Quadruple split

Chapter 258 Accusation I

The dead silence in the Purple Nine Hall lasted only two minutes. Except for Buffy Marshall, who was completely unprepared, the other eight lords, including Emperor Clairvaux, had already digested Futaba's 'information'. Mercury core Fernand, who was sitting first on the left side of Clairvaux, stood up from his chair awkwardly (no mistake), looked at the Archduke of Marshall directly opposite him with flickering eyes, and his hands holding the parchment were trembling...

"Control two large-scale slave-catching groups with at least four-digit members. They operate more than three times almost every month. Occasionally, they hire black adventurers to cooperate with the notorious [Meat Mincer Group] in the empire. There are direct connections with more than ten large-scale bandit groups such as [Miasma Group] and [Tainted Blood Group]. They are also linked to the second-level wanted criminals of the Holy Religion, the Undead Magister 'The Voiceless' Euro and the Pain Warlock 'Ghost Firefly' Lavender. There is a direct cooperative relationship...Buffy...Buffy, is what this says true?!"

Fernan stumbled through two paragraphs, his high-pitched voice slightly distorted, his whole body trembling like chaff, and his pair of goldfish-like brown pupils were wide open, as if he might faint at any time.

"Of course it's not true!" Duke Marshall stood up excitedly, poked the parchment in front of him with the same content, and laughed exaggeratedly: "Two slave-catching groups with thousands of people? My ? Haha, do you think this is realistic? Not to mention why I would do such a thing, if the Marshall family has indeed controlled two unscrupulous teams for more than ten years, they have to make them move several times a month This time, is it possible that you can't find it? You must know that the Knights of Buffy's Sword only have a size of 1,500 people. Frankly speaking, I believe that everyone here will have a copy of 'Buffy's Sword' in their study. Detailed information and lists of the Knights, the Mercury Guards, and the Ice Veil Mages? What do you think, Archduke Fernando?"

Mercury core Fernan was stunned for a moment, and immediately shook his head in a panic: "How could I have..."

"Okay, okay, this is nothing shameful, my friend." Buffy shook her head with a smile and shrugged calmly: "Although we have always been united under the banner of the empire, it is necessary Preparation and precautions are also indispensable. Although this kind of thing is usually not brought to the table, it is not a shameful thing to have some ears and eyes for each other. I am also very aware of the Fernan Attack Team, Thunderbolt Basic information on the brigade and the Mercury Ranger Chapter~"

Archduke Fernand smiled dryly, then shook his head and sat down: "You are right, Buffy."

"Of course what I said is right." Archduke Marshall calmly adjusted his collar, then turned to look at the orange-haired girl who was still smiling: "If Chief Xiluo and Archduke Fernan are as well informed, then He will definitely know the specific military configuration of our Marshall Territory. If I am really frequently mobilizing manpower to do something... huh, slave hunting or something like that, then there is absolutely no reason why everyone here can't receive the news, or in other words, you Do you think that the fictitious slave-catching group was actually composed of civilians or ordinary soldiers without any fighting ability?"

Futaba shook his head slowly: "Civilians and ordinary soldiers do not have enough strength, courage and loyalty to do such a thing."

The Grand Duke of Marshall then sat back on the chair. He looked at the picture in front of him with a half-smile that had frightened him a minute ago, and breathed a long sigh of relief: "In that case, Ms. Futaba, if you are willing to admit that you are showing off, What is before us is only a small joke, and I will gladly forgive you for your unfounded accusations against a great duke."

Futaba smiled: "You're stupid for dreaming."

Everyone present was stunned for a moment, and then they all subconsciously looked at the girl with a small figure, delicate face, and elegant temperament.

"I'm sorry." Buffy Marshall's face became a little gloomy, and her voice gradually turned colder: "What did you just say?"

Futaba smiled again: "Silly~"

Including Vernon Baroka, who still didn't fully believe the Grand Duke of Marshall, and Emmeline, who had a good impression of Futaba, everyone present looked unhappy. After all, they were the top nobles of the empire like Marshall. Futaba was, at best, just the agent of a lord who was on the same level as them. He was not qualified to publicly insult a lord on such an occasion, especially in front of so many lords.

"Boom!" Marshall slammed the table and shouted loudly: "How dare you..."

"You just talked about the military configuration and scheduling issues in the territory, right?" Futaba interrupted the other party with a sneer, her eyes filled with actual malice, she shook her little hand: "Okay, then Let me just make three simple points~"

The Grand Duke of Marshall snorted angrily but still gracefully: "I'm all ears, but... if you can't tell me why..."

"Okay, okay, I understand. Burning, hanging, beheading, burying Ling Chi alive in a car, tearing out nails, poking eyes, whatever, it's up to you~" Futaba rolled her eyes impatiently, and then extended a middle finger: "First of all, First point, don’t think that what is on this piece of paper is everything. In fact, it is at best a directory that has been highly compressed by this girl, so please do not speculate on the information I have based on the things above. Otherwise, your pig kidney face will be swollen to the point of explosion~"

Marshall's heartbeat suddenly accelerated by half a beat. He felt a slight chill on his back, as if he saw a long-planned and well-prepared plan gradually emerging.

"This leads to the second point. I know exactly where your slave-catching teams came from." Futaba calmly stretched out the middle finger of his other hand and shook it at the Archduke of Marshall in front of him: "The reason is actually very simple. Those lackeys working for you behind the scenes are indeed well-trained and highly capable elites, but they are not members of the three regular legions of the Marshall Army~"

The Grand Duke of Marshall clenched his fists: "Absurd! Do you think if I recruit troops on a large scale, win over those desperadoes, and secretly raise a team of thousands of people, everyone here will not notice it? You know that everyone will Pay attention to each other..."

"Watch each other to see if each other is developing obscenely, of course I understand." Futaba nodded leisurely, and the two raised middle fingers were still firmly facing Buffy Marshall's face: "Well, I won't sell it. , in fact, those slave-catching teams are members of the three legions under the command of the Marshall Archduke."

Archduke Simon frowned slightly: "Your words are obviously inconsistent."

"Yes, but if you add a 'before' to this sentence, it will be logically logical~" Futaba shook her index finger at Duke Simon, and then quickly changed her middle finger to point at Buffy Marshall again: "What I said is right, scumbag~"

Marshall twitched his lips: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Okay, let's discuss your intellectual issues later." Futaba pushed up her glasses with two fingers cutely, and said loudly in an extremely cadenced tone as if she were standing on a stage reciting: "This slave catcher The number of your troops was very small at the beginning, but as time goes by, your three legions are constantly changing their blood. Those veterans who are loyal, greedy, threatened, base in nature, or have been manipulated will be replaced by veterans. They left their original organization due to reasons such as retirement or death, and were then transferred to a new job to continue to serve their lord conscientiously~"

The girl finished the above words in an extremely artificial and disgusting tone, and then winked at Buffy Marshall playfully: "Am I right?"

"Nonsense!" The latter categorically denied it and said coldly: "In the final analysis, you are just speculating. Can an absurd and specious inference prove that the so-called 'slave-catching group' does exist?" I am not the only one in the Marshall Territory who is stationed in the permanent legion. Everyone here meets those conditions, so in the final analysis, this is just a stupid slander."

"Don't worry."

Futaba shrank back as if she was a little scared, and timidly pointed her middle finger: "I haven't finished talking yet~"

"I don't want to listen to your nonsense anymore." Buffy narrowed her eyes gloomily and said sternly: "Give it to me now..."


Futaba suddenly whispered a name.

Buffy frowned: "What are you talking about..."

"Roger Jorkins." Futaba ignored him and just continued to read in his clear and melodious voice: "Oliver Kist, Dennis Bagman, Ludo Corrievi, Gran Planmore King, Ernie Finnigan, Barosinista, Louie Aragog, Millicent Flint, do you remember these names? If not, I can recite many, many more~"

Buffy suddenly felt a chill that made his hair stand on end. Although he didn't know who these names belonged to or what they represented, he knew very well that every sentence of the girl in front of him from just now was completely consistent with the facts. There is no mistake at all!

But at this moment, he could only hold on to the huge sense of crisis and pretend to be relaxed, shaking his head and saying in a deep voice: "I have no idea what you are talking about, little girl."

"Okay, let me explain in more detail." Futaba whistled and looked around. After finding that everyone was listening attentively, he cleared his throat and said loudly: "Roger Jorkins, a former member of the Knights of Buffy's Sword, a middle-level armed knight, quit the Knights five years ago after a bandit suppression operation due to a 'relapse of old injuries'. His hometown is the small town of Hamilton in the Marshall Territory. His home is No. 17 Baishi Avenue, Jiaoye City. However, in the past five years, this honorably retired knight has been going back to his hometown once every six months and watching his wife's strange behavior once a month, which is even worse than when he was in the Knights. He is several times busier, and what is very interesting is that every time he goes home to see his wife, he will bring back a large amount of gold coins. The huge amount is far beyond the income that a middle-level knight can obtain through any conventional channels. .”

Grand Duke Crystal Wolf blinked thoughtfully: "What do you mean..."

Grand Duke Dantès, who guessed the former's thoughts, shook his head slightly: "This doesn't mean anything."

"Agree." Grand Duke Hussein also agreed. He raised his eyebrows at Futaba: "There are so many ways to make a lot of money, little girl~"

Buffy Marshall just smiled and gave everyone a 'these two have said everything I wanted to say' look.

"Of course this doesn't mean anything." Futaba also smiled, her two slender white middle fingers still facing the Grand Duke Marshall's face steadily: "But what if there is more than one person like Roger Knight? What if? What if there are hundreds or thousands of such examples? What if some people who were supposed to die in the field or spend their days walking around the streets were seen at various accident scenes? What if these people had several secrets covered by the official Marshall family property? Where are the dens? If I have similar evidence in my hand, how much do I need?"

After a long silence for Buffy Marshall...

Grand Duke Baroka was the first to raise his head from his contemplation and looked at the livid-faced middle-aged man with the same identity as himself: "If this is really the case, then the theme of our meeting may be It’s time for a change.”

"Vernon, you don't really believe this little girl, do you?" The pale-faced Archduke of Marshall tried his best to squeeze out a dry smile, and turned to look at the stubborn knight who inherited the Baroka surname: "Only her A one-sided statement?"

Emmeline, who had a close personal relationship with Vernon, shook her head and whispered: "If this Miss Futaba really has some 'evidence', then her words may be more than just one-sided words."

"Emmeline, young Duke Emmeline Christo!" Buffy glared at her sharply. The grace and elegance of ten minutes ago were gone: "I originally thought you would be smarter!"

The latter stared at the grand duke of his uncle's generation in front of him with neither humility nor arrogance, and said solemnly: "It's just a possibility. I don't believe her, at least not until I find out the truth of the matter!"

"Okay, everyone, just be quiet."

Emperor Clairvaux, who had been silent since the beginning of the confrontation between Futaba and Archduke Marshall, stood up, gave Emmeline a tired and stern look, and gave Buffy a warning look. Finally, both of them fell silent. Finally, he set his sights on Futaba, and after sighing, he picked up the parchment in front of him, and slowly said: "This is the real purpose of your coming here, or is it the Duke of Fire Claw's?" The real purpose, right?"

Futaba smiled casually: "Yes."

"The so-called epidemic is actually not that serious, and it has nothing to do with manpower issues, right?"


"You've been cheating on me this whole time, haven't you?"



"Then there's no need to say it~"

Futaba suddenly laughed, she laughed unbridled, her branches trembling with laughter, only the two middle fingers that were firmly locked on Buffy Marshall were raised steadily in the air...

"Of course it's to make me unhappy...Pfft, no no no~ It's to make this angry scumbag irrecoverable~"

Chapter 255: End

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