Quadruple split

Chapter 353 The Uneasy Witham

Game time PM18:57

Chavin Empire, Prince Kunta's Land, Emperor Thorn Castle

A tall young man was walking uneasily in the room, his eyes full of gloom. He was the de facto ruler of this territory, and the eldest son of Prince Kunda, Witambohe, was also The nephew of the Emperor of the Chauvinist Empire.

Unlike his father, who was known as the "Prince of Good-for-nothing", Withem showed extraordinary intelligence from an early age. Not only was he extremely accomplished in swordsmanship, he also achieved the professional rank of Great Swordsman at a young age and was involved in internal affairs management. In terms of checks and balances of power, he is even more effortless and has impressive skills. When the nominal lord has nothing to do all year round, except for being lazy and fishing or going to the royal capital to live in debauchery, Withem has already become the de facto mainstay of the Kangda Territory. At only thirty years old, he had completely taken over the power from his father two years ago, and shouldered the expectations of countless people and worked hard to govern the Kangda Territory centered on Emperor Thorn Castle.

Little Witham is a wise, upright and benevolent ruler. He is strict with himself, loyal to the empire, and loves his people. He fully possesses the excellent character consistent with his status.

This sentence has been circulated in the Kangda Territory and even the entire chauvinist empire, and the commentators will occasionally add in a low voice after it, "It doesn't look like he is the biological son of that good-for-nothing prince," and then snicker twice and talk to him. The companions exchanged a few lewd looks.

This matter is not even a secret anymore. After all, no matter whether it is Prince Kunda who doesn’t want to do anything, even if he does it, he can’t do anything, or Duke Witham who already has the temperament of a ruler at a young age. Well, their performance and achievements are there, and the public's eyes are sharp. The above argument has been circulated for an unknown number of years.

Among them, there is no difference in attitude between the subjects of the Kunda Territory and other subjects of the Chauvin Empire. If you have to look for a difference, it is that everyone feels that their prince does not cling to power. The fact is so fortunate. At least His Highness Kunda had some self-awareness and gave up the control of the territory to Duke Witham early, instead of being ousted in an ugly way...

Regarding this well-known trend of public opinion, Duke Witham, who seemed to be indulgent on the surface, sneered at the bottom of his heart. This future mainstay of the empire only felt that those people who thought they were wise and discerning were mentally retarded, and his father once told him They are exactly the same, they can only see what others want them to see, they can only stupidly repeat the 'truth' that has been deliberately guided, and they are too lazy to put any wisdom into areas that seem to have nothing to do with themselves. It is simply pure. cute.

But Withem occasionally felt that it was not that people were stupid, but that his father was really well hidden. Not to mention ordinary people who had almost no chance to get along with him, even the vast majority of nobles in this country could not. After seeing through it, except for my long-dead mother, myself as the legitimate son, Uncle William who was worried about this country, Lord Dharma God, Lord Marshal, and a few core personnel in the Kangda Territory who were very familiar with my father. In addition, even those dandy nobles who hang out with their father all day long have never discovered what kind of person the useless prince is in their eyes...

It is no exaggeration to say that his father, Prince Kunda, must at least account for most of the credit for Withem's current achievements, both in terms of ability and reputation.

In less than twenty years, he educated an ordinary talent with only fighting talent into an elite who could stand alone. Few people knew that Withem had been regarded as the best among people since he was a boy. He has never listened attentively to lectures in front of those teachers who have made great achievements in various fields. In his eyes, even if those people talk endlessly all day and night, they are not as good as his father's light-hearted and straight to the core of the problem in the study. In just a few words, whether it is the perspective of looking at things or the level of observing problems, whether it is the method of controlling subordinates or the philosophy of getting along with others, my father, who is looked down upon by countless people, is much better than some. 'Professionals' who know how many layers of gold are too powerful. What's funny is that those people think they were taught by them...

Every time he thinks of this, Withem can't help but want to laugh out loud.

As for fighting for his father's injustice, the youngest duke in the entire chauvinist empire has never thought about it that way, because Witham knows very well the reason why his father turned him into a 'waste', and he also expresses his utmost concern for this. Understand, after all, His Majesty William Bohe is a good emperor, more accurately, a good emperor that is rare in a thousand years, an emperor who can truly make the Chauvin Empire rise.

But few people can see this clearly. The vast majority of the nobles feel that the 'Merchant King' William is not qualified as an emperor. They have forgotten that the national treasury was in deficit for many years decades ago. They are concerned about the rapid changes in this country every day. They turned a blind eye to the changes. They knew that the country had become stronger, but they could not figure out why the country had become stronger. They thought that William was just passionate about doing business, but they never realized that he was squeezed by the Griffin Dynasty in the southernmost part of the Southwest Continent. At this stage, the chauvinists can only do business. They have keenly seen that the empire has surpassed their decadent and bloated 'neighbor' in some aspects, so they dream of cutting off pieces of flesh from the other party to expand their territory and achieve hegemony. , but completely failed to consider that the latter had seven times more regular legions and more than ten times more powerful men than our own. In the end, they actually understood William's impeccable governance policy as a businessman who was born in the royal family by mistake. Enthusiasm for gold coins and false prosperity, little do they know that they are the ones who are really confused by the false prosperity...

Under such circumstances, how could Kunda, who had the same bloodline as William, show any edge? Let alone edge, in the most difficult days before the Kaguya sect came in, if it weren't for the 'useless prince' at that time The name has spread all over the country. I am afraid that the nervous high-level officials of the empire will directly run to Kunda and raise the flag to prepare for rebellion. If things really turn into that situation, even if Kunta himself has no objection at all The consequences are absolutely disastrous.

It is precisely because of this that Withem, who originally respected his father extremely, was completely convinced after listening to the latter's analysis of the matter, and never mentioned the words 'must let those guys know how powerful his father is' again.

Even though his father rarely returned to the territory after his mother's death and ruined his reputation in the imperial capital all day long, Witham never complained at all. He knew how much his worrying father loved his mother and supported his uncle, and he also He knew that the only thing he could do was to govern the Kangda Territory well and dedicate his life to the empire to be worthy of his father's sacrifice and uncle's efforts, but...

dong dong dong

The knock on the door interrupted Witham's thoughts. He breathed softly, trying to relax his frown as much as possible, and then nodded slightly and said: "Come in, Uncle Kuhler."

"Young Lord."

A human man wearing a black gown and carrying two long swords walked in slowly and saluted Withem: "Are you looking for me?"

Kuler has a pair of dark blue eyes and thick dark circles. He is very thin and his appearance is very unremarkable. It can only be barely seen that this man is about forty years old. He is also very plainly dressed. Anyway, he looks ordinary. If If you remove the two long swords on your back, you will definitely not be able to find them immediately if you throw them on the street. But from another perspective, being allowed to wear weapons to meet the lord is not simple enough. If you still If there was anything that could further highlight the fact that he was no ordinary passerby, that was... Withem called him uncle, well, that's it.

"There's no one else here, just call me by my name."

Withem smiled at his swordsmanship instructor, who was also the person in charge of territorial intelligence, and read the answer in his eyes before he asked the next question. He bit his lower lip uneasily and asked: " Father still hasn’t come back with news..."

"Yes, young lord."

Culler did not address the other party by name as the former hoped, but shook his head slightly and said: "Although a week has passed since the fixed monthly contact time, His Highness the Prince still has not sent back the urgent letter from the Mages Guild. nor."

Withem nodded, and then walked a few steps back and forth in the room anxiously. After a while, he stopped and asked hesitantly: "So, Uncle Kuler, do you think we should send someone?" Go to Troon to find out..."

"With all due respect, young lord."

Kuler interrupted Withem's words forcefully, and said in a deep voice: "Whether it's those of us who are doing things, or His Highness the Prince who is far away in the imperial capital, everyone feels that you have the ability to take charge of your own affairs. Wrong, it’s not the ‘image’ in the eyes of the people, but the real ability to stand alone, so if possible, I hope you won’t rely too much on His Highness the Prince.”

"You misunderstood, Uncle Cooler."

Witham gave a bitter smile and shrugged: "I'm not anxious because my father didn't instruct me through letters as usual on how to be a qualified leader, nor did I ask my father about some things he asked me to do in the last letter. The problem of being undecided is just...simply a little uneasy..."

Kuller frowned slightly and repeated in a low voice: "Uneasy?"

"Yes, very disturbing."

Witham sighed deeply, looked out the window at the night that had fallen quietly, and said in a deep voice: "So many unimaginable things have happened during this period, first of all, the incident in Banser City, and in one night Tens of thousands of people were slaughtered, and the originally prosperous city turned directly into a cursed place. Immediately afterwards, His Majesty the Dharma God fell, and then a small town on the border of our territory was inexplicably destroyed, leaving nearly a thousand people in the town without a trace. He was alive, and now he has lost the news of his father. You must know that no matter where he is in these years, his regular contact with his family has never been interrupted. No, let alone interrupted, he has never been late even once. But now..."

"Wait, you mean..."

Kuler's eyes gradually became sharper, and he lowered his head and muttered: "The reason why His Royal Highness did not contact you in time this time is related to the previous series of regrettable events?"

Withem smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I didn't say that, but I really can't help but care. My father taught me not to miss any detail, and to learn to find inconsistencies in coincidences and accidents, so I feel particularly uneasy now. Sorry, Uncle Kule, this feeling is really hard to describe. In short, I can’t let go..."

"It doesn't matter, I probably understand." Kuler smiled, stepped forward and patted his young lord twice on the shoulder: "You are becoming more and more like Kunda when he was young, Wit Mu."

Withem, who was already a Duke, sneered twice: "Compared with my father, I'm still far behind..."

"That depends on which aspect."

Culler said noncommittally, and withdrew his right hand on Witham's shoulder: "So it's because of this uneasiness that you asked me to send someone to the royal capital to confirm the situation of His Highness the Prince?"

"That's right."

The latter nodded and said solemnly: "Although I just thought of it, this is exactly what I want to do."

"Although I think the capital is the safest place in the entire empire, I don't think anything will happen to His Royal Highness, who has never been taken seriously by anyone..."

Kuler took a deep look at Withem, and then suddenly laughed: "But I, who have already sworn allegiance, will certainly not disobey the young lord's order, and it is even less possible for me to prevent a son from worrying about his father. So I will send someone to arrange this, so don’t worry.”

"Thank you, Uncle Cooler."

Withem immediately breathed a sigh of relief and looked gratefully at the unsmiling elder in front of him who had been his guard, nanny, and mentor since he was a child. He made a face that was extremely inconsistent with his current status: "You always Indulge my willfulness.”

The latter smiled, shook his head and said: "That was when you were young. In fact, from the moment you took over as the lord, I have decided not to spoil you anymore, but..."

Witham was a little confused: "But?"

"But if your hunch has a one percent chance of being correct."

Kuller clenched his fists lightly and said solemnly: "Then this matter is absolutely necessary."

"Then it's up to you."

"Don't worry, I will do it as soon as possible..."

"Young lord! Young lord!"

A panicked shout interrupted Kuler, followed immediately by the sound of banging on the door: "Young Lord, please come out quickly, Young Lord!!"


Kuler frowned and opened the door from the inside. The pale guard Shen in front of him asked: "What happened..."

"Ku... Lord Kule! It's not good, butler Liszt is back. He is covered in injuries... and he is still... still..."

"Grandpa Liszt?"

Witham in the room rushed to the door, picked up the guard who was half-lying on the ground, and shouted loudly: "Shouldn't Grandpa Liszt be with father? What's wrong with him? Why is he injured! And what else? Like? Please explain clearly!"

"And... I also... brought... back the prince's... body..."

Chapter 350: End

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