Quadruple split

Chapter 354 Hard to find

Game time PM20:45

Chavin Empire, capital Troon

A figure wearing a black cloak appeared in the core of the inner city. This is not only the center of Troon, but also the center of the entire chauvinism. It defends the dignity and honor of the empire and conveys the will and majesty of the emperor. In other words, It's right at the entrance of the palace.

There are numerous secret sentries, barriers and royal guards all over this place. Outside of political discussion hours, even a Nikachu must undergo more than twenty checks if it wants to enter. The organization is only one-fifth of the Knights of the Sword of the Tsar. The Tsar's Shield Guards are stationed here all year round. Any trespassers without permission will be attacked without restriction by these elite dead soldiers. Whether they are Dukes, Princes, Marshals or others, as long as they dare to break in, These people dare to cut.

In addition, there is a towering mage tower in the inner wall, where at least twenty high-level spellcasters are stationed all year round. There is no experimental field, library, inscription room, copying room and other regular mage tower necessities. Configuration, there is only one main control area, one meditation area and a large number of magic storage pools, magic storage pools, magic storage pools, magic storage pools and... magic storage pools.

It's more appropriate to call it a turret than a mage tower.

It's extremely heart-wrenching, extremely unreasonable, extremely...expensive.

"It's a waste of money to use so many expensive materials to build something that only throws magic out. William, you are simply wasting money!"

This was the comment made by Pharaoses when this 'Mage Tower', whose full name is 'a turret that must have a mage inside to operate successfully', was completed.

At that time, Emperor William Bohe, who was in the midst of internal and external troubles, just smiled slightly and said calmly and calmly to the old man: "Although it is indeed my request, this tower was designed by you yourself..."

"Nonsense, it's rare to be able to burn money as you please..."

In short, this simple, crude, single-purpose, and powerful mage tower just came to fruition.

To this day, it still perfectly fulfills the original will of its designer, diligently guarding the talented and ambitious emperor, and frightening those scoundrels with ulterior motives.

But the man who activated it with his own hands can no longer do anything for his beloved empire...

"A genius idea."

The man under the hood paused for a moment, looked up for a moment at the tower exuding terrifying magic, and smiled in a low voice: "Salute to you, Faraosis."

Then he took steps, walked into the absolute warning range of the royal area, and walked swaggering between two royal guards holding giant swords.

Without any obstruction, the two high-level swordsmen didn't even look at him, as if this person didn't exist at all.

In fact, the figure was not reflected in the alert pupils of the two people. It was not that they turned a blind eye to the weird guy, but they really didn't see anything.

The same was true for the rest of the way. Whether it was the hidden sentries, the guards patrolling continuously, or the ubiquitous detection barriers, they all ignored the hooded man who seemed to be walking in his own backyard. , they seemed not to notice at all that a character who should never appear in such a place passed by them, let alone react to it.

It wasn't until ten minutes later, when the man appeared in front of the study that William Boho had used as his bedroom, that someone finally reacted.


An old man dressed as an ordinary waiter suddenly appeared in front of the uninvited guest like a ghost, and shouted in a deep voice: "Come out!"

The other party looked around casually, and then chuckled: "I was still wondering why there was no one in a place like this. It turns out that there is a great master-level monk guarding here."

"It's really magical. If I hadn't sensed a tiny bit of 'qi', I might have put you in."

The old man narrowed his eyes and stared at the hooded man who appeared 'suddenly' in front of him. There was a faint sound of wind and thunder around his thin arms: "Now, please tell me your identity and purpose."


The other party casually took off his hood and said with a smile, "Do I have any other choice?"

"Of course." The old man clenched his fists and said calmly to the human man in front of him who looked about thirty years old: "Die here, or let me die here."

Li Fu Astor shrugged and sighed helplessly: "Well, in order to prevent you from dying here, I am willing to tell you my identity and purpose, although the less people know about this, the better. But since you can stay here, it proves that you are His Majesty William’s confidant, right?”

"It's not a small tone."

The old man didn't answer, but fixed his attention firmly on Li Fu, and then...

Inexplicably lost the target.

"I'm just stating the facts."

Li Fu, who didn't know when he appeared next to the old man, turned to smile at him and said with a smile: "Do you believe it now? Since I can 'disappear' under your eyes, I can naturally take away your Life, so please don’t care about my ‘tone’.”

'Thunder Fist' Karasin gritted his teeth, and after a while he lowered his hands and said with difficulty: "I understand, but if you plan to hurt His Majesty, I..."

"My name is Liver Astor."

Li Fu interrupted him lightly and said unhurriedly: "The reason why I came here is because I learned about the death of Mr. Faraosis, the Dharma God of your Chauvin Empire some time ago. He and I are from the same place. , the main purpose of this trip is to find out the real culprit who killed Ossis... and to protect your majesty."

Karasin's pupils shrank. He had been favored by Farah, and he did not believe that the former was treason. His attitude immediately became more respectful: "Are you a friend of His Excellency the God of Law?"

"Not really friends, we've never even met before."

Li Fu shook his head and said seriously: "But as I said, Faraossis and I come from the same place. I mean the period after his disappearance decades ago until he returned to this country and became the God of Dharma. Somewhere I’ve been.”

Karasin frowned and was about to say something, but another voice rang at his collar...

"Let this Mr. Astor come in."

It was the voice of William Bohe. It was obvious that the emperor, who had been in the study, had somehow grasped the situation and stopped Karasin before he attempted to inquire further.

"As you wish, my lord."

The old man nodded slightly, then nodded to Li Fu, and then stepped aside to open the door behind him.

"Good evening, Mr. Astor, my name is William Boho, the ruler of this country."

The emperor, who was sitting by the fireplace, smiled gently at Li Fu and closed the book in his hand: "Although I prefer to welcome visitors when I am well prepared, I still very much welcome your visit."

At William's signal, Li Fu took a seat opposite the latter and said with a little doubt: "You don't seem to be very surprised."

"I really should be surprised."

William showed a bitter smile and took out a piece of folded parchment from behind the spine of the book: "Fortunately, someone disclosed this matter to me in advance. The content is almost exactly the same as what you just said to Mr. Karasin, so I Will trust you as much as he trusts that person.”

Li Fu suddenly understood, and after being silent for a long time, he whispered: "Every person with extraordinary power can have some sense of death, but there are not many people who have the courage to face it directly. I admire it very much." Mr. Ossis."

"He's just an irresponsible old man."

The bitterness at the corner of William's mouth became more obvious. He closed his eyes tiredly and sighed: "I have concealed so many secrets, and in the end I only left a light 'If something unexpected happens to me...' and many confusing words. He died casually without any consideration for other people’s feelings.”

Li Fu shook his head: "You and I both know that is not the case. Your Majesty, please forgive me for not talking too much about the force behind myself and Ossis. It will not do you any good."

"forget about it."

William knocked on the armrest subconsciously, then opened his eyes and turned to Li Fu, and said seriously: "Then, Mr. Astor, can you solve my troubles?"

"To be more precise, it is our common trouble, Your Majesty."

Li Fu stood up and handed a crystal sheet shining with colorful brilliance to William: "But before we officially start to solve the problem, please accept this first in case of emergency."

William took the crystal piece without hesitation, held it in his hand and rubbed it gently: "What is this?"

"The amulet can ensure that certain evil entities cannot harm you at will."

Li Fu sat back on the chair and explained with a serious face: "For your safety, it will not react to non-hostile evil, but the power contained in it can effectively protect you. Please put it on In the pocket of your underwear, when some evil force attempts to harm you, this crystal piece will shatter silently and release a certain amount of heat, and you need to save yourself as quickly as possible, such as using That ring performs a directional space teleportation that ignores interference."

"birthday present."

William lowered his head and glanced at the golden ring with the thorn flower totem on his index finger, and chuckled: "There was originally a pendant with the same function, but I gave it away. Now that I think about it, Grandpa Ossis should be I had expected that I would give one of them to that brat... Hehe, I'm sorry, Mr. Astor, I seem to have accidentally started talking to myself."

Li Fu shook his head, saying that he didn't care.

"Anyway, please allow me to thank you."

William carefully put the crystal into his coat pocket, suppressed the smile on his face, and asked Li Fu solemnly: "My Dharma God is not treasonous, is he?"

Although it was a question, he said it with a very certain tone.

"Obviously, Your Majesty William, although Faraosis has a place in a force that is inconvenient to disclose to you, I believe that he is always loyal to the Chauvin Empire."

Li Fu replied categorically, and then frowned slightly: "What did you mean by treason just now?"

Although he has arrived at Troon for some time, Li Fu is not aware of the 'treason of the God of Law' which is currently only circulated among the highest levels of the empire, and the Knights of the Tsar's Sword and the Hurricane Mage Group have long been A gag order was issued. During this period, except for some tasks personally assigned by Garros and Galahad, the two legions did not even leave the camp once, and Li Fo, who had been busy with other things recently, did not make any What kind of targeted investigation? Although he was indeed a little curious about why the empire had not disclosed the death of Faraosis for so long, he never thought that this matter would be related to treason.

So, within the next ten minutes, Emperor William completely recounted to Li Fo what happened in Banse City some time ago, including the participants at the time who later agreed that the truth may not be as simple as it seems. , all told each other together.

"It was my mistake. If I had come to meet you earlier, maybe we could have saved a lot of time..."

Li Fu smiled self-deprecatingly, then took out a piece of parchment with names written on it from under his cloak and handed it to William: "This is the result of the investigation from the day I came to Troon to the present. You can take a look at it. one time."

Looking at the names that he was extremely familiar with, even William could no longer calm down. He looked at the other person in shock: "This is..."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, everyone on this list is fine. At least so far, they can all be trusted."

"That's not on this list..."

“Some people still have to wait and see, some people I haven’t had the chance to investigate yet.”

"In other words, the evil you and Grandpa Ossis talk about has not yet been found?"

William pinched his eyebrows hard, which was a habit he would do subconsciously when he felt anxious.

Li Fu nodded slightly, then stood up and said calmly: "Believe me, Your Majesty, the haze lingering over the empire is anything but ordinary. Your Excellency Ossis has proved this to us with his life. As his temporary successor, I You will try your best to do what you should do, and you need to continue to do what you should do, instead of wasting time on problems that you cannot solve..."

"I've been forcing myself to do this, Mr. Astor."

William threw the parchment into the fireplace and watched it slowly curl up into a ball of ashes: "I will continue to do this in the future. I just hope you don't make me wait too long."

"I can't guarantee that, Your Majesty."

Li Fo bowed slightly, then turned and walked towards the door: "But what you just told me is very valuable, very valuable."


"I will come again."

"Are you hiding something from me?"

"Goodbye, Your Majesty..."


Chapter 351: End

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