Quadruple split

Chapter 373 News about the second uncle

Game time PM19:13

Kalan City North, Central Avenue, Traveler Hostel

"It's another day without anyone visiting..."

The girl in maid uniform with long black hair muttered in a low voice, and then continued to wave the broom quickly under the magic crystal lamp decorated with warm-colored plants, humming a tune that was occasionally mixed with two "goo"s, and moved those thin A thin, almost negligible amount of dust is expelled outside the door.

Although it has been many days since Mo Tan left the city, the Weiyang girl who holds multiple jobs such as the second housekeeper, waiter, cleaner, cashier, and front desk of the Kalan City Hotel has not changed much. She is still wearing the black and white maid outfit that was adapted from the real world. She has a mysophobia that cannot tolerate a trace of dust, a sweet smile with a sugar level of nine plus, and a bad attitude towards anyone who tries to come in and get free tea.

"Is there no one?"

Jun Wu, who was lying on the rocking chair behind the counter and reading a book, slowly poked his head out, raised his hand and pushed his pair of gold-wired flat glasses without prescription, and asked his sister in confusion: "I I remember that a lot of people came today, did you remember correctly?"

The bookish half-elf boss has not changed much. He wears his red robe that he never changes and huddles behind the counter to read every day. However, his scope of coverage is a bit wider than before. Back then (actually it didn’t take long at all) ) The book "Deaf Pig Z" that Mo Tan saw when he first came here has been replaced by various free flyers with no features except for the words on them. It can be seen that the financial situation of the Traveler Hostel in Kalan City has indeed become very bad. It’s not optimistic anymore...

"Did I remember it wrong?"

Weiyang shook the pair of light gray wings behind him, frowned and thought for a long time before turning to Jun Wu and asked, "Um, is there any single income of more than twenty copper coins today?"

Jun Wu didn't even open the money box behind the counter, and replied without thinking: "Since the day before yesterday, the merchant was tricked by you into buying two dyed Nikachu and changed their names to 'Bamboo Rats' , there will no longer be any customer who spends more than ten copper coins.”

Weiyang shrugged, trotted back the broom and said briskly: "Then I remember it right."


"Those who spend less than twenty copper coins are not counted as people, so today is also a day without guests."

Weiyang inserted her waist in a reasonable manner, holding a rag between her fingers.

Jun Wu laughed dryly: "By the way, Weiyang, when did you awaken to other hobbies besides workaholics? Okay, okay, take a longer view and don't be greedy for small profits. By the way, change the drink list to Free tea can be refilled, um...two cups, plus free snacks."

"How generous..."

Weiyang casually took a plate that was clean enough to reflect light and wiped it in his hands. His tone was quite calm: "What are you planning on?"

Jun Wu pushed his eyes gently and said seriously: "I just want the guests to feel the warmth of home and increase our popularity."

Weiyang smiled and asked without raising his head: "Then Gu?"

"Then? Well, since there are good teas with free refills, then there is no need to provide water for one copper coin to drink. Moreover, tea that allows guests to drink three cups for free and still want it must be really popular, Therefore, the unit price is increased by two copper coins." Jun Wu lay on his back in the rocking chair and said lazily: "Don't be careless about the free snacks. You must add more ingredients, especially salt. Salt is a good thing. It can clear fire and protect your teeth. Not to mention anti-inflammatory and beauty treatments, it can also cure constipation, kill germs, remove athlete's foot, maintain the osmotic pressure of extracellular fluids, and participate in the regulation of acid-base balance in the body. For the health of our guests, we must add more."

Weiyang stopped what he was doing, tilted his head and asked, "Are you sure these theories also apply to the game?"

"Whether it is suitable or not is none of our business?"

Jun Wu folded his legs lazily and chuckled: "Anyway, if someone asks you why the snacks are so salty, just answer like I just said and tell them that they are from the mouth of Kui Wei Lianshan, the famous great pharmacist. If you don’t know, let them read the book, but don’t tell them what book it is.”

Weiyang chuckled and nodded happily: "Is there anything else you want to add?"

"Well, add some cold melon slices to the tea."

"What's that for?"

"It's good for your health. I've read a book called "Common Ingredients" by Qishou before. It said that cold melon has many excellent qualities. Not only is it cheap, it's also rich in nutrients and not easy to gain weight..."

Boss Jun looked like one for all, and finally added with a chuckle: "It's also a diuretic."

Weiyang was startled: "What Gu?"

Jun Wufeng shook his head calmly: "Nothing, starting from tomorrow, the hotel's bathroom will officially charge. Well, the cleaning fee is one copper coin per use, and you will get one for ten purchases. If there are many people on that day, haha, If there are too many people, cleaning will naturally be troublesome, so just increase the price temporarily.”

Weiyang reacted for a moment, and then gave Jun Wu a thumbs up. He felt that his younger brother, who was usually unwilling to compete with other class cadres, was really very responsible and responsible after he became the boss!

at this time……

Jun Wu, who was lying lazily on the rocking chair, suddenly sat up suddenly, his eyes were dull, and he murmured in a low voice: "Here he comes!"

"What's coming Gu?"

Weiyang didn't react for a while and looked at Jun Wu curiously.

The latter was silent for a while, then turned around and gave an uneasy smile: "Here comes the news about that bastard, he is simply not a human being!"

Weiyang chuckled, fluttering his wings and sitting on the counter, shaking his calves and sighing: "The second uncle still cares about our Gu, lest we fail to catch up with this opportunity for promotion Gu~"

"How could I not catch up..."

Jun Wu smacked his lips, raised his forehead and said: "Although the headquarters did not express its position and just asked us to keep up our efforts, the completion level is actually written on the task column."

He subconsciously opened the menu bar and glanced at the most prominent item on the taskbar...


epic quest

Task content: Provide one or more pieces of A-level intelligence with a comprehensive value equivalent to A-level information to the headquarters of the Wanderer Hotel within fifteen days.

Current completion level: 167%

The following is omitted

[Note: Hey, hey, it’s an epic mission after all. Can you give me a little face? 】

That's right, it's 167% complete. I simply modified the content that Tan Mo sent last time (such as disabled girl, eighteen forbidden, etc.) and then submitted it. This epic seems to be very difficult to complete. On the second day, the completion level of the super-level task exceeded more than half. Boss Jun fixed it at that time, and the task notes seemed to be in order...

Jun Wu had already overfulfilled the task, and now he was just waiting for the results to come out after the task time limit. He told Mo Tan, and he never contacted him again.

As a result, at this moment, he actually received another piece of extremely important news.

"Following last time, the investigation team found some clues in Mercury City, the core of the Marshall Territory and the foundation of the Marshall family. However, although it is related to the slave trade, there is no evidence to show that this matter is directly connected to the Marshall family. So, When the investigation team returned to Salamoon, Duke Buffy Marshall's house arrest was lifted. Futaba, a disabled girl who was the consultant of the Fire Claw Territory, was greatly affected. She stole the high-level magic items in the Mercury Court and returned to the Red Court. , although Buffy Marshall insisted at the Supreme Council that he 'needs to take responsibility' and promised a large amount of compensation to the Fire Claws, but if he is indeed directly related to the slave hunting and trafficking, these losses are definitely worth it, provided that It is the Fire Claw Leader who really intends to take over this (suspected) blood-stained olive branch.

After the meeting, relying on the clues discovered by the investigation team in Mercury City, the empire's top leaders organized a temporary army composed of Marshall, Crystal Wolf, Simon, Baroka and Violet family troops as quickly as possible, and raided The 'Silver Cake' Chamber of Commerce Timber Processing Factory is located on the edge of the Dark Forest and is suspected to be a slave transfer station. However, the only person in charge and insider there, Sack Frees, suddenly exploded on the spot, suspected of committing suicide.

Three days later, the third Violet Supreme Meeting began. Due to the sudden interruption of the clues, after a short discussion, the matter was about to come to an end...

However, at this moment, a bard who called himself Anthony Dabbs broke into the Purple Jiu Hall and brought Sakfrith, who was supposed to be dead.

After investigation, the real name of this half-elf 'Anthony Dabus' is Tan Mo. His strength and background are unknown. He is suspected to be closely related to the recent incident of the cultist in Hofer City in the Northeast China. This person's whereabouts are mysterious, difficult to contact, and he has a close relationship with Violet. None of the nine major families have any contact with each other, and their sudden appearance in Salamun seems to have another purpose.

The appearance of Sackfrees immediately overturned the situation. He revealed that his true identity was the second-class deacon of the underground chamber of commerce "Viper" and the person in charge of the slave transfer station code-named "Black Mercury". He was mainly responsible for communicating with slave buyers in the Northeast Continent. He has maintained a cooperative relationship with the Marshall family for more than ten years, and has a certain understanding of the two slave-catching groups under his command. After proving that he is indeed Sacfrith, Buffy, who was about to escape from the core of the storm, Marshall suddenly fell into absolute passivity.

On the same day, when the Supreme Council ended, Duke Buffy Marshall and his entourage were once again placed under house arrest in the Quicksilver Court. According to information provided by informants, the nine lords would put the Marshall family on trial on the seventh day from that day.

In addition, Tanmo, who used the pseudonym 'Anthony Dabbs', returned to the Red Garden with the disabled girl Futaba that day. Anthony did not return all night and did not leave until late the next night, and then lost news again.

That's probably what happened. If you two submit this information, the completion of the task should be enough to break through 200%. The 'Free City No-Night Zone Dormitory Boss' obtained with a very low probability will be a certainty. I and I An old friend who used to live there asked about the night-free area of ​​the Free City. He heard that the location was very good and it seemed that it would be very promising.

By the way, no third person knows about my dealings with you two, so unless you take the initiative to leak it, no one will know that 'Anthony Dabbs' or 'Tan Mo' has anything to do with the Kallan City Hotel. Relationship, when I went to Black Tower City to deliver the letter, my pseudonym was 'Gulland Fard', and my identity was your second uncle. I think that boss Blaine must have told you. In short, don't worry about us. This relationship will be seen through by others.

Next, if you people at the Wanderer Hostel headquarters are not hopelessly mentally retarded, they will definitely send someone over to understand the situation after you report this news. After all, your early performance was mediocre and you never left home. It's not normal for you two to get this kind of information, but it doesn't matter. I've already thought of the words for you in advance...

If someone asks you, either directly or in a roundabout way, about the source of your intelligence, tell them straightforwardly that you two know a human man named Link Zelda. He has a stern face and looks to be about thirty years old. You can’t tell by your strength, but I saved the lives of your siblings by chance a few years ago.

Some time ago, not long after you became the person in charge of the Kalan City Hotel, Mr. Link suddenly appeared in front of you and asked for the box that had been sent to Black Tower City. He left after knowing that it was no longer in your hands.

Before leaving, Link expressed his willingness to occasionally provide intelligence to your siblings, on the condition that when he needs to know something, you will help him as an insider of Wanderer Hotel, and he is also willing to pay for the information requested. , this is not a violation of industry rules, at best it is just a back door.

I believe that no matter which Wanderer Inn on the road you are in charge of, there will definitely be several intelligence suppliers with relatively good connections, so they will not embarrass you because of the existence of 'Link Zelda'. On the contrary, they can By getting connected with this well-informed and mysterious figure, those high-level officials may pay more attention to you.

Ha~ I believe that the transaction between us will officially begin soon.

In the future, for this kind of valuable information, you can use Link as a cover and ask for some benefits, information or resources from the hotel in his name. Of course, you must give priority to me when I need it.

From next time, Link Zelda may start making requests, but it’s not directed at you~

If they investigate this person carefully afterwards, they should take more care of you.

Okay, then I wish you both a promotion and fortune~

The letter containing these two pieces of information should be sent to you soon. After receiving it, you can report the news this time. The letter can be used as evidence, and you can also make a statement by the way.

I may go to Black Tower City in a while. If you haven't been transferred by then, I will drop by to see you.

If you have been transferred, see you in the city of freedom.

So, that's it, go ahead and do what you have to do. Don't send me messages if you have nothing to do. I'm very busy recently.

——Your loyal second uncle: Gulande Fader"

Jun Wu and Weiyang looked at each other, feeling dizzy and unable to say a single word for a while...

They felt like they still underestimated that guy.

What a mess! ?

Chapter 370: End

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