Quadruple split

Chapter 440 A1 Slope

"You're kidding~"

Yuchen stuck out his tongue playfully, then tied a small bow on Mo Tan's arm with gauze, and said softly: "When everyone and I went to the alchemy workshop to get medicine, I chatted with Luna for a few words. She said that you were His condition was particularly bad, and the commander during the period before we were out of danger was just trying to hold on, and in the end he vomited a large mouthful of blood and passed out, um, so what exactly happened?"

Mo Tanqian laughed and shrugged: "Maybe it's because my physical energy is consumed too much. I didn't expect that the second stage would consume me so much, so I said before, even if this is just a game, If you work too hard, you will feel uncomfortable. I was so dizzy at the time. You must be more careful in the future. Even if you are saving lives and healing the wounded, you have to do what you can."

"Why did you suddenly start teaching me a lesson?"

The girl pouted and glared at Mo Tan, humming: "Then what?"

The latter blinked innocently: "What then?"

"Weren't you dizzy at the time? What happened next?"

"Oh, this"

Mo Tan laughed and used the excuse he had just thought of: "Then I managed to hold on until you were safe, so I went offline while Luna was still there, climbed out of the game cabin, went to the toilet, and washed myself. I put my face down, made a cup of coffee, watched cartoons for a while, and rested comfortably for a while.”

What he said is 70% true and 30% false. Except for a few key points, it is completely truthful. The true part has clear logic, and the false part has no proof. It is definitely a lie of a very high level, so.

"So how much should I believe in what you say?"

Yu Chen hugged his knees and sat next to Mo Tan, looking at the latter who suddenly froze with a smile: "Give me some advice."

Mo Tan subconsciously wanted to say, 'That must be a 100% letter,' but in the end he swallowed the words back. After a while, he shook his head helplessly and said, "I must give you some advice." If so, 70%."


As a result, Yuchen nodded happily: "I know~"

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment: "Huh? That's it?"

"Didn't you already give some advice?" The girl held her chin and cast her gaze at the hundreds of exhausted figures in the distance: "That's enough."

Mo Tan rubbed the tip of his nose and said with a smile: "Then what on earth are you doing?"

"At ten thirty-five, for about ten seconds, Mo Tan looked very abnormal~"

Yuchen raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said softly: "Although it doesn't seem to be anything at first glance, if you think about it carefully, you can feel a little panic, um, even a little fear. I think it has something to do with the consumption of physical energy. It doesn’t matter if it’s too powerful.”

Mo Tan was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly shook his head and said, "No, even panic and fear are normal. Worrying about making mistakes because of excessive consumption is completely explainable, right?"

Yuchen smiled coquettishly, nodded and said, "Yes, it makes sense, but I don't think so~"

"Women's intuition?"

"I don't know~"

"All right."

Mo Tan scratched his hair and said hesitantly: "This is indeed a somewhat complicated issue."

Yuchen's eyes lit up: "For example, are you actually living with a girl?"

"This does not!"

"You can have this."

"This really doesn't happen!"

"Haha, let's stop making trouble."

The girl stood up briskly, tilted her body and said with a smile: "I'm not that curious, but..."

Mo Tan, who was suddenly confused, blinked curiously: "But?"

"But are you sure there is nothing wrong with your body?"

Yu Chen put his hands behind his back and looked at Mo Tan seriously: "After resting, are you really all right?"

"Well, it's really all right. Although I just had blood all over the floor just once, I'm still in pretty good shape."

Mo Tan smiled, shook his left arm that had been severely gouged by a mutant before, and shrugged, "So it's almost time for you to go back?"


Yuchen nodded obediently and said happily: "Then I'll leave first. You have to take care of yourself."

Then Mo Tan became stupid.

"There are many seriously injured soldiers waiting for me over there."

The girl looked at the other party's silly face and chuckled: "Most of the great priests are staying in Panshu City to drive away the plague for everyone, so naturally I have to work hard to be responsible for the treatment here. Now the magic value has almost recovered. We must go back quickly."

Mo Tan laughed dryly: "So what are you here for?"

Yuchen smiled like a flower: "I came to see you."

After that, he ran towards the station with brisk steps.

Game time PM14:15

The second battle order of the joint force retreated for nearly half a kilometer under the crazy impact of the mutants before barely stabilizing its position. With its powerful long-range strike capabilities, it temporarily contained the opponent. The first support order on both sides of the mountain wall also exerted its best efforts. The positional advantage carried out long-range strikes against the mutants, and even emptied the reserves of boulders and logs in a short period of time. At this time, a second material collection team composed of civilian carpenters, stonemasons, and blacksmiths was sent to collect projectiles from the surrounding area. .

So far, the two battle sequences plus the first support sequence have eliminated a total of more than 1,600 mutants, but the enemies are still coming endlessly.

Game time PM14:27

The junior mage 'Yamidie', who had exhausted his magic power, had his throat ripped open by a mutant who broke through the front row blockade and died in battle.

So far, the total number of people seriously injured in the second battle sequence is forty-three, and twenty-five people were killed.

Game time PM14:29

The mid-level mage 'Gamba Butterfly' used an item suspected to be [Magic Scroll Short-distance Teleportation] to teleport himself into the center of a large number of mutants. Through unknown means, he burned the space within a radius of 20 meters from the center of himself into a sea of ​​blue fire. Three hundred mutants died together.

Game time PM14:35

Middle section of Hodir Mountain Road, A1 slope

Kaidark, the low-level paladin of the Sun Sect, anxiously pulled down his metal mask, rode up to the figure at the front of the team who was no taller than his own thighs, and asked in a deep voice: "Sir, when can we attack?" ?”

"When the order comes, we can attack."

The high-ranking paladin of the Justice Sect, Gelbin Karnzpalladium, replied casually, then turned to look at the young knight behind him who had horns on both sides of his head and was at least 220 centimeters tall, and exclaimed. : "Oh my god, you're so tall."

Kai smiled unnaturally, bowed his head and said, "Thank you for the compliment, sir, but we have been waiting here for a long time. Everyone in the joint force is bleeding down below, and we..."

"We are part of the Combined Forces too, Mr. Kaye."

As a rare dwarf paladin, Gelbin wears a set of red-gold plate armor that is not as big as the opponent's shoulder armor. The golden cloak that is slightly longer than the pillow is flying on his back, and he is also carrying a handle in his hand. The ninety-centimeter-long mini cross sword looks particularly funny: "So we must obey the commander's orders."

Kay frowned and whispered: "I don't think Priest Black Van will make a wrong judgment, but watching his comrades being slaughtered is against the spirit of chivalry."

"Aha, you also said that this is the judgment of Pastor Heifan~"

Gelbin shrugged, his light green eyes staring intently in the direction of the second enemy area, and said casually: "So it's him who violated the spirit of chivalry, not you, right?"

Kay frowned deeply, with a trace of imperceptible annoyance in his respectful tone: "Lord Gelbin, I think this is not the right time to joke. As a force that plays an important role in the joint force, The Holy Knights should shoulder the most critical responsibility and protect the lives of our comrades, but now we are just staying here, unable to do anything!"

It wasn't just Kay who had this idea. Almost all the 452 paladins present were depressed to the extreme, but no one directly chose to ask Gelbin as the temporary leader like him.

As one of the most powerful forces in the entire Misha County, the Holy Knights of the United Forces have been here for nearly two hours. During this time, Her Highness Xialian and the man named Cordoba The rune creations are fighting bloody battles in the distance. The Forgotten Saint and the Princess Guards have taken huge risks to induce more than 10,000 mutants. Hundreds of people have died on the front lines in the first and second combat orders. Even civilians are here. Contributing their own strength to this battle, but they were just ordered to stay here blankly, they were only allowed to watch, not to move.

For any knight with a correct outlook on life, this is a huge torment and torture.

Until the moment when he watched the female mage plunge into the mutant cluster and explode herself, the low-level paladin named Kay finally could no longer hold back and proposed to the unformed commander. question.

Maybe everyone is not familiar with this just paladin who has just arrived, but Kay and others are the first members of the joint force. Although most of the paladin are not sociable, this does not mean that they do not value this period of time. A comrade who has been with him through life and death.

So Gelbin's attitude couldn't help but make Kay angry.

If he had not converted to the God of the Sun three years ago, he would definitely spit at his mouth now and scold him viciously, "This damn dwarf", even if he was beaten half to death afterwards!

"Haha, it seems that I have misunderstood. It turns out that Mr. Kaye, you think this is not the right time to joke." Gelbin smacked his lips, finally removed his gaze from the front line, and turned to look at the people in front of him. A passionate young knight said: "In that case, I'll just have a few words with you without joking."

Kai gritted his teeth: "I don't think it is right now."

"Shut up, young man."

Gelbin frowned and interrupted the other party lightly: "Outside of joking time, a low-level knight is not qualified to 'feel' anything in front of me. Okay, now please tell me, what is chivalry? "

"Humility, honor, sacrifice, valor, mercy, honesty, justice, soul."

Kay answered without thinking.


Gelbin raised his eyebrows and used his free short hand to pick his ears: "Then please tell me again, what is the definition of massacre?"

"Slaughter is. uh."

Kai suddenly choked.

"There are many interpretations of massacre, but in my personal opinion, there is no massacre in Misha County today." Gelbin turned to look at the distance of the mountain road and chuckled: "Yes, we were During the two hours we were ordered to stay here, many people died, honorably and heroically, but it was not a massacre, because every victim resisted until the last moment and made the enemy pay a sufficient price before dying. , whether they are knights or not, we must admit that they got the curtain call that any knight dreams of, but you, Knight Kay, called it a massacre."

Kai was sweating and shook his head: "I"

"Also, a decisive force in the joint force? Should it bear the most critical responsibilities?"

Gelbin interrupted him coldly and sneered: "Think carefully about what you said yourself, and then think about the chivalry you just recited, and then tell me, where is your 'humility'?"

For a moment, all the paladins on the slope, including Kaidark, trembled subconsciously, as if they were in an ice cellar.

"Whether it's Priest Hei Fan, our comrades in the enemy area, or us temporarily stationed here, everyone has their own responsibilities, and they only need to complete their responsibilities." Gelbin said deeply He looked at Kai deeply and said solemnly: "No one can deny the value of others, let alone betray one's own responsibilities and promises."

Kay got off his horse and bowed deeply to Gelbin: "I know my mistake."

"Remember, neither your own strength nor the divine emblem on your armor can be the reason for your arrogance."

Gelbin waved his hand and hummed: "I sincerely hope that you are just dissatisfied with me, a knight of the Justice Sect and a temporary leader who is no taller than your legs, rather than thinking so from the bottom of your heart. Now give it to me Go away, suppress your emotions, and let them explode at the right time."

Kay nodded silently and rode back to the others, lowering his head and saying nothing.

a moment later



Snowmane, Fire Tongs, and the elf knight appeared next to Gelbin and greeted him respectfully: "We are here."

The latter nodded slightly: "So when can we attack?"

"Be patient, my lord knight."

A lizardman knight following Snowmane shrugged helplessly and said: "But there is no order yet, which means that the heavy interception group has not reached its destination yet, so we must not move!"

"Then can I go out alone and help?"


Chapter 437: End

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