Quadruple split

Chapter 374 Blood Seeking Crest

at the same time

Sala Moon, Room 17, Liuli Pavilion

Turning off the message bar, Mo Tan stretched his body invisibly as if he was asleep, then picked up the crystal cup filled with bright red liquid on the small table in front of him, and directly poured out most of the liquid left in it. Donkey finished the red wine and chuckled at the beautiful lady sitting opposite him: "It's not bad~"

"Is it?"

Salia, no, the beautiful blood seeker who had been renamed Lesa Kevos smiled. Lying on her side on the sofa, her eyes moved, and she glanced at Mo Tan particularly charmingly, with a lazy voice. A touch of cunning: "Although I don't mind sharing the same drink with you, is this virgin blood with only a small amount of spices really to your taste?"

Mo Tan looked at the lady in front of him who had put on a long black gauze skirt and a thin undershirt at some point, and didn't care at all about his love affair, and raised his eyebrows: "Virgin's blood?"

"Yes, I bought it with the pocket money you gave me. There is no shortage of relevant channels in Salamoon's trading area."

With a flick of her finger, Lesa drew several blood lines from the small bag hanging in the front hall, refilled the cup in front of Mo Tan, and said with a smile: "This is my dinner."

Mo Tan understood it, picked up the cup of blood and walked slowly to Leisha, handing the latter's dinner over: "It tastes really good, I guess that girl must not be too ugly."

Lesa took the blood, took a sip, then grabbed Mo Tan's sleeve and wiped the corner of her mouth, then narrowed her eyes with contentment: "It doesn't matter if it's ugly or not, but although blood is the same as food to us, it is For people who don’t have the physique of a blood seeker, it can be compared to a powerful emetic, and it also has various side effects, so...how do you feel now?"

"My head is a little dizzy, my stomach is uncomfortable, and my whole body is hot. It's just terrible~"

Mo Tan gave the answer without reservation, and then sat down in front of Leisha who was curled up slightly. He stretched out one hand and rubbed the latter's shoulders with a smile. The strength was very precise, as if he was shaking her head twice. A master who has been making horses and killing chickens for more than ten years.

Lesa tilted her head and leaned on Mo Tan's legs. While enjoying the extremely professional massage service, she asked lazily: "Then why can't I see that you are uncomfortable at all?"

"Beautiful things always make people subconsciously forget the pain~"

Mo Tan pushed a strand of hair from Lesa's forehead and stared intently into her bright red eyes. His tone was soft and low: "I found the most beautiful thing in the world in your eyes..."

Ms. Bloodseeker, who has been completely immune to these remarks, smiled slightly and opened her red lips: "Oh? What did you find in my eyes?"


Mo Tan stared at Lesa's bloody eyes that reflected his own image infatuatedly, and admired affectionately: "How could there be such an outstanding person in this world..."

Although she didn't take the other party's words seriously at first, Lesa, whose cheeks were slightly red, still had a very strong impulse to slap this narcissist who used her eyes as a mirror against the wall.

However, she finally suppressed this idea, closed her eyes and said leisurely: "Please forgive me for not being able to continue to appreciate such an outstanding person, otherwise it will be me who vomits after you have seen enough."

"It doesn't matter, I still have your face to look at."

Mo Tan moved back a little so that the other party could lean on him more comfortably, and smiled: "Although the effect is not as good as looking at yourself, it is still pleasing to the eye."

Although this interaction seemed quite ambiguous, neither of them seemed to feel any discomfort, and they had no intention of being infatuated at all. Mo Tan joked casually while touching Lesa's shoulder, and Lesa Then he leaned lazily on Mo Tan and responded with all kinds of cynicism, but there was no trace of resistance or disgust in his words.

After confessing everything, Lesa seemed to have completely let go. She no longer pretended to be calm and mature, nor did she cover up her contrasting postures, as long as she was alone with Mo Tan. Next, Ms. Bloodseeker threw away her scruples and said whatever she wanted and did whatever she wanted. Whether it was knocking Mo Tan to the ground or leaning on him to take a nap, she had no scruples at all. She could do whatever she wanted. Everything comes from the heart.

Because the other person was the only one who knew her entire situation, from that day on, Lesa relied heavily on this guy who called himself a poet and was always so calm and unhurried. She knew this very well, but she didn't reject him at all.

This is a very subtle feeling. It is different from friends, accomplices, partners, collaborators, and mutual use. It is difficult for Lesa to judge what kind of relationship she has with Mo Tan, but what is certain is that she I feel that the other person is not infatuated with me, and the usual behavior is just a very irritating, subconscious teasing, and I am not infatuated with the other person, well, maybe there are a few... or a dozen moments A little bit indeed, but whenever that situation occurs, Tan Mo will definitely be so mean that he wants to beat him up, such as mentioning those old friends who know how many he has...

So I couldn't have any excessive feelings for him, well, at least when 'Salia' was dominant.

While thinking so wildly, Lesa asked casually: "What did you do the night before yesterday?"

Mo Tan chuckled and said seriously: "I'm going to do something big."

She thought he was going to meet his sweetheart Lesa, who was stunned for a moment, opened her eyes and asked curiously: "What's the big deal?"

"I have an old sweetheart who has become rich recently." Mo Tan smacked his lips and said happily: "After I found out, I ran over to meet her and reminded the girl not to forget our original relationship, and then she I stayed there for one night and slept until... Ugh!"

Lessa coldly withdrew her delicate hand that was beating on the former's chest and snorted softly: "I knew it."

Mo Tan grinned for about ten seconds before asking with a smile, "Are you jealous?"


This time he waited for two minutes...

"I'm just worried about where you'll die in the gutter and won't be able to fulfill what you promised me before."

Leisha slowly sat up, turned her back to Mo Tan and leaned on his shoulder, saying calmly: "You are so weak, even if you have some ulterior motives, you must be careful as much as possible. Don’t wade in the water, or you may drown yourself.”

Mo Tan casually took a handful of the other person's black hair, sniffed it, and whistled loudly: "Are you worried about me?"

"Yes." Lesa admitted very readily and said without looking back: "At least I will be worried about you until I return to the Free City."

Mo Tan yawned in disinterest. Just as he was about to say something, he saw a butterfly outlined by countless tiny blood lines appearing in front of him. Although it was less than half the size of a palm, its appearance was extremely delicate. , exuding an indescribable cold air.

Before Mo Tan could ask, Lesa turned around and whispered softly: "This is my blood-seeking emblem. You choose a place to print it. If you encounter danger in the future, wipe it with your own blood. As long as the distance is not too far." I can feel it from afar.”

"Oh, butt then."

Mo Tan didn't ask any further questions, and without saying a word, he reached for his belt. Then he was slapped by the red-faced Lessa behind him, and lost 20% of his health.

The blood seeker lady, who was no longer cold and charming but became more and more seductive, rolled her eyes at him lightly, bit her lower lip and hummed: "Can you be more serious? How can anyone put a coat of arms on their buttocks... …”

Although the change was not obvious, Mo Tan was still keenly aware that the soul that dominated Lessa's behavior had quietly turned into 'Remilia', the one whose body was destroyed by the original blood embrace. younger sister.

However, in the past two days, he had already become accustomed to the undisguised changes of the other party, so he did not do any more testing. He just said seriously: "How can you say it is not serious? Think about it, if it is printed on the buttocks, it can first ensure concealment. Sex, it is difficult for people to discover the connection between me and a certain blood seeker. Secondly, it can also effectively avoid accidental triggering. If it is on the back of my hand or something like that, if I accidentally fall over and scratch it. Pidu may get a harassing phone call from you, so the butt is the most suitable."

Lesa blinked and asked curiously: "What is a harassing phone call?"



Lessa obediently didn't ask any more questions. She lowered her head and stared at her toes hesitantly, and said hesitantly: "I think it's better to change the position. It's really weird to have it printed on your butt!"

Unexpectedly, Mo Tan didn't insist anymore, but touched his chin and nodded gently: "That's right, if one day I get hemorrhoids, that emblem will most likely continue to be activated for several days... Well, I I have to ask, is this thing obvious after it is printed on? It would be best if it could be invisible, it always feels a bit girly."

As soon as Mo Tan agreed to change his mind, Lesa immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and said repeatedly: "It can be invisible, it can be invisible. After the branding is successful, you can decide whether to make it emerge or not. Activated Sometimes you just need to apply blood on the corresponding location. My personal suggestion is actually to hide it. However, if you encounter a hostile blood seeker in the future, you can show this to the other party. Although it may not be useful, if it is not a particularly big problem, The conflict... Well, maybe the other party will let you go for the sake of the coat of arms."

"That's really considerate. Okay, last question..."

Mo Tan hugged Leisha's shoulders affectionately, and then the smile on his face gradually faded, and he asked in a low voice: "Even if this blood-seeking emblem is not activated, will it still allow you to sense my position at all times? How can you easily identify me among the crowd of handsome guys?"

Lesa nodded honestly: "Well, you are right, but the farther the distance, the weaker the effect. And if it is not activated, even if you are in danger or seriously injured, I will not be able to feel it. I can only confirm your location." and whether alive or not.”

"What you said is really candid."

Mo Tan found that the other party had no consciousness of invading other people's privacy at all, so he couldn't help but laughed dryly, shook his head and said, "I advise you not to print this thing on me."

Lesa was stunned for a moment, then turned back with a very confused expression and asked: "Why? You will be much safer if you can contact me at any time. You are so weak..."

"Because there are a lot of things I don't want you to know, or things that would be difficult to deal with if you find out."

Mo Tan's tone suddenly turned cold. He gently pushed away Lesa who was leaning on his back and stood up. He smiled meaningfully and said, "It's that simple."

The blood seeker lady seemed to be startled, but then she said with a smile: "I know, then I swear to my source blood that I will block the normal perception immediately after imprinting the blood seeker emblem on you. Let it only take effect when you actively use it, and will never actively explore your location at other times. If you violate it, you will immediately die of a broken heart."

As Lesa spoke, she folded her hands on her chest. Along with her words, a shrinking scarlet light lit up on her left chest, which slowly dissipated after the oath was over.

"A bloodseeker's oath never requires a contract or the witness of a god."

Lesa smiled proudly and said briskly: "We are born with the strange power contained in the blood. If we swear on the source blood, the binding force will be much greater than the contract of the demon lord. You can rest assured now. What?"

Mo Tan, who had supplemented his knowledge about blood seekers in Salamoen Library before, really knew about this, but he didn't expect that the other party would swear to the source of blood so easily, so he stopped talking nonsense, stretched out his left hand and smiled. Said: "Are you really attracted to me? Ha, okay, then the location of the wrist artery."

The blood butterfly filled with a cold aura immediately turned into a ray of light and blended into Mo Tan's left wrist, and then reshaped under his palm, turning into a lifelike butterfly-shaped blood coat of arms, which looked quite post-modern. The morbid beauty.

At the same time, a BUFF appeared in Mo Tan's status bar.

[Blood-seeking emblem——Remilia Thalia Kaivos/Tan Mo]

Category: Growable special effects

Status: Revealed (can be actively switched to hidden)

Duration: until the caster removes the spell

Heraldic rank: Baron

Effect 1: The caster can sense your presence, with an effective distance of 50,000m. (under seal)

Effect 2: When your blood is soaked in the blood-seeking emblem, the caster can feel you strongly, with an effective distance of 50,000m.

Effect 3: When the blood-seeking emblem is in the visible state, the favorability of all blood-seekers with the strength of Baron or below will increase by 50 towards you.

Effect 4:? ? ? (Heraldry level is too low)

Effect 5:? ? ? (Heraldry level is too low)

Effect 6:? ? ? (Heraldry level is too low)

Effect 7:? ? ? (Heraldry level is too low)

Effect 8:? ? ? (Heraldry level is too low)

Effect 9:? ? ? (Heraldry level is too low)

Hide effect:? ? ? (Remilia Thalia Keyworth’s favorability MAX is unlocked)

[Note: A blood seeker can only give a mark once in a lifetime. Do you think she/he/it has fallen in love with you? 】

Chapter 371: End

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