Quadruple split

Chapter 275 Traces of Altaïr

The seventh outer mountain of Tianzhu Mountain, Laboratory No. 1

Lu Wei casually threw a silver-white four-sided rune, put away the weird equipment in the center of the hall that was used to check Yaya's body, and then shrugged to Ji Xiaoge, who still looked a little uneasy: " In short, I have tried my best. If you are really worried, just wait until I finish the things at hand and come over to help perfect the precision analysis runes, although even if I get it done, I may not be able to achieve much breakthrough."

"I understand, teacher." Ji Xiaoge nodded vigorously and waved his fist with great enthusiasm: "Please let me help!"

[Classmate Xiaoge does not seem to have a background in science, and the rune technology on Tianzhu Mountain is theoretically incompatible with the knowledge in reality. How did she assist Master Lu Wei? 】

Mo Tan thought about it subconsciously, and came to the conclusion that he had no clue at all. However, he was relieved when he saw the other party's excited look. It is not difficult to deduce the function of the 'precision analysis rune' mentioned by Lu Wei, which means that the latter She did not give up paying attention to Yaya's physical condition, and Ji Xiaoge, who usually had a good relationship with Yaya, also readjusted her mentality. It was gratifying that this somewhat straight-tempered girl could sort out her emotions in a short period of time.

Of course, Mo Tan was also worried about Yaya's physical condition and regretted the current result, but he knew very well that Lu Wei had tried his best. The old goblin had never been a person who beat around the bush. He said he couldn't figure it out. I just can’t figure it out. He said that if there is danger if we study further, then there must be danger. But he also said that at least now it seems that Yaya’s body is very healthy. This at least proves that Yaya is in a violent state after using the claws of Wang. The 'exhaustion syndrome' will not cause any permanent trauma to itself, which is always good news.

[But if possible, I still have to find a way to figure out what's going on with Yaya. I can't just count on Master Lu Wei to make a breakthrough. I have to think of a way myself, even if I can only get a little clue. of. 】

Mo Tan secretly made up his mind and decided to pay more attention to Yaya's situation in the future. If conditions permit, it is best to find some other experts to come up with a solution. Of course, this kind of thing is not easy. After all, it is okay to get along with Lu Wei. It's not bad, mostly because of the two accidental events that he himself inexplicably became the 'Light of the Apocalypse' and Ji Xiaoge was accepted by Lu Wei because of his extraordinary talent. In most cases, ordinary players want to follow. It is obviously extremely difficult to establish a relationship with a person of Master Lu's level, so Mo Tan is just thinking about it now, and then doing his best to do so...

Under his current personality, Mo Tan doesn't like to say things like 'I will definitely help you', 'Leave everything to me', and 'I swear to cure you'. Most of the time, he just keeps silent. Do what you think is right, and will not easily make any promises that you are not sure of, unless those words can really comfort your emotions or give hope.

It all depends on people. Compared to himself who likes to use language as one of the main tools, at this moment, although Mo Tan also recognizes the power of language, he prefers to practice his principles in a relatively low-key manner.

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you, Master Lu Wei." He nodded gratefully to Lu Wei, and then said with an unusually heroic smile: "If you need any help from me, just ask."

Lu Wei shook his somewhat wrinkled ears and hummed: "Don't worry, I won't be polite. It just so happens that there is always a shortage of people here to do manual labor. I will look for you often before Cordoba comes back." of."

Ji Xiaoge turned around and smiled at Mo Tan: "You'd better say hello to me before you get caught by the teacher. Your teleportation beacon is too unstable."

"Mo Wang! What are you talking about!" Yaya took the opportunity to jump out from Ji Xiaoge, jumped lightly onto Mo Tan's shoulder, and slid down his arm before the latter lost his balance, curiously He raised his head and said, "Yaya can also be busy!"

Mo Tan pressed the former's hair to calm her down, then shook his head and said with a smile: "It's just physical work, not suitable for you."

Ji Xiaoge nodded quickly and agreed: "That's right, that's right, it's not fun at all~!"

It seems that both of them know one thing very well. If Yaya is involved in the affairs of the Seventh Outer Mountain, even if the girl can survive the almost endless explosions and accidents, she will definitely transform after being stimulated. Causes countless times more damage than it contributes.

"Oh, Wang knows."

Yaya nodded obediently, and the pair of pointed animal ears on her head suddenly wilted down, sticking feebly to her soft gray hair.

Obviously a little aggrieved.

"Ahem, let's not talk about this for now!" Ji Xiaoge felt distressed at that time. He quickly turned to Lu Wei and blinked: "Teacher, do you still remember that incident?"

Lu Wei nodded: "Remember, the stress threshold and ignition range of the spicy burnt powder after being highly compressed, right? Don't worry, don't worry, I will come to a conclusion soon~"

"That's not it!" Ji Xiaoge's face suddenly turned red. She gritted her teeth and glared at Lu Wei: "That was obviously a test you conducted on your own initiative! Mine is cooking! It's not a combustion accelerant!"

Jadeka's eyes lit up: "Accelerant? It seems a little intentional... uh, pretend I didn't say it."

The last half of his sentence was choked back by Ji Xiaoge with a cute and fierce look.

"Not this?" Lu Wei scratched his bald chin, pondered for several seconds and then clapped his hands suddenly: "Oh! You are talking about the pressure test of the black sesame paste at ultra-high temperatures and absolute zero! It's very Perfect, the result is quite perfect, I will send the detailed data soon..."

Ji Xiaoge raised his hands and crossed them to form an

"Is that the heat dissipation problem of Catlin? Well, this is a bit troublesome, but I have found several alternative materials. If it can effectively extend the service life, I can add frost runes..."

"Thank you, teacher, but that's not it."

"Expanding the egg bucket? You should have done that yourself, right?"

"Yes! So it's not this!!"

"Oh! I almost forgot. I have already obtained the experimental materials you applied for before. They are in the fully enclosed high-risk experimental room No. 6 at the back~"

"No! And that's not called experimental materials, that's called ingredients! And what is a fully enclosed high-risk experimental room? Why have I never heard of it?!"

"Huh? Didn't you ask me to build it for you? It's on the right side of Warehouse No. 5."

"That's called the kitchen, teacher! Kitchen!"

"Okay, I can't guess." Lu Wei spread his hands and shrugged to Ji Xiaoge: "Hurry up and tell me what the matter is."

The winged beautiful girl with her head covered with black lines gritted her teeth and said, "Young Ya's weapon! Didn't I mention it to you before?"

"I see, that's what happened." Lu Wei nodded in sudden realization, then very seriously projected a crystal plate from the wrench, scratched it for a while and then said in a deep voice: "I forgot."


Mo Tan seemed to hear the sound of something breaking, and then saw Ji Xiaoge walking to Lu Wei's experimental table without saying a word and silently starting to place tea eggs on it.

"Damn it, little pigeon can't do it!" Lu Wei roared in fear, and immediately teleported himself over through the space replacement rune, and casually opened a crack to remove the steaming fragments. The tea egg inhaled it, then turned back to Mo Tan with a serious face and said: "Don't use ordinary teleportation beacons these days."

The latter nodded, sweating profusely: "Okay, okay."

He had probably guessed where Ji Xiaoge's tea eggs disappeared to.

"Ahem, little pigeon, please calm down, I didn't say I wouldn't help!"

Master Luwei Fizilban, who is famous for his bad temper in Tianzhu Mountain, acknowledged the situation with helplessness, and then waved to Yaya angrily: "Puppy, come here."

"Wang's name is Xiao Wang!" The animal-eared girl jumped up to Lu Wei and said seriously: "Wang's name is Yaya!"

Lu Wei climbed onto his workbench, sat cross-legged on the spot, and looked at Yaya casually: "I heard from Little Pigeon that you want a handy weapon?"

Yaya blinked his eyes, and then nodded vigorously: "Woof!"

"Uh-huh, teacher, it would be better if you had just done this!" Ji Xiaoge, who was in a dark state of confusion, smiled, and then said with a puffy face: "It makes me look unladylike."

Lu Jiang shivered, and hid behind Mo Tan with lingering fear, and asked in a low voice: "Weird... is the monster lady a talent or a skill!?"

Mo Tan: "..."

Lu Wei coughed dryly, then took out a delicate silver ring from his pocket and put it on his hand. The next moment, a black one-handed sword with no visible material suddenly appeared in his hand.

"I don't have much collection of weapons here. This Mark of Altaïr was made casually for fun when I was practicing magic pattern skills decades ago. The materials are mainly high-purity Altaïr crystals, black cord silver and Alpha alloy No. 3 is sharp, tough, insulating, heat-resistant, and cold-resistant. It also has four very useful enchantments: strength increase, element increase, magic breaking, and armor breaking. It should be more than enough to use it as a weapon for you. of."

Lu Wei casually put the 'toy' he had saved back then into Yaya's hand, and waved his hand calmly: "For the sake of little pigeon, I will give it to you directly."

"Thank you Master Wang!"

Yaya nodded very politely, and ran to the open space in the center of the laboratory. A set of Xia Ji Basha with an ornamental index of half a star came to the place, and then she smiled happily at Lu Wei and said, "Too great So light!"

Master Lu's face froze at that moment: "Too light?!"

Yaya nodded cheerfully: "Ang, it's too light, I can't use this to bark~"

"Light?" Lu Wei repeated in surprise, then shook his head and said: "There is no concept of light and heavy in weapons. At most, it is just the difference between smooth and unhandy. There is a huge difference between an ordinary human warrior and a human sword master. The power gap, however, does not mean that the latter's weapon is dozens of times heavier. I can understand if you say it is uncomfortable to hold, but what does light mean?"

Master Lu is well-informed, and there is nothing wrong with what he says. Very few people in the Innocence Realm will judge the quality or practicality of a piece of equipment from the perspective of 'weight'. The premise for melee professionals to choose weapons is Most of them are types and effects. For example, some people like giant swords, some like daggers, some like fire special effects, some like frost special effects, but few people are more realistic about the weight of the equipment. Maybe some people are really worried because the weapons are too heavy, but because the weapons There are almost no "light" people who feel dissatisfied. With the huge differences in race, occupation, and strength level, the strong often have dozens or even hundreds of times more power than those who have just glimpsed the door, but they cannot always Finding a weapon that is neither light nor heavy for you is mostly a matter of habit. Most intelligent creatures are very adaptable, even weapons that are as thin as cicada wings and are almost as light as feathers. , as long as you use it smoothly, you can still get used to it, and even a novice will not make the judgment that the weapon is not suitable because it is 'light'.

Even for players as a group, the only requirement for equipping weapons is 'strength higher than XX', which is impossible...at least under normal circumstances, it is impossible to equip weapons with strength lower than XX.


"Wang is serious!"

Ya Ya vigorously waved the black long sword in his hand, pouted and said: "Although this one is very handy, it doesn't bark, and it doesn't feel barky, but it is still too light. Well, although it doesn't bark, it still barks." !”

Lu Wei/Mo Tan/Lu Jiang/Ji Xiaoge/Jadeka: "..."

The third second when the air suddenly became quiet, Lu Wei, who looked stiff, turned to look at Mo Tan and others, and asked angrily: "Can any of you explain to me what she just said?"

"Feel sorry……"

Even Jadeka, who had spent the longest time with Yaya, shook his head helplessly, spread his hands and said, "I really didn't understand."

Mo Tan thought for a while, walked slowly to Yaya, smiled and said, "Lend it to me."


Ya Ya obediently put the long sword in Mo Tan's hand.

The latter looked down.

[Scar of Altaïr]

Weapon Category: One-Handed Sword

Quality: only excellent

Attack power: medium

Attributes: Strength +5, Dexterity +8, Constitution +8, Wisdom +5, Magic Cap +100, Singing Speed ​​-3%

Features: heat insulation, cold resistance, insulation, never wear and tear


1. Strength increase - strength +10

2. Elemental Amplification - Magic Damage +50

3. Break the Demon - Slightly correct the direct hit parameters of magic attack, magic resistance, and magic defense.

4. Armor Break - Ignore 3% of the target's armor

Equipment requirements: The total of all attributes is \u003e90, and the reputation of Tianzhu Mountain is neutral or above.

[Note: Master Lu will occasionally have a whim, and have some illusion similar to "I may be a great master who can learn anything". This long sword is Lu Wei Fizilban's 387 years ago. One of the Altaïr series created for himself. In addition, Master Lu’s dream of being a swordsman was shattered 385 years ago. The reason turned out to be...]

This is the information about this weapon.

[So what is the reason? Can you finish what you said and then stop? Hey! 】

The above are Mo Tan's mental activities at this moment.

Chapter 272: End

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