Quadruple split

Chapter 352 Outside the Code


Futaba patted Motan's claws away casually, then took off the rubber band to restore the other person's carefully crafted shape to its original shape. She stood up lightly and sat on the table behind her. She took off her boots and put her two little feet on the seat. He raised his chin slightly and chuckled: "I don't care what you want to prove, but if the overthrow of the Marshall family is also a necessary factor for you, then our interests will be the same until the end of the trial. Yes, right?"

Although there were only two formal meetings, both of which were in this game, Futaba knew Mo Tan very well to a certain extent. Through the incident that happened in the Purple Jiu Hall before, she had nine Cheng Jiu can be sure that the scumbag standing in front of him definitely has some purpose, and it is completely different from his own purpose. If what he wants is the result that the Marshall family is completely forced to death, then the other party wants It's either a certain situation derived from the emergence of this result, or a certain link in the process...

Then at least until one of them achieves their goal, the interests of the two are consistent.

Anyway, neither she nor he would do something for those ridiculous reasons of morality, justice, justice, etc. They are the kind of people who seem aimless but will do whatever they want. They use all means to make things evolve into something that pleases them. They are also the kind of people who pay more attention to the process than the results. At least before the incident with the Fenrir team, Futaba had this mentality.

As long as she has fun and has fun, as long as she can gain enough pleasure in the process, it doesn't matter whether she succeeds or fails in the end, because whether she achieves her goal or goes against her wishes, it doesn't stop her from speaking loudly in front of the screen. Laugh and be amazed.

Even if he is killed by BLACK, caught and thrown into jail after being exposed for all sorts of messy crimes, Futaba believes that he can still laugh out loud even then.

Everything can become a game, everything can become a bet. Even if you put yourself on the gambling table and lose everything, as long as the process is interesting enough for you to happily join the game, what if you lose everything?

This is what she originally thought...

But before reality gave her a blow, the virtual world she was in now changed her first.

Although it is not certain whether it is temporary or permanent, at least until the Marshall family is completely finished, Futaba values ​​the results more than the process.

Because of this, in one way she became stronger, but in another she became weaker.

But this 'Tan Mo' who happened to appear at this time was able to make up for it most effectively. The reason is very simple...

Futaba had already understood the moment he saw the opponent appear in the Purple Nine Hall. His old enemy was still the same madman without any change.

He is also a madman who acts willfully. It seems very interesting to combine the slightly changed version of himself with the completely unchanged one...

[Haha~ This is the first thing that comes to mind. Sure enough, there is still no change at all in essence. Regardless, I am just deceiving myself if I ask myself. Now that I pay more attention to the results, it doesn’t matter even if I feel a little embarrassed. This is just this time. If so, even if you give up the initiative and take the initiative to cooperate with him...]

"Oh, I don't deny it, but I need your cooperation. Yes, it means that from now on, I have the final say. Don't stare in a hurry. After all, our common position is the same, and your and my respective positions are different. That’s another story, you should know that.”

Mo Tan, who was holding the back of the chair, smiled slyly, leaned forward slightly, then lowered his head and glanced at the chair, frowning slightly in confusion: "Is black stocking very popular now? Why are everyone like this? Wear it, but ah, SUN, you have to know that this kind of thing requires the length of your legs... ugh!"

"Stop rambling, proportionally speaking, my legs are quite long." Futaba slowly put down the right foot that had just hit Mo Tan's chin, and gently pushed up his glasses: "I accept your proposal, anyway, Fire Claw I have basically made the most of the resources and authority I have here. I have no objection to changing from the usual division of labor model to you taking the lead in this matter. But if you do something ridiculous without any reason, I will not only immediately If you stop cooperating, the game will be restarted."

The game here refers to the two people's previous agreement of "who can kill each other first."

"Death threats, they are really unyielding~"

Mo Tan pinched his chin, which was almost dislocated by being kicked, and shrugged: "But I'll do as you say. By the way, if nothing else happens, I think our cooperation can last at least until the Marshall family is full." After being destroyed, not the moment the judgment ends.”

Futaba showed a playful smile, narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "It seems that you have a big plan..."

"It doesn't matter whether my picture is A or F."

Mo Tan gently pushed the girl's legs to the side, pulled back the chair and sat up, looked at the other party and smiled: "Also, because your bottom is almost leaked to me, this cooperation 'There is no need for information transparency. Of course, if I want to do something that is inexplicable to you, I will explain the reason carefully."

Futaba rolled her eyes, curled her lips and said, "Whatever you want, where did that imperial order come from?"

"It's specifically used to bring Sakfris into the Purple Jiu Hall." Mo Tan 'explained' without answering, and then grinned at the girl: "Are you testing my true purpose?"

The latter sat on the long table and swayed his (proportionally quite long) legs, and said leisurely: "It doesn't matter whether you count it or not, but you, shouldn't it be said to be 'one of' the real purpose? Don’t treat people like fools.”

Having said this, both of them had a smile on their faces at the same time...

Futaba suddenly realized that the current scene was very similar to the time when she and 'BLACK' discussed countermeasures when chatting through a special channel in the past. Although it was boring (for the two people who interpreted the code) and bad (for the target) ) memories, but now that she thought about it, she found it inexplicably interesting. She felt that neither she nor the other party had thought that Black Solar Energy would one day plan something 'face to face' like this, and it suddenly felt a bit fun.

Mo Tan, on the other hand, showed a smile of relief like an old father because the other party was finally no longer mentally retarded, and then sighed from the bottom of his heart: "I'll buy you two oranges, or walnuts, that's right." Hey, have you heard of the X tree coconut..."

five minutes later

"Seriously." Futaba snorted and glanced at the person in front of him who was enjoying the vine whip and turtle armor: "What do you think it will be like in seven days if we just leave it alone?"

Mo Tan, who was hanging upside down in the air, said without thinking: "It won't be like that. Let's go back to our homes and find our mothers. By the way, when are you going to let me go?"


Futaba snapped his fingers, and the dozen vines on the former's body immediately dissipated in mid-air.

"My opinion is the same as yours, so if someone wants to take the lead, let's come up with an idea."

The girl squinted at Mo Tan who somersaulted and landed smoothly, dispersing the dense magic array around him. On the one hand, she did not want to waste any more magic power, and on the other hand, she believed that the other party would not swoop down when the temporary situation was confirmed. Killer, after all, scheming and cheating are two different things. Although BLACK has no class, it is not that low.

Mo Tan flipped through the files next to Futaba and said absently: "There is only one way. The difference is only in the method and order. The other party will definitely do the same thing. Ha, even if the highest trial information of the Violet Empire is almost checked Even if I don't know, I can guess that this period of time is used for everyone's 'dinner'. Although it can be said that the Fire Claw leader you represent brought the Marshall family to the table, there is no problem in bleeding, and it is okay to hurt the muscles and bones. OK, but since your intention from the beginning was to flip the table rather than to be a good eater, then things will be much more troublesome."

"Don't say it's none of your business."

Shuangye glanced at Mo Tan dissatisfied and sneered: "As if you don't intend to overturn the table..."

"At least not as urgent as you are." The latter smiled noncommittally and threw the file aside: "Of course, you can rest assured that since I have entered the situation, I will not continue to be a bystander."

Through the conversation between the two, we can see that they have never taken today's 'conviction' seriously. Although it is not to the extent of indifference, they have not paid enough attention to it. In fact, it is indeed not worthy of attention.

Just like the old emperor Clairvaux said, the conviction of the Marshall family did take effect, but it was outside the imperial code. Therefore, in principle, Buffy Marshall is still the grand duke of the Violet Empire. In the end, One of the nine powerful lords, apart from being placed under house arrest in Mercury Court, he did not even suffer any losses. This is why he did not show any resistance.

For thousands of years, this kind of conviction that happened in the Hall of Purple Jiu and existed only at the top of the Ziluo Empire's pyramid and was not bound by the imperial code was not uncommon in history. However, to this day, the original nine families have never been convicted. One family was crucified on Judgment Day...

Both Futaba and Motan have learned about many relevant cases and reference materials through corresponding channels, so they have not slacked off at all because of the so-called conviction a few hours ago.

To put it simply, in the Violet Empire, the trial of the Grand Duke, one of the nine lords, requires the following processes in sequence...

First of all, the location must be in the Purple Jiu Hall in the royal capital of Salamun, and the background must be the highest meeting attended by all nine lords.

Secondly, at least one high lord must make a positive accusation.

Third, after the accusation is over, the emperor can only convict the accused if the evidence is conclusive and more than two-thirds of the great lords judge him as 'guilty', but strictly speaking, the 'conviction' here is just Something similar to a verbal agreement, it does not have any actual effect, and is not recognized by the imperial code until the day of judgment comes seven days later. During this process, the accused lord must cooperate with the royal house arrest, but other However, the great lord sent his confidants or went in person to visit and question.

Fourth, on Judgment Day, the nine lords, including the royal family, once again gathered in the Purple Jiu Hall. In addition to the person being judged, the other lords must make one of the two choices of sanction/observation. Among them, Fire Claw, Simon, The Marshall, Dantes, Baroka, Crystal Wolf, Fernand, and Hussein families each hold one vote, while the Violet family, which is the royal family, has two votes, so except for those being judged who do not have the right to vote, The final number of votes must be an odd number of nine votes, and there will be no tie vote.

If the final conclusion is sanctions, then the previous convictions will have real effect from that moment on, and the sanctioned person will pay a price consistent with his crime according to the Imperial Code.

If the final conclusion is observation, then the previous convictions are still ineffective and are not recognized by the imperial code. The sanctioned person will regain his freedom, but he still needs to properly deal with the mess that was uncovered, and he can pass two-thirds But the lord is naturally not too small a mess to be judged guilty by the Supreme Council.

But this is of no use, because the so-called 'observation' will definitely be canceled at the next supreme meeting, and this matter will definitely go to nothing. The reason is very simple...

Because since the conclusion of 'observation' has emerged, it means that the accused lord has paid a sufficient price, at least satisfying the appetite of more than half of the people.

The third paragraph in the process, ‘The accused lord must cooperate with the royal house arrest, but other major lords send their confidants or go in person to visit and question’ is specifically used to make transactions.

Again, if it can pass the approval of two-thirds of the lords, the mess that is judged to be guilty by the Supreme Council will naturally not be too small. If the final conclusion is 'sanctions', then under the premise of doing business, no matter it is No big lord can bear it. According to unreliable information, in the history of the Violet Empire, the mistakes made by the big lords who were deemed 'guilty' were enough to kill the whole family. From a literary point of view, it was genocide. .

Therefore, according to reliable sources, in the history of the Violet Empire, cases that were deemed 'guilty' never had the result of 'sanctions' in the trial seven days later. That's right, it never happened even once!

It’s not hard to understand…

Speaking more broadly, as the foundation of the empire, no matter which one of the nine major families is missing, it may cause a serious shock to the situation of the Violet Empire. It may be damaged at least, or it will fall apart at worst. This result is undesirable to everyone. Would like to see.

To be honest, this is the privilege of the truly superior person. Even if it is a big mistake, I can survive through the exchange of interests. Even if a big mistake is made, the law will not be able to control me, even if I am beaten one by one by everyone. After being killed with a knife, it would take up to a few decades for the camel to recover, but what would happen to others?

No matter how much I suffer, I am still one of the most powerful families. No matter how much resentment others have, I can only hold it in.

This is the rule for the tip of the pyramid, it’s that simple, it’s that direct.

However, this time the Marshall family's slave-trading scandal... is different from every trial in the past thousands of years...

"That's not a bad tone, well, then let's play with them~"

"Don't act like you know me very well. You've been on the bright side for too long. I don't represent only your interests~"

"It doesn't matter, my aunt will just be your chess piece this time."

"Haha~ That's right, I'm going to flip the table in the end anyway, no matter what~"

"Hey Hey……"


Chapter 349: End

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