Quadruple split

Chapter 444 High-spirited

At the front of the temporary position, nearly a hundred heavily armored warriors were fighting fiercely with a large number of mutants. Their weapons, armor, and fighting styles were all completely different, and their previous cooperation with each other was not a tacit understanding. This team, from players to NPCs to rookies, A team with everything from adventurers to professional mercenaries has only one characteristic, and that is that it is tough enough.

It’s the one that’s hard to chew in the literal sense.

These warriors wielding heavy weapons and wearing heavy armor will not die even if they stand still and let the mutants bite them for a while. Compared with the iron cans that have to consider the feeling of their mounts after standing up, these down-to-earth iron cans Cans are obviously tougher.

Including the big-eared mosquito who was responsible for delivering the order, all the members of the heavy-armed interceptor group were blocked in front of the position, beating the swarming mutants. This process has been going smoothly so far, because until two minutes Until the moment when the former Holy Knights rushed into the position, everyone who was carefully concealed and chose relatively safe positions had not officially fought against the mutants, because even those monsters that were left behind by the large army were mostly heading towards the large army. Rush over there

However, when the Paladins charged all the way from the third enemy area to the mountain pass, the situation was completely different.

A group of living creatures with good health and surging vitality can obviously have a great impact on the mutants. Compared with the three battle orders on the front line that are almost exhausted, the Saints are in the best condition and are not small in number. The Knights are naturally more attractive. Even if they directly kill nearly a thousand mutants with just one charge, they can't stop their 'enthusiasm' and 'pursuit'.

So a large group of mutants were directly brought back to the mountain pass by the Knights from the center of the battle.

The mission of the Heavy Interceptor Group is to recover and buy time for the Paladins who have just completed a charge to regroup. This is why its members are priests and priests in addition to heavy warriors.

"Pay attention to self-protection and interception! Our mission is not to annihilate the enemy, but to prevent a monster from breaking through the defense line."

Priest Furman, who was supposed to stay at the back with other clergy, squeezed in at some point, roaring loudly while waving his mace in the air and striking hard, constantly knocking away the mutants rushing at the front. He said in a loud voice: "Don't waste your energy. Think about why Pastor Hei Fan asked everyone to reduce consumption as much as possible. We will stay here for a long time!"

As a chief priest who theoretically shouldn't be good at hand-to-hand combat, this middle-aged orc with a very fit body is simply too fierce. The sleeves of his wide priest robe were rolled up to his shoulders, revealing two strong and strong legs that he estimated to have been single for many years. With his arms, he smashed the hammer, which was usually used to perform magical arts, hard on the skulls of each of them, with great pleasure.

"Good job, brother."

The high-level paladin Gelbin appeared next to Furman at some point and smiled at him: "I have told you before that the path of a knight is far more suitable for you than the path of a priest."

Fuhrman wiped the brain matter that had splattered on his collar, took a small step back and stood behind Gelbin, shrugged and said, "I'm just a bastard with no ambitions. I prefer saying goodbye to training, patrolling, and fighting every day." If you eat the idols and wait to die, your chivalry cannot attract me."

Gelbin raised his hand and waved a nearly five-meter-wide sword light, directly cutting more than twenty mutants into more than forty pieces. He shook his head and said: "Let everyone retreat a little. I will try my best to leave this time." I’ll help you kill them more beforehand.”

"no problem."

Furman laughed, and while organizing everyone to retreat, he reminded the dwarf paladin in front of him: "But you just launched the joint purification, so try to be more relaxed and don't be too stiff."

"I know in my heart that you are the ones who really need to take it easy, Fuhrman. Please try your best to let these good guys and girls survive as long as possible."

Game time PM15:25

After a brief reorganization and recovery, the Paladins launched a second round of charge at the temporary position at the mountain pass. They passed through the passage vacated by the heavy interceptor group and returned to the third enemy area where the main force was located. After passing by, Gelbin single-handedly killed more than two hundred mutants before leading the team away, greatly reducing the consumption of the remaining warriors. In the first round of charge, he led the knights to charge within five breaths. The large number of monsters gathered at the front of the battle line were dispersed, which relieved a great burden on the heavily armored warriors who stayed here and continued to hold on.

But even so, the heavily armored interceptor group that had attracted the attention of the mutants still felt huge pressure after the knights left, and the huge pressure was expected.

Although the number of enemies has been reduced again and again, and most of them are gathered in the middle of the mountain road where the large army is located, but even so, the heavy armored interception group with only two hundred people, including nearly half of the clergy, is still at ease. Wherever they go, they don't have Hei Fan who is always at the forefront for immediate command, they don't have a variety of professional cooperation, there is no room to retreat further, and there is no reserve team to rotate with them.

To make matters worse, according to the original plan, the nearly a hundred clergy at the rear could not fully treat and recover them, because the Knights, as the core combat force, would return here after the third charge, and that In theory, the condition of the latter should not be much better, so the priests, priests and other healing professions in the team must have at least 40% spare capacity.

This is the reason why Mo Tan strictly prohibited them from speeding up without permission. You must know that this team is originally boundless water, and if they don't go well, it will easily lead to the end of the entire army being annihilated.

But there is no way. From an overall perspective, the Holy Knights are one of the most powerful core combat forces of the United Forces and most likely to achieve a large number of results. Motan must maintain their combat effectiveness as much as possible and maximize their effectiveness. To bring out its value, simply put, it means to let them charge for a few more rounds.

And since they have to charge repeatedly, in addition to the three enemy contact areas, there must be a position that can allow the knights to get rid of interference, restore their physical strength, reorganize the team, and have enough space to accelerate.

This is the position of the Heavy Interceptor Regiment.

Therefore, facing the mutants who are no longer dense but still have a considerable number, they must hold on and hold on until the last moment, until the third stage of the Requiem is over or the entire army is annihilated. There is no third way. Walk.

Everyone here knew this, but they came anyway.

If the number of people had not been limited to reduce the possibility of unnecessary complications, there might have been even more applicants.

This is not because truth, kindness and beauty, selflessness and dedication, responsibility and courage, sacrifice and belief are the norm in this world. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Most people cannot do this. It is precisely because of this that those dazzling figures are everywhere. It will become more dazzling at critical moments.

To give a not-so-appropriate example, if we only read reports, we might think that airplanes are too dangerous a means of transportation. One or two accidents happen almost every once in a while, but in fact, The accident rate of airplanes is much lower than that of trains and cars. Of course, it has to be said that the accident fatality rate of this thing is also too high.

And precisely because the probability of an airplane accident is small, if an accident occurs, it will be highlighted. If this thing is like a car, dozens or hundreds of accidents can happen every day.

Well, then probably no one would dare to sit.

All in all, those people with lofty ideals who are highlighted are actually very rare, so rare that they are almost as rare as airplane accidents, so they are highlighted in a particularly dazzling way, not because of their large number or large proportion.

Think about it, the total number of survivors in the entire Misha County is hundreds of thousands, and the combined force only has a total of just over 2,000 people. This ratio of numbers is actually very revealing.

Creatures like heroes will never become mainstream at any time.

Therefore, those talents deserve our respect, recitation, and portrayal.

Game time PM15:39

Big-eared Mosquito, who had just retreated and rested for less than two minutes, rushed forward again. Although his physical energy value was less than 30% and the effect of the life potion was beginning to decrease, he still walked forward with weak hands and feet. After entering the position, two NPC warriors were replaced. They were a young adventurer couple, or a pair of young adventurers who had just become a couple some time ago. They were originally in two completely different adventurer teams. He served as the main soldier, but ended up getting mixed up in the joint force by accident. With their extraordinary skills, they were both selected into this heavy-duty interception group, and fought bloody battles with those mutants who could not be killed no matter how hard they were. Now.

The reason why Big-Eared Mosquito rushed to replace the two of them was not because his physical condition was much better, but because he felt that compared to NPCs, the cost for players like him to become a 'hero' was relatively cheap, so there were When you may 'sacrifice' at any time, it is better to be more positive.

After all, my sense of pain has been weakened to an unknown extent. Even if I was pulled out and chewed, the pain would not be there. At worst, I would have accidentally offended the neighbor's big wolf dog.

And no matter how severe the death penalty in the game Innocence is, it seems to be quite a deal if you can use your achievements in two months to extend someone else's life for twenty or thirty years.

[Wait a minute, aren’t they NPCs? Aren't they data? Why would I think of such a thing as "twenty or thirty years of life"! 】

After knocking several mutants back with the big sword in his hand, Big-eared Mosquito suddenly thought of this problem.

"If you think so, it seems like you're at a loss again!"

He muttered something in a low voice, but still used an [Intercept] to rush to the lizard man guy not far away. He used his almost smashed shoulder armor to block the opponent's claws, and stabbed the mutant with a backhand sword. He took off his arm and spat bloody spit on the ground: "Forget it, but please have a clear conscience."

The self-proclaimed 'active little gangster' twitched the corner of his mouth and felt that now was the most high-spirited time in his life, for the time being.

Game time PM15:42

The first casualty of the Combined Forces Heavy Interceptor Regiment appeared. An orc warrior with two large wounds in his abdomen quietly stopped breathing at the front of the position. He did not reveal his fatal injuries until the end, in order to let those behind him The clergy, whose eyes were about to burst but had to make careful calculations to save more magic power for everyone's treatment.

Game time PM15:47

In the next five minutes, the number of victims of the heavy interception group quickly exceeded double digits. Under the waves of mutant attacks, seven players and four NPC warriors fell to the front line one after another. If not The great priest of the Abundance Sect used two large-scale healing spells in time to relieve a certain amount of pressure. This number may double again.

At the same time, the Paladins, who were charging in the third wave, also suffered victims.

A war horse wailed and fell heavily to the ground. One of its hind legs was bitten hard by a mutant half a minute ago, and a large piece of flesh and blood was lost. Although this well-trained mount was in this situation He still ran desperately for thirty seconds. Several paladins from Dawn and the Plenty Sect beside him also used some emergency magic to help stabilize the injury, but their speed inevitably slowed down in the end, and he was eventually killed by Seven Eight monsters dragged him down, tearing and scratching him.

"May the gods bless you!"

The knight roared loudly the moment he fell to the ground, then stood up in a rather embarrassed manner, half-kneeling next to his partner who had more air coming out and less air coming in, while gently stroking its mane. While throwing the nearly three-meter-long lance in his hand to the ground, he pulled out the cross sword from his back and looked calmly at the dozens of mutants that were surrounding him: "Come on."

This is the middle area between the enemy area and the mountain pass. There is a certain distance from both sides. There are nearly a thousand mutants unevenly distributed. It is impossible for this straggler knight to reach a safe position alive, so when he falls on The moment he hit the ground, he was ready to die in battle.

It is impossible for the comrades to stop charging. Every well-trained knight will not be so emotional and will never save a straggler in such a way that will inevitably cause a large number of casualties.

He knew this very well, so the words "May the gods bless you" just now were not so much a reminder to his comrades to continue charging and not stop, but a sentence of comfort to everyone, as a mortal to the living. comfort.

And then, as Gelbin said before, the curtain call ended in a way that a knight could only dream of.

"And you, darling."

He slowly closed his beloved horse's eyes that were no longer in pain, and said with a smile: "The gods are also with you."

The next second, the young knight waved his sword and rushed towards the monsters who were only a few steps away from him.

His eyes were clear and bright, his steps were quick and powerful, and his waist was as straight as a javelin.

Until he was completely overwhelmed by countless mutants, his smile was still so high-spirited.

Chapter 441: End

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