Quadruple split

Chapter 372 Roots

Seeing the rather huge mutant roaring towards us, and looking at the two girls on its back shouting loudly that they were friendly forces, the friends present were all shocked...

But fortunately, they still abided by the instructions given by Hei Fan before, and did not shout loudly with the slogan "XX above, this evil is worth fighting" or "In the name of XX, these two girls are worth saving", but He quickly made a way and watched the mutant, who was still unaware of being reduced to a two-person mount, run towards the depths of the position.

Half a minute later, behind the position

Yuying, who kept receiving messages from players along the way, was reporting quickly and simultaneously...

"The target passed by the Dawn Goddess Statue. There was no additional reaction and it continued to move forward."

"The target passed by the clergy team without extra cover. There was no additional reaction and it continued to move."

"The target passed the trip wire and fell. After getting up, there was no additional reaction and continued to move. By the way, Lum and Robin Weld of the first meal team were thrown out."

"The target passed through a large amount of glow powder piled up, but there was no... no, there was a brief hesitation! But it still didn't stop and continued to move forward!"

"The target passed through the alchemy workshop. There was no additional reaction. It continues to move forward and is almost here!"

There was no problem with her judgment. Luna's mobile alchemy workshop was not far from here, and with the mutant's speed, she would soon reach here.

Mo Tan nodded lightly, held the cross in his hand tightly and muttered in a low voice: "No reaction to the goddess statue with a small amount of divine power, no reaction to the unprotected important healer, no reaction to the trap that can be seen through at a glance, There is no response to the extremely threatening alchemy workshop... Well, it is basically certain that no one is secretly directing them."

"Even so..."

Priest Furman, who was holding a hammer, shook his neck, turned to Mo Tan and asked: "Then how should we explain this situation?"

The latter rubbed his forehead and was silent for less than two seconds before suddenly asking Yu Ying, "Can you tell its final destination?"

"To judge the size, I can only barely understand the situation through the elimination... cough, crystal."

Yuying immediately laughed dryly, shook her head and said: "I can't see the picture. It would be nice to know where the mutant is running. How can I know it so carefully?"

"What's the approximate direction?"

"Our side."

"I know." Mo Tan took a deep breath, and roughly figured out the time when the mutants arrived here, and then said in a deep voice to the people around him: "When the target comes over later, don't do it before I take action. Attack it, no matter what.”

Yu Ying, Furman, Yu Chen, Bugbear Basaka and Luna all nodded without asking any more questions.

"Don't worry, things don't seem to be as bad as I thought before."

Mo Tan smiled, and then arranged for everyone to spread out slightly, and distanced themselves while ensuring that everyone was within each other's field of vision.

A moment later, accompanied by a roar that was already annoying, the tall mutant with dilated pupils, gray skin, and vomiting body odor rushed over crazily from a distance, approaching quickly.

[Not the officiant Foreman. 】

Mo Tan observed the opponent's running route attentively, and immediately judged that the mutant was not interested in the orc priest who was standing farthest away.

[Not Luna. 】

Luna, who just wandered out for a short distance, has also been ruled out. According to the mutant's current direction, it should pass by the alchemist girl who is squatting on the ground reading a book. Of course, the possibility of accidents cannot be ruled out... …

Mo Tan, who had his magic at the ready at all times, waited nervously. A second later, the irrational monster quickly passed by Luna without any desire to attack.

The latter didn't frown until the other person passed by him for a few seconds, covered his nose with the cuffs of his robe, and murmured in a low voice: "It really stinks."

Luna didn't care about the excessive delay, and Mo Tan, who became increasingly nervous, continued to rule out...

[Not Basaka. 】

【Not Yuying. 】

【Could it be that……】


The mutant let out an extremely unpleasant roar, swayed his tall body, and stretched out his claw-like right hand to grab Yuchen!

There was a hint of astonishment on her pretty face. The girl who was half a beat too slow to react had just raised her little hand, and the big hand carrying the stench was already under her hood...

At the same time, two low-pitched but extremely penetrating characters suddenly sounded——


A glimmer of light that was difficult to discern with the naked eye flashed, and at the same time as two layers of light shields emerged from Yuchen's side, the mutant's putrid hand that was about to hit Yuchen's forehead suddenly stopped, and its body froze in place. .

【Laws and Orders Obstacle】

Holy Light Sect active skills

Can grow

Mastery requirements: Holy Light Knowledge level 7, possessing the profession [Discipline Priest]

Consumption/restrictions: 20 magic points, 20 physical points, 20 faith points

Effect: Create a short-lived invisible barrier at a designated location within fifteen meters from the caster, which will hinder the movement of all units within the range. The cooling time is 180 seconds.

[Note: Take the recipe as an example. In most cases, we will use 200g noodles, 1500ml water, 2g white pepper, 100ml white vinegar, 4 eggs, cook on medium heat for 20 minutes, and boil water for 30 seconds. To describe the effect of a skill, but occasionally, we don’t mind using some noodles, water, a pinch of white pepper, a small amount of white vinegar, half a bowl of egg liquid (I don’t tell you what size bowl it is), and three spoons of cooking wine (Yes, I won’t tell you how big the spoon is), simmer for a while, and pass through the boiling water to tell you how to use this skill~]

Law Barrier, a new skill that Mo Tan acquired some time ago, is just like its remarks. All the data except the cooling time and casting distance are extremely vague. Compared with those specific ones such as 'Reduce the target's movement speed by 15%'. Most of the numerical skills and the effects of the Law Barrier are very abstract, just like a classic Chinese home-cooked recipe that although the content is exactly the same, everyone can make different tastes.

It doesn’t even have the content ‘The specific effect depends on XX’.

Mo Tan was unable to analyze any patterns in his previous use. After several deliberate tests, he found that the effect was different every time he used [Law Barrier]. Some were sweet and some were sweet. At that time... Well, in short, both the specific effects and the coverage area are very random, and it is impossible to summarize any useful rules. Apart from the sharp trait of "no response", it is just like learning from a certain national good brother. When it comes to the Six Meridians Divine Sword, there is a chance to win.

But this does not prevent [Law Barrier] from being an excellent skill, especially when it is performed at a super level!

Mo Tan's panicked 'stop' actually caused the mutant to step on the board of Uncle Niu's coffin and freeze for more than five seconds in a posture that was very contrary to common sense in physics.

As for why it is "more than five seconds" instead of "five seconds", this question is actually very easy to explain...

Because at the fifth second when the mutant was held down by the [Law Barrier], a large hammer with the Divine Emblem of Justice printed on it, an armor-piercing steel arrow whizzing out, and a huge condensed weapon that was seriously oversized. The light arrow and another standard condensed light arrow of normal size but extremely penetrating hit the mutant at the same time, and except for Basaka's upright and overweight light arrow, the other three attacks were all running. He went with his head, so the unlucky child died on the spot without even making a "ga" sound.

There was an extra hole in the belly and most of it was missing, but there was no whole body left.

"May your desecrated soul find solace."

Priest Furman sighed, drew an imaginary emblem of justice on the corpse of the once just ordinary person, and recited something in a low voice. He was completely unlike the first person who pounced on the corpse, rounded off the hammer, and opened the human skull. .

Basaka, the bugbear who can use the power of dawn, clapped his hands happily and said inarticulately: "May Lu Shen protect the carp."

The female assassin, who had no emotion, just snorted coolly, then walked to the remains of the mutant with an indifferent expression, leaned over and pulled out her armor-piercing steel arrow worth 6 silver coins, and wiped it twice. After that, she put it away again. Since she communicated with the boss who ranked second in the combat power rankings not long ago, this girl seems to be getting more and more courageous. Recovering arrows from severely decomposed corpses She can do it all, and she looks more and more like a female assassin who truly has no feelings.

Well, I can’t get any money either…

Yu Chen, who seemed to be in crisis but was actually prepared for it, turned back to Mo Tan and smiled: "Thank you."

"Uh, it's okay."

Mo Tan, who seemed to have just felt bored, subconsciously replied, then glanced down at the completely dead mutant, and asked blankly: "How did you kill it?"

Then Yuchen and others were also stunned.

After a few seconds, Yu Ying glanced at Mo Tan inexplicably: "You said it yourself."

Mo Tan blinked: "What did I say?"

"Let's not attack it until you do it."

Furman scratched his unshaven chin, shrugged and said, "Then I saw you take action, so I quickly followed suit."

Mo Tan was shocked: "I didn't do anything! I just shouted."


Yuchen walked up to the former, gently pressed down his arm stretched out on his left side, and whispered: "You did do it."


Mo Tan, who raised his hand just to place a [Law Order Shield] for Yu Chen, twitched at the corner of his mouth, secretly cursed himself as an idiot, then coughed dryly, and said forcefully: "Actually, what I meant was that before I 'attacked'... ...Hey, don’t you see that Luna didn’t take any action..."

He suddenly and inexplicably wanted to save face.

As a result, Luna did not give him face, but slowly raised her little hand, shook the two red gems between her fingers, and said seriously: "I only brought this, it will affect Wangyu, so I didn't use."

"I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Mo Tan let out a long sigh, then turned to Yu Chen and said sternly: "Now it's almost certain. Although I don't know why, this mutant is obviously coming for you, and if I guessed correctly, When we were at Hind Hill before, those mutants didn't want to attack the weak point of the defense line, they just wanted to rush to the rear where you were."

Because all the clues are very consistent, it is not difficult to judge this result, but the problem is...


Yuying walked up to Yuchen with some confusion, but because there was an NPC present, she did not 'harass' him as usual. Instead, she leaned forward and looked at the other person's confused little face carefully: " Although I can see it, why is it Wangyu?"

Priest Furman frowned and speculated: "Because of Her Highness Wangyu's identity? After all, she is a saint favored by the gods, and Her Highness Xia Lian is not here, so she became the most 'attractive' among us. ?”

"That's not right." Luna, who was looking through her notes, shook her head without raising her head, and said softly: "When Hei Fan mentioned Hind Hill, His Highness Xia Lian was present and was with me, and There was no attack.”

Fuhrman immediately slapped his forehead and said suddenly: "That's right. Does that mean it has nothing to do with the identity of God's Favored One?"

Yuchen tilted his head and thought for a while, then asked hesitantly: "Is it because I am too weak? Although we are all blessed by gods, Sister Xia Lian is different from me. If those mutants attack her, If you do, they will all be beaten away..."

"I guess it has nothing to do with the strength."

Mo Tan denied her point of view, staring at the corpse of the mutant and saying solemnly: "First of all, their intelligence has obviously not improved much. A mutant who can be easily knocked down by a trip wire should not be able to tell that Xia How strong His Highness Lian is, unless they can feel the so-called 'powerful breath', but I personally think this is unlikely. Don't forget that in many previous conflicts, especially under Mida City, That time, even His Highness Xia Lian would be attacked wildly by those mutants..."

Everyone nodded slightly and agreed with his idea.

"Could that be because Wang Yu has a great effect on us?"

Yu Ying made a guess again, hammered her palms and said: "Only she can treat so many people infected with the plague in one go, while other priests can only play a mitigating role at best. In terms of alchemy and pharmacy, only Luna Only the things you make can have a certain effect, and the spells of mages, shamans and druids are completely useless. As for Your Highness Xia Lian, I didn’t know it before, but she can’t even use divine spells now, so …At least from the perspective of suppressing the spread of the plague, Wangyu’s role is irreplaceable.”

"It's possible, but there are still a lot of details that don't make sense."

Mo Tan vaguely seemed to have grasped something, but in the end he still couldn't figure it out. He had to put on a relaxed smile: "Anyway, we have roughly figured out the mutant's target and perception distance. Let's think about it later. It's time to continue setting off. Let everyone prepare to speed up. No matter what, we will arrive at White Tower City first. Oh, by the way, let the snack team maintain a position of fifteen miles ahead of the main force. Once they encounter mutants, they will immediately send news back. "

Yu Ying laughed dryly: "That's no problem, but Robin Weld and Hua Pao'er from the first meal team applied for two days of rest, plus mental loss allowance."

"Uh, what's the reason?"

"Motion sickness."

Chapter 369: End

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