Quadruple split

Chapter 369 Abnormalities of Mutants (II)

Yuchen and Yuying were both stunned, and then asked in unison: "The rear?"

"That's right, the rear..."

Mo Tan put away the map and crossed the trail back and forth in the carriage with some anxiety: "And it's not just the scattered mutants discovered by the reconnaissance team. If you think about it carefully, all the mutants in Hind Hill at that time had abnormalities. It's just that I just didn’t find it out right away.”

He murmured in a low voice and continued to try to recall every detail of that battle, and became more and more sure of his guess that all mutants had abnormalities at the same time, and the specific time point was probably... that Jiao Jiao himself After the temporary defense line he personally guarded blocked the first wave of offensive.

"What's abnormal?"

Yu Ying swallowed nervously, and her beautiful face turned pale: "Suddenly they have a brain? No, if they really became smart, why were they still destroyed by us as planned?"

Yuchen didn't say anything, because she had been in the safer rear treating the injured, so she didn't know much about the battle situation. She only knew that all the developments at that time were in line with the plan, and there were no surprises beyond Mo Tan's expectations.

But now it seems that is not the case.

"The abnormality I'm talking about is not that they have become smarter, but that they have changed in their behavior patterns."

Mo Tan shook his head and asked Yu Ying in a deep voice, "Do you still remember the battle plan that day?"

As one of the first batch of 'high-level officials' to get accurate action planning, the adjutant Yu Ying, of course, nodded without thinking: "Send several high-mobility teams to conduct decoy operations, guide the enemy to the designated slope, and then advance with the large force. You and two temporary dice-throwing groups of 100 people are building a defense line in the northern part of the slope, while the knights led by Taylor and Furman, and the mobile alchemy workshop driven by Luna and Xia Lian are advancing in advance. Take a roundabout way, finish the detour as quickly as possible while you are sucking fire like crazy on the slope, and make dumplings at the end."

She briefly and concisely explained the plan at that time. Although a lot of details and steps were omitted in the middle, it was generally accurate.

"That's right. This is probably the plan, and we have indeed accomplished our combat objectives. There is no doubt about it."

Mo Tan checked the system time and determined that it would still be half an hour before the main force set off before continuing: "But there were some problems that we originally ignored during the process. I didn't think too much about it before, until I just thought of something after combining the abnormal behaviors of those dozen mutants..."

Yuying tapped the ground with the toe of her shoe impatiently: "So what exactly did you find?"


Mo Tan said softly, and then repeated it with a very ugly expression: "It has a very clear purpose."

【Purpose? 】

Yu Chen, who had been keeping up with the rhythm, was a little surprised and subconsciously asked: "What is the purpose?"

"I don't know either."

Mo Tan smiled wryly, shrugged, and sighed: "But I have enough reasons to be sure that those mutants should have become strange in the middle of the battle."

Then, he briefly explained his analysis to the two of them...

As the commander of the combined forces, Mo Tan spent almost the entire battle in the Battle of Hind Hill communicating with several players, including Yu Ying. They were scattered in various locations on the battlefield, whether it was the temporary defense line, the rear position, or the knights in the detour. There are reliable "liaison officers" near the regiment and the mobile alchemy workshop to report the situation to him at any time. In addition, he is on the northern slope with the best view throughout the whole process, so he has a very comprehensive understanding of the overall situation. However, even so, He still didn't notice the 'abnormality' at that time before today.

First of all, since the battle entered the middle stage, when the temporary defense line officially began to attract firepower to cover the other two teams' detours, more than two hundred professionals distributed on the entire slope have endured tremendous pressure that far exceeded expectations, although it did not exceed The upper limit of Mo Tan's expectations before the war, but the line of defense was still almost broken several times. In fact, if Mo Tan had not intervened immediately and personally led people to divide and suppress the mutants at the forefront, the final victory would have been The result is really hard to say...

No one noticed anything strange at that time. After all, those monsters with only bloodthirsty instincts have always been extremely crazy. No matter how fierce and fearless they attack, it is 'normal', no matter how strong the momentum is, everyone It can only be thought that the gathering of a large number of living people stimulated them and aroused the instincts of those mutants to the limit.

But because those dozen mutants were insignificant in the overall situation, Mo Tan changed his mind...

"The duration of the glow powder is limited. Even if it is not neutralized by dead dust, it will not be effective for too long." Mo Tan took out a bottle of crystal powder from his bag, shook it, and said in a deep voice: "Even if it has this effect The best one lasted only about an hour. After completely drawing the attention of the mutants, those of us who attracted firepower on the North Slope no longer collectively used this kind of hatred-attracting thing, but Those mutants are still swarming here like crazy."

Yu Ying frowned in confusion and asked, "What else can we do? Those monsters always seem to be crazy. They are crazy to begin with."


Yu Chen shook his head slightly and whispered: "What Mo Tan probably means is that even if the Holy Knights have entered the battlefield, the mutants are still stubbornly attacking the defense line on the slope, instead of following their instincts. Attack all living creatures within sight...?"

Mo Tan touched the tip of his nose and nodded happily: "Yes, even though we were still tightly sealed there at that time, most of the mutants were blocked by their own kind, excluding those at the front. Behind them, the knights were not greatly hindered during their advance. During the first group charge, they even stabbed nearly a thousand monsters through each other, with zero damage."

"Are you kidding me!?"

Yu Ying's eyes widened and she exclaimed in disbelief: "Are you all taking drugs together?"

She, who was mainly responsible for the professionals and players, was immediately shocked. Although she had not carefully understood the battle losses of the Knights, but thinking about the losses suffered on the northern slope of Hind Hill, Taylor and his gang of Paladins were not spared. The feat of 'cutting' thousands of Zombies alive without being injured is simply incredible.

Mo Tanqian laughed and took a sip of warm black tea: "Luna really prepared some explosive drugs with extremely strong side effects for them, but almost no one used them because the mutants didn't pay much attention to them. "

"Well, I also remembered that Sister Saint was quite puzzled that day, and she even specifically talked to me..."

Yuchen gently clapped his little hand and recalled: "She said that she finally had a chance to be useful after such a long time. As a result, after she protected Luna and the workshop and rushed into the suppression site, almost no mutants came to harass her. Complaining that nothing would happen in Luna even without her at that time, is this... not normal?"

Yuchen, who had never personally participated in the battle, was not slow to react, and he revealed the problem in almost one sentence.

Mo Tan nodded and affirmed without hesitation: "Yes, even if those mutants had only a defensive line to attack at the beginning, when the Knights and the Alchemy Workshop entered the scene, they still did not find the nearest living person to attack without mercy. Instead of differential attacks, they continued to surge towards the northern slopes, including the dozen mutants who ignored the attack of the reconnaissance team. Judging from the positions where they died, their destination should also be north."

To the north, from a more practical point of view, Mo Tan, who was the hub of the entire joint force, was there, and the only Yu Chen who could dispel the disease on a large scale was there. The weakest point of the entire Hin Deer Hill joint force was also there at that time.

From a longer-term perspective, there is the garrison of Gudaimi Plain, which is empty and has only one-third of its combat power. There is Sprout City and Glan City, which have almost completely lost their ability to protect themselves because of supporting the joint forces. And further on. In the north, there are just a few supply lines that have just been established...

It’s all lifeblood! And it’s the kind of lifeline that breaks at the touch of a touch!

Yu Ying and Yu Chen's understanding ability was not bad. They reacted almost as soon as Mo Tan finished speaking, and then felt an indescribable chill rising from their backs.

"Hey, hey, there must be something wrong, right?!"

Yu Ying gave a forced smile that was better than crying. She grabbed her hair hard and grinned, "Do those things really have brains? Or is there something secretly controlling them?" ?Don’t scare me, I’m telling you, if this is the case, it will be a lot of fun. Let alone settling the south within half a month, we have to burn incense if we don’t want to be killed by those things that seem to have suddenly enlightened us at our doorstep, okay? !”

Mo Tan shook his head slightly: "I don't know either."

Yu Ying sat down on the ground, hugging Yuchen's thigh and making a trembling gesture: "Then how to fix it?"

Yuchen, who was also worried, let out a short exclamation, and then hurriedly tried to pull the opponent away from her legs. Unfortunately, Yuying, who was about the same level as her, had a complete advantage in strength, and Yuchen was not yet If you dare to use force, it is naturally impossible to tear the opponent apart...

"Stop it."

Mo Tanxian... glanced at Yu Ying with a troubled look, and said with a twitching corner of his mouth: "The plan remains unchanged for the time being. We still have to go to Baita City as soon as possible, but we need to send more scouts out and let them mainly operate in stealth mode along the way. Observe the situation of all mutants and report it as soon as possible. You can make arrangements and then we set off."

Yu Ying snorted, then reluctantly let go of Yu Chen's thigh, made a face at Mo Tan and jumped out. Judging from the panicked scream outside, she seemed to have scared Shou. Basaka outside was jumped.

"To be honest, sometimes I really envy her."

Mo Tan sighed quietly, his face full of tiredness.

Yuchen tilted his head, then coughed lightly, pointed to his leg that Yuying had just hugged, and asked carefully: "Well, do you want me to hug you too?"

"Ahem! Ouch!"

Mo Tan, who had just taken a sip of black tea, choked at that moment. He put his hand on his neck and coughed while saying angrily: "I...cough cough! I didn't mean that, I meant that I envied her carelessness. lung!"

"Hey, I'm just teasing you. Are you in a better mood?"

"Not at all, it's better to say it has become heavier!"

"Ah, I'm disgusted..."

"Uh, don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean it like that!"

"Would you like to consider a knee pillow? It is said to be very relaxing."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Yeah, just teasing you~"


at the same time

Violet Empire, the royal capital Salamun, a square in the old city

A silver-haired young man with a mohawk is sitting leisurely on a bench reading a book. He has a pair of bright red eyes, wearing a white robe, with a pair of delicate triangles hanging around his waist, and a slightly feminine face. Handsome and refined, he is a dark elf poet with relatively comfortable living conditions.

In fact, Croy Lumina is indeed a bard, which does not conflict with his other identities, and even has a high degree of compatibility.

He was lazily flipping through the black notebooks spread out on his knees and eating cheap desserts. He seemed to be enjoying himself very much. Although the old city was the most run-down and backward place in Salamoen, this did not affect it at all. Crow's good mood.

The successive openings of the Purple Nine Hall, the investigation team headed by Rebo Bresne raided Mercury City, the Archduke Marshall was put under house arrest for an unknown reason for the second time, the Supreme Council with a confusing theme, and the Archduke of Fire Claw was represented by the famous mage Tarasha. The disciple’s genius girl, the strange undercurrent hidden under the calm, the suspected imminent drastic change...

Each of these pieces of information, which is difficult for ordinary people, even upper-class nobles, to know, is extremely valuable and can be exchanged for small amounts of money.

[Unfortunately, I don’t have much obsession with money, but this is a good opportunity to return to the Free City as quickly as possible. Ha, is Mr. Crow of the Black Gold Cross Street branch...sounds pretty good ...]

The corners of Crowe's mouth raised slightly, showing a winner's smile.

As the royal capital of the Violet Empire, Salamun's heritage is far beyond that of ordinary towns. There are many secrets hidden in this city, and there are more security measures that can properly protect these secrets, especially those who belong to the highest level of the empire. Layers of 'interesting things' were protected among layers of thorns, causing countless young people who tried to spy but were not properly prepared to bleed all over the ground...

Croy Lumina considers himself a young man, but the difference is that he has enough patience, caution and ability.

He is a natural intelligence gatherer.

The guards hiding in the dark may be wary of every suspicious person, but who would check the crows who are careful enough one by one?

[I’m sure to win, Jun Wu! 】

Crowe stretched out comfortably and declared victory in his heart to the opponent he had never met before.

Half an hour later, the satisfaction on his face disappeared, because 'Xiao Qi', who should have come back long ago, still did not appear on the horizon.

He had an ominous premonition...

nine hours ago

Floor 1 of Liuli Pavilion, Room No. 17, Copper

The little priest who was curled up on the sofa and playing with a ball of golden flame suddenly turned to look at the door and smiled sweetly: "Sir, are you back?"

"Well, do you want to eat roast crow?"

"Bake...what to bake?"

"Roasted crow~"

Chapter 366: End

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