Quadruple split

Chapter 342 The scene is chaotic

He...or maybe they didn't seem to notice Mo Tan and the others who were standing not far behind them, just minding their own erratic discussions.

To eat or not to eat, that is the question.

Because he was worried that he and others suddenly rushing out would break the current deadlock and make things worse, Mo Tan did not let everyone act rashly. He just moved a few steps behind the ogre as silently as possible. Step by step, secretly prepared to rescue people when the situation goes bad.

"Listen to me, Anthony, your thinking has gone astray, a big misunderstanding!"

A man with a sense of justice, or at least a basically normal outlook on life, said loudly: "The most regrettable thing in life is to give up easily what you shouldn't give up, and stubbornly insist on what you shouldn't insist on! You can never do it because of your own temporary insecurities. It is a big mistake made out of selfish desires, otherwise you will definitely regret it in the future."

Ji Xiaoge, who was walking quietly next to Mo Tan, frowned and asked the former in a low voice with some hesitation: "Why does this sentence sound so familiar to me?"

Mo Tan replied in the same imperceptible voice: "Plato said it."

"Oh, I know, I know!" Ji Xiaoge nodded vigorously and exclaimed with enthusiasm: "That's the great man who called on everyone to engage in homosexuality!"

[What are you calling for? 】

Mo Tan froze, and then he shook his head at the girl next to him with a miserable expression: "He has never called on everyone to engage in homosexuality. Platonic love refers to an ideal, body love and soul love. The unified state of desire has always been the ultimate pursuit of love based on the soul, rather than communication for the purpose of procreation..."

"I didn't understand, but you know a lot."

Ji Xiaoge praised without knowing it.

The corner of Mo Tan's mouth twitched, and then while observing the sluggish 'Anthony', he said casually: "Simply put, it is a spiritual love that ignores all external factors, including gender, so it is often misunderstood by people."

"Does that mean he's not against same-sex love?"

"That's right..."

"So you support homosexuality?"

"Hey, that's not what I meant..."

"Hehe, you're kidding, I'm not that stupid." Ji Xiaoge winked at Mo Tan playfully, and said with a smile: "It's just because you were a little too nervous that you couldn't help teasing, uh, it should be said that it was teasing. Just for a moment, right?”

The latter nodded awkwardly: "Understood."

"But if you put it that way, that guy should be a player, right?"

Seeing that Mo Tan's mood had calmed down, Ji Xiaoge also stopped talking nonsense and analyzed seriously: "But if they are players, why would they quarrel with themselves, two players?"

Mo Tan leaned down slightly and grabbed Ji Xiaoge's sleeves to stop the girl from moving forward. He whispered: "This distance should be the limit. Also, I don't think 'they' are two players. According to what Anthony just said, one player and one NPC is more likely."

"so amazing……"

"It's just a guess, hush!"

At this moment, Anthony, who was confused by what his other head said, finally woke up from his sluggish state. He turned to look at the other person with some trouble, and asked slowly and with great difficulty: "Anthony, what do you think?" Eat, Dabbs said, don’t give up, persist? So, eat?”

"It's the opposite! It's completely the opposite!"

Dabbs howled angrily and gritted his teeth: "I mean you will regret it if you insist on eating her now! Because that is incorrect, life is precious! You will definitely understand this in the future, Anthony, later You can regret or be happy about what happens next, just in a matter of seconds!"

"Anthony, I'm hungry. Life is precious, so no, I can't starve to death. Eat..."

Anthony's eyes sparkled with desire.

"You won't die if you don't eat now! Escort that man back quickly. After we finish the task, we can use the reward to buy a lot of food! I'll let you eat enough by then!"

Dabbs's big face, which was rough and arrogant but had a hint of intellectuality and elegance, was almost distorted.

"Eat enough?"

"Yes, eat enough!"

"Oh!" Anthony grinned, and then put the unconscious harpy into his mouth: "Eat enough!"


Dabbs' right fist hit Anthony's face hard: "Just stop it! How can a gentleman do such a thing to a lady, let alone she hasn't had time to make a mistake!"

"Gentleman? Anthony? No."

Anthony raised his left hand and scratched his hair, which was as thin as straw, and looked at Dabbs pitifully with a pair of dim yellow eyes: "Dabbs, gentleman, Anthony, no."

Dabbs, who had seized part of the control over his body, pressed his left wrist hard and looked at Anthony seriously: "Maybe you are not now, but under my training you will definitely become a qualified gentleman. Be obedient, Anthony, and so will you. Do you want to be a gentleman recognized by others? Gentlemen should not hurt women, no matter how hungry they are!"

Anthony was shaken...

Perhaps out of trust in his 'brother', or perhaps out of a desire to be recognized, he reluctantly put down the harpy in his hand, and his movements were unexpectedly gentle.

Dabus, Mo Tan and others breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Awesome, Anthony, you're awesome!"

Tears even overflowed from Dabbs's eyes, and he exclaimed in surprise: "I know that perseverance is useful. There are only useless teachers in this world, and there are no unenlightened students. That's it, Anthony, as long as you continue to be like If you are so obedient and sensible now, one day you will...what the hell are you going to do!"

Anthony didn't do anything. He just walked to the corner when Dabus sighed repeatedly, picked up the handsome alchemist who was already frightened and was about to be frightened, and said cheerfully: "Gentleman, no Hurts women, so, Anthony, eat him.”

The alchemist who was being carried upside down was stunned for half a second in front of Anthony's bloody mouth, and then the white trousers under his robe became visibly wet.

"Although you said five words in one breath without taking a breath, I still want to scold you, idiot!"

Dabbs hit Anthony angrily, and his whole head shook with anger: "That's not what I meant!"

"Anthony, I know."

Anthony nodded with understanding, then slapped the handsome incontinent boy in the face with a backhand slap (Dabbs lost control of his right hand again), knocking him out of breath: "Conscious , can think, cannot eat, now, can eat.”

Dabus, Mo Tan and others: "..."

Then they continued to argue while holding the dripping and unconscious handsome man by the two heads, while Mo Tan and others, who were reluctant to act rashly, continued to watch them argue.

Twenty minutes passed like this...

Suddenly, a series of sharp screams suddenly sounded outside the cave entrance. Soon after, a dozen harpies wearing feathered soft armor and holding ironwood spears rushed in from the outside like a whirlwind. They first glanced at Mo Tan and others who were standing with Lian Na, then at the sisters who were lying on the ground in various directions, and finally locked on Anthony Dabbs who turned around in shock (*2).

"It's the clan's Howling Wind Patrol, they're here!"

Lian Na perked up, and then whispered to Mo Tan excitedly: "He's saved!"

At the same time, the harpy with the most gorgeous feather headdress also spoke...

"Who hurt our sisters!"

Even though she said that, her eyes were still firmly fixed on the two big heads not far away. Because there were two targets, her eyes were almost cramping at the moment.

Before Anthony could speak, Dabbs shouted first: "Wait a minute, this is a misunderstanding, I can clear it up..."

"Then you just admit it!?"

The harpy, who looked like a squad leader, glanced sadly at her sisters who were lying on the ground (while relaxing her eyes), and then sternly said to the warriors behind her: "Conquer him!"

The next moment, more than a dozen blunt-headed spears roared and shot towards the ogre. It could be seen that these harpies were not ruthless. Mo Tan keenly discovered that most of their throwing targets were food. On the ground at the feet of the human demons, behind the spears there were rope-like vines connected to their waists. From visual inspection, they were intended to restrain the other party.

But the target ogre didn't know this, and no one noticed it.

Anthony, who was in control of his body, reacted very quickly... and started spinning in place, while Dabbs, who had gained control of an arm, stretched out his arm desperately to protect the incontinent boy who had passed out.

As a result, I got stabbed several times...

Stimulated by the severe pain (actually it didn't hurt much because of his rough skin and thick flesh), Anthony ran away. He screamed and rushed forward, waving the 'weapons' in his hands desperately to drive away the ill-intentioned uninvited guests.

While Dabbs was loudly explaining to the harpies and scolding Anthony, he was trying to protect the... er, the 'weapon' in his hand, which was a comatose incontinent beautiful boy.

The harpies flew out and attacked, Anthony lost control, the beautiful boy flew up and down, and kept shouting, "The world is so beautiful, we can't be so violent, let's sit down and talk!" ’ of Dabbs…


In the chaos, Mo Tan immediately stepped onto the self-exploding sheep and rushed towards the beautiful young man who was hunting and flying in the air. However, he was blocked by several spears that Anthony casually pushed away.

Jadeka is repeating the strange cycle of chanting the curse loudly, then failing, continuing to chant the curse loudly, and then continuing to fail...

Yaya had long ago collapsed in pain from the previous series of high-decibel screams. In this narrow cave, the screams of those harpies were really quite lethal to her.

Only Ji Xiaoge, who could perfectly control her own wings, could make a difference. She was seen flying lightly in mid-air, avoiding several spears with an elegant posture, and quickly approached the person who was still dripping water. The beautiful boy finally turned around with a gorgeous turn and fell back in front of Mo Tan...

"I'm sorry, I originally wanted to save him."

A bitter look appeared on her beautiful face, and the girl shook her head palely: "But didn't he just...? He was dripping all over his body because he was being tossed around, and it always felt so disgusting."

"Understood, let me try."

Mo Tan gave a brief answer, and then rode the self-exploding sheep towards the ogre's rear. He wanted to reach behind the ogre through a roundabout way, and then wait for an opportunity to rescue the guy who had completely rolled his eyes, but...

"That friend, please don't come over yet, I will find a way!"

Dabbs noticed Mo Tan and the others, and also judged their purpose, and quickly said loudly: "Don't worry, I will calm down these feathered girls first, and then persuade Anthony to let go! Now! Please stay a little away and be careful of accidental injuries!”

"You better hurry up!"

Mo Tan nodded and chose to believe what the other party said, but he still did not stop. Instead, he expanded the radius of his previous detour, tensing up his nerves and always being prepared to deal with emergencies.

It's not that he doesn't trust Dabbs, it's that it's really hard for him to trust Anthony...

Peng! !

A crimson flame suddenly ignited in the palm of the ogre's right hand, and then quickly turned into a rolling fireball the size of a basketball. The fire element that was forcibly recruited surged manically, but it was still unable to get rid of the ogre. The magician's innate power of control.

"Please calm down!"

Dabbs yelled at the harpies who were desperately attacking him, then raised his arms and prepared to smash the huge fireball in his hand to the top of the cave, trying to scare the ladies with red eyes with this move. ,Then……

Along with a raging and burning angry red trajectory, Jadeka, who was chanting a spell at the entrance of the cave, was blown away by the explosion that suddenly hit him.

"Ahhh! Anthony, it hurts! Anthony is so hungry!!"

Anthony continued to roar, waving his arms wildly.

Yes, both arms...

"sorry Sorry sorry!!"

Dabbs apologized without tears.

【Big fire ball ball ball ball ball ball! 】

Fire elemental school active skills

Requirements for mastering: Fire element specialization level 1, intelligence 35, and possessing the talent [Fire Affinity] or [Son of the Elements]

Cost/limit: 50 mana

Effect: Launch a high-inflammation fireball, bombarding a single target within 25 meters, causing moderate fire damage, 100% adding [burning] effect to the target, small chance of causing [burning] effect, cooling time 3 minutes

Gao Neng: Anthony is very excited! It will continuously launch multiple fireballs, with a small probability of launching a super large fireball.

Idiocy: Anthony is very unhappy and throws the fireball at random targets. When thrown at a friendly target, the damage is slightly increased.

[Note 1: Dabus! sharp! Anthony! That’s ok too! 】

[Note 2: Anthony! do not like you! 】

Chapter 339: End

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