Quadruple split

Chapter 299 There are monsters, big monsters

a few minutes ago

In the central area of ​​Misha County, a forest road northeast of Glen City

‘The order is received, Sister Yuying! ’

The lizard man mage Gambadie with light red scales quickly replied to Yu Ying, then pretended to pick up the magic crystal that had no use except for lighting, closed his eyes for three seconds, and then turned his head. He said loudly to the people around him: "The news is here, the commander asked us to deal with those ribs on the spot! Several knights directly penetrated them, and then other melee professions pressed up together, and we long-range professions directly suppressed them with firepower , be careful not to accidentally injure one of your own, this time the big man must retain his magic power, and drink medicine to resolve minor injuries!"

The orc shaman, who was called a big man by Gambaddie, let out a muffled "Oh", put down the half-raised magic hammer in his hand, and retreated behind with a sigh.

Tens of meters away, about twenty mutants seemed to have noticed this place. The one at the front had begun to roar uneasily, and it seemed that he was about to take action!

"Thank you for your hard work, Miss Die."

The leader of the three knights of justice nodded to Gambadie, then turned and shouted to the two colleagues behind him: "In the name of my lord, be impartial and fearless! Charge!"


The other two people agreed with a bang. The next moment, the horses under the three knights stood up at the same time. Under the dual control of divine magic and riding skills, they galloped towards the mutants not far away who had begun to run wildly this way. , their bodies were flashing with ripples that were difficult to discern with the naked eye, and the ripples seemed to be synchronized and coordinated with each other as if they resonated. This was the first entry-level magic that the Paladins of the Justice Sect mastered after successfully being promoted from knight apprentices - Justice. homology!

This is a very unique divine spell for Paladins. To put it simply...

[Justice and Harmony]

Justice Sect active magic

Requirements for mastery: Believers of the God of Justice, possess the profession ‘Paladin’

Consumption/restrictions: 50 faith points, 50 physical points, at least one unit within a radius of 20 meters also uses this skill

Effect: Synchronize with the Paladin who also uses this skill within the effective range, which will slightly increase all your attributes and reduce all damage received by 5%. During the synchronization process, if you fight with enemies whose number is higher than yours, you will Triggers the [Fearless Justice] effect, allowing all synchronized units to gain additional full attribute resistance and damage reduction effects. The specific value depends on the numerical difference between the enemy and ourselves, with a maximum of no more than 20%; if during the synchronization process, the number of units is lower than that of our own. Fighting with an enemy will trigger the [Ruthless Justice] effect, allowing all synchronized units to gain additional attack bonuses. The specific value depends on the numerical difference between the enemy and ourselves, with a maximum of no more than 20%; Fighting with the same enemy as your own will trigger the [Boring Justice] effect, which will increase the attributes of all synchronized units by 0.001%.

[Note: If you advance, you can fight in a group, if you retreat, you can fight with your back. In the name of the God of Justice, I will hold my hand down, and you will kick me in the face! 】

Yes, this is a magical spell that not only cannot be fought alone, but can only be used in battles that are unfair from all angles. Because of this, there are very few paladins in the Justice Sect. Even their high-ranking knight commanders like to gather in small groups. The Knights of Justice are the most united knights in the Holy Union. Even if they want to go out on the street to make soy sauce, they would like to form a group. The kind of group.

Let's get back to the subject, aside from their corporate culture, the three Paladins of the Justice Sect who took the lead in charging were indeed quite powerful. With the bonus of the magic [Justice Synchrony], they raised their guns straight into the swarm of people running towards them. Mutants, [Fearless Justice] made it almost impossible for the three knights to break through their defenses in a short period of time. They just met each other and picked off the two mutants at the front. He smashed a path through the living dead and killed directly behind the scattered mutants. In the process, he smashed two heads and penetrated three hearts. Of course, for mutants, the heart It's not a hindrance if it's gone, but even so, others can still see the power of this first round, which is the strongest round of knight's charge!

Immediately afterwards, a fireball surrounded by several red flames slammed into the center of the three mutants, and exploded in the next second. The violent impact burst out with flames, and the one who bore the brunt of it burst out. The mutant was directly roasted into a piece of charcoal and flew out. The other two were also collapsed several meters away. They struggled for a while before getting up from the ground, with bright red flames still burning on their bodies.

"The fire blast is beautiful! Be careful not to blow me up!"

An elf thief dual-wielding daggers winked at Gamba Butterfly, the female lizard player with delicate features, and then passed by her like a gust of wind, smashing one of the mutants directly with the hilt of his sword. Then he took out an iron rod from nowhere and hit the back of the other mutant's head hard, knocking it over.

"How can a sap still be used like this!?"

Another mage player standing next to Gamba Butterfly muttered in shock, and then before several other melee professionals could rush forward, he swung a [Lightning Lightning Whip] with a wide splash range, knocking out several of them. The mutant who was closer knocked him to the ground, and then used an instant [Paralyzing Touch] to immobilize one of them, and laughed loudly: "It's so exciting!"

"Be careful, kid! You almost shocked me!" An ogre warrior who was almost affected by [Paralyzing Touch] turned around and yelled in a bad tone, and then swung the big wooden stake in his hand hard He knocked down two mutants and rushed into the enemy group with a roar. The two-meter-tall big man bumped left and right among the mutants. He roared dully while playing with the wooden stake in his hand: "Tower" Taka will crush you!"

The mage player who is good at lightning magic swallowed his saliva with lingering fear, turned to Gamba Die and asked in a low voice: "Cousin, do you think that guy won't start beating his own people after killing him?"

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will beat you up!" The beautiful lizard girl glared at her distant cousin, then raised her staff and summoned an elemental hand burning with rolling flames to slap the two mutants. Go and shout in a low voice: "Also, don't discharge the electricity casually! It's easy to accidentally injure your own people!"

His cousin rubbed his nose nonchalantly and threw a fireball the size of an apple into the distance. It had little effect and was kicked in the butt by Gamba Butterfly.

However, just as Mo Tan expected, this ten-man team was completely unfazed when faced with twice the number of mutants. Those living dead who had no brains but only scratched and bited were beaten from beginning to end. Suppressed, the second charge of the three paladins directly harvested four or five heads. The Gambadie siblings and another dwarf summoner squandered their magic power unscrupulously. Fire, frost, and thunder raged above the heads of the mutants. Only aberrant beasts with curious shapes guarded the outer defense line together with the melee professionals. In less than ten minutes, the number of those monsters was reduced by half, and almost all of the remaining ones were injured, but in view of The injuries did not have much impact on these living dead. Gambadie felt that it would take at least a while to wipe out all these things, but victory was already a certainty!

[The contribution this time should be indispensable. There are a total of twenty mutants. Hey, hey, I must reward you with more money. I have been craving for that slimming robe in the city for a long time~]

Gamba Butterfly thought happily as he set up a wall of fire not far away, stopping the two mutants who tried to attack the ogre warrior. Then he heard a howl like a killing chicken, and then I saw the elf thief wandering on the edge of the battlefield jumping back like a rabbit, shouting with a pale face: "Everyone, be careful! There are monsters! Big monsters!! Several more monsters were killed in the forest, including A very big, very big, very ugly, very smelly one, millions of little ones... ugh!!!"


Gambadie subconsciously kicked away the elf boy who was kneeling next to him and retching. He reacted for two seconds before asking in hindsight: "What did you say?"

"Girl, you are very powerful with your feet." The elf thief covered his chest and coughed twice, then hurriedly pointed in the direction from which the mutants came: "I said, there is a tougher one coming over there!"

【More ruthless? Trouble! 】

Gamba Butterfly immediately summoned an arcane eye above her head, quickly completed the vision sharing, and looked in the direction pointed by the thief. The originally light red scales on her cheeks suddenly turned white, but the girl's mentality Her quality was not bad. She tried her best to suppress her extremely strong feeling of vomiting. She immediately tore open a loudspeaker scroll brought from the Sprout City Magician Guild and shouted loudly to the people who were fighting the mutants in front: "Everyone Get back quickly! A monster that looks super strong is coming this way!"


"Where is the monster?!"

"Didn't you see people using arcane eyes? Don't worry about it, just retreat first!"

"oh oh!"

"Tata Ka wants to continue smashing!"

In the chaos, several melee professionals who had been in front quickly retreated, and the three Paladins of the Justice Sect also worked together to kill a mutant and then rode back to the front of the team. , the middle-aged knight headed by them turned around and asked while dealing with the few remaining mutants: "What happened? Miss Butterfly?"

"Over there, there are a few more monsters!" Gambadie pointed with a pale face in the direction where the thief escaped. The arcane eye above her head rotated gurglingly. The girl subconsciously took half a step back, trembling. The voice said: "One of them is particularly scary and bloody, and he is holding an even more bloody weapon. Woo! It's coming, it's coming!"

"Calm down, Miss Butterfly!" The Paladin comforted her in a deep voice, and while cooperating with the ogre Tataka to fight off a certain mutant, he asked: "How many new monsters are there?"

Gamba Butterfly blinked his eyes that shared the same perspective as the Arcane Eyes, and replied with a bitter look on his face: "Three of them, including the particularly scary one!"

"Okay, everyone listen to me!"

The just knight waved his hand and motioned for his companions to step back to both sides. Then he gave up his position to the elf thief who had just recovered, and said loudly: "A new enemy will appear soon. He is proficient in melee combat." The top is here to protect the others, Miss Die, you three casters will help restrain the other two ordinary monsters for a while, and the remaining big one will be left to us to kill!"



"come on!"

"Okay, okay... yuck!"

Everyone agreed with a roar, and then...

Two low roars came from not far away, followed by the crisp sound of a bunch of branches being broken. A few seconds later, two ragged, ordinary, half-dead mutants and a huge, burly and radiant mutant appeared. A dark red figure with a stench appeared in the sight of all members of the 17th Team of the Joint Forces!

The air seemed to freeze at this moment!

One year...or tenth of a second later, a harsh sound of retching broke the silence. The elf thief just lay down again. If Gamba Butterfly's cousin hadn't swung a bolt of lightning and knocked away the elf thief in front of him. Mutant, that sissy thief must at least be disabled at the second level!

But everyone understands him...

After all, that huge 'monster' is so disgusting! It was covered with a layer of foul-smelling red and black blood, and seven or eight circles of intestines that came out of nowhere were coiled naked around the waist. There were also deformed bones that looked like hyperplasia on both sides of the shoulders. At first glance, It's as if the ribs were removed and stuck next to the neck, and there are dark red rays of light flowing on the body like blood along some evil trajectory...

Coupled with the huge, grotesque, curious, and blood-stained weapon in his hand, it was an extremely ferocious weapon that shocked everyone almost the moment it appeared!

The next second, the 'monster' seemed to raise his hand a little sluggishly, and uttered a low voice: "Wo..."

Then the two mutants next to him roared and rushed towards everyone!

"My Lord! That monster can command low-level monsters!"

The well-informed middle-aged knight shouted loudly, making everyone come back to their senses after being startled. Then he shouted loudly: "Act as planned!"

【Rock seal】

【Paralyzing Touch】

[Force the minions]

The Gambadie siblings immediately used their long-prepared control skills, and the dwarf summoner also summoned a skinny humanoid monster from the air and pounced on it, blocking the two ordinary mutants. Halfway there!

At the same time, the three Paladins of the Justice Sect have entered a state of synchronization again. The hazy white light flows in the lances, armors and horses, and then gradually turns into bright red!

They flew past the two mutants, targeting the huge monster!

Number of people: three to one, meeting the conditions for group fights!

The effect is triggered——[Ruthless Justice]! !

"Partners, in the name of the God of Justice..."

The middle-aged paladin roared angrily, stood up and rushed towards the huge high-level monster, his expression solemn and solemn...

"Go together!!!"

Chapter 296: End

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