Quadruple split

Chapter 375 Ye Weiyang (II)

Game time PM20:51

Violet Empire, Royal Capital Salamun, Silent Night Court

After having a serious dinner with Leisha at the Liuli Pavilion, Mo Tan wandered alone to the Silent Night Courtyard on the pretext of digestion. This is the residence of Archduke Simon in Salamoon. Its location is compared to the Panshan Courtyard in Baroka and the Panshan Courtyard in Baroka. Fire Claw's Red Garden and Marshall's Quicksilver Garden are much more remote, but their level of grandeur is far superior to the others, even compared to the Three-Color Garden where the royal family is located.

Just the door, which is mainly black and red and decorated with three kinds of crystals: dark gold, moon white, and cyan, is full of low-key luxury and is simply inhumane...

This is not difficult to understand. After all, the core members of the Simon family are all pure-blooded dark elves, and they have accumulated enough wealth over the past hundreds of years. It is well known that those elves with extremely high talents in the fields of art and money have deep roots. They are all very particular about appearance, so no matter what kind of elves they are, as long as they have enough gold coins to spend, they will definitely turn everything around them into works of art, even if it is just the door of a temporary mansion.

Even though this generation of Grand Duke Ximu Simon has a rigid personality and does not like to spend money, his personal collection is still enough to fill two warehouses. This shows the 'frugality' in the eyes of these elven nobles and the 'security' in the mouth of goblin engineers. 'Similarly, it is very different from the mainstream concept.

These were all things Grand Duke Baroka told Mo Tan before. Although they were of little reference value, he still noted them down without hesitation, so he was not surprised by the scale of Mi Yeting.

At this moment, a tall figure suddenly appeared not far from Mo Tan. He nodded slightly and merged into the shadow again.

[Cassie was sent here, huh, that 1.5 meter tall one is quite considerate~]

Mo Tan smacked his lips, and casually sent Futaba a friend message to the effect of, 'Although you are very considerate, there is no way we can afford to be sorry for you (A) as you are a good person.' Then he greeted Mi with a warm smile. Go to the gate of the Night Court.

Of course, he actually knew very well what Futaba was worried about. It was nothing more than finding out that Buffy Marshall was still able to send an envoy to find Baroka while under house arrest, and he was worried about Anthony Dabb who had now moved from behind the scenes to the front. Si' encountered an accident. After all, Mo Tan's current strength is definitely not strong. If those who rushed ahead of him to visit the Grand Duke of Baroka last time changed their minds this time, the whole urn near the courtyards of other lords would kill Tan Mo. It would be great fun to kill it.

As for why Futaba made such a judgment, the reason is very simple...

Because she herself had the same idea, hoping to find an opportunity to kill the turtle of the Marshall family, so Cassie, the strongest among the Fire Claws, naturally became the urn. The first reason for staying here is to protect Mo Tan Ping'an, secondly, if he happens to squat down with the envoy sent by the Marshall family, he will kill him as soon as he finds an opportunity!

So after seeing Cassie who deliberately showed up in front of him for a moment, Mo Tan, who was quite familiar with Futaba, was not surprised at all. He guessed this series of events when he told the other party that someone represented the Marshall family and met with the Grand Duke of Baroka. developed.

There is no need to talk nonsense at all. After Futaba's mentality has completely returned to normal, the two of them still have this tacit understanding.

"Are you Mr. Anthony Dabbs?"

The dark elf guard standing in front of the door of the Silent Night Court immediately asked after seeing Mo Tan wandering over. Because Archduke Simon had greeted him before, the young man guarding the door was not too surprised.

Mo Tan, who was still wearing the same poet's outfit as before, nodded lightly and said with a smile: "I am none other than Anthony Dabus. I came here to discuss important matters with the Duke as promised."

"Lord Ximu is already waiting for you."

The young guard dressed as a ranger nodded and stepped aside to make way for the passage: "The study on the east side of the courtyard."

Mo Tan bowed slightly, then walked briskly into the courtyard, and returned to the gate again ten seconds later. He said apologetically to the guard: "Excuse me, which way is east?"


one minute later

Silent Night Court, Study Room

"Good night, Your Majesty."

Mo Tan walked up to Grand Duke Simon Ximu who was sitting by the fireplace. After performing an impeccable aristocratic ceremony, he smiled and said, "I'm sorry to bother you."

Simon closed the "Heraldry" in his hand and nodded to Mo Tan expressionlessly: "Vernon has already conveyed your intention, sit down, Mr. Dabbs."

That's right, this appointment with Archduke Simon was not made by Futaba in the name of Fire Claw Territory, but by Mo Tan entrusting Vernon Baroka to initiate an appointment on his behalf. On the one hand, he wanted Simon to know about Baroka. The family's attitude, on the other hand, is that they don't want anyone to feel that they are too close to the Fire Claw Leader.

"my pleasure."

Mo Tan sat elegantly opposite Archduke Simon, then magically took out a valuable ancient gold coin from the Rune Dynasty, placed it on the wooden table in front of the fireplace and pushed it gently to Simon: "That's not respectful."

This is not a bribe or a transaction, it is just a simple attempt. According to the unwritten rules of the Violet Empire's aristocratic circle, you must bring a gift when you visit a noble's home with which you are not familiar for the first time, especially if the other party has a higher status than you. Many times, this is the most basic courtesy.

However, Archduke Simon didn't seem to be very interested in admiring the antique gold coin, which was at least two thousand years old. He just lightly twisted it up and put it in his breast pocket. After being silent for a while, he asked lightly: " So, Vernon has already taken a stand?"

"Yes, Grand Duke Baroka will firmly vote for 'sanctions' on Judgment Day."

Mo Tan gave an affirmative answer without any time to think, and then added: "Of course there is the Grand Duke of Crystal Wolf, her attitude is even more resolute."

He didn't mention the Fire Claws, because even a fool knew that Futaba would never agree to just 'observe' the Marshall family. Even though Buffy had promised the Fire Claws a lot of benefits, the situation at that time was completely different from now. .

"Is it……"

Simon nodded noncommittally, and then asked very bluntly: "So you came here this time to want me to make the same choice as them?"

As Grand Duke Baroka had introduced in advance, although Simon Ximu was a role model among nobles, he was not the type who liked to beat around the bush.

So Mo Tan, who had no intention of beating around the bush from the beginning, immediately nodded and said: "That's exactly it."

"Mr. Anthony, I wonder if you know..."

Archduke Simon stared at the warm and bright fire in the fireplace and whispered: "In the history of the empire for hundreds of years, no matter what the circumstances, Dantes, Fernand, Crystal Wolf, Baroka, Marshall , Hussein, Simon and Violet, these nine surnames have never fallen."

Mo Tan stared at the other party's uncertain red eyes, nodded slowly and said, "I have heard a little bit."

"Then do you know the reason?"

Grand Duke Simon turned his head and asked solemnly: "Why have these nine major families never been overthrown? Not that no one among them has made big mistakes, and several of them even made mistakes at the Supreme Meeting of the Purple Jiu Hall. Those who were unanimously found guilty, such as Ted Baroka, Gloria Bresne, and Porphyrin Fernand...the crimes committed by these people may not be much lighter than Buffy Marshall, but they and their families It was still preserved in the end, do you know the reason?"

Mo Tan did not avoid this question or emphasize 'discussing the matter' or 'focusing on the present' as Simon imagined. Instead, he nodded calmly and said: "To put it simply, it is because of what these nine surnames represent. It is not just a certain duke or lord, but represents a part of the Violet Empire, an indispensable part. If one of them is missing, the balance that has been maintained for hundreds of years will be broken, resulting in a series of bad results. , in the end, no matter what the outcome is, this country...well, if this country still exists by then, the price it paid will definitely be much more serious than the mistakes made by a certain big shot."

Archduke Simon was stunned for a moment, then showed a rare smile: "You are much smarter than I thought, Mr. Dabbs."

"That's not necessarily the case, my dear Lord Duke."

Mo Tan shook his head and shrugged, "Because what I just said was just your idea, and I don't agree with it, at least not on this matter."

Archduke Simon frowned deeply and said solemnly: "Then please tell me what you think, Mr. Dabbs."

"We can discuss our ideas later, Your Majesty the Duke." Mo Tan changed to a more comfortable but still very decent posture, and asked Simon with a chuckle: "I would like to know what is most important in your eyes. Is it the interest of the royal family? Is it the interest of the family? Is it the interest of the entire empire? Or is it a close friend?"

The latter looked at him gloomily and did not make any answer.

Mo Tan smiled apologetically, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I went overboard, so let me first talk about my thoughts as you said..."

Simon nodded expressionlessly.

"First of all, I don't know much about the Ted Baroka, Glia Bresne, and Porphyrin you just mentioned, so please allow me to ask first..."

Mo Tan leaned forward and looked at Grand Duke Simon of Ximu with stern eyes: "Have these adults whose names have gone down in history done anything unforgivable to the people of their own territory?"

Simon, who knew the history of the empire very well, pondered for a moment and slowly shook his head.

"But as far as I know, Duke Buffy Marshall's largest slave hunting ground is his own territory."

Mo Tan's face gradually darkened, and his eyes flashed with cold anger: "Although people are not punished for themselves, Master Buffy's 'self' is really narrow. According to Sakfrith, in the past ten years, he has been Nearly 100,000 civilians have been captured from his own territory. Hey, how many 100,000 people in our Violet Empire can he sell?"

Simon lowered his eyes and said nothing.

"Of course, we all know that Buffy Marshall will definitely be honest for a while after this incident, and may even continue to be so honest. After all, what he has done has been completely exposed, and even if the final result of the trial is nothing, he will not do it again easily. But do you think this matter will really end peacefully like this?"

Mo Tan snorted, shook his head and said, "I don't think so, even if we put aside morality and laws, don't seek justice for those innocent people, and let countless victims die in peace in the name of 'for the stability of the empire', Will the world be at peace after that?"

Simon was silent for a long time, and then slowly said: "The Marshall family will pay a sufficient price..."

“What is a sufficient price?”

Mo Tan laughed and shrugged: "For example, compensation of more than one million gold coins? I think that small amount of money is not as much as a fraction of the slave trade of his Marshall family; for example, the cessation of land that seems to be a blood-vomiting or even quite shameful? Haha, the Fire Claw Territory, which has been selling off a large number of civilians one after another, has no use for that piece of land. They can hardly even take care of themselves. There are also those who support the craftsmen group for free and help establish the trade system. Listen. It seems very tempting, but do you think those passionate orcs can still swallow this sigh of relief after finding the real murderer?"

Archduke Simon's eyes suddenly became sharp: "What do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything, Your Majesty."

Mo Tan shrugged and said calmly: "But I asked the girl from the Fire Claw Leader before. What Grand Duke Xiluo meant was that if the guilty people did not pay the price in this trial, then the fastest In three days, or within half a month at the earliest, the Fire Claws will officially declare war on the Marshall Territory. Well, it could also be a suicide attack. After all, their strength is there, and they will definitely not be able to win. It's hard to say. If you do, you will be beaten to annihilation~"

Simon's bright red pupils suddenly shrank, and he lost his composure in a rare moment. He could no longer maintain his expression, and said sharply with a flushed face: "Are you threatening me?"

"Of course not. As an ordinary civilian, I have always respected Archduke Simon."

Mo Tan shook his head solemnly, and then sighed softly: "I am just helping you analyze the situation. Since you, who attaches great importance to the empire, think that the surname Marshall cannot be overthrown, then I can only say that even if the next trial cannot be In short, the Fire Claws, who are the biggest victims, will never give up. Not only will this shocking scandal cause an uproar across the country, but the Fire Claws collar, which has been fighting against rocks, will probably end with the last drop of blood shed. As you said before, Fire Claw should also be one of the indispensable cornerstones of this empire, right?"

Archduke Simon's face was uncertain, and he was silent for a long time without saying a single word...

"Although I don't know Grand Duke Baroka very well, Duke Emmeline of the Crystal Wolf family is truly jealous of evil, and with someone who has a heart... Yes, I'm talking about what the two-leaf girl from the Fire Claw leader encouraged me to do. …”

Mo Tan raised the corners of his mouth playfully and said leisurely: "I'm afraid that the trouble will really get out of hand in the end. Then, hey, what will it be like?"


"By the way, Your Excellency the Grand Duke, if you didn't listen carefully just now, I can repeat it again. What Grand Duke Xiluo said was that 'the guilty must pay the price,' not that the entire Marshallese family must die."

"you mean……"

"I mean, it's not like there's no wiggle room on this, but it needs to get off to a good start..."

Chapter 372: End

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