a machine. Then he fell into a state of confusion. He could tell at a glance that this piece of paper contained some information about the plague. It was simply a copy of the parchment. It's even more meticulous and highly condensed than Archduke Simon's hair...

Slave Catcher Investigation Diary!

Futaba's joking voice sounded leisurely next to him...

"This is what I said before - additional questions~"

Chapter 254: End

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