Quadruple split

Chapter 343 Delicious

【Anthony Dabbs】

HP: 810/1020

Physical fitness value: 470/610

Magic value: 400/450

Occupation: Berserker level 18, Warlock level 18

Beliefs: None/Materialism

Alignment: Chaotic Evil/Lawful Neutral


Symbiosis: You and Anthony are both the masters of this body. Action dominance will change or partially change based on many factors. You and Anthony share experience points. The experience required for upgrading of all professions is constant at 200%.

※Current body dominance status: Anthony 92%/Dabbs 8%※

Double Head: You can equip two pieces of head equipment at the same time. Unless you receive damage equal to 150% of your maximum health or be decapitated, neither you nor Anthony will die from a direct hit to the head.

Modification: When Anthony is dominant over the body, you can interfere with him and modify his behavior with probability.

High Energy/Low Energy: While you are physically dominant, your spell costs are doubled and you have a chance to gain additional effects each time you cast a spell.

Gluttony: The stronger the feeling of hunger, the higher the possibility that Anthony will seize the initiative; the stronger the feeling of fullness, the higher the degree of cooperation of Anthony.

※Current status: Anthony is very hungry※

Fire affinity: Increase all fire damage by 20%, reduce the learning requirements and cooldown time of all fire elemental school skills by 20%, reduce fire damage received by 30%, and increase the growth rate of fire elemental school specialization by 30%.

Pure-blooded Ogre: Increase your maximum stamina by 20%, increase your maximum health by 10%, increase all resistance by 1%, and reduce your charisma by 10

Short: As an adult ogre with a net height of 251.3cm, you perfectly interpret what it means to stand out from the crowd when you stand with your own race. When you meet a same race, there is a high chance that the other party's initial favorability towards you will be reduced by 10 , even if you have one more head than them.

Wisdom: Your Intelligence attribute grows to 120% of its base value.

Talent: Eloquence +10, Leadership +10, Knowledge +10

Basic attributes: Strength 39, Dexterity 8, Wisdom 43, Constitution 51

Civilization attributes: Eloquence 10, Charisma -10, Knowledge 29, Leadership 15

Combat attributes: One-handed weapon specialization level 13, two-handed weapon specialization level 10, fire elemental school level 12, shadow school level 1

Skills (dominated by Dabbs, affected by the talent [High Energy/Low Energy]): Fire Ball Ball Ball Ball, Burn You to Death, Brute Force Blow, Flame Breathing, Furious Roar, Fire King Kong, Furious Soul.

Skills (led by Anthony, affected by talent [Modification]): Punch, Smash You, Clamp, Brutal Charge, Galloping Ogre, Intelligent Ogre, Furious Ogre.

Equipment: slightly

The above is the current character panel of Anthony Dabbs. It can be seen that as a high-quality mutant among ogres, the two-headed ogre does have unique talents, and it is very powerful at first glance. If you look closely... very powerful.

At least this is the case from a data point of view. In fact, the name Anthony Dabbs was indeed ranked in the top 100 players' personal combat power rankings some time ago. However, due to the relatively low position, it was not taken seriously. Today, as there are more and more powerful players, they have finally been squeezed out of the list with quite gorgeous panels. However, this has not had any impact on Dabbs himself, because Teacher Jia's self-positioning has been from the beginning. Educator' rather than 'powerful', and don't like to show off much.

All in all, he, or rather they, are really strong...

Even at this stage where high-end players are far behind ordinary people, a spell caster with a constitution of over 50 and a strength of nearly 40 does not exist, unless there is a very high-level physics professional with luxurious equipment who has his head whipped. A level 1 mage still has to say that he is a spell caster. Although such situations do exist, because this example is too special, we will not list it for now.

In the same way, a berserker with a fire element school level of 15 and an intelligence attribute of over 40 does not exist.

Except for Anthony Dabbs…

As a two-headed ogre, he did it. This spellcaster with a strong physique and the berserker with high intelligence and magic damage did it perfectly!

As a once-in-a-century two-headed ogre, Anthony Dabbs' character panel is fully worthy of this benign mutation.

However, in actual combat, their performance seems to be a bit inadequate for this gorgeous panel attribute.

For example, the one that Dabbs wanted to throw up as a shock, but ended up hitting Jadekar due to Anthony's interference. It has happened countless times so far, no matter which of the two heads is the leader. , there have been a lot of counterproductive developments...

The reason is the two talents [High Energy/Low Energy] and [Correction].

As for the former, the [Big Fire Ball Ball] that directly blew away Jadeka has been explained to us. As for [Modification], we can take any one from Anthony's skill list above as an example...

【Raging Ogre】

Active skills

Mastery requirements: more than 2/3 of the ogre bloodline, strength 40, constitution 40

Consumption/limitation: 300 physical energy, 10% of maximum health, Anthony's status is hungry

Effect: Anthony falls into anger, the damage is increased by 100%, the critical hit rate is increased by 30%, the critical hit damage is increased by 50%, the physical energy consumption is increased by 200%, and the damage received is increased by 50%, lasting 30s, cooling time: none

Correction successful: locking a target, the physical damage caused to it during the duration of the skill will inevitably cause a critical hit.

Correction failed: Anthony was heartbroken and sat there crying.

[Note 1: He stole your meat! 】

[Note 2: My...meat...]

There shouldn't be any need for further explanation, well, that's it.


Mo Tan turned his head as soon as the old mage was hit, stared at the suddenly exploding flame flower and shouted: "You..."

"Ahem, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay."

As a result, the old mage who was transformed into an African man by the blast stood up unsteadily, and while trying in vain to save his robe, he shouted loudly: "I'm used to it, you save people first!"

Although the situation looked not good, his voice was full of energy, so Mo Tan was finally relieved a little.

【But saving people...】

Mo Tan glanced at the rampaging ogre not far away and the harpies around him who were throwing spears one after another, and felt that he had no way of starting.

Although he can probably get close to the center of the battle with his own strength, and if he grits his teeth, he can barely avoid the attacks from both sides, but under this premise, it is too difficult to save the incontinent handsome man. You must know that the latter has always been regarded as It's a weapon waving in mid-air! If the other head of the ogre hadn't been waving his right arm for constant cover, he would have died long ago. To save people in this situation...

"Huh, let's give it a try first."

Mo Tan let out a breath, then jumped off the self-destructing sheep and quickly circled behind the ogre.

He knew very well that the mount was of no use in this situation. Although he had thought about "at least using a turtle to avoid attacks" before, it seemed unrealistic now. He would go all out in this situation. If you go to save people, you won't have the time and space to save yourself.

Quickly approaching the target and nimbly dodging several smashed spears, Mo Tan appeared behind the ogre in the shortest possible time. The rampaging head on the left did not notice him, but the one on the right did. , but just nodded with a serious face, and while still trying to protect the unconscious man, he helped himself to deflect a few spears with warning meaning, which seemed to support him.

【In this case...】

"Please cooperate!"

Mo Tan relied on [Crazy Rush] to quickly move to the opponent's feet, and then activated his talent [Thunder Scale] and slapped his tail on the ogre's flank, and when the latter subconsciously arched up, he threw away the weapon in his hand. The heroic leap hit the opponent's left hand that was holding the mission target upside down. In the last half second before the effect of the thunder scale disappeared, he punched hard, hitting the ogre's thick iron hand hard.


Anthony screamed in pain and released his left hand under the strong paralysis effect, while Mo Tan swung out the second tail just as the unconscious man began to fall, sweeping it towards Ji Xiaoge. feet, and then...

Instead of the incontinent handsome man, he became Anthony's weapon.

His tail was caught...

"Anthony, hungry!"

Mo Tan, whose strength was nearly ten points lower than his opponent, was completely unable to break away from the comfort. He couldn't even resist because he just dropped his weapon on the ground. Not to mention his knightly skills, without his weapon, he couldn't even resist. Skills such as [Spinous Process] and [Angry Red Lotus] cannot be used.

Coupled with the fact that he was caught by the tail and dropped in mid-air, it was difficult to use his fists and kicks, and he was in a [dizziness] state after being wheeled twice. Mo Tan, who couldn't even touch his luggage, was completely helpless at the moment. , not only did he not have any moves, but he also fainted.

"Let this guy go!"

Dabbs yelled at Anthony, struggling to control his uncontrollable right hand and trying to hold down his left wrist: "He did the right thing, you can't hurt him, listen, Anthony! Stop causing chaos, Calm down and apologize to others...ah!!"


Dabbs was hit on the forehead by the black sandalwood thrown randomly by Anthony, and both of them cried out in pain at the same time.

"Anthony, I want to eat! I'm hungry, angry, and in pain! I feel uncomfortable!"

The other head was shaking and roaring, constantly emphasizing why and how unhappy he was now!

"Tell your tribesmen to stop attacking and retreat. That crazy guy doesn't know what he is doing. If you don't have time to throw things at him, you might as well save your comrades!"

Ji Xiaoge turned around and greeted Lian Na, then spread his wings with a 'swish' sound and flew towards the ogre holding ink sandalwood, waving the alloy chopping board in his hand to continuously knock down the increasingly sparse spears.

She looked back and found Lina flapping her wings and hovering in front of her sisters, saying something loudly.

[Wait a minute, isn’t she able to fly? Why do you have to let Mo carry it? 】

Ji Xiaoge pondered for half a second in confusion, and then quickly threw this little incident behind her. She found that Mo Tan was almost turned into an afterimage.

"Uh uh uh uh..."

The half-dragon knight flew up and down in the air dizzily.

"Hungry, hungry, hungry!!!!"

Not realizing that the attack on him had gradually stopped, Anthony continued to vent his temper. Yes, he did fart very loudly.

Ji Xiaoge tried to get close to Mo Tan, but found that her flying speed could not catch up with Anthony's swing speed. If she rushed forward to stop her, the lighter girl would definitely be whipped away by Mo Tan, so she had to throw her away angrily. She let her waterfall-like long hair fly to the height of the ogre's shoulders and shouted, "Please stop it a little bit!"

"I'm sorry, I really want him to stop it a little bit!"

Dabbs turned to look at him, his face of despair was about to cry: "Anthony will become like this when he is hungry. Even I can't suppress him now. Otherwise, I can try my best. Control your legs and try to stay as still as possible. Is there anything you can do to knock me out...ah, no, is it a way to knock him out?"

He pursed his lips at his other head.

"I, I don't know either. Anyway, you should try it first."

Ji Xiaoge rummaged anxiously in his bag while avoiding Mo Tan who was constantly attacking him: "I'll try too!"


Dabbs nodded, and then reminded: "You have to be careful when I try to control the legs, Anthony will wave both hands at the same time."


"Okay, get ready...stop!"

With the red-faced roar of Dabbs, the ogre that was spinning in place suddenly changed its position. At the same time, the previously relatively peaceful right arm was waving wildly under Anthony's control!

"Hungry! I feel uncomfortable...Anthony, I feel uncomfortable! I want to eat!"


Narrowly avoiding Anthony's big hand, Ji Xiaoge lifted up half a meter on the spot, then fiercely threw the [Mixed Strength Solid Grain Hardened Steamed Bun] in his hand to the back of his head, silently praying that it would hit his head. There is a certain chance of causing the target to be stunned'.

Boom! !

There was a crisp sound between the ogre's thick skull and Ji Xiaoge's hard bun. Anthony's head was smashed out with a big bump visible to the naked eye, but the dizziness effect was not triggered, and the pain only made it worse. Furious.

"I'm hungry!!"

The big palm-like hand even exerted wind pressure, causing Ji Xiaoge, who had clearly dodged, to stagger.

"Damn it, do it again!"

The girl regained her balance and turned sideways to avoid Mo Tan. She bit her silver teeth and threw the second bun, but it ended up smashing straight into the mouth of Anthony, who was roaring.



Yaya shivered as he recalled something in the distance and covered his little tiger teeth.


but! !

What was broken was not a tooth, but a steamed bun!

Appalling! Anthony actually has teeth that are harder than steamed buns! (Isn’t it normal?)

And then……

The rampaging ogre suddenly calmed down, but Ji Xiaoge didn't have time to stop, and subconsciously threw the scallion pancake that blew the hair and broke off the armor!



After the steamed buns, Anthony, who conquered the green onion pancakes like a king, smiled.


Ji Xiaoge, who was taking out the toaster and preparing to shoot, was stunned in mid-air, staring blankly at Anthony who was chewing green onion pancakes, and asked in a dreamy tone: "What... did you just say?"

"It's... delicious, Anthony... wants to eat it."

Bang! !

The toaster hit the ground, and the girl covered her mouth in disbelief...

"I can't be dreaming..."

"I still want to eat, Anthony... I still want to eat..."

"Leave it to me, sister! Little guy with good teeth."

Chapter 340: End

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