Quadruple split

Chapter 264 Night Road

Game time PM23:57

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]


[Reconnection begins...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome to the Innocence Continent, the absolutely neutral Black Brahma, I wish you a good night]

After a short period of spinning, Mo Tan, who regained control of his body, subconsciously propped up his body, and then hit something with a 'dong' sound. He quickly opened his sleepy eyes, and immediately saw Luna's With a slightly confused face, the latter was kneeling in front of him in a daze, his forehead a little red, as if he had just been hit by something hard.

It only took Mo Tan about a third of a second to come to the conclusion that the 'hard object' should be his head.

The trainee alchemist, who had been in a trance all day, let out a painful cry after two seconds: "Oh..."

The two of them were currently on a wooden cart piled with a large amount of dry food. The cart was pulled by two 'animals' with heads that looked a bit like goats. They were similar in size to tapirs, very strong and covered with fine hair. They are a kind of docile beast that is relatively common in the Innocence Realm, called 'Snowy'. Although their movement speed is far slower than that of most equid species, they have a wide distribution range, strong fecundity, and low domestication costs. , cheap price, and excellent endurance, etc., it is still very popular among the people.

They were at the end of a slowly marching team, surrounded by many adventurers and a large number of strong civilians. Farther away, there were several resolute-faced paladins riding horses to protect the two wings of the team. Be alert to any disturbance.

"Ah, sorry, I fell asleep."

Mo Tan immediately stretched out his hand to pull Luna up, and then quickly looked at the surrounding environment. Although it was already night, many adventurers and paladins were holding torches or low-consumption magic crystal lamps in their hands, so the entire field of vision was Not bad. He compared the nearby landforms with the map of Misha County in his mind (which he had memorized for safety reasons), and quickly concluded that the 'urban-rural combined force' he was in had left Misha. northern saskatchewan this conclusion.

"It doesn't matter." Luna shook her head listlessly and blinked at Mo Tan, who was trying to figure out where she was: "I heard from the knight who came before that we just passed through the Dagger Sheath Wilderness, which is about 100 meters away from Moon Hook Lake. And…well, about two hours away.”

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, and then frowned slightly: "Just passed the Dagger Sheath Wilderness? I asked why everyone is still on the way so late. Did they encounter any trouble? Are there any casualties?"

He had already calculated the distance when he was offline during the day. In Mo Tan's calculations, if there were not too many accidents along the way, then this large force would arrive at Yuegou Lake around ten o'clock in the evening. This was also the reason why he immediately checked the surrounding environment when he discovered that the team was still on the way, but he didn't expect that it would be so much slower than the original plan.

"Well, trouble, probably." Luna nodded slowly, and then continued to speak slowly in her ethereal voice: "I encountered several batches of undead creatures that you call mutants, and they were not large in scale. , they were quickly solved, but then there were some... well, there should be a lot of them, a lot of bugbear children came to rob them, and it took a long time, but there were no casualties or anything like that."

After Mo Tan heard that there were no casualties, he was relieved at first, and then said in shock: "Wait a minute, did you just say bugbear...child?"

"Yes, it's a bugbear child. I won't admit it." Luna nodded lightly.

Mo Tan knew about the bugbears in the Innocence Realm (Idong was chased and chopped by that thing when he was a novice). In his impression, bugbears are stronger and clumsier than ordinary goblins. species, but they are still much stronger than sand goblins and the like. They are mainly concentrated in the eastern part of the Innocence Continent and live in settlements. Most bugbears are tall and rough in nature, but they rarely attack. For other creatures whose intelligence is above the average standard, a certain Mr. Yidong, who did not want to be named, said that during the novice stage, he was purely seeking his own death. He was hunted down because he treated people as monsters and beat them up, so...

"I also find it a bit strange. Bugbears rarely do such things." Luna leaned on two bags of dry food, flipping through her thick notebook, and muttered absently: "But I am interested in this kind of thing. Not big, if you are curious, you can ask others."

Mo Tan shook his head. His curiosity was not strong at the moment, so after knowing that the team had not encountered any big trouble, he stopped worrying about the bugbears. Instead, he asked Luna with some confusion: "By the way, why were you so close to me just now?"

Luna raised her head and glanced at him: "Is there any?"

"There must be." Mo Tan rolled his eyes feebly and said with a wry smile: "Otherwise, how could I bump into you."

Luna shook her head indifferently, then yawned a little and said listlessly: "I'm just observing you."

The corner of Mo Tan's mouth twitched into a smile: "Why are you observing me?"

"Mental state." The alchemist girl closed the note in her hand, rubbed her body next to Mo Tan and replied briskly: "I found that your state just now is the same as when you came back from Erbozi Village. You always feel like an ordinary person. My sleep is different, so I’m a little curious..."

Mo Tan moved back subconsciously, and then flatly denied it: "Illusion."

Luna scratched her somewhat messy pale blond hair, and her dim light blue eyes revealed a hint of seriousness: "It's not an illusion."

"It's an illusion."

Mo Tan insisted.

"It's not an illusion."

Luna shook her head.

Mo Tan continued to insist: "It must be an illusion."

"It's not an illusion." Luna moved forward again and took out a bottle of brown powder from her pocket: "I sprinkled this on your face before, but it was useless. If you just slept normally, you would definitely wake up. of."

Mo Tan was confused at that time: "What is this?"

"Nikachu feces purified in a special way will evaporate quickly when exposed to air. The effect is similar to the refreshing incense, but the cost is much lower." Luna shook the small bottle in her hand and said very seriously: " The only side effect is that the smell is too strong. Once I didn’t close the door when purifying, and the result..."

Mo Tan's face became more horrified: "What's the result?"

"The kids next door all vomited."

"You are cruel!"

"So, you are definitely not sleeping normally." Luna put away the bottle of purified rat excrement, and then said to Mo Tan very seriously: "There is no poisoning, no trauma, no influence of magic or magic, Unresponsive to severe stimulation, this level of unconsciousness does not resemble sleep at all."

Mo Tan looked around and smiled dryly: "Maybe it's because I'm gifted."

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Unexpectedly, Luna nodded seriously, and then stared at Mo Tan intently: "So I really want to study it, if you are willing to cooperate..."

Mo Tan shook his head like a rattle: "I don't really want to."

Luna seemed not to hear. She raised her too-frail arm, and several bright red lines slowly appeared on her palm, and she stretched it towards Mo Tan...

"Hey! I know you are studying Shenma! Don't cause trouble!"

"Well, I will be very careful..."

"But I refuse!"

"It won't hurt, it should be..."



"don't want!"

"All right."

"I said no!"

"So I said 'ok'."


Only then did Mo Tan react. He stared blankly at Luna, who had picked up the notes again and the lines on her palm began to slowly dissipate. He reacted for several seconds before coming back to his senses: "Why don't you give up so easily? Already?"

"Because you seem to be very reluctant." Luna said casually. She had already returned to the place where she had just been. She yawned and muttered: "Wait until I find a safer way." Bar……"

Mo Tan let out a long sigh of relief, then suddenly widened his eyes and asked, "So the method you wanted to use just now is really dangerous, right?!"

"A little bit, so I gave up." Luna turned the pages of the book casually, her voice gradually deepened, her eyelids seemed to have begun to fight, and she seemed to be falling asleep quickly: "But I hope you can let me observe more... …”

Mo Tan smiled: "If you don't 'observe' so close next time."


"Of course we can't use that purified feces anymore."




[This guy falls asleep so fast! 】

Mo Tan sighed secretly in his heart, and then saw a black cloak suddenly falling from the air, firmly covering the rather thinly dressed alchemist girl.

"You are too ungrateful."

Yu Ying, who appeared behind Mo Tan at some point, chuckled softly, her eyes full of teasing: "I have been by your side for most of the day, so caring and considerate, Yu Chen is even jealous, let me tell you~ "

Mo Tan's face froze, and his heartbeat inexplicably skipped a beat. Then he regained his composure in an instant and said without looking back: "I am obviously being treated as an observation object, okay?"

"Hey, love observation object or something..."

"She is the subject of experimental observation." Mo Tan turned around and glared at Yu Ying, curling his lips and said: "If you perform a fainting offline in front of her, I guarantee you will get the same treatment."

Yu Ying loosened her long red scarf and said calmly: "I'm not as diligent as you are offline, and I don't mind being touched by Luna. She's so cute."

Mo Tan looked at her with a pained face: "How long have you been here?"

"It didn't take long." Yu Ying jumped into the wooden cart and helped Luna cover the cloak (she had thrown it very crookedly just to show off), and then raised her chin at Mo Tan; "You are online, so you can fight me and Yu Chen. Hello, whose order do you think everyone is working so hard to stay up all night and rush on the road? Your Highness Xia Lian asked me to check on you every once in a while to see if you are awake. Anyway, I am idle, so I will come over from time to time for exercise. Body, if you won't be disconnected for a while, follow me to the front."

Mo Tan gave a bitter smile and stood up: "Let's go, in theory there should be no problem."

So the two of them left the wooden cart and walked towards the front of the team. Several adventurers and paladins nodded to Mo Tan on the road. Xia Lian had told everyone when they set off that His Highness Wangyu's old friend would be the next step. The commander-in-chief of all actions, so this group of people have a kind of mysterious awe of Mo Tan (especially those who know his identity as a player).

Five minutes later, the two came to an exquisite little carriage. Yu Ying ran over and knocked on the window. Yu Chen's little face immediately poked out of it, and then Xia Lian, who was yawning profusely, opened the door from the inside. .

"You're awake, come up first." Xia Lian pulled Mo Tan up, then turned sideways to let Yu Ying jump in, and closed the car door with a bang.

Mo Tan looked at the space in front of him that was obviously much wider than the outside, as well as the furry, slightly stunted-looking humanoid creature in the corner, and couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

"It's not just magic that can affect space. Some magical arts can also do it." Xia Lian sat down on the chair next to the car door and pointed to the corner: "That little guy's body is too weak, and he's a little special. I took him with me."

Mo Tan nodded: "Oh."

Yu Chen smiled and winked at Mo Tan: "We rescued that child on the road. He and a dozen of his companions were all arranged for the knights to take care of him."

Mo Tan smiled politely at the shrunken humanoid creature, and then asked Yuchen with some curiosity: "Is he... Bugbear?"

Yuchen nodded slightly, but when he was about to speak, Xia Lian shook his head and interrupted.

"We'll talk about this later." The Elf Saint pointed to the chair opposite her and motioned for Mo Tan to sit down. Then she frowned slightly and asked, "Luna or Yu Ying should have told you that we were delayed on the road. It's been a while, and it's still nearly two hours away from Yuegou Lake. Are you sure you have to get there today? Don't forget that there are many civilians in our team, and their physical strength..."

"They can hold on, it's not an unattainable condition."

Mo Tan walked over to Yuchen and sat down. He gently rubbed his forehead and said, "Even if there is a little incident, I have to get to Yuegou Lake tonight. I have other plans after that, so I can only let everyone work hard." For a moment, now is not the time to stop.”

"Okay, it's up to you." Xia Lian didn't say much. After getting Mo Tan's exact answer, she nodded immediately, then took out a letter from her arms and waved it in front of Mo Tan's eyes: "The second thing is that there is only one group of support left, the ones that set out first. The cultists in the holy mountain Sumir are too tenacious, so they don't have time to control us for the time being.

"It doesn't matter. I didn't have any expectations before."

"Okay, let's get down to business~"

"Uh, who is that kid?"

"Oh, he's a bugbear, named Barsaka."


Chapter 261: End

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