Quadruple split

Chapter 445 Interlude

"The gods bless you"

Gelbin sighed deeply and threw out the small round shield in his hand that quietly replaced the long sword. The shield, which was completely black and had the city gate emblem printed on it, turned into a sharp arc of light and passed through the air. While knocking away several mutants in front, he also protected the two paladins at the end of the team who were about to be dragged off their mounts by the enemy, and intercepted four or five undead who were half-length on their horses.

But he did not rescue the knight who was surrounded by nearly a hundred monsters. Until the latter was completely left behind by the knights, Gelbin did not even look back.

As a high-level paladin, doesn't he have the ability to rescue the young knight of the Sun Sect?

The answer is obviously no.

Even though he has consumed a lot of energy and his condition is only less than 60% of what it was in its heyday, if Gelbin is willing, he can still break into the middle of those monsters alone without dragging down the large army, and kill the unfortunate straggler. After being rescued by a knight, he can also take him back to the main army safely and continue to serve as the tip of the spear of the knights.

The whole process doesn't even take two minutes.

But Gelbin did not do this. The reason is very simple. Although he could help a knight who lost his mount to continue to move forward with the team, this would eventually cause him a little extra load, which meant that in the next journey , as the strongest person, he could not protect everyone with all his strength. Whether he swung his sword slowly or threw out his shield half a second late, someone would be left behind because of this.

After all, he is just a high-level paladin.

Without the bonus of [Joint Purification], and having led everyone for two and a half rounds of charges, even Gelbin would not be able to take care of everyone, otherwise the Paladin just now would not be left behind. .

So the choice before him is very clear

Save, a young and heroic life will be extended, and even if there are any problems later, I can say with a clear conscience that I "tried my best."

If not saved, more lives will be protected.

As a result, Gelbin did not look back, nor did the high-level paladins such as Snowmane and Tongs behind him.

Because the word 'justice' has long been deeply engraved in their souls, this choice that seems to have no right or wrong is actually just a multiple-choice question that they don't need to think about.

The whole process is simply to quantify all possibilities and then make an absolutely fair decision, nothing more.

Therefore, although the members of the Justice Sect are always criticized and known for their shamelessness and lack of moral integrity, only those who truly know them know that these people are perhaps the coldest and most ruthless among the clergy of the entire Holy Religion Union. A batch.

Even if the first and the last person to make a sacrifice in a war, an army, or a story will always have a special sense of existence, these people will not be touched at all. Of course, they are not really untouched. It's just that he can't be shaken in the slightest.

Even if they would be depressed and cry bitterly afterwards, at least at this moment, these fair high-level knights did not hesitate for even a millisecond.

Is it difficult to die without saving someone?

Although there is no standard answer to this question, if the person involved is a person with sufficient strength and sense of justice, then this move will undoubtedly be quite difficult and even torture.

Therefore, it is really difficult to practice your faith under any circumstances, no matter what kind of faith it is.

"how so."

Following at the end of the team, Goshawk, who had rarely faced mutants, lay on his horse with a pale face, feeling that his hands and feet were cold.

The lizard knight who joined the joint force half a month ago but had never witnessed the sacrifice of his teammates turned around with some difficulty. However, he could no longer see the figure waving the cross sword vigorously. There were only densely populated areas in his field of vision. Endless mutants.

【Who is it? 】

He gritted his teeth, his orange vertical pupils full of anger and hatred: "Who on earth could be so heartless and crazy?"

Even though many NPCs thought this plague was just an unfortunate accident, Goshawk, as a player, knew very well that it was not that simple.

There is at least a 90% chance that this sudden disaster that befell Misha County was not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster.

[Regional World Quest: Find the Source of the Plague: 0/1, Reward:? ? ? 】

This task itself, which has never made any progress, can already explain a lot of things.

at the same time

Hoover City, Misha County

Wenqiu, who was playing with a few children in the church square, suddenly stopped and stared unblinkingly at a frame in the corner of his field of vision with his bright eyes. The string of numbers on it was changing rapidly.

[Mutant Remnant: 15749]

[Mutant Remnant: 15742]

[Mutant Remnant: 15731]

[Mutant Remnant: 15728]

In just five seconds, the number of toys transformed by the [Lesion] talent decreased by twenty-one, and there was no sign of stopping.

You must know that just before seven o'clock this morning, the number of those toys was still stable at more than 24,000. But now, this number has been reduced by a full third, and it is still very unstable. The frequency continues to decline, this is simply...

"It's simply amazing!"

Wenqiu's little face was flushed with excitement, and she clapped her hands with a smile: "Brother Hei Fan, they are so awesome! Although they are just cheap toys that will appear on their own without doing anything, they can kill so many in one go. It’s also very powerful!”


A push that was not heavy came from behind, but it had quietly turned into nothingness the moment it was transmitted to the girl.


But Wenqiu still stumbled forward a few steps, then tilted his head and looked at the human girl half-kneeling on the ground behind him, and asked with concern: "Well, Kasha, are you okay?"

The thin girl wearing a simple linen clothes with only one shoe on her foot shook her head timidly: "No, it's okay, Xiao Wenqiu, I'm sorry, I didn't stand firm just now and accidentally bumped into you."

This girl named Kasha is a very typical girl from a poor family. She is plainly dressed, has rough skin, is much smaller than the average person of the same age, and looks a bit old-fashioned. Although she looks healthy, she is just 'Relatively healthy', just.

"Don't worry, I'm fine~"

Wenqiu shook his head vigorously, and then looked at the other party with a worried expression: "Kasha, why are your faces so red? Are you sick?"

At this moment, several other children who were running wildly around also came over, surrounded the two of them and started yelling.

"Why did you stop?"

"Hey, why is Kasha's face so red?"

"Wow, it's really red. Did you eat poisonous mushrooms yesterday?"

"No, no, no, didn't we show the mushrooms we collected to the nun sister? She said they are edible!"

"Could it be that you are sick?"

"My dad said this is a place blessed by the goddess of dawn, and no one will get sick."

"But Kasha's face is really red!"

"Xiao Wenqiu's face is a little red too!"

"I'm fine, I just remembered happy things."

Wenqiu shook his head with a smile, then pulled Kasha's sleeve and asked, "Hey, is there anything uncomfortable? How about we go find Sister Sister?"

Kasha hesitated for a moment, pursed her lips and whispered: "No, I'm fine, I'm just a little weak. Maybe I can just go home and take a nap."

"Are you sure? Kasha."

A blond girl wearing a pink skirt frowned, bit her finger and said, "What if you are really poisoned or sick, and uh... nothing."


A chubby little dwarf boy exclaimed and subconsciously took half a step back: "What if there is a plague!"

Kasha's thin body trembled very obviously.

The blond girl glared at the dwarf boy fiercely and said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense! The nun sister and the priest have both said that there will no longer be a plague here! Believe it or not, I will tell your father to let him spank you!"

The latter was shaking even more than the frightened Kasha, shaking her head and saying: "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I only have one broom left at home, so it's better to save a little."

"That's it, you guys play here first, I'll take Kasha home and then stay with her for a while."

Wenqiu held Kasha's hand and smiled at the blond girl: "If something happens, I will rush back to find the nun sister immediately. If nothing happens, Elena, you can switch with me to accompany Kasha tonight."

Elena, who is young but quite mature, immediately nodded and said: "Okay!"

The other children didn't have any opinions, or they didn't have any opinions, so Wenqiu half-pulled and half-supported Kasha, who was even smaller than her, and left.

five minutes later

Hofer City South Street

"Um, Xiao Wenqiu."

Kasha staggered to a stop, squatted on the spot tiredly, and whispered: "I want to take a short rest, is that okay? I'll be fine in a while."

Wenqiu stuck out his tongue, helped the other person sit down in the corner, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I forgot that you have no strength now. Don't worry, you can rest as long as you want."


Kasha's face was so red at this moment that she was almost bleeding, and even her consciousness began to become blurred. She murmured in a low voice: "Maybe I am really... sick."

Wenqiu squeezed the other person's little hand that was getting hot, and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, it's okay even if you are really sick. I will ask my brothers, sisters, uncles in the church to take good care of you. Don't forget about me and Wang." Sister Yu has a very good relationship, and it is said that Brother Hei Fan is doing well now~"

Kasha nodded confusedly: "I'm not sure what you mean, but still. Thank you, Xiao Wenqiu."

Before she finished speaking, the girl, who had a fever of nearly 40 degrees, completely lost consciousness, tilted her head and fell into Wenqiu's arms.

"I fainted."

Wenqiu blinked, then raised his little hand and touched Kasha's forehead, chuckled and whispered: "Sure enough, it can still be effective even in this land blessed by the goddess of dawn, but this The mixed plague that could kill uncles and uncles in an instant was suppressed for three days before it was initially revealed. Well, the power of the gods is indeed amazing! It would be great if there were gods outside the game, not happy!"

She puffed her mouth, rubbed Kasha's hot little face affectionately, then stood up, held her cheeks and wrinkled her nose in distress.

"So what should we do~"

The girl gently pulled her hair twice and stuck out her tongue playfully: "At that time, I didn't think about what to do next. Now Kasha can only live for two days at most, well, but if it's less As for Kasha, we won’t have enough people to play the game of catch.”

Therefore, Wenqiu fell into a deep tangle between the two choices of letting Kasha die casually and continuing to play the childlike game.

"Forget it, there were no problems before anyway. Without Kasha, we can only play small cards. That's so boring!"

After struggling for a full thirty seconds, the girl finally made up her mind. She lightly hammered her little hand, then turned her little head and looked around.

Although Wenqiu is now just an ordinary little girl with no profession and only 20 health points, she has already figured out the situation in Hofer City and can roughly judge that there will be no one nearby in the past ten minutes, so she casually confirms After getting acquainted with the environment, I "transformed" with confidence.

[Talent switched to: Immaculate Evil]

[Your faction has been changed to: Chaotic Evil]

The system beep sounded in my ears as expected.

The girl ranked No. 6 in the player combat power rankings opened the panel and smiled with satisfaction. She found that she had become a lot stronger without knowing it.

【Ask Autumn】

Race: Human

Level: Necromancer level 27, Fearmonger level 5

Sin value: 118547

HP: 220/220

Physical fitness value: 210/210

Magic value: 890/890

Talents: Innocent Heart/Immaculate Evil, Torment, Innocence, Impermanence, Self-interest, Collapse, Disease, Death

Basic attributes: Strength 11, Dexterity 24, Wisdom 79, Constitution 11

Civilization attributes: Eloquence 1, Charisma 15, Knowledge 15, Leadership 0

Combat attributes: Undead Knowledge level 20, Spirit Summoning Specialization level 1, Bone Control Specialization level 15, Flesh Specialization level 15, Plague Specialization level 30

Skills: Summoning: Skeleton Knight/Warrior/Archer, Blood and Bone Spear, Blood Transformation, Continuous Corpse Explosion, Living Sacrifice Ritual, Curse, Ghost Locust, Heart-cutting Bones, Tongue Curse, Erotic Plague/Aura, Erosion Limb Plague/Aura, Phantom Pain Plague/Aura, Corruption Plague/Aura, Swarm of Scourge, Tower of Bones, Grieving Earth, Separation of Flesh, Seed of Disaster, Sick Disease (Passive), Growth (Passive), Deep Reproduction ( Passive), Proliferate (Passive), Absorb (Passive)

"Hey, get well soon, my good friend~"

A black oval 'seed' appeared in Wenqiu's palm, and he quickly pulled out a wisp of red and green dirty blood from Kasha's lower abdomen, and then was gently crushed into powder by his master, and then The wind dispersed.

The abnormal blush on Kasha's face quickly faded.

However, Wenqiu, who was trying to transform into the [innocent heart] state again, unexpectedly heard a reminder——

[Switching failed, do you need to pay the 48-hour cooling time to forcefully activate the talent?]

[Innocent Heart] Trait 1: When this talent is forcibly activated in combat, the cooldown time is changed to 48 hours.

Although no one attacked Wenqiu, the moment she transformed into [Immaculate Evil], she was forcibly dragged into a fighting state by the land of gods under her feet.

"Ah, I forgot. I forgot."

Wenqiu patted his smooth forehead, rubbed his toes on the ground with some embarrassment, and then forcibly activated the talent.

"Really, it's so troublesome~"

Chapter 442: End

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