Quadruple split

Chapter 317 Before Dawn

【A clan that maintains balance...】

Dark clouds obscured the reddish moonlight.

[If the ultimate goal is to destroy me, I have to praise them for finding the right direction...]

The howling cold wind outside the house also disappeared without realizing it.

[Although I am in the tribunal, the impact on the surrounding environment still exists, and the hostility that wants to drown me still exists. If this is the case, there will inevitably be confusion during the identity verification process. Maybe it is a good opportunity...]

The empty eyes under the mask gradually regained their 'spirit'. No light shone from them, but they 'collapsed' into a pitch-black desolation, just like the ink marks that could easily obliterate all colors.

[Leaving Tianzhu Mountain, a stupid but wise decision, a keen intuition to a certain extent will make people hate it, even though I also have this intuition...]

Pick up a letter at hand and burn it; pick up the second letter, write a reply in neat cursive handwriting, send a boring, useless and meaningless greeting, and put it on the other side; pick up the third letter , glanced at the names with red lines on them, burned them out, wrote a few new names on another piece of paper without thinking, and put them aside; picked up the fourth letter and burned them out.

[Is this a phenomenon? Although strictly speaking it is not wrong, it is still flattering...]

Wearing a black noble robe, the Sin Lord lazily leaned on the chair, staring at the swaying black flames at his fingertips, constantly transforming them into various twisted and weird shapes, and after a long while, he sketched them contemptuously. The corner of his mouth: "Is this the so-called law controller? It is really a superficial profession that lacks technical content..."

The next moment, the cold black flames turned into fiery ice crystals, and scattered into several dark purple electric lights before the violent blood-red light inside burst out, and finally intertwined into a single 'element puppet' made of black gravel. Kneel down in front of the sin lord.

"Attack me."

Mo stood up and calmly ordered the puppet in front of him: "Until death."

The loyal elemental creature stood up, and a red light suddenly flashed through its two empty 'pupils'. Then he swung his arm like a battering ram and smashed it down towards the 'master', and a scorching flame rose. Rising up, surrounding the iron fist that seemed to be made of steel, a sudden burst of terrifying heat appeared two centimeters in front of Mo's chest, and then...

He was pinned in mid-air by a black crystal with an area no larger than a palm, unable to move forward.

The elemental puppet roared silently, raised his left fist, and turned into debris in half a second.

"Is the first thing you do after going online is to demolish your home?"

There was a trace of helplessness in the cold voice. The dark elf girl quietly appeared behind the collapsed elemental puppet. She sheathed the long sword [Lonely Return] with her backhand, then stepped forward and leaned over to light up the sword in front of Mo. A magic crystal lamp, staring at the 'wick' that seemed to have poor contact for a long time, and frowned his delicate eyebrows: "This thing is broken."

"In fact, if you hadn't stopped it from 'destroying the house' just now..."

Mo sat back on the chair and waved his hand to 'evaporate' the pile of debris on the ground into the air: "There won't even be this bit of rubbish on the ground."

Ji Xiaodao snorted noncommittally, and a cluster of firelight condensed in the center of the study, bringing some brightness and warmth to this cold room like an ice cellar, and then suddenly came without any end. He said: "I was sending a message to my sister just now..."

"If you feel guilty for not appearing here in the first place, then there is no need to do so." Mo turned off the magic crystal lamp in front of him that was struggling desperately to release its light, and glanced at Ji Xiaodao lightly: " That just makes me happy.”

"you think too much."

The girl turned away indifferently, leaned against the bookshelf on the wall and said in a deep voice: "My sister received a gift from a man and chatted with him all night long."

"When you have time, go check out the place 'Annest'." Mo took out a dark red gem to replace the wick of the magic crystal lamp, and said softly: "There is no such place in the current Innocence Continent. You can Start investigating directly from a hundred years ago, and the sooner you act, the better.”

"I see."

The girl nodded slightly, and then continued to complain in her cold and flat voice: "And that man's name has the same pronunciation as yours, but he is silent. Is it true that people with this name are not good people? "

Mo seemed to have not heard anything at all and just continued: "Send someone to put a little pressure on Count Peyaro. You don't have to go there in person this time. Let him speed up the screening process and make Troon's period more suspicious as soon as possible." 'It took me a long time to find out the list of outsiders, and it took so long to find more than 20 refugees. If this continues, I will have no choice but to find someone else to cooperate with."

"That person has worked hard enough, but the area you drew is too large, and it is difficult for anyone to find him, but I will send someone to inform him." Ji Xiaodao shook his head, pursed his lips and said, "My sister is very She’s beautiful, but I’ve been surrounded by a lot of flies and mosquitoes without eyes since I was little. I didn’t expect it to be like this in the game, it’s really annoying.”

Mo slowly closed his eyes and said calmly: "Ask Butler Liszt and the others to set off after dawn. Let the desperadoes start at noon today and kill them all except Liszt. You can deal with them directly when you go to pay the balance. .”

Ji Xiaodao sneered: "How can you trust me when dealing with a total of thirty mid-level professionals and four master assassins... ugh!"

Before she could finish her words, she saw the air in front of her trembling like water waves, and then a humanoid creature covered in black bandages slowly emerged. He...or 'it' was two meters tall. About 30 feet away, there was a pair of deformed arms that were almost vertical to the ground. Two huge half-moon blades were clasped upside down on the wrists. There was a guillotine hanging on the back that didn't look like it could be used for direct combat. He stood motionless like this. In front of Ji Xiaodao.

Despite having an extremely curious shape and weapon, the girl was surprised to find that the other party had no breath at all. Not only that, there was no smell, temperature, or shadow. She could definitely conclude that if she closed her eyes now, she would never be able to detect it. There was such a twisted, grotesque, gloomy, and terrifying existence in front of me.

"It's called Yinyu, and it will follow you from now on." Mo pointed at the thing that didn't know whether it could still be called a human, and glanced at Ji Xiaodao expressionlessly: "Slightly more complicated commands can also be understood. If you go offline, it will stay there and wait, but it's best not to rely too much on Jealousy. If you make yourself even more useless because of its existence, I don't know if I will order it to kill you. "

Ji Xiaodao didn't seem to take the former's threat seriously at all. He just raised his eyebrows, looked at Yin Ji with a half-smile, and then slightly raised the corners of his mouth: "Very good, now go wait for me outside."

【hidden jealousy】

summon creature

HP: 100/100

Physical fitness value: 9000/9000

Sensitivity: 9000/9000


Silence: The stealth level is always level 9

Cowardice: Confusion, rejection, and dancing will not break the invisibility state.

Soulless: Resistance to all detection spells is always 60%.

Wuxin: It exists for an unlimited time and cannot be re-summoned in any way after death.

Escape: Can act alone without the summoner, and can accept more complex commands.

Silence: no smell, no sound, no breathing, no body temperature, no heartbeat, no shadow


Haste: Pay 500 points of physical energy to forcefully enter the hidden state, and remove all slowing and immobilizing effects. The cooling time is 5 minutes.

Overwhelmed: Spend 2000 points of acuity, perform a chokehold on all enemy units within a radius of ten meters within 3 seconds, and randomly grant a 5-10s silence effect with a 5-minute cooling time.

Repulsion: Pay 100 points of physical energy to perform a heavy cut in half that ignores 90% of the armor on the designated target. The cooldown time is 20 seconds.

Dance: Pay 1000 points of physical energy to slash all targets in the designated area a total of 20 times within 10 seconds. The cooldown time is 9 minutes.

Resentment: Spend 90% of the current stamina and 75% of the current acuity, and use the guillotine to perform a neck-breaking strike on the designated target. If the skill successfully hits and causes damage greater than 45% of the target's current health, it will be 100% triggered and will die. , cooling time 600 minutes.

[Note: I humbly left her side and huddled in the corner in silence. Loyalty left and never came back, Loyalty fell to the ground and turned into a corpse. Wandering cowardly outside the field of vision, cowardly covering up their existence. Kill the person who confesses, kill the rude person, kill the person close to you, kill the person passing by, rain swish, blood swish, bright red tears water the bright red flowers... rain swish, swish, Blood swish, the jealous me buries the fickle her...]

The above is the specific panel of Yin Ji. Mo had already sent this information to Ji Xiaodao when he made it appear.

After the hidden jealousy disappeared again, Ji Xiaodao looked back at Mo, who was pretending to be asleep, and shrugged: "Can I understand that you sent me a bodyguard?"

"You're too weak, that's all."

Mo replied coldly.

"I've always been curious." The dark elf girl turned around and walked to the small round table in the corner of the study. While making coffee skillfully, she asked: "You are also a player, why are you so strong when you do nothing all day long?"

"Okay, I asked knowingly." Ji Xiaodao casually put a cup of steaming coffee in front of Mo and said leisurely: "Jiawen contacted me when you were away. Those Marshall family members are not too bad." Silly, it seems that most of the crucial evidence has been hidden under her reminder. In this way, no matter how thoughtful the other party was before, it will be difficult to make substantial progress in the future. Oh, by the way, she also Made two hundred and thirty thousand gold coins from Buffy Marshall.”

Ji Xiaodao also knows a lot about Violet's side. After all, she is responsible for communicating with Gawen in most cases, so she knows very well that when such key evidence is completely buried, the person who accuses the Marshall family The Fire Claw Territory has now lost. Although the girl doesn't understand how Mo knows what's going on there, and she can't understand why he, who is far away in Chauvin, would let Gawen go there to stir things up, this does not prevent her from making a decision. The Marshall family is completely out of danger' judgment.

But Mo just nodded slightly: "Let Gawen stay there and continue to wait and see the situation. The original plan remains unchanged. We must protect the Marshall family as much as possible until the victory or defeat is determined."

"Is this necessary?" Ji Xiaodao summoned a wisp of blue flames out of thin air and floated next to the cup. He leaned on the table and turned to Mo and asked: "Without any key evidence, the background is better than the fire claw." How could the Marshall family, whose salary is several times richer, lose, even if Gawen is allowed to stay there..."

"Gawen may not win."

Mo slowly opened his eyes and said calmly to the dark elf girl in front of him: "But I won't tell her anything anymore. The test has just begun, although she has already passed."

Ji Xiaodao folded his slender legs gracefully, and while wiping his long sword, he asked without looking back: "In that case, why did you let her stay over there? Is it the one on the other side of the continent? How can a dirty family help you?"

"No." Mo shook his head and replied calmly: "I just need to get a conclusion."

Ji Xiaodao finally couldn't help but turned around and asked, "What do you mean?"

Mo did not pay attention to her anymore.

five minutes later……

"I'm going to visit a few people in person tomorrow. The list has been sent to you. Go and say hello in advance." Mo still maintained his sleepy posture and suddenly said this to Ji Xiaodao before the server was shut down.

The latter nodded: "I understand, but why do you want to 'chat' with those guys? Wouldn't it be better to just use the skill that can directly control Garros and Galahad?"

“No matter how useful a tool is, it’s just a tool.”

This time, Mo Tan did not ignore the girl's question, and said softly: "Even if you can use or even abuse it casually, over-reliance will make people dull, confused, and numb, and then they will be doomed without consciousness. Now the chauvinism has already Sensitive enough, since I can achieve my goals while controlling variables, I naturally won't take those stupid risks..."

The girl shook her head: "If you want to answer, just answer more straightforwardly."

"Why do you think I asked Count Peyaro, who is in charge of the gates on both sides of the city, to help collect information about recent outsiders?"

"You mean...the one behind Faraosis..."

"That's right, you can leave now." Mo casually snapped his fingers, and after the flame summoned by Ji Xiaodao burst suddenly, he turned on the magic crystal lamp in front of him again, hiding himself in a dim scarlet In the dim light: "You still have a lot to do."

Game time AM09:37

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]

"Can't wait, baby~"

[Reconnection begins...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome to the innocent continent, chaotic and neutral Tan Mo, I wish you a good night]

Chapter 314: End

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