Quadruple split

Chapter 263 Desperate?

"What do you mean by 'the next link'?"

Emperor Clairvaux put down the file in his hand and looked at Futaba deeply: "Conviction? Or trial?"

"None of them, my dear Majesty." Futaba smiled, his eyes narrowed into a pair of beautiful crescents behind his glasses: "We can't be so hasty to a grand duke who inherited the glorious surname, a ruler who The lord of one-ninth of Violet's territory cannot be convicted, even with such clear evidence. Everyone here knows this, and I know it too~"

Clairvaux nodded slightly: "Go on, Miss Futaba, but please don't beat around the bush. I think everyone has fully appreciated your intelligence. Now, everyone in this cabin only needs a clear understanding." ideas or ideas, if you are not willing to let us do it for you."

"Okay, okay, tell me what you have to say, right? No problem." Futaba nodded briskly, but after just putting away his playful smile, he sighed exaggeratedly: "I thought you were a very funny person. Where is the person, His Majesty the Emperor?"

Clairvaux smiled slightly: "I am indeed, but you gave me a theme that is not interesting at all, so don't waste any more time."

"Okay, then it's better to be respectful than to obey orders." Futaba shrugged, then sat back calmly next to Emmeline, suppressed the last trace of his smile, and said in a deep voice: "You don't need to look at these evidences anymore. It would be a waste of time to study further.”

Under the instruction of Emperor Clairvaux, everyone put down the files in their hands and sat down again around the wooden table in the center of the room, waiting for someone to speak.

"To be clear in advance, I don't want to be the tempo leader of this meeting, but as His Majesty the Emperor just said, you should need an idea now. Well, if you don't mind, please allow me to put these precious relics away first. "Futaba smiled gracefully, and then lightly snapped his fingers. A few wisps of breeze blew across the table without warning, blowing the scattered files together, and then turned into a harmless stream. The little tornado stacked them together, just like what everyone saw when they entered the house.

Grand Duke Fernand and Grand Duke Crystal Wolf exclaimed at the same time, and then asked in unison: "Are you really a junior mage?"

"Yes." Futaba nodded shyly, and then emphasized: "The most awesome and awesome junior mage."

Archduke Fernando laughed dryly and stopped talking.

Grand Duke Emmeline of the Crystal Wolf couldn't help but sigh: "My incredible ability to control demons is simply better than mine..."

"Amy, you are a half-hearted magic swordsman who is incomparable with others." Grand Duke Baroka shook his head and interrupted him, and then made a serious face: "Your Majesty means to let Ms. Futaba get to the topic as soon as possible, so please be a little calm." Share a little."

Grand Duke Crystal Wolf looked slightly red and nodded, then immediately stopped talking.

After all, Futaba is only a junior mage no matter what. What kind of genius a junior mage is is nothing compared to the topic of whether a grand duke is suspected of being a 'slave trader'. Moreover, everyone present is much stronger than Futaba in terms of hard strength. Even Emperor Clerval and Grand Duke Dantès, who have the weakest personal strength, have the strength of mid-level professionals. It is precisely because of this In this way, when Futaba used low-level magic in the Purple Nine Hall before, no mirror guard stepped forward to stop it, because anyone with a discerning eye knows that this little girl is definitely not the opponent of anyone here, let alone everyone here. He has several self-protection props at the bottom of the box.

Even if they are currently quite 'approachable' to Futaba, and they can even be criticized by her for a few words, these people are the overlords of one party, the best among the best, and their background is so profound that as long as they are a belt You can imagine everything in your mind.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Futaba snapped his fingers lightly and raised his chin at the pile of files on the table: "First of all, everyone has confirmed the 'evidence' I brought. The authenticity is obviously very high, so high that even the Grand Duke of Marshall himself cannot completely deny it, am I right?"

Grand Duke Crystal Wolf, Grand Duke Baroka, Grand Duke Dantes and Grand Duke Fernand nodded slightly.

Buffy Marshall frowned: "I just don't dare to say it because I don't know anything about it, but it's nonsense that there is a slave-catching group stronghold in Mercury City..."

"I know, I know, that's why I said you can't 'totally' deny it, instead of agreeing with everything. Also, since I'm talking seriously, please don't interrupt me casually. After all, I represent Grand Duke Fireclaw, even if I'm not a noble, But at least until now, I have the same right to speak as you, or even more than you." Futaba interrupted Marshall impatiently, and then took out half a bottle of mana potion that smelled like wine from his bag and gently He took a sip: "So everyone can understand that my accusation is reasonable and well-founded, which is a good thing. However, unfortunately, we still cannot convict the Grand Duke of Marshall."

Archduke Simon looked at her critically: "So?"

"That's why I suggest that everyone put down the evidence, stop wasting time, and proceed directly to the next stage. His Majesty the Emperor obviously thinks so too." Futaba blinked at Archduke Simon with a reddish complexion, and took another sip of the meat in his hand. Knowing whether it was a potion or a drink of wine, he said softly: "It doesn't matter, I, Futaba, the senior advisor of the Fire Claw Archduke Rhino and Blood Ax, hereby suggest that we immediately form an investigation team to go to the Marshall Territory to verify this before you." I will prepare a copy of the evidence within three hours, which can be used to screen the members of the investigation team."

Grand Duke Hussein seemed to choke. He covered his neck and coughed twice: "Now... uh, cough, cough! Now?! Isn't it too urgent?"

"Is there any problem?" Futaba tilted his head curiously and put the crystal bottle in his hand back into his bag: "Do you think it would be more appropriate for us to convict the Archduke of Marshall directly without forming an investigation team? Or do you think it would be better for the investigation team to set off later? what is the benefit?"

Scorpius Hussein shook his head: "I just think it was too rushed."

"Soldiers are quick, my dear Grand Duke Hussein." Futaba showed an impeccable smile, stretched out his index finger and shook it gently: "Believe me, you are suspected of buying cheap labor and this trivial matter is your priority. It’s not high, I think the first stop of the investigation team should undoubtedly be Mercury City.”

Scorpius opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Archduke Simon raising his hand.

The dark elf lord who was meticulous in all aspects glanced at Buffy Marshall and asked calmly: "What's your opinion? Buffy."

"I have no opinion."

The Archduke of Marshall gave an answer that surprised most people present.

Futaba seemed to be in a daze. She frowned and asked hesitantly: "You have no objection?"

"Of course I have no objection." Archduke Marshall nodded with a smile and spread his hands: "On the basis that we are all eager to find out the truth, I am even more eager to clarify my suspicions. As you said, Soldier Guishensu, well, that’s what it means.”

Emperor Clairvaux nodded slightly: "Okay, if that's the case, then follow what Miss Futaba said and form an investigation team immediately."

[He has no objection to starting verification immediately, and has no intention of delaying time. In this case...]

"Wait a minute." Futaba suddenly said softly, and then asked Emperor Clairvaux very seriously: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but I would like to know how the candidates for the investigation team are decided?"

Clairvabresne didn't seem to feel unhappy, and just replied calmly: "Generally, it is organized by all the lords separately."

At this moment, Futaba seemed to catch a hint of cunning in Buffy Marshall's eyes.

"Is this considered a normal situation now?"

she asked immediately and quickly.

Clairvaux raised his eyebrows and did not answer Futaba's question. He just asked, "What do you mean?"

"I hope to exclude the Duke of Marshall. After all, his current position is that of the 'defendant', well, the accused party. So for the sake of safety, I think Buffy, Duke of Marshall should not intervene in this investigation before the preliminary investigation is completed. ." Futaba said without thinking.

Grand Duke Dantès stroked his beard hesitantly: "This seems to be a bit against the rules, but this kind of thing... to be honest, this is the first time it has happened, and what Miss Futaba said is not unreasonable..."

"No, it's okay."

The Grand Duke of Marshall smiled again under Futaba's shocked gaze and said word by word: "I agree."

Clairvaux nodded happily: "Very good, in that case, this investigation team will consist of two from each of the six Grand Dukes: Baroka, Crystal Wolf, Dantes, Simon, Hussein, and Fernand." , just choose from the entourage that comes this time, the Violet Royal Family will also send two teams of guards and four officials to the Marshall Territory, and the expenses and supplies along the way will be provided by the Royal Family, how about that?"

Others immediately agreed.

Futaba stared hard at Marshall's smiling eyes, biting her silver teeth: "Very good, thank you for your hard work. I will prepare copies of these evidences within three hours."

"Thank you." Emperor Clairvaux nodded, and then stood up first: "Well, everyone, let's..."

"Sorry, Your Majesty."

Futaba stood up immediately, ignoring the slightly dissatisfied gaze of the other party, and lowered his head and asked, "I have two final proposals."

Emmeline behind her gently tugged on her sleeve.

Scorpius looked at her coldly: "You have to learn to be patient, little girl. Even if you are a guest of Duke Fireclaw and a disciple of Master Tarasha, you still need to abide by the most basic courtesy and virtues."

"Miss Futaba." Grand Duke Dantès sighed and whispered: "Scorpius is right, enough is enough..."

Grand Duke Baroka also patted Futaba's shoulder: "The Grand Duke of Marshall has made enough concessions, Futaba."

Archduke Fernand just jumped out of his chair and said nothing.


Grand Duke Simon shook his head slightly at everyone: "We can listen first and then decide whether to ignore Ms. Futaba's endless questions and requests."

The Grand Duke of Marshall smiled heartily: "I think it's okay."

Clairvaux's face that showed much vicissitudes of life did not show much expression. He just raised his eyes slightly: "Are they the last two?"

"Yes." Futaba seemed to have expected that the emperor in front of him would allow him to continue speaking. He nodded vigorously and then made his first suggestion: "First of all, I hope that your majesty will send someone to the investigation team. Monitor the movements of the Grand Duke of Marshall and all his entourage during the period before returning."

Clairvaux raised his eyebrows: "Reason?"

"To eliminate the possibility of any information transmission, you must know that whether it is going to the Magician's Guild to use a small-scale teleportation circle to send information, using a well-trained flying magic beast, or finding a hidden line or directly paying someone to hire someone, Whether it is rushing to the Marshall Territory at full speed, the operational efficiency far exceeds that of the investigation team." Futaba turned his head and glanced at Buffy Marshall provocatively, and said in a deep voice: "We must guard against this situation. Of course, if the Grand Duke of Marshall has a clear conscience, , if you feel that you are just involved in a 'conspiracy', with your demeanor and mind, you will not refuse such caution at all, right? What's more, if you only verify the key evidence, the investigation team will come back and forth. It won’t be long before you can just read and play with birds at your station~”

Several other nobles suddenly realized, and for a moment they all admired this little girl's thoughtfulness. After all, not everyone can detect this seemingly obvious loophole at the first time, and this kind of thing only takes a few hours to realize. It may cause the entire situation to overturn.

If the Archduke of Marshall really had a problem, then the investigation team might have failed for just a little while at night.

Anyway, Grand Duke Crystal Wolf and Grand Duke Baroka, who are more inclined to Twin Leaves and Fire Claw, did not think of this. However, this oversight is not due to their mental retardation, it is just a matter of perspective...

To give a simple example, in some simple exams, those invigilators who are not sure whether the children will cheat will have a hard time catching those cheaters who have been deliberate, well-prepared, well-planned, and do everything possible. This is not because the invigilator’s IQ is lower than that of the cheater, it’s just that those children who know very well that they will be ruined if they do not do well in the exam are simply desperate. Under high mental stress, they will never let go of any possibility. , and these possibilities are often difficult for us to think of.

And those invigilators who hold the mentality of "These bastards will definitely cheat, I (I) must let you go home on your knees today" and regard the children as class enemies are often able to catch them accurately, because they also do not Letting go of any possibility, he is the kind of maniac who can't wait to lift up girls' skirts to see if they have copied the answers on their laps.

Futaba, on the other hand, is obviously more frantic on this issue.


"Yes." Grand Duke Marshall agreed very easily. He nodded happily and said: "No matter what, I have a clear conscience~"

Futaba's eyes almost popped out of her head, her face was livid, and her face seemed to be filled with dense disbelief.

Emperor Clairvaux just nodded slightly, and then asked her: "What else?"

Futaba bit her lips tightly, her body trembling slightly: "There's still...and...um...what else...I..."

Clairvaux blinked: "Miss Futaba?"

The Archduke of Marshall smiled triumphantly.

The next second, he saw that the already confused girl smiled even more proudly, and the previously confused expression disappeared as if by magic.

"Also, since you have such a clear conscience, it shouldn't be a problem to change places or something, right? For example, how about moving to the Red Garden with the people you brought for a while?"


"Hey? What's your expression? The conditions here are quite good. Your Majesty, you can live in the boudoir I used before. Oh~ It's such a supreme treatment! You don't have to bother anymore, just wait. It's fine for your guards to come over, but I think it's better to ask them to come and take you back home~ Of course, your belongings still need to be checked~"


"Eh? Why didn't you say anything? Ah, ah, ah, is there something you can't bear to leave behind where you live now? No way? Is it possible? Is there really anything? What is there?"


"Wow, that expression! Is it something good that can give you a 'clear conscience'? For example, a small tool that can communicate or deliver letters remotely, or something like that?"


"Have you seen it? His expression is so interesting!"


"Despair? Despair? Despair? Despair? Despair? Despair? Haha~ It's not enough! It's not interesting enough! Look a little more gray, bastard! Desperate, right? Really desperate, right? Ha, haha , Hahahahahahaha!!”

Chapter 260: End

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