Quadruple split

Chapter 298 Bad Omen

Cordoba crossed the blockade and entered Misha County yesterday evening. Although the mount Sumir gave him as a friendly gift died unfortunately during the journey, this macho man who ran as fast as a regular war horse still arrived as scheduled. He arrived at Misha County, even earlier than the time he and Mo Tan had agreed upon, and his current location was very close to the center of the county, and he had already encountered four or five waves of mutants along the way...

Of course, Cordoba, who has turned on [Minor Sensory Protection] all year round, has no emotions in his heart and doesn't really want to laugh. He actually thinks those rather violent-looking Zombies are a bit cute.

The only thing that makes him unhappy is that these things are really annoying!

Cordoba is not worried about safety issues. Although Mo Tan told him a few days ago that those mutants will attack every living person they see or hear, they have been upgraded to the V1.5 version. People are still very confident in themselves, and facts have proved that those mutants are indeed no match for him. Let alone one or two, even if a dozen of them come together, they will not escape the end of being knocked to death one by one.

Surprisingly, those damn mutants did not scream and kill Cordoba as soon as they encountered him. These monsters with extremely sensitive responses to life did not attack him or ignore him, but were very Very forcefully...watch him!

This makes Cordoba very unhappy!

Those mutants will be attracted to a certain extent after meeting him, but they will not have any desire to attack. They will just look at him blankly, look at him blankly, look at him silently, or follow him curiously. ...Who can withstand this! ?

Although they would fight back if they were attacked, they would not fight back resolutely, or they would just utter a low murmur. Unless they were hit by Cordoba continuously, they would not make any decent counterattacks, which was annoying.

Even though Cordoba, who had sensory protection, would not be disgusted, he realized that he could no longer remain indifferent. The reason was simple. If he ignored the mutants, the things gathered around him would There are more and more changes, and if he kills every one he sees, the energy will drop quickly, so things will become awkward.

Although the V1.5 version of Cordoba already has the function of connecting to an external battery, he does not want to use those 'energy' unless absolutely necessary.

It needs to be explained here that after a previous upgrade, Lu Wei has found a way to charge the 'Eternal Crystal' in Cordoba's body, which is to transform the Apocalypse Crystals that could only be used as mission items. , turning it into something similar to a mobile power supply. As long as Cordoba inserts it into the groove of [The Punisher's Staff M2K], it can not only charge itself at any time, but also activate it through active activation. The weapon is overloaded and draws out all the power of the Apocalypse Crystal in a short period of time to assist him in fighting. In this way, even if he encounters the monster he encountered in the Chauvin Empire again, he will still have a trump card that he can use to fight or run away (since Think).

But it should be noted that as long as the energy inside the Apocalypse Crystal is slightly missing, it cannot be used to complete the task. Simply put, it loses the function of identifying the 'Light of the Apocalypse' and the 'Shadow of the Apocalypse', so if Cordoba If you want to find the remaining shadow and light except Mo and Mo, you must leave two intact crystals, the kind that cannot extract any energy.

The manufacturing method of Apocalypse Crystal is very cumbersome, and the upgraded version requires the cooperation of Lu Wei, Hazy and another high-level agent to complete. Cordoba brought a total of five crystals with him this time, leaving only The next two pieces are placed in Tianzhu Mountain for later use. So, to sum up, the Apocalypse Crystal V2.0 (named by Lu Wei) is extremely precious, extremely rare, and extremely valuable, so be sure to use it sparingly!

Cordoba even triggered a mission because of this. The approximate content is that the more [Apocalypse Crystal V2.0] is left when returning to Tianzhu Mountain, Lu Wei's favorability towards him will increase significantly. On the contrary, if Not only were the lights and shadows not found, but there were not even a few crystals left, which would lead to the failure of the mission and further reduce Master Lu's favorability towards him.

Although he always said that "Luwei is immortal", Cordoba certainly knew how important it was to have a good relationship with his own makers, adjusters and maintainers, so he made up his mind to save as much as possible this time. Using those new versions of crystals, just imagine, 'Mo' only got a good thing like [Self-Exploding Sheep] by improving her favorability with Lu Wei a little bit. Girl Ye Ge, who has a higher favorability, got a lot of benefits. Even the teleportation beacon is a specially made VIP version. If I can make Master Lu happy, then the future of this rune body will definitely be bright...

On the other hand, if Master Lu is displeased, it is definitely not impossible for the old man to stuff himself into the two kobold bodies!

So Cordoba has been adhering to the mentality of saving when he can, calculating energy reserves like a Grandet, and then... little effect has been achieved.

The various accidents he encountered when traveling to Sumir (such as avalanches and twelve other vicious incidents) almost depleted his own energy reserves, and fighting the cultists with Huo Yanyang and the others also consumed a lot of energy, causing him to be He was forced to use a crystal, so Cordoba now has four crystals left in his luggage, two of which he plans to use to identify the shadow and light. In other words, in addition to the crystal embedded in the In addition to the crystals in the staff, there are only two Apocalypse crystals that can be freely controlled.

【Energy crisis! ! 】

Cordoba sighed, slammed the Punisher's Staff on the ground, and began to think about it.

[In this hellish place where the streets are full of mutants, how can I successfully reach the Gudami Plain without consuming a lot of energy fighting zombies and without letting those things get together? ! 】

Cordoba felt so tired. He looked at the mutants who gradually gathered near him and began to watch. He couldn't help but think of the apocalyptic zombie-themed works he had seen...

Then, suddenly a flash of inspiration occurred!

"By the way, I don't know if this trick will work!"

Cordoba slapped his forehead suddenly, then jumped up to the zombie who was almost cut into two pieces by him. He picked up the staff and smashed the thing into two pieces with a click, and then stretched out His big hand, which was faintly flashing with blue light, picked up a bunch of mosaics and began to wipe them on himself. As he wiped them, he muttered: "This is how it is played in movies, this is how it is played in games, and this is how it is written in literary works. , as long as you smear these 'corpse dirt' on your body, you won't attract the attention of those things... Hmm... More, more, more... Anyway, I don't have to breathe, well, if this intestine is used as a belt Wouldn’t it look cooler..."

All in all, the scene was extremely bloody and vomiting-inducing, almost difficult to describe in words. If Cordoba hadn't turned on the [Minors' Sensory Protection], he himself would have been frightened by this extremely ghostly scene, which would have led to the forced rape. Disconnected, but...

At this moment, with the dual blessing of sensory protection and olfactory closure, there is only a mosaic in front of Cordoba, fearless! Have no fear!

ten minutes later

"Yeah, you really succeeded! The ancients never deceived me!"

Cordoba, who exuded the smell of being kept away from strangers (it was really too unpleasant) and looked like a demon of flesh and blood, was walking on the path in the forest with a contented look on his face, looking back at the few animals that were completely blind to him. The mutants clapped their hands with a smile: "Okay! Then let me give them a surprise! Mo Tan must not have thought that I would be here so soon~"

Then this rune creation, which had completely transformed itself into a non-human form, leisurely opened the built-in map of the rune body and happily ran towards the direction of the Gudami Plain.

two hours later

Combined forces, command tent

"The third team encountered the enemy! There are thirty of them and they are being restrained!"

Yu Ying raised her hand to wipe the sweat, and shouted to Mo Tan anxiously: "The number of mutants is a bit too large, and the thieves approaching from both sides can't get through! Wait! Damn it, the fifth and seventeenth teams encountered the enemy at the same time. , number, thirty, twenty, that shelter is finished, those guys rushed out from the cellar, there can be no survivors!"

"Tell the third team to fight on the spot. They can handle the 1:3 number. The earth mage builds a position on the spot, leaving a gap for the three knights to take turns to block the mutants. If they are besieged, let them do whatever they want. Whoever sprinkles glow powder and goes out for a spin cannot take it too far and then use death dust to sneak back. All thirty mutants must be left in that place." Mo Tan raised his hand and lit up the locations in Kudat on the map. The chess pieces in the upper left, lower right and upper right places of the dense plain said without thinking: "The configuration of the fifth team cannot be hardened. Let them retreat one kilometer uphill. Don't run too far and let the opponent lose them. The Nineteenth Team was split into two groups, and the two Paladins and Healers of the Sun Sect were asked to support the Fifth Team. The others rushed to the southeast. This group of people could walk slower to save their energy, and then continued to join the Seventeenth Team. Hind Hill, that side has the highest risk factor.”

Yuying nodded and quickly edited the information while asking: "What about Team 17?"

"We only met twenty enemies. The accompanying knights are all members of the Justice Sect. Let them charge directly and crush them in. The healer will rest where he is. He will first use Luna's recovery potion to hit it. The caster will let go and that's it. , two mages and a warlock from the 19th team will be added in a while, and the impact will not be big." Mo Tan didn't even raise his head, just looked at the map in front of him, paused for a few seconds before continuing: "In addition, let The first team and the fourth team went to the slope north of the Snow Bamboo Forest to merge. Their current position is already very dangerous. After they meet, tell me that the target position needs to be corrected further east. By the way, tell the second team to speed up. They have already It’s almost impossible to keep up with the rhythm. If it doesn’t work, let the knights take care of the spell casters. It won’t sink anyway.”

Yu Ying nodded slightly, and after being in a daze for a few seconds, she raised her hand and made an OK gesture.

The tent became quiet again, with only the subtle hum of the alchemy chess pieces in front of Mo Tan echoing in the air.

"Thanks for your hard work."

A cup of warm black tea was placed in front of Mo Tan. Yuchen, who had been silent since just now, smiled and skillfully helped Mo Tan change the bottle of ink. Then he ran to Yu Ying and handed her a cup of tea. , just like a little girl pouring water on her.

"It's so sinful~" Yu Ying smacked her lips and smiled while sipping the tea: "If those fanatic believers knew that their saintess was here to serve us tea, they would not be able to bring me and Mo Tan Sheng ate it."

Mo Tan, who rarely had a few minutes to spare, also laughed and nodded: "I strongly agree. By the way, luckily this is a game and not reality. Otherwise, I would have gone to the toilet three times in such a short time."

Yuchen smiled nonchalantly and didn't say anything. He just helped Yuying tidy up the messy pile of parchment on the small table that was full of ghost symbols, and then turned around and made a face at Mo Tan.

"Ahem, I just want to rant to relieve the stress." Mo Tan stretched out, then took a pen to mark a few places where the teams met the enemy, frowned and whispered: "To be honest , the number of those mutants seems a bit too small..."

Yu Ying was shocked at the time: "Is this still a small number!? They have encountered no less than a hundred mutants along the way. If the number had been larger, those people would probably be dead by now!"

"No." Mo Tan shook his head slightly, fiddled with a few chess pieces that were relatively close to Gudami Plain, and shrugged: "Didn't you realize that today's patrol team has doubled, and the range is also the same? At the extreme distance of the absolutely safe area, most of them were originally supposed to be used as reserve combat forces to fill this round of reconnaissance teams, but they have not been used yet... This is not a good sign."

Yuchen blinked: "Isn't that a good sign? Shouldn't it be a good thing to have fewer enemies?"

This time Yu Ying reacted first. She glanced at Mo Tan with a strange look on her face: "You mean, south..."

"I'm not sure yet, but I do have a bad premonition." Mo Tan shook his head to interrupt Yu Ying, glanced down at the huge red circle at the bottom of the map, and said in a deep voice: "When Xia Lian first came back, she talked about the situation in the south. Oops, she couldn't even go too deep there at the time, and the information given by Xia Lian and the two city lords of Sprout City and Glen City didn't match the number of mutants we encountered in the central area, plus..."

"The two city lords said that they have cut off contact with Luowei City, which is closest to here in the south, since a week ago, right?"

Yuchen, who had mentioned this matter to Mo Tan before, suddenly asked in a low voice.

"That's right." Mo Tan sighed and scratched his forehead thoughtfully: "I think..."

"Don't think about it yet!"

Yu Ying suddenly shouted anxiously: "Team 17 encountered the BOSS!!!"

Chapter 295: End

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