Quadruple split

Chapter 439 White-hot

The battle in the first enemy contact area started like this, and quickly became fierce. The warrior at the front holding a heavy shield would have been knocked down seventeen or eight times in the blink of an eye. If it weren't for the series of layer upon layer of buffs before status, this number may have directly turned into the number of casualties. Most of those mutants used claws and teeth when they attacked the defense line. Without thorn armor, stone skin and other magical or magic spells with good defensive effects, As a result, those soldiers who were knocked to the ground and torn apart for at least a few seconds were definitely seriously injured, and a few were almost dragged out. If the teammates around them were a little slower, they would never be able to save them.

The mages standing at the back were waving their staffs all the time, using instant single-target spells such as [Lightning Strike] and [Ice Spear] to share the pressure of the first two echelons, while using various large-scale attacks. Throwing destructive magic far away doesn't even require aiming and locking, because those densely packed monsters have already crowded the entire mountain road, and there will be no waste no matter where the spell is thrown.

Flames, frosts, storms, shadows and weird negative energy constantly wash away those half-dead bodies, but rarely cause fatal damage to them. Those summoned creatures that are summoned and crawl around just looking for a good place to explode can only do so. Causing chaos, it is difficult to directly kill a large number of mutants, a fact that makes all casters in the battle sequence extremely annoyed, but helpless.

There is nothing that can be done about it, because compared to ordinary life forms, these monsters whose average strength is not much stronger are too difficult to die. As long as their heads are not lost, even if they are half-cooked and their limbs are blown off. , piercing the heart can still violently injure people, but spellcasters known for their powerful destructive power find it difficult to accurately knock off those heads with magic. Even if they can, the consumption is far greater than those of the previous melee professionals.

Therefore, their mission from the beginning was not to annihilate the enemy, but to use large-scale magic to plow the ground as much as possible, just to make those mutants burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, so that their companions in the first three echelons could quickly harvest their heads. , this kind of job where you can smash a large area without aiming is very pleasant, and it can somewhat dilute the pain of not being able to grab the head.

The drums sounded again, and the shamans and clergy shouldered the auxiliary work in the war zone. Their most commonly used sputtering thunder spells were not very convenient to cast in this situation, so they used [Bloodthirsty War Drum], [ Skills such as [Inspiring Aura], [Scorching Weapon], [Fountain Totem] and other skills are dedicated to supporting the work, greatly enhancing the overall anti-strike ability of the first battle sequence.

The thieves in the shadows were constantly wandering throughout the first enemy contact area. Some of them were scattered around the perimeter of the defense line, stabbing cold knives and shooting cold arrows. Others were mixed in between the first two echelons. In groups of three, they quickly eliminated any fish that had slipped through the defense line. .

Under Mo Tan's methodical command, more than 600 people in the first battle sequence withstood the initial wave of impact, and nearly 10,000 monsters were blocked in the middle of the mountain road at the cost of a small number of casualties.

But it's just blocking.

Although mutants fall every minute, the pressure on the soldiers has not decreased by half. On the contrary, facing countless undead monsters that cannot be killed no matter how hard they are, the fatigue level of the first battle sequence is increasing sharply. Although there won't be any major problems in a short period of time, if it continues like this.


At the twelfth minute when the first battle sequence of the joint forces encountered a swarm of mutants, thirty-nine people were seriously injured and seven were killed. The magic value of the caster began to be unsustainable, and the physical strength of the second and third echelons began to drop off a cliff. They were wiped out together. The enemy was 270, and 557 people did not retreat even one step.


The first battle sequence was slowly retreated under the command of Commander Hei Fan. A total of 69 people were seriously injured and 27 people were killed. The former S3 Special Observation Zone surveillance team leader 'One Network Love Deep' and his subordinates acted without authorization. After the troops are cut off, the mutants will be destroyed after blocking them for a total of 11 seconds.


The main force retreated to the middle of the first enemy area and used the positions prepared in advance to contain the mutant swarm again. During this period, the ogre warrior 'Tataka' was restrained by a large number of mutants outside the position and was unable to break through and intercept. He fought hard to kill more than thirty enemies and then died in battle.


The ancient war trees turned back to the battlefield along both sides of the mountain wall to take root again and began to attack the middle of the mutant cluster, which to a certain extent alleviated the pressure of the first battle sequence.

The average magic value of all spellcasters is less than 30%, and the effect of the magic potion begins to decay.


Suddenly, a large number of rolling logs and boulders fell down on both sides of the mountain wall. While more than 300 mutants were killed at one time, a small part of the mountain path was also cut off, which saved a little for the first battle sequence where the effective combat strength fell below 500 people. Breathing time.

The 'First Support Sequence', whose members were mostly civilians, joined the battle and began to smash a large number of destructive heavy objects from the mountain wall in batches, with outstanding results.


The mutants successfully eliminated obstacles and launched a strong attack on the first battle sequence again. During this period, a small number of monsters attracted to both sides of the mountain wall by the breath of the living failed to climb, and did not pose a threat to the first support sequence. Instead, the latter used material boxes, Rolling stones and light crossbows wiped out more than a hundred.


So far, a total of 97 people in the first battle order have been seriously injured and 45 people have been killed. More than 70% of the casters' magic power and mental power have been exhausted. All members of the first, second and third combat echelons are on the verge of exhaustion, annihilating the enemy together. More than nine hundred.


The former captain of the second team of Hawkeyes, Fandral Ray accidentally escaped from hiding due to his physical strength falling below 20%. He was surrounded and suppressed by dozens of mutants regardless of the consequences. He died after resisting for 2 minutes.


Klaus, the Khajiit shield warrior, was killed in battle. The exact time of death is unknown. When she was noticed to have stopped breathing, she was still pressed against the back of the shield, resisting the waves of mutant attacks.


Hodir Pass, Joint Forces Second Enemy Contact Area

"Let's get on it!"

A tall orc shaman stood in front of Yuying, clenching his fists: "Adjutant, let us go! We have rested!"

Behind him were nearly a hundred members of the Shaman Independent Regiment. They rushed back to the second enemy area to rest after summoning the thunderstorm before, and until now they have not been allowed to rejoin the battle.

The emotionless female assassin shook her head expressionlessly and said calmly: "No, you are far from being back to your full strength now. You are not allowed to go anywhere until you get the order."

The tall orc shaman gritted his teeth and said with a little anger in his tone: "The wind coming from the south told me that my companions are falling one by one, but we..."

"No matter what the wind tells you, shaman, you must stay here until ordered to do so."

Yu Ying interrupted him coldly and said in a deep voice: "This is Hei Fan's order."


"No buts, go back and rest immediately. If you have rested well, go and pray for those who have fallen."

Yuying waved her hand impatiently.

Immediately afterwards, an elf woman holding two battle axes suddenly stood up and shouted: "What about us? We don't need to rest! We have been here for a whole day!"

Many soldiers raised their weapons and shouted in response.

"I already said that."

Yu Ying sighed softly, shook her head and said: "If you don't need to rest, just pray. In short, no one is allowed to act without permission before the order comes."

Tirion Windfury trotted to his wife and gently tugged on her, saying in a low voice: "Be patient for a while, wife, Black Van is definitely better at fighting than us."

The Berserker Putao rolled his eyes and kicked his man on the butt: "You cheater, it's nice to be in the front, right? Go back and rest."

However, he was still forced to retreat behind by Feng Nu.

In addition to the Shaman Independent Group and the second battle order that has been stationed here, all members of the joint spellcasting group originally located behind the enemy area zero are also gathered here. These relatively calm and rational spellcasters did not take the initiative to ask for help, but Seize every moment and meditate desperately, trying to restore your magic power as much as possible.


Beria suddenly woke up from his meditation, glanced curiously at the elf Shota next to him who was looking at him intently, and asked doubtfully: "Gandalf, why don't you seize the time to meditate?"

The latter grinned: "I am extremely talented."

Beria patted his head angrily: "Then find something to do and don't bother me here."

Then young Gandalf's magic value, which had returned to 90%, immediately jumped up by 2% under the influence of the [Normal M] talent.

at this time

"Everyone get ready!"

Yu Ying suddenly pulled out the pair of daggers from her waist, and said loudly with relief: "The handover to the first combat sequence will take place in thirty seconds! Congratulations, the rest time is over."


The roars of more than 300 people in the second combat sequence stirred in the wind, firm and loud.


End of the first contact area

"The fifth and seventh echelons will stay, and the others will immediately withdraw to the second enemy contact area to rest."

Mo Tan tore open a loudspeaker scroll with one hand, covered his blood-stained arm and said loudly: "All shamans in the second battle sequence, earth-binding totems receive earthquake spells, cover your front row to complete the handover work, and fight for it no matter what." Go out for at least half a minute; the caster is ready to clear the field. You have fifteen seconds to prepare, and then find your colleagues in the first combat sequence to get mana potions. Many people are still left; the right-wing thieves stay, and someone will come to replace you within a quarter of an hour. !”

A moment later, the hundreds of mutants rushing at the front were suddenly attacked by dozens of large-scale destructive magic. A small part of them evaporated in an instant, and then were suppressed in place by nearly a hundred totems that rose from the ground. , and finally was violently overturned by the violently shaking earth in a loud noise.

"Good job guys!"

Putao rushed forward immediately, and knowingly gave a high-five to a strange comrade who was covered in blood and carrying a rusty sword, and said happily: "Go back and rest quickly, the rest will be left to us! "

Raymond glanced at the fighting elf girl in front of him, smiled bitterly and nodded: "Stay alive."

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of death. Kill one to get enough money, kill two to earn blood!"

Putao shouted without looking back, swung his battle ax, and knocked the two mutants flying away.

【This is the real warrior.】

Raymond laughed dryly and limped toward the second enemy area, supported by several companions.

the other side

"What did you do?"

Yu Ying squinted at Mo Tan's bloody arm, hugged her arms and said with a smile, "Hemorrhage again?"

The latter seemed to want to shrug, but he stopped with a grin on his face in the middle of the action. He had no choice but to shake his head and said: "It's okay. I'll be back in about ten minutes. I'll bother you during this time."

"You'd better rest a little longer."

Yu Ying tugged on the long red scarf at her collar, waved her hand and said, "You don't need to worry about this for the time being."

Mo Tan smiled, nodded gently and said, "Then I'll leave it to you. Don't forget to keep the message board open at all times."

"I know, I know, go back quickly."


In the middle section of Hodir Mountain Road, the handover of the first and second combat sequences was completed, and the number of joint forces was reduced to 350 people. However, their undead enemies did not change at all, and were still crazy, violent, and endless.

The replaced first combat order rushed to the rear as quickly as possible for rest and supplies. With the help of a small number of clergy and civilians, they bandaged their wounds and recovered their strength, including Her Royal Highness the Saint who had just ran all the way from the station. .

"Why are you here?"

Hei Fan turned his face slightly, trying not to look at the girl next to him who was wrapping a hemostatic gauze on his arm. The injury to his left arm was so serious that not even magic could restore it to its original state in an instant, so I had to accept a simple bandage first.

"Don't worry, I used the potion that Luna developed before, and it won't be noticed by those mutants in a short period of time."

Yuchen shook his head with a smile, his small face looked strangely pale, and his originally red thin lips were slightly black. The skin exposed outside the saint's robe had no color at all, and his whole person exuded a temperament that was completely opposite to his own. The morbid beauty.

Mo Tan coughed dryly: "That's not what I meant, I just wanted to ask why you didn't take a good rest at the back. Moreover, the potion is not only a semi-finished product, but also lasts very short time on your body. If you drink too much, the cumulative side effects can be serious. It’s no joke.”

Yuchen blinked: "How long will it last on me? Isn't it only fifteen minutes in the first place?"

"Theoretically it should be thirty minutes."

"Eh? Could it be that you tried it for me beforehand?"

"Ahem, I'm just trying the texture. If there's anything good about this thing, just look at the description of the item."

"Uh, I don't think I really saw it."

"If you haven't seen it, then you haven't seen it. You'd better get back quickly."

"By the way, I heard Yuying said that you had a heavy hemorrhage before? Could it be because you have been under too much pressure recently?"


Chapter 436: End

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