Quadruple split

Chapter 318 Salia’s Story

"Tianzhu Mountain... revelation... light and shadow... breaking the balance... the world is sinking..."

Standing by the canal in the old city, Mo Tan was trembling nervously. After a while, he smiled with excitement and joy: "It's so damn fun, haha, hahahahaha!! "


He laughed unbridled and happily opened his arms and threw himself into the river. At this time, there were not many people who had the leisure to wander around. Otherwise, the topic of 'the bard who threw himself into the river angrily because of the embarrassment of life' It's hard to guarantee that it won't become a new topic for people to talk about after dinner during this period, and eventually it will be spread into a topic like "the five-year-old boy Wen can recite poems and write poems, and Wu can fish in the river". God knows how it was derived.

ten minutes later

Liuli Pavilion, Room 17 on the top floor

"Why are you so wet?"

Salia, the blood seeker lady who is currently known as Remilia, glanced at Mo Tan in surprise, then turned around and walked to the big wardrobe in the front hall, took out a white robe from it and threw it over: " Put it on first. With your physical condition, you can easily catch a cold. It's really...it's so cold now. Don't tell me that you accidentally fell into the water. Hey! Don't take off your pants in front of me. ah!!"

The red-faced Ms. Blood Seeker fiercely threw out a ball of red light that was almost harmless, knocking Mo Tan, who had just untied his belt, to stagger, glared at him angrily, then turned around and ran to the spacious room. Went in the bright living room.

"Haha, sorry, sorry." Mo Tan yelled into the room with a playful smile while changing clothes: "I thought you weren't interested in my figure!"

Remilia's embarrassed voice came from the sofa: "I'm not interested in the first place!!"

"Okay, okay, we'll just pretend you're not interested." Mo Tan, who had changed into a dry robe, strolled into the front hall, smiled and sat down next to Remilia lying on the sofa, and gently twisted her back A strand of long hair of the author: "It seems you are in a good mood today~"

Remilia buried her head in the cushion and groaned: "I was in a good mood before you came."

"Really?" Mo Tan smiled noncommittally, took out a very worthless-looking wooden comb from his luggage, and shrugged while combing the other person's lightly scented hair with skillful techniques. : "I thought you started to feel better after seeing me."

Remilia shook her head slightly, but did not show any obvious resistance to the former's overly intimate behavior. She just muttered in a voice that was two degrees lower than before: "You think beautifully."

"I've been quite busy these days. Well, it's mainly about the subject matter of new stories. You know you can't stop the inspiration of being a poet~"

Mo Tan explained while playing with the other person's hair, and finally added: "Of course it's also necessary to hang out with some old and new friends. The men are in the tavern and the women are in the room."


Remilia slapped the comb out of Mo Tan's hand, lifted up her slender, smooth and long jade legs wrapped in black stockings, and kicked Mo Tan out: "Get out! "

"It is said that a woman can fall out of love faster than she can read a book." Mo Tan got up from the ground in embarrassment, blew the non-existent dust on the comb, and smiled at the other party: "I'm afraid you have already mastered e-books. Have you reached the realm?"

Remilia curled her lips and said, "I just think you are too mean. Also, what is an e-book?"


Mo Tan made some nonsense, and then sat back down next to the former in a very shameless manner. After he tried to put his arm around Remilia's shoulders but was slapped and his arm was swollen, he raised his eyebrows and said: "We have grown quite long together. Is it time?"

"If you mean 'traveling' together..."

Remilia, who was curled up on the sofa with her knees in her arms, frowned and glanced at Mo Tan in a warning tone: "So be it."

Mo Tan smiled: "Then when are you going to tell me your secret frankly?"

Remilia just frowned and looked at him without speaking.

"I feel that through this period of time together, I have proven that I am a trustworthy gentleman." Mo Tan winked and chuckled: "And you should also know that the person in front of you is speaking from the bottom of his heart. I want to help you, even if I am just a poet, I am also a poet with connections, brains, gold coins and a very handsome poet."

Remilia lowered her head and played with her nails: "Why?"

Mo Tan scratched his hair in embarrassment: "I don't know, good looks should be something you are born with."

"I really don't know how I've tolerated you until now." Remilia sighed. Although she didn't understand the meaning of the word 'good looks' right away, it wasn't hard to imagine that Mo Tan was talking about something casual. , after a moment of silence, he turned to him and said seriously: "I'm asking you, why do you want to help me, a person who is not a relative and will obviously bring you a lot of trouble."

"Maybe it's because I like trouble~"

Mo Tan showed a smile with zero information, and stared closely at the pretty face full of seriousness with his light green eyes that were so clear that no emotion could be read from them: "Maybe it's because I like you~"

Remilia turned away angrily: "You still want me to believe you like this?"

"Of course." Mo Tan nodded very naturally, wagging his finger and smiling: "You have to know, my dear, being dishonest does not mean lying, and lying does not mean having ulterior motives. Even if there are ulterior motives, it does not necessarily mean that you are untrustworthy. .”

Remilia rolled her eyes: "Nonsense, sophistry, nonsense, but..."

Mo Tan answered quickly and uncharacteristically: "But what?"

"But without you, I might have died a long time ago." Remilia sighed softly, burying her cheek in her snow-white arms: "To be honest, I am still a little scared..."

Mo Tan chuckled: "You are well fed, well clothed and well housed now, what else is there to be afraid of?"

Remilia gritted her teeth and glared at Mo Tan: "Can't you say something other than nonsense!"

"Okay." Mo Tan nodded without thinking, and then said quickly: "There are only a few things that can make you afraid. The first is those guys who are chasing you. Although during this period, Sarah Moon lives a very stable life, but this is only temporary stability after all. Maybe those people are waiting for you to leave this place, maybe they are planning other plans, maybe they just haven't found this place yet, in short, based on your reaction, Those pursuers will obviously not give up so easily, either because of your identity, because of what good things you have, or both~"

Remilia looked at Mo Tan blankly: "You..."

"The second point is, of course, I am the person who has been helping and accompanying you from Huguang City to Salamun." Mo Tan shamelessly reached out and touched the other party's ankle, and gave the latter a thrill. Subconsciously, she changed from sitting with her knees in her arms to sitting upright, then leaned back directly, resting her head on Remilia's thigh, staring at the other person's pretty face that was heating up rapidly, and said with a smile: "Even though I helped you escape from danger. , even though I brought you to Salamoen, lived in the best place, wore the best clothes, and spent a lot of money to buy fresh blood plasma for you from the black market every now and then, but, haha, let me guess, you are I don’t see any definite future, and combined with the first point, there are too many ‘unknowns’, so you are afraid, right?”

Miss Bloodseeker's face was a little pale. After a while, she lowered her head and looked directly at Mo Tan, who was enjoying her 'lap pillow', and showed an unprecedented weak smile: "Maybe, as you said, I have never been The day you left Huguang City, I unconsciously started to rely on you, but you... always make me unable to see through..."

"So I think you can share your secret with me~"

Mo Tantian shamelessly rubbed the other person's elastic thighs and smiled: "This will make it easier for you, and I will also make some promises that may or may not be true, depending on the situation."

Remilia was silent for a long time, and finally nodded and whispered: "Okay, actually, I have considered not confessing to you many times before..."

She stared at Mo Tan's slightly focused, slightly evil eyes, and recounted her life experience.

Thalia Kevos was born into a family of blood seekers in the Free City. She was not an ordinary human girl developed into an 'offline' by other blood seekers through blood embrace, but a girl with three-quarters of human blood. A natural blood seeker with a quarter of half-orc blood, and Thalia's father is the patriarch of the Kaivos family - Earl Fezeren Kaivos. This count title is said to have been passed down from a noble ancestor. Although it is no longer known, every patriarch of the Kaivos family will inherit this title until now.

The Kaivos family is not small, otherwise it would not have been able to stand for hundreds of years in a place like the Free City, where there are many powerful people, complex, weak and strong predators. And precisely because the Free City is such a place, Kaivos The Si family is definitely not famous there, and the only properties under their name are a manor in the Nightless District of the Free City and two ordinary enchanting workshops. But even so, this blood-seeking family with hundreds of years of heritage is The family is quite well-established. Not to mention anything else, if Salia wanted something when she was a child, as long as it was not too excessive, in most cases it would appear on her toy that night or the next day. In this period, the only daughter of the patriarch has been doted on by the entire family since she was a child. Apart from Salia's parents, the one who loves her the most is Uncle Creb. , besides her mother, the person who most often accompanies Salia is Crebo Keyvos, who is responsible for most of the family's internal affairs.

He is also a blood seeker, but he does not have the innate aristocratic style. He is big, square-faced, and always wears casual clothes. He is more like a cook, gardener or blacksmith. He loves drinking, and He has a good voice, is kind to others, is honest and friendly, and is fast-paced in his work. He is highly trusted by his tribe and brothers.

Then... everyone must have vaguely guessed something when they saw this...

That's right, just three months ago, this uncle who was always so kind and enthusiastic in Salia's impression, and who would always take time to chat with her no matter how busy he was, was not too dark and not windy in a certain month. Ye Nen killed her biological father and mother, and immediately took the position with the support of 60% of the clansmen who had secretly lined up at some point.

Salia, on the other hand, took advantage of the chaos and escaped from the manor under the protection of several clan members, and ran away with the [original blood crystal] that only each generation of clan leaders was qualified to inherit...

As a blood seeker who was about the same age as Mo Tan but grew up in a greenhouse, Shalia's escape was very difficult. Without ready-made blood to drink and unwilling to harm innocent people, Salia had to escape. When she was most hungry, she could only rely on Nikaqiu's blood to sustain her life. She was penniless, unaccompanied, had no way forward, and was pursued by soldiers. If she were not a blood seeker, she would not need to eat regularly like most humans. , if Shalia hadn't been quite talented, and if she hadn't met Mo Tan in the most desperate situation, she might have been captured and taken back to the Free City or simply died in Huguang City.

"I don't know why my uncle did that."

Salia clenched her fists tightly. The cold and mature shell before had all faded away. Anger, grief and more confusion were intertwined in her eyes. She gently fiddled with a bunch of hair in front of Mo Tan's forehead. He said in a daze: "But no matter what, I will not let him get what he wants. My uncle wants to get the original blood crystal, so I will take it away. If my uncle wants to kill me, I will survive by any means. This is my story. …”


Mo Tan yawned, resting on Salia's thigh and stretched out comfortably: "It's quite vulgar."

Then he flew out sideways...

Salia put down her fist, her eyes a little red.

"Are you feeling better after venting?"

Mo Tan spent a long time before he got up from the ground, covered his neck and lay down on Salia's lap again. Under the latter's shocked look of "Why are you so shameless?" he smiled and said: "I Got it, wait until I finish my work here, and then I will accompany you to the Free City."


The palm that Salia just raised stopped in mid-air, and she looked at Mo Tan in disbelief: "Why?"

Mo Tan thought about it very seriously, then stretched out his hand to touch Salia's thigh, and said in a deep voice: "Knee pillow in return."

"Pfft~" Salia finally couldn't help but laugh. She laughed for a long time, until her eyes were filled with tears. It wasn't until her laughter started to contain a hint of crying that she forced herself to calm down. He shook his head at Mo Tan and said, "As expected, I still can't see through you..."

The latter blinked: "It's not important, but should we talk about business?"

"What... business?"

"Yes, haven't I been telling you before? Share your secret with me."

"Didn't I already..."

"Oh, that's not really what I wanted to ask about."


"What I want to ask is, regarding your two completely different mental states... what is going on?"

Chapter 315: End

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