Quadruple split

Chapter 443 Charge

Heavily armed cavalry roared past, and the confused people were confused in the wind. Although Raymond and other responders who came from behind had completed most of the evacuation work, the people fighting on the front line still felt a little confused. They didn't even realize that the monsters that were fighting with them a second ago were gone. By the time they reacted, mutants were already flying all over the sky.

That's right, flying all over the sky

Accompanied by a series of dull crashing sounds, countless decayed and cold bodies were thrown high into the air, and then smashed to the ground in abnormal twists. Although most of them had no missing parts of their bodies, these low-level immortals It is also difficult for a living thing to get up from the ground with 80% of its bones broken.

"What on earth is going on?!"

Eman stared dumbfoundedly at the knights who kept passing by him, like a stupid cat with underdeveloped brain. His vertical pupils that were about to meet were looking at the knights, Raymond and the mutants flying in the sky. Switching back and forth, it was filled with shock and confusion.

Raymond laughed dryly, spread his hands and said: "To put it simply, the Knights have entered the scene, so from now on, they will replace the first to third battle orders and become the final main force of this stage, and we will be in a few In a few minutes, we will conduct integration and reorganization and carry out cover missions.”

Luo Mu even forgot about the severe pain in his ankle for a moment and exclaimed: "Wait a minute? Why don't we know about this? Logically speaking, shouldn't there be three battle orders taking turns to fight those things to the death? Isn't the Knights? Have you been sent to the two cities in the south?"

Raymond shrugged: "Don't ask me, I'm still covered."

"Then why."

"Let me explain."

Yu Ying's figure appeared beside the three of them at some point. She coolly tugged on the long red scarf at her collar that was once again strangled around her neck, and said calmly: "To put it simply, the Knights were not sent at all. Over in the Twin Cities, they have never left Hodil Mountain Road from the beginning. They are just waiting on a slope not far from the first enemy contact area. When the time is right, which is now, they will attack the enemy. Charge."

Emang tilted the leopard's head in confusion and said puzzledly: "But, Chief Yuying, if that's the case, why did you tell us that the Knights are not here before?"

Luo Mu also had the same confusion in his eyes, but Raymond, who had received the news earlier, blinked twice thoughtfully, as if he had thought of something.

"It's very simple, because we can't give everyone hope."

Yuying glanced at the paladins who were still flying mutants and rushing into the position, and said lightly: "Perhaps under certain circumstances, 'there is another knighthood' will become everyone's pillar. But under the premise that they have to wait until a specific time to attack, their existence will become a haze for you. For example, Luomu, if Elsa died in front of you, it could have greatly reduced the pressure on the front. There has been no news from the Knights, will you feel resentful?"

Luo Mu shouted with a red face: "No, no!"

"Of course you will. Not only will you be resentful, it may even turn into resentment. You will resent the Knights, the Black Brahman, your own height, and many things. This is human nature." Yuying looked at him expressionlessly. , said calmly: "And this kind of thing may happen to everyone, because you who have the courage to stand here are just heroes, not saints, so in order to ensure that the plan is foolproof, Hei Fan lied to everyone. "

Raymond smiled weakly: "This lie may have saved my life. To be honest, if I really knew that there were reinforcements, even if I didn't feel as resentful as you said, it would be difficult for me to be so single. I fought those monsters desperately, and if I hadn’t fought hard, I might have fallen by now.”

"No more meaningless nonsense."

Yu Ying waved her hand impatiently, turned to Luo Mu and said in a deep voice: "If your curiosity has been satisfied, then quickly let the two of them take you back to the station for treatment."

Then Luo Mu and the others were bombarded to the rear in a daze, feeling very happy in their hearts.

ten seconds later

Yuying looked around for a moment, then clenched her fists hard and cheered in a low voice: "Yeah! I'm so handsome!"

"Sir Yuying!"

A gloomy-looking middle-aged warlock in black robes shouted at her from a distance: "All members of the Knights have passed!"

The emotionless female assassin nodded slightly: "I understand, let everyone block the gap. No mutants are allowed in. Also, don't forget to leave enough space behind the formation."


at the same time

After the formation of the third enemy area, the temporary assembly area

"Mr. Gelbin."

Mo Tan gave a slight salute to the dwarf paladin who was riding a horse just up to his shoulders, and smiled a little tiredly: "Let's not talk about routine for now. When can the knights start their second charge?"

The other party looked back at the more than 400 knights who had just completed the formation again, and said without thinking: "Immediately."

Mo Tan looked at him in surprise: "Immediately? But in terms of physical strength and injuries?"

"No problem, young commander."

Gelbin turned the horse's head and said without looking back: "Due to a certain secret method, we won't have much consumption in a short time, but we must seize the time, so if possible."


Hei Fan answered without hesitation: "The gap has been opened for you."

At the same time, a message with the content of 'Open the defense line within twenty seconds, clear the way, and execute immediately' has been simultaneously sent to Yuying, who had just finished arranging the frontline battle, causing the latter to have a feeling of [this It felt like the guy was playing with me, but of course, she still did it.

Therefore, together with the four high-level paladins and the player 'Goshawk' who strongly requested to accompany the army, a total of 457 paladins from the combined force paladins began to charge again, and a total of 457 paladins stayed in the third enemy area. Less than two minutes.

At this point, the number of mutants on Hodir Pass has dropped below six thousand.

Game time AM15:08

Mutants have completely occupied Kay's field of vision. These countless blasphemous creatures have no idea what fear is. Even if hundreds of their kind were lifted into the air with lances, decapitated by long swords, and beaten by iron hoofs in the previous second. After being trampled into meat, a large number of mutants who have grabbed their positions will continue to come in the second second, launching a suicidal attack on the knights, trying to tear these creatures who still have warm blood into pieces!

It has to be said that by chance, these mutants who acted purely on instinct inadvertently used the most efficient tactic to deal with the knight group, which was to rely on their numerical advantage to block the charge with as many flesh and blood as possible. Along the way, he used a frightening amount of casualties to slow down the enemy's momentum and forcibly "brake" the rampaging beast.

This is a simple, clear, and easy-to-understand method that anyone with common sense can easily think of. However, throughout the ages, not many people have been able to successfully implement this tactic, for no other reason than that the cost is too high.

To put it simply, I just can’t afford to die.

Even a heavily armed heavy infantry regiment would have to pay at least 50% or even 70% of casualties under the full charge of a knight of the same level to completely contain the opponent. Yes, it is just containment, which means it is the same. With one thousand people, if the two teams collide head-on, the heavy infantry regiment will probably have to die for five to seven hundred people before the knights can stop. Then it will become three to four hundred infantrymen facing a nearly complete, just The thousand-man cavalry regiment stopped.

As we all know, when the death rate of a legion exceeds 50%, it can basically be equated with the word "rout".

However, the remaining five thousand mutants are not a legion. They are not united, uncooperative, brainless, tactical, organized, and undisciplined. They only rely on instinct to gather together, but The mob under these conventional concepts is using the most efficient way to resist, wear down, and delay the impact of the Holy Knights at this moment--pile them with flesh and blood!

Two mutants are pierced by spears, and then three mutants will rush out and send themselves to the head of the spear, and then turn into candied haws in a funny and ridiculous way.

A mutant is decapitated by a sword, and half a second later more heads may appear in front of you.

Even if they are knocked to the ground and trampled in half by a war horse, as long as they have not completely lost the ability to move, they will try to grab a handful of the leg of the horse closest to them.

This is a form of fighting that no normal life can replicate.

So more and more mutants were skewered into candied haws, more and more heads were rising into the sky, and more and more claws were twitching and scratching everywhere.

But the speed of the Knights did not decrease by half a point!

Under the premise that their original strength was only two steps behind, the mutants' fearless resistance was a joke in front of the Paladins who had activated [Joint Purification].

Apart from other things, the effect of increasing the damage caused to the [Evil] camp by 30% and the damage caused to the [Chaotic Evil] camp by an additional 20% is enough to allow these furious cans to be destroyed without any load. Break down these bodies.

Obviously, these monsters who only think about killing creatures and are confused can only be [chaotic evil].

Therefore, even if they inadvertently performed a wave of very targeted and wonderful operations, it would still have no effect in the face of the Holy Knights with characters like Gelbin Karnz Palladium at their command.

At least it won't have any effect during the effective time of [Joint Purification].

The dwarf paladin, who is not tall at all, rushes to the front of the team. The mini cross sword in his hand continuously sheds angry red traces of light. Each trace will quietly dissipate after accurately cutting off a head, leaving no trace behind. No one alive will waste a single bit of strength.

Although he is also a high-level paladin, Gelbin's slaughter far exceeds that of Snowmane, Torch and others. As the tip of the spear, although he is very easy to be ignored for some reasons, he can always guarantee a radius of three meters in front of him. There are no semi-mobile mutants inside.

Perhaps in terms of hard strength, Gelbin is not as good as the previous one who shouted "Holy Light, those evils are worth fighting" in Pato City, and then directly killed hundreds of them with one [Dawn Judgment] Compared with the cultist's Grand Knight of the Dawn, Green Tieri, he cannot be compared with those knight commanders whose strength is foul. However, this ranks third among the high-level paladin of the Justice Sect and is stationed in the City of Light all year round to provide support to his new knights. The middle-aged dwarf who is an instructor is still very famous.

In the words of Xia Lian who complained to Yu Chen when she got the support list -

"Think about it, how dirty does this person have to be to be an instructor for the new knights of the Justice Sect?"

Of course, in addition to having a dirty heart, Gelbin is also a very comprehensive combat expert, especially when leading a small number of troops in small-scale battles. Just like his fighting style, he is always so ' Just right'.

And it is said that what this guy is best at is defensive fighting, and he also has a very handsome, some people say it is extremely wretched family shield method. Unfortunately, almost no one has seen Gelbin use it, and he eventually became a member of the Justice Sect. One of the strange stories widely circulated among the grassroots.

Getting back to the subject, under the leadership of Gelbin, the Holy Knights under the effect of [Joint Purification] were unstoppable, crushing all the way forward without losing half a point in speed!

Following several high-level paladins, Kay lay low on his beloved horse, constantly adjusting the angle of the battle gun in his hand, impaling and flying mutants one after another. He was in desperate need of venting his fighting spirit. There is no need to worry about not enough enemies, because no matter how powerful Gelbin, Snowmane and others are, the number of mutants is still too large and they can still fill your field of vision!

However, at this moment, Kai suddenly discovered that a mutant that had been knocked away by someone unknown was heading straight towards him. Due to his distraction, he was half a beat too slow to react. He had no time to adjust his gun anymore, and he was about to


A hazy shadow flashed past, and Kay seemed to see a shield flashing before his eyes, and then the mutant that was originally enough to knock him off his horse ejected strangely.

"Keep your attention, knight."

Gelbin's voice sounded in Kai's ears, with a hint of teasing: "By the way, I'm pretty good with guns."

Kai was stunned for a moment and looked around, but he didn't find the figure of the other party that had greatly increased in his impression.

It has to be said that the Snowmane following behind Gelbin is really too big.

Game time PM15:13

It has been 26 minutes since the Holy Knights set off from the A1 slope.

Until then, under the leadership of players Big Eared Mosquito and Priest Furman, a rather crude position was finally built at the mountain pass.

Game time PM15:15

The Paladins arrived at the temporary position of the Heavy Interceptor Regiment and ended their first official charge since the beginning of the war.

Battle damage: zero

Result: One thousand, four hundred and ninety-seven mutants.

Chapter 440: End

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