Quadruple split

Chapter 274 Researcher

Game time PM20:37

Tianzhu Mountain, the seventh outer mountain



With a muffled sound of 'bang', Mo Tan fell from the air in disgrace, directly smashing Lu Jiang who was in a daze into a puddle of liquid...

Then the pool of liquid squirmed to the side bit by bit, and in an instant it condensed into human nature again.

"Sorry, sorry, I was too careless." Mo Tan, who was extremely embarrassed by the transmission beacon, quickly got up from the ground and asked Lu Jiang with an apologetic look: "Are you okay?"

The frightened girl (only available in the game) shook her head subconsciously, and after a while she smiled and said: "It's okay, I have been practicing to maintain the slime state at all times recently. I was just shocked."

"I'm really sorry. If I had gone online earlier, I could have come with you." Mo Tan rubbed his lower back, which had been hit by two detonators during the teleportation process, with a painful expression, and asked hurriedly while looking left and right. : "How is Yaya?"

Ji Xiaoge, who had just been practicing right-angle changes in mid-air, silently landed behind Mo Tan and patted his shoulder hard: "Hey!"

Mo Tan immediately turned around and gave her a bright smile: "Hi~"

"Uh, I thought I could scare you, but it's really boring." Ji Xiaoge stuck out his tongue, then fluttered his wings lightly and walked around to Mo Tan, pointing to the door embedded in the mountain not far away. : "Ya Ya is inside. She has been sleeping for half an hour. I just went in to see her~"

Mo Tan nodded and asked nervously, "What's the test result like?"

The beautiful winged girl in front of her spread her hands and said, "I don't know. The examination is not over yet. The teacher said we have to wait for another ten minutes."

"I think everything should be fine." Lujiang walked up to the two of them, smiled and clapped his hands: "Ya Ya has fully recovered. When he first arrived here, he even took Jade Ka I was beaten~"

Mo Tan's expression froze, and he followed Lu Jiang's gaze towards the old mage with a bruised nose and swollen face who seemed to be dozing off in the distance. He laughed dryly and said, "Jadeka's staff exploded again?"

"It exploded~"

Ji Xiaoge nodded seriously and explained to Mo Tan seriously: "When we first came here, the teacher was still tinkering with things, and then Jadeka and Yaya talked about what to eat for lunch, and Yaya said he wanted to eat something. If it’s spicy, I recommended the newly improved spicy charcoal powder the day before yesterday, and then..."

Mo Tan swallowed nervously: "What happens next?"

"Then Jadeka... no, it was Jadeka's staff that exploded on the spot, an unprecedented explosion!" Lujiang trembled with lingering fear, and said with a pale face: "Just put the person standing at that time in the air. The Yaya next to him blew up more than 20 meters away, and then Yaya ran away violently. Oh, it was so scary, so scary..."

Mo Tan, who had gradually become accustomed to this kind of cheating routine, was quite calm. Hearing this, he just asked without changing his expression: "Are they both okay?"

"It's not a big problem. Yaya didn't go crazy for a while and was quickly suppressed by the teacher who came out~" Ji Xiaoge spread his hands, covered his mouth and chuckled: "Jadeka is even more fine. There are all those fist and claw marks on his face. I guess it won’t be clean after a while.”

Mo Tan looked at her with some confusion: "Why are you so happy?"

The girl grinned, made a victory gesture on her cheek, and said happily: "Because Jadeka seems to like my spicy powder very much, and just asked me for a bottle. This is my first time. I must be happy to produce something so popular!”

'I bet you twenty bucks that Mr. Jadekar has no intention of eating with that thing. ’

Lu Jiang's friend information flashed in front of Mo Tan's eyes quickly.

‘Twenty and I. ’

Mo Tan replied without any trace, and then smiled at Ji Xiaoge, who was full of excitement: "The tea eggs you made taste good~"

What he said was not against his will at all, because Ji Xiaoge's [Tea Eggs with Broken Slices for Humans] tastes really good, well, at least it must be quite good compared to this girl's other works, except that when peeling the shell, it is too There are almost no disadvantages other than the tendency to cause explosions.

"Hey, I'm so happy~"

Ji Xiaoge shook his head happily, and then took out a tea egg from his bag with a silly smile. After peeling off the shell quickly, he quickly stuffed it into Mo Tan's mouth: "Na~"


Mo Tan, whose dexterity score was much lower than the former, was stunned and didn't react. It took several seconds before he mumbled a thank you.

At this moment, Jadeka, who was taking a nap not far away with his staff, also opened his eyes, jumped on the spot and landed in front of the three of them with a clang, slowly like a terminator. He stood up slowly, then stroked his beard in a very fairy-like manner, and smiled at Mo Tan: "When did you come~"

"Uh, just here." Mo Tan swallowed the tea egg in his mouth with all his strength, looked at Jade Ka Zhang's old face with no trace of any scars in shock, and praised: "Your recovery ability is really good. It’s strong.”

Jadeka smiled calmly: "Hey, I was beaten by my father, uncles and aunts when I was a child. Yaya's two blows are far worse than them."

Mo Tan thought about the scene when Yaya went berserk, and thought about it based on Jadeka's words just now, and finally came to a conclusion-there is indeed a reason for the old man's body of steel and iron!

To be fair, anyone who can survive to this day in his family background must have an iron-clad body.

Lujiang's face turned green and he muttered in a low voice: "Jadeka, your jump just now looked so like the [Dragon Crash] that Fimi told me before..."

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm not a dragon~" Jadeka laughed, waved his hand and said, "I just jumped around casually."

Mo Tan shook his head and said, "You, a mage, can jump farther than me, a knight."

"Actually, it's quite simple." Jadeka patted Mo Tan's shoulder, then hung the staff behind him and made a deep squat position: "Come on, let me show you. First, put the two Spread your legs apart, keeping them at the same level as the shoulder line, then lower your body's center of gravity, swing your arms as far back as possible, and..."

three minutes later

Mo Tan was caught off guard and heard a system prompt...

[You have mastered the skill: Glorious Leap]

He glanced at Jadeka in shock, who was demonstrating for the third time in front of him, and then silently opened the skill bar.

【Glorious Leap】

War active skills

Mastery requirements: Strength + Physique + Dexterity \u003e Wisdom *5, Possession: Knight/Warrior

Consumption/Limitations: 60 physical fitness points, normal legs and feet

Effect: Jump to a designated location within a radius of fifteen meters. During the process, you will be immune to all magic effects that will slow you down. It will cause very low damage to all units 0.3 meters around the landing point. If the damaged unit has not been If you are observed and are not in a combat state, there will be a high probability of falling into [Terror]. The duration depends on the psychological quality of the unit, and the cooling time is 5 minutes.

[Note: Well, if you really want to make it stand and do long jump, that’s fine. 】

Mo Tan: "..."

Jadeka turned around at this moment and greeted enthusiastically: "Don't just watch, you can try it too, it's quite simple~"

Mo Tan nodded stiffly, then slightly bent his legs under the sympathetic gazes of Ji Xiaoge and Lu Jiang...

Skill activation - glorious leap!

boom! !

Following a burst of smoke and dust, Mo Tan, who was wearing heavy armor, slowly straightened up fifteen meters away, turned around and waved to the three of them: "I've barely learned it~"

Ji Xiaoge immediately opened his little mouth into a cute O shape.

Lujiang blinked his eyes, and after thinking for a long time, he slowly uttered two words: "Niujiang..."

Jadeka nodded like a coward and clapped his hands happily: "Mo, you have a great future. Do you want to learn magic from me?"

Mo Tan pondered for a long time and couldn't figure out what the relationship between the skill of Glorious Leap and the word 'magic' was, so he had no choice but to shrug it off with a dry smile, and then sent the information about [Glorious Leap] to Ji Xiaoge and Lu Jiang. Ordered one.

'so envious! ! ! ’

'Wow! Mo, you learn things very quickly. Do you want to learn how to cook with me? ’

Two people also responded immediately.

Mo Tan glanced at Ji Xiaoge with a strange look on his face, thinking that if he really became a disciple of this girl, he would probably have no choice but to say goodbye to the kitchen with tears and live with Yi Dong every day, so he immediately declined the offer. Good intentions, completed self-salvation.

ten minutes later

"It's done, you all can come in."

Lu Wei's voice suddenly sounded in their ears, and at the same time, the huge iron door on the mountain wall rumbled open, opening a gap just enough for two people to walk side by side.

The four people quickly rushed into the mountain called "Laboratory No. 1" by Ji Xiaoge, and then...

Mo Tan was pushed to the ground by a swift and vigorous figure.

"Mo Wang! I haven't seen you for a day!" Yaya wagged his tail happily. The depressed look of the past few days had been completely wiped away. The whole dog was as excited as if he had taken some medicine. The swooping attack just now almost hit him. Mo Tan's breastplate was shattered.

Mo Tan struggled to push the licking girl in front of him away a little, then stood up with difficulty, and said with a wry smile: "We haven't seen each other for just one day. Speaking of your body..."

"There's nothing wrong with her health at all."

Lu Wei, who was wearing a (once) white robe, raised his head from the workbench not far away and pointed at the light curtain floating in the center of Laboratory No. 1: "I use the latest model of dialysis rune. The array checked her three times. This dog could not be healthier. Her physical fitness is about three times that of a normal canine half-orc woman, and her immunity, self-healing ability and all aspects of resistance are far superior. Above the average standard, I even doubt that she has never been sick once since she was a child, but..."

"But what?" Ji Xiaoge saw that Lu Wei's face suddenly became a little ugly, and couldn't help but urged anxiously: "Teacher, please don't speak halfway!"

Master Lu gave his closed disciple a nonchalant look, shook his head and said, "But there are still a few things I don't understand. Why does she fall into a rage when her mood fluctuates violently? Why can't she speak common language? And... I didn’t find the reason why she could learn dragon language magic from Fimi and use it with different effects.”

The old goblin, who had received a huge blow in the field of scientific research, spoke with a heavy tone. You must know that he, the chief engineer of Tianzhu Mountain, is not only extremely accomplished in engineering. Master Lu's range of interests is so wide that ordinary people can hardly imagine it. In addition to engineering, he also has a profound knowledge in herbalism, alchemy, blacksmithing, and magic patterns. But even so, Lu Wei was stunned and failed to understand Yaya for more than half an hour. Big core question...

After wasting his efforts for a long time, he only came to the conclusion that he was in very good health. This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to Master Lu, because he had to admit the special nature of Ya Ya, but could not give a correct and reasonable explanation.

Of course, this was without resorting to extreme measures. Lu Wei felt that if he split, sliced, and numbered the teeth like he did with Cordoba, and then analyzed them from a microscopic perspective, he would still be very likely to come to a conclusion. Yes, but he obviously can't do this, because Yaya is different from Cordoba's rune body that can be taken apart and played with at will. She is a living big girl. It is easy to take apart and slice it. The key is that after taking it apart, there must be no Although Master Lu is stubborn, stubborn, irritable, and stubborn, he cannot perform such crazy operations. This is his pride and bottom line as a scientific researcher.

"So, that's what happened."

Lu Wei waved his hands dejectedly, his voice very tired: "I can't understand this little girl, but you don't have to worry too much, she is indeed very healthy, even better than each of you... well, except for the old mage There is no mistake in being healthier than any of you."

"But, teacher..."

Ji Xiaoge was still a little worried. She held Yaya's little hand uneasily (the latter was still trying to stretch his neck to lick Mo Tan) and whispered to Lu Wei: "Is there really nothing I can do?"

"There's nothing you can do about it. Even if you had it, you wouldn't want to use it."

Lu Wei shook his head and replied stiffly: "I want to figure out this girl's situation more than you do, but if there are no special methods or talents, there will be a price to pay for continuing to get closer to the truth. Do you want me to hurt her?" ?"

Ji Xiaoge shook his head quickly: "Absolutely not!"

"That's why I said there was nothing I could do~"

Lu Wei shrugged: "No matter how crazy a researcher I am, I still have a bottom line."

at the same time

Chauvinist Empire, Northern Territory of Prince Batlló, Resles Town, Thatched House

"Oh ha~ try this, let's go to the head office this time! Let's go to the head office this time!"

An old dwarf wearing a rag gown jumped up excitedly from the low table. He held a bottle of pale green reagent that exuded a strange smell high in his hand, and walked towards a thin figure in the shadow of the room with a smile: "Come on. Well, let’s start this exciting experiment as soon as possible!”

The boy, who was tightly bound by more than a dozen rag strips, opened his eyes in horror, and opened his mouth wide, but could not make any sound.

"I knew that a little bit of mandilla root and berry mushroom juice would definitely make the vocal cords shrink ~ Ha! Great, this world is really interesting, really interesting, really interesting..."

The old dwarf smiled happily like a child, then slowly approached the real child, grinning a twisted and fanatical smile: "Let's start the experiment ~ 20% recovery, 20% mutation, and 60% The success is unknown, the road to the truth has been opened~Aha, it’s really exciting, yes, open your mouth~That’s it…ah oh~”

[Your sin value +1]

"Tsk, it failed, um... take notes! Yes, write them down, and then find more volunteers... or people who are suitable to be volunteers... ah, what a wonderful world, haha, hahahaha!!"

Chapter 271: End

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