Quadruple split

Chapter 370 Eliz’s Path

Game time PM13:21

Misha County, Elize Road

Not long ago, this was a shortcut popular with small-scale caravans and adventurers. Although it was winding enough, it could save about one-third of the journey for travelers who wanted to rush to White Tower City as soon as possible. In addition, the radiant crystal clusters in Elize's Misty Valley, which covers more than 70% of the detour, are quite valuable, so this road has always been very popular.

"How can this damn place still be so popular?!"

The ranger girl in a dark green cloak cursed in a low voice, forcing herself not to look at the body lingering in the mosquitoes and flies a few meters away. She raised her hand to cover her mouth and nose while steadily raising her small hand crossbow to guard the surroundings. : "There are no monsters visually, let's move quickly."

A scarred-faced man holding a giant sword trotted up from behind. He nodded gloomily and threw two walnut-sized balls with his backhand at the group of mosquitoes and flies. Then he saw two small puffs of smoke exploding out of thin air. Opening, a rapidly spreading smell that smelled like mint immediately dispersed those little things. Some of the ones with weak resistance or those who had no time to escape fell directly to the ground and the remains, making the scene even more complicated. Induces vomiting.

"Praise Lady Luna."

The tall and tall mercenary winked at Robin Weld. He walked towards the corpse with a relaxed pace and turned around with a smile: "You know, we usually can't handle corpses so conveniently. We also have to drive away those bed bugs." Well, the smell of burning the dead with low-quality fuel is simply... tsk tsk, you don't want to know."

A dwarf female thief who didn't know when she ran to Robin Weld rolled her eyes, winked at the former and said, "Don't listen to the black dog's nonsense. He has only been in the industry for two and a half years. The 'corpse' and 'dead man' he just mentioned are There were a few mudkachus, the kind that starved to death outside the tent. Also, the scar on his face was not scratched by a redback beast. It was because he was too skinny when he was playing in the chapel when he was a child, and he accidentally got stuck. It was made by smashing a plate on the steps."

Robin looked down at the dwarf female thief in astonishment, and asked curiously: "Then which part of what he said is true?"

"Gender." The latter shrugged, covered his mouth and said with a smile, "Everything else is basically a lie."

"Hua Pao'er, if you don't say a few words, you will die!"

Tanggula, the 'black dog' with good hearing, turned around and roared angrily, then took out a small bottle of red powder from the pocket on his waist, carefully sprinkled it on the remains, and took out a few inconspicuous red powder The crystal chips rubbed the gloves twice, threw them on the body, and then hurried back in a hurry.

'Hua Pao'er' Lum, who was in the same mercenary group as 'Black Dog', made a face, then quickly pulled up the mask to cover the lower half of his face, and said with a muffled smile: "I've done it for you If you are embarrassed, wouldn't you just burn a corpse? As for..."

boom! ! !

A huge fireball suddenly exploded behind the black dog. Along with the raging heat wave, the mist swept over fiercely. The lightest thief, Hua Pao'er, was swept away by the impact before he could react. He rolled around in embarrassment for several times and managed to stop himself. The next second, he cast a cold look at the black dog and asked in a deep voice, "What the hell did you do?"


The black dog shrank his neck and said with a sneer: "Cremate the corpses of innocent people."

Rum suddenly pulled off his mask, pointed at the blackened bones at his feet, and asked with a distorted face: "Are you @#sure that this is the process for cremation?"

"Well, I accidentally spilled a little more of that... Ms. Luna's explosive agent with my shaking hands."

Black Dog awkwardly scratched the hideous scar on his face and whispered, "It's not because you said bad things about me to Little Luoluo."

Hua Pao'er was anxious at that time. She jumped up angrily and whipped the black dog hard on the knee, while roaring: "You dare to blame me! It's really sad to have your bragging exposed." ! You are such a coward and you have a glass heart! Wait a minute... Why on earth do you want to use explosives to cremate the corpse!?"

"Ah?" Black Dog was dumbfounded at the time. He reacted for a long time before he asked, "Well, shouldn't we use detonators?"

"Use your @#\u0026% detonators! Use \u0026¥ accelerant!!"

Hua Pao'er, whose eyes were about to burst, cursed and pulled out the dagger behind her shoulder. She struggled in the arms of Robin Weld, who picked her up by the waist. She said in a loud voice: "Sister, don't stop me. I have to do it today." I have to give this head full of @#’s ¥%... Hey, you really won’t stop me!”

"Shh." The ranger girl who put down the other party narrowed her eyes and made a silent gesture to the two of them. Suddenly, an imperceptible light lit up in her eyes, and she looked around quickly under the effect of [Eagle Eye]. Looking around, his face suddenly changed: "Oops! Something has been attracted, prepare to fight!"

At the same time as the word "war" came out of her mouth, she had already pulled the trigger of the hand crossbow and shot an arrow filled with light golden mist.

A burst of bright light exploded more than ten meters away, reflecting several figures hidden in the mist.

"Black Dog, just wait. If you can go back alive this time, I will never forgive you!"

Hua Pao'er pulled out the other dagger from behind and held it in front of her, gritting her teeth and said: "Don't be careless, be more vigilant!"

The black dog grinned, stared at the figures that were flying towards him, swung his giant sword a few times, and said happily: "It's just a few scattered monsters, even if there are only three of us, it's enough to kill them! "

"Here we come, just like we said before, don't take action right away!"

As the only player in the team, Robin Weld was not careless because of the small number of enemies. She was more afraid of death and quickly put away her hand crossbow, took off the long bow on her back and pulled it into a full moon, and a silent light ignited. The line of fire replaces the position where the conventional arrow should be.

The next second, the mutant at the front leaped high and roared at the black dog standing at the front of the three. The large amount of rot on its body made it impossible to tell whether it was a boy or not. female.

Buzz! !

The scorching tongues of fire swept out, Robin Weld used a fully charged [Fire Arrow] to shoot down the mutant in the air, and when the latter fell to the ground, he fully drew the bowstring again and fired a bolt of lightning. .

The bright electric arc suddenly spread out, splitting and ejecting rapidly, not only knocking down the mutant on the ground who was about to get up again, but also stagnating the three monsters behind who could not bear to look at it.

Seizing this opportunity, Robbins threw the long bow in his hand at the black dog, then stepped on the shoulder of the mutant in front of him, picked up the hand crossbow hanging on his belt and pressed it against the latter's eyebrows...


The monster shuddered, and then lay motionless on the ground.

"Didn't you say you won't do anything?"

Hua Pao'er watched in a daze as the girl next to her smoothly dealt with a mutant. After sighing, she quickly walked around the other monster with ethereal steps, taking advantage of the fact that the other monster had not yet recovered from the paralysis. At that time, he wielded his two swords and twisted his neck, but in the end he failed to successfully complete the beheading...

As a dwarf thief whose agility is not much worse than that of an elf, Lum's shortcomings in strength are too great. In addition, he was not prepared in advance, and he could not even cut off a slightly harder neck.

"That's awesome, how did you do it!"

While the black dog threw the long bow back to Robin Weld, he rushed forward to stop the other two mutants. He struck and slashed with the giant sword in his hand. Not only was he not at a disadvantage for a while, he even had the time to say a few words. praise.

【sharp? It took more than 70% of the magic power and less than half of the physical power to kill a mutant in one breath. How awesome is that? 】

Robin curled his lips, hung the crossbow back on his waist, raised the longbow and began to provide long-range cover for the two melee professionals in a regular manner, without using the sharp skills from before.

Because Hei Gou and Hua Pao'er were in front of her, she wasn't under too much pressure, and she could even take the time to send a few friend messages while protecting her companions...

‘This is the first feeding team. We encountered a small number of mutants in the middle of the tunnel. ’

‘The battle is ongoing and there is no danger for the time being. ’

‘The specific location is probably in Area 16, and it is currently impossible to determine the distance to the main force. ’

‘The desire to attack among mutants is very strong, no different from normal conditions. ’

at the same time

The first section of the Alize Road more than 20 miles away

The large army heading towards White Tower City is advancing slowly. Although it does not carry any wounded, it is not moving very fast under Mo Tan's deliberate control. The reason is self-evident. After thoroughly understanding those mutants, Before the cause of the 'abnormality' that time, no matter how careful you were, you couldn't be too careful.

At this moment, Yu Ying, who had been sitting on the roof of the carriage shed blowing the wind since the departure, suddenly slid in along the window and said to Mo Tan, who was still offline at almost noon (game time), in a deep voice: "Something's going on! "


Sitting in front of the map, Mo Tan immediately stopped reviewing the Battle of Hind Hill and looked up at the opponent.

Yuying spoke quickly and reported the report: "The first meal team who was exploring the front encountered a mutant. The current location is in the 16th section of Elize that we separated before. It is about twenty-six miles away from us. The number of enemies is sparse, and they are extremely aggressive as usual. The battle started two minutes ago, and the first meal team is sure to wipe out all the enemies within five minutes."

Yu Chen, who was half leaning out of the window to greet his admirers, also retracted back into the car. He ran to Mo Tan and looked down at the densely marked Elize Xiaowu Valley on the map. He quickly found it. The area marked sixteen, asked softly: "Isn't it a bit too far?"

"Yes, it's too far."

Mo Tan nodded, and after thinking for a few seconds, he said sternly to Yu Ying: "Ask the first meal team not to annihilate all the enemies, but to find a way to get rid of them after leaving one alive, and then immediately use excessive amounts of death dust to detour. Follow the mutant and be sure not to be discovered. If there is any abnormality, report it as soon as possible. Also, inform everyone to speed up the journey and have the second to fifth meal teams rush to the middle of the detour and be ready to respond at any time."


Yu Ying didn't say any nonsense. After sending the message to Robin Weld in sync with Mo Tan's words, she immediately dodged and rushed out of the carriage...

Yu Chen gently sat down opposite Mo Tan, and asked in an uncertain voice across the low table covered with maps: "Has the abnormality disappeared?"

"Don't know, but I hope it doesn't."

Mo Tan slowly shook his head and sighed: "Invisible dangers are always more troublesome than visible ones. If there are indeed no problems with the mutants we encountered, we will have to be cautious in our future actions. , if that’s the case…”

He smiled bitterly and did not continue.

Yuchen's body swayed slightly, and she seemed to want to stand up for a moment, but she still sat there and didn't move. She just muttered with some self-deprecation: "Well... I don't know what to say at all..."

"What's wrong?"

Faced with the girl's rather rare tone of voice, Mo Tan asked, somewhat confused, "What are you thinking about?"


Yuchen waved his hands in a panic, then lay weakly on the table, shaking his little head and whispered: "I just thought it would be nice if I could be of some help."

Mo Tan couldn't help but burst out laughing when he heard this, and smiled: "Your role is much greater than mine. When we get to Baita City and Panshu City, I don't know how many people are waiting for you to treat them. It is very likely that there will be many more in the future." The injured are waiting for you to rescue them, so please don’t try to make yourself busier.”

"That's not what I meant..."

The girl puffed up her cheeks unhappily, raised her little face stained with ink and pouted at the other party: "The nature is different."

Seeing a girl who rarely showed a little willfulness, Mo Tan had a very strong urge to rub her head hard, but he still controlled himself well and just took out a hand. Jie Xuebai handed over the bandage and chuckled: "Anyway, wipe your face first~"


Yuchen was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously glanced down at the map that had just been marked with his face, and quickly whispered: "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it... Well, but why is that? A bandage instead of a handkerchief?”

Mo Tan shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "This bandage is the cleanest thing on my body."

"It smells fishy."

The girl wrinkled her little nose, then grabbed the cuffs of Motan's priest's robe, wiped it on her little face a few times, smiled and said, "Okay."

Mo Tan gave a dry laugh, and nodded to the saintly lady in front of him, whose face was getting more and more beautiful: "As long as you are happy, but please be sure to wash your face before leaving..."

"Hey, Mo Tan."


"If we are in danger, I will protect you."


"Because I'm stronger~"

"Uh... whatever... you can be happy..."

Chapter 367: End

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