Quadruple split

Chapter 341 Anthony wants to...

The scene was very embarrassing for a time.


Ji Xiaoge pursed his lips hesitantly, lightly touched Mo Tan with his shoulder, and asked in a low voice: "What is the specific content of the mission we took on this time?"

"Go to the north of Anka Market and search for the harpy nest near Maluga Lindau. Rescue the alchemist apprentice who is said to have a beautiful face before he suffers something tragic. If the situation is urgent, you can pay the plunderers. All kinds of force."

Mo Tan recited the contents of mission 54250 without expression, then half-knelt on the ground and carefully observed the mysterious woman who fell from the sky in front of him, and quickly came to a conclusion: "But this lady who asked us for help is obviously Is it a harpy?"

Huge wings, sharp claws that replaced the feet below the calves, wheat-colored skin, clothes with very little fabric, slender figure, somewhat sharp cheeks that did not affect the appearance, and the 'eagle body' that Jadekar had given before The details of Banshee's appearance are almost identical.

Except for one thing, this young lady's wings are not simply brown or black, but two colors occupy about half of the area respectively.

Ji Xiaoge also obviously noticed this and murmured with some confusion: "Is it a mutation?"


But Yaya shook his head quickly, wrinkled his little nose and pointed at the black part on the opponent's wings, and said seriously: "It's because he was scorched."

Ji Xiaoge: "..."

As if worried that the former wouldn't understand, Yaya struggled to explain: "Fire, Wang is burnt! Wang can smell it!"

"We understand, Yaya."

Jadeka smacked his lips in confusion, and then carefully raised the staff... then put down the staff in a panic under the horrified gazes of several people, stretched out his left hand flatly, summoned a stream of water mist, and howled twice at the man. The harpy who fell into a coma waved away: "But why did the kidnapper in the intelligence fall from the sky crying for help..."

No one knew the answer to the question, so they had to gather around the harpy who suffered a barbecue and a plane crash and wait for her to wake up.

The latter did not let the four of them wait for too long. Stimulated by the water mist, the pale-faced supplicant quickly woke up, and the moment he opened his eyes, he burst out with a very sharp voice: "Don't leave." Eat me! Please don’t eat me!!”


Yaya, who had excellent hearing, immediately covered his ears in pain under this 'sonic attack'. The whole dog staggered and fell at Motan's feet, grinning and glaring at the frightened Harpy.

"Please calm down, ma'am, no one here is trying to eat you."

Mo Tan said in his unique voice that could make people feel reassured and calm: "We are a team of adventurers who came here from Anka Market to perform a mission. Can you explain the situation a little bit?"

Because he still didn't know the position of the harpy in front of him, Mo Tan's tone was very gentle and polite, without any hint of aggression.

"An...an adventurer from Anka Market?"

The harpy first breathed a sigh of relief at the other party's gentle comfort, and then burst out with a sharper shout: "Are you also an adventurer from Anka Market!?"

Yaya let out a low growl, tremblingly arched his body and threatened: "If the dog barks again, the dog will bite you!!"

The other three people looked at each other, and invariably thought of the 'disaster' that Miss Chris mentioned before. Although they didn't know the specific situation, they always felt that the latter seemed to have done something terrible.

"Don't be nervous, we don't mean any harm! Well, at least until we figure out the specific situation, we don't mean any harm." Ji Xiaoge quickly covered the other person's mouth, and reached out to the Harpy who had already started to slap her. The wings clicked somewhere.

The latter shivered suddenly, and the wings that were about to fly suddenly dropped limply.

Ji Xiaoge, who is also from the Winged Clan, clapped her hands with a smile: "Wow, it turns out you have a sensitive part here too!"

"You...what do you do?"

The other party looked steadily at Mo Tan and others in shock, probably because this team composed of a cute animal-eared girl, a winged girl, a white-bearded old man, and a kind brother felt relatively harmless to humans and animals (heavy fog) Because of this, the harpy finally calmed down: "Why do you want to catch me?"

"We didn't catch you, you fell down by yourself."

Mo Tan sighed and shrugged: "The purpose of our coming here is to rescue a young man. He is an apprentice of the Alchemist Association of Anka Market. Not long ago, he was kidnapped by a group of harpies when he came out to collect experimental materials. Yeah, I don’t know if you’ve heard of this.”

As soon as she finished speaking, the harpy's face immediately turned from pale to livid, and then she muttered angrily: "Sure enough, because of this, I knew it would definitely cause a big mess, and those damn girls just wouldn't listen. , I just don’t listen! It’s okay to be crazy normally, but now I’m still..."


Jadeka coughed slightly and interrupted her soliloquy. He leaned down and asked in a deep voice: "It seems that you do know something. Can you tell us as soon as possible?"

"I, I know, ahem, so quickly move your smoking log away!"

The harpy who was choked so hard that she couldn't open her eyes moved back, and then said to a few people with a bitter face: "My name is Lian Na, and I am one of the candidates for the next clan leader of the tribe. The one who caused trouble this time They are a few young sisters, and I just found out about it not long ago, so I would like to apologize to you all on their behalf."

When Ji Xiaoge heard that the other party was not the party involved in this incident and was so reasonable, his face immediately softened and he said gently: "Let's not talk about the apology for now. Anyway, can you tell us first..."

Plop! !

As a result, the young lady named Lian Na immediately knelt there, her red eyes flashing with tears, and she choked with sobs at the top of her lungs: "So please stop your companions and save those sisters! I'm begging you." !”

WTF? !

Mo Tan was immediately confused and asked quickly: "Our companion? You mean the one who came here before..."

"Yes! It's that rude monster!"

Lian Na nodded vigorously and said sadly: "When I learned that the sisters had made a mistake, I just found them and wanted those crazy girls to let them go. But while they were still arguing, that guy broke in, and then ...and then...wu, wuwu, wu, wu, wu, I was so scared, I almost couldn't get out, but...but a few sisters are still there, please, please go and save them quickly! The members of the clan The soldiers are all deep in the forest, it’s too late to call them now!!”

"lead the way."

Mo Tan stood up immediately, nodded to Lian Na and said, "You lead the way, and we'll talk as we walk."

It wasn't that he was not cautious enough, but he could feel that the anxiety and panic in the other person's tone was not fake. Moreover, Jadeka and Chris, who knew the harpies well, also said that they were generally gentle, especially in life. These harpy tribes in the Fey Wilderness (the Anka Market is located in the northern part of the Fey Wilderness) not only get along well with all races, but also have several caravans that maintain stable trading relationships with the Anka Market. It is said that they are still The Market Administration has a stable seat, which is one of the reasons why Chris doesn't want to make this matter too big. If it were a tribe of ogres or jackals that kidnapped one or two flower girl alchemists, If so, by now the Adventurer's Guild and the Alchemist's Guild would have organized a large number of experts to prepare for a head-on confrontation.

All in all, Mo Tan felt that the harpy named Lian Na in front of him was not lying, and then...

"Um, can you carry me?"

The latter opened his hands to Mo Tan with a reddish complexion, turned his head and whispered: "It seems that he injured his knee when he fell down just now."

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, and then he noticed the slightly red and swollen left knee of the opponent. Then he turned around and squatted down without thinking, nodded and said: "Okay, let's go as soon as possible."

"Well, thank you..."

Lian Na smiled sweetly, took a deep look at the half-dragon man in front of her, whom she had a strong liking for, and quickly put her hands on his generous shoulders, and then...

His body felt light and he was picked up by a wider arm.


Lian Na let out a confused cry.

"I'll do it." The old mage smiled slightly and put the former on his shoulders: "The armor on Mo's body is relatively hard, and I have a little strength, so it won't be good if I sting you."

Ji Xiaoge smiled and patted the old man on the back hard: "Well done, quite a gentleman."

Mo Tan also belatedly touched the heavy plate armor on his body, turned around apologetically and said to Miss Harpy on Jadeka's shoulder: "I'm sorry, I didn't think carefully. .”

"Ah, no...it's okay."

Lian Na curled her lips in frustration, and then nodded slightly to Jadeka: "Sorry to trouble you, let's set off quickly. First, go straight forward, turn left after reaching the cherry tree..."

ten minutes later

"We're here! That's it!"

Lian Na on the old mage's shoulder clenched her fists anxiously, pointed at a hole not far away and said loudly: "Just go in, we were blocked here before!"

Ji Xiaoge, flying at low altitude, landed gracefully in front of the cave entrance and said with some confusion: "I thought you guys usually live in trees..."

"It's true that we live in a tree. This is where a few sisters usually play. There's no danger nearby anyway, so we just let them go." Lina, who was put down by Jadeka, shook her head, and then Limping to Mo Tan: "Please!"

The latter nodded slightly and pulled out the epee from his back: "I'll go ahead, everyone will follow."

Bang! ! !

Before he finished speaking, a huge sound erupted from the entrance of the cave, accompanied by several sharp screams mixed with sobs. Yaya took half a step back with a pale face, and then decisively folded his lovely pair The animal ears turned on the 'silent mode', and nodded with an expression ready to sacrifice generously: "Woof is okay, woof!"

Mo Tan took a deep breath, and then rushed into the cave first.

Then I saw a very miserable scene...

In this cave with a total area of ​​less than thirty square meters, four or five slender figures were lying on the ground. They all had a pair of huge black wings, but judging from the burning smell that filled the cave, Maybe those 'black wings' were not completely black originally.

Obviously, these harpies spread out on the ground are Lina's sisters, and the tree elf man shivering in the corner should be the mission target. As for a certain person standing in the center of the grotto, The big guy holding a harpy with one hand and swinging it around must be the adventurer who was the first to receive the mission, whom Chris called the 'scourge'.

"It's so awesome..."

Ya Ya stared blankly at the burly figure and let out a meaningless sigh.

However, Jadeka seemed to understand the meaning of her words, and shook his head solemnly: "No, for an ogre, a height of two and a half meters is actually considered short."

"I don't know if 2.5 meters is considered short, but..."

Ji Xiaoge, who had excellent eyesight, subconsciously hid behind Mo Tan and asked in a low voice: "Is it normal for an ogre with two heads?"

"We will explain this later." Mo Tan interrupted Jadeka who was about to conduct a science popularization, and quickly summoned his own self-destructing sheep: "Before that, we have to save people first, everyone should be prepared. , let me see if I can negotiate with him, hey, that one..."

"Stop! Anthony! I told you to stop!"

As a result, Mo Tan's negotiation was interrupted. The other party was the head on the right side of the ogre's neck. He was glaring at the head on the left side of his neck and said loudly: "Did you hear that? We are here to save people." You are not a murderer, stop it!"

The expression on the head on the left, called Anthony, seemed a little tangled. He hesitated for several seconds before saying in a muffled voice: "Anthony, I didn't... didn't move my hands. I moved my... mouth."

"You can't even use your mouth. How many times have I told you, you can't attack others casually, let alone kill!"

"Anthony, I didn't kill, Anthony, I want to eat..."

"If you eat her, don't you kill her! As mentioned in the Infinite Life Sutra, loneliness, deaf-blindness, muteness, dementia, beggars, poverty, disease, disability, and short life are all the consequences of killing. If you want to be smart, healthy and live a long life, you can’t kill animals!”

"Anthony, I don't want to be smart or...thin, I just want to...eat..."

"can not eat!"


Motan/Jadeka/Ji Xiaoge: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

If they saw it correctly, the two heads of the ogre seemed to be quarreling...

No, strictly speaking, it can't be considered a quarrel, it's just that one is trying to persuade and the other is trying to ignore the persuasion.

"I'll tell you again, Anthony!"

The head that just seemed to have mentioned the "Infinite Life Sutra" said loudly: "Those hams, bacon, and pork chops that can't think and have no consciousness can be eaten, but living creatures with high intelligence cannot be eaten! Even these girls We tried to use violence against that pretty boy, but we cannot abuse lynching!"

"Things that are conscious...that can think...can't eat?"


"Oh, Anthony, I understand."

Then he saw the tall ogre swinging his arms and slamming the howling harpy to the ground.

Boom! ! !

The screams stopped suddenly, and the poor harpy fainted in the blink of an eye...

"Now, I'm unconscious and can't...think. It's delicious."

Anthony smiled innocently.

"That's not what I meant! Why do you only become smart at times like this, Hundan!"

"Want to eat..."

Chapter 338: End

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