Quadruple split

Chapter 460 Burning the City

With the suicide explosion of the Kirov, all preparations for the final stage of the Requiem Project have been completed. At this point, the cluster of mutants crowded in front of the Twin Cities Bridge has been reduced to more than 5,000. The Princess Guards with Yuchen as the core successfully arrived on the other side. All the people in Shawar City have been evacuated. The reinforcements from the Principality of Scaran led by Paula also evacuated the long bridge. As for Cordoba who was stationed on another long bridge. He didn't have to do anything, he just had to stop attacking, because those mutants weren't going for him from the beginning.

Game time PM21:30

Five hundred meters south of the long bridge in Ebi City, Yu Chen, who was pale and had some kind of enchanted beauty all over his body, took out a bottle of light blue potion from his luggage and unsheathed the cork without hesitation. Drink it all.

The next second, the [False Dead] state that had been left for nearly ten minutes in the girl's character panel disappeared instantly. The delicate white face visibly regained its color, and the vitality that had been suppressed to the extreme for more than half an hour finally glowed. When she came out, she returned to her pretty and lovely appearance.

"Is there no problem, Your Highness the Saint?"

Xuezong looked at the strange bottle of potion in Yuchen's hand with some worry, and said hesitantly: "This kind of chronic toxin that can temporarily change the form of life is unheard of."

Yuchen shook his head, turned to smile at the other party, and said softly: "I believe Luna, you see, nothing will happen to you immediately after drinking the antidote. Let's hurry up. Hei Fan should have already asked for help." Let’s start taking action.”


Snowmane nodded slightly and gently pulled the reins in his hands to calm down the restless Goru beast under him. He glanced at the countless mutants in the distance that seemed to be rushing towards us suddenly like crazy, and shrugged: "I really don't understand why they can sense you, Your Highness, from so far away. Okay, everyone, get ready."

She looked around her comrades, turned her horse's head suddenly, activated the [Expedition Halo], and said loudly: "Charge with me, target Shawa City!"

The other members of the Princess Guards agreed in unison, and uniformly drove their mounts to turn 180 degrees, following Snow Mane as they galloped toward Shawa City in the southeast.

Behind them, followed closely by countless mutants who finally began to cross the bridge. Those undead monsters ignored the powerful glow powder at the bridge, ignored the hundreds of reinforcements and fellow saints from the Principality of Skarlan not far away. Xia Lian rushed straight towards where Yu Chen was!

There was no hesitation, not even the tens of thousands of fresh living people in Abby City could make those mutants sway in the slightest. Those monsters that took a day to finally cross the long bridge did not stop in front of the city for half a second. Frantically chasing the footsteps of the Princess Guards, completely treating those frightened 'former preys' as nothing.

Just like a replica of the second stage, Yuchen alone was able to stabilize the hatred of thousands of mutants, and not a single one was left behind.

At the same time, the combined forces led by Mo Tan also rushed over from behind. They crossed the long bridge in front of Shawa City non-stop. The Holy Knights, as the tip of the spear, clung to the tail end of the mutant cluster, desperately Wielding long swords and cavalry guns, they attacked the monsters at the back without any damage. In the process, they did not even receive any decent resistance. Those monsters seemed to only have eyes for the girl a few kilometers away. , without any defense against the attacks from behind. Even if they were cut off by the sharp cross sword, they still crawled towards the Princess Guards in a crazy manner.

There was no resistance or command. Every knight knew that this was the last chance for his side to easily expand the results. Everyone gritted their teeth and charged in an unorganized manner, ignoring everything including formation and rhythm. Just to kill a few more mutants.

Behind them, nearly a thousand members of the joint force were marching slowly under the leadership of Mo Tan. They knew that it was not their time to take the field yet, so they tried their best to maintain their physical strength while maintaining the lowest consumption. It was moving relatively slowly, and everyone, including the two hundred and sixty players, was preparing for the upcoming final battle.

five minutes later

Game time PM21:37

The Princess Guards rushed through the wide open south gate of Shawar City, and thousands of mutants who followed behind them filed in without hesitation and plunged into the city.

The Paladins, who were chasing each other all the way, stopped their pursuit after the last mutant rushed into the city gate.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Mo Tan, who was riding the warg Xiaobai, galloping from behind, stopped beside Gelbin and asked concisely: "What was the result of the battle?"

The latter shook his head: "About four hundred were killed, which was less than expected."


Mo Tan took a breath, then waved his right hand forcefully and said loudly: "Close the door!"

The two teams of knights immediately rode forward, and it took nearly two minutes to close the steel city gate that had been reinforced several times in the past half month.

Except for the south gate in front of everyone, the other three gates in the other three directions of Shawa City had already been blocked during the evacuation. At this point, except for the 20 people of the Princess Guards and more than 4,000 people, this gate The medium-sized city with nothing but mutants has been completely sealed off.

"United casters!"

Mo Tan tore open his last amplification scroll and said loudly: "Inside the target city, fireball technique, deflection."

The next second, nearly a hundred blazing fireballs soared into the sky behind him, drawing scattered parabolas in the air and falling into the city like a meteor shower.


boom! ! !

Almost immediately after the first fireball hit the ground, a dazzling tongue of flames shot up into the sky, and then began to spread endlessly. In less than five minutes, the southern part of Shawa City burned violently. It stood up and lit up the whole sky.

No one exclaimed, because everyone present knew that this was just the beginning.

The steps in the final stage have never been a secret. Compared with the previous three stages, this time the plan is very simple and crude. Simply put, it is after the [Kirov] completes the bombing as much as possible and inflicts maximum damage to the remaining mutants. , Cordoba and Xialian (now replaced by reinforcements from the Principality of Scaran) located at the long bridge will stop intercepting and allow those monsters to enter the Twin Cities, and at the same time be transported to the other side of the tributary of the Jinhui River in advance. The Princess Guards will take action. They will escort Yuchen to Shawa City at full speed after the medicine in Yuchen's body that can inhibit his physical activity expires. In this way, mutants who are attracted for unknown reasons will naturally follow them. back

Shawa City, which has completed the evacuation, will open its doors to welcome the Princess Guards and the pursuers behind them. All the people inside have evacuated half an hour ago. The players and guards responsible for directing the evacuation will leave before leaving. A total of three things were done, namely opening the south gate, blocking all other entrances and exits, and spreading any easily flammable fuel throughout the city.

Then - burn!

Nearly a hundred fireballs easily ignited the fire in the south of the city. With enough fuel, it took less than ten minutes for the city-burning fire to completely spread.

If calculations are correct, the fire should burn for about two hours.

After that, the city gate will be reopened, and those outside who survived the first three stages of the Requiem will face the last batch of monsters in Misha County, and draw the end of this already long enough war before dawn. Full stop.

Putao, a female elf warrior who was a member of the death squad, raised her head slightly, looked at the flames that had almost engulfed the entire Shawa City, and subconsciously clenched her husband's hand.

She didn't know whether she could survive the first charge after the city gate opened again. To be honest, she didn't care whether she could survive. It didn't matter even if the new character after dying was a goblin or a lizardman. It was just a way to commit suicide once, and she was worried about the people in the city.

The death squads in the fourth phase may have a chance to survive, and the heavy-duty interceptor group assigned with the most arduous task in the third phase is not certain to die. However, the Holy Maiden of the Morning Forgotten and the Princess Guards around her are the protagonists in completing the task. A mission with no future.

It is not a very difficult task to hold on to thousands of mutants in this burning city until the fire is extinguished, but if 'survival' is the premise, it is basically the same as a joke.

Even a berserker housewife as tough as Putao would not accept such a life-or-death mission in reality, but those NPCs who had no second chance took it without hesitation, knowing that what was coming next He rushed into Shawa City without knowing what would happen.

This act, which could no longer be described as brave, was difficult for Putao to understand, but it did not prevent her from blushing for her companions who were already trapped in the sea of ​​​​fire.

"It's almost over, wife."

Tirion Windfury gently squeezed the opponent's cold little hand and said with a forced smile: "It will be over soon, we will win."

"I know."

Putao rubbed his eyes and stared at the city of fire in front of him that was emitting frightening heat.

"Of course we will win!"

"They just did what they could and what they had to do."

Gelbin looked at Mo Tan, who was silent beside him, and said in a deep voice: "You don't have to feel guilty about this, Snowmane and the others, as well as those who voluntarily joined the guard, have long been aware of it, and there is no such thing as Victory doesn't come at a price, and it's clear that they are willing to be the price for that victory."

Mo Tan nodded lightly, and after being silent for a long time, he reluctantly showed an unattractive smile: "I know, I already knew it when I watched them set off."

Three high-level justice knights, including Snowmane, and twenty outstanding mid-level knights. They were all NPCs who had no chance to do it over again, but they all agreed to their request without hesitation.

A request to let them die.

Halfway through the final stage, and now that he no longer needed to maintain his iron will, Mo Tan inevitably recalled the moment when those people turned around and left, inevitably saw their backs without hesitation, and inevitably .Become weak.

But now is not the time to be weak. Misha County has still not been liberated, and there are still a large number of mutants active in this land, in the crazy burning city in front of him.

You must cheer up!

"However, Priest Black Van"

Gelbin looked at him hesitantly, and after organizing his words for a while, he asked uncertainly: "Are you sure His Highness Wangyu will be fine? I really can't imagine. Even though you have repeatedly promised, if Something really happened to His Highness."

Mo Tan's expression froze slightly, and then he quickly said with relief: "Don't worry, she will be fine."

It'll be fine

It'll be fine

Will it really be okay?

Mo Tan, who was already a little uneasy, frowned subconsciously, then quickly opened the friend bar and found the ID that was placed at the top - [Chen Wangyu/Absolute Neutrality].

'How is it going? ’

He sent a message and prayed for the first time that the other person wouldn't reply to him.


‘The situation is not bad. We have rushed into the Holy Union Chapel. As promised before, there is nothing to burn around here, it’s just a little hot. ’

In less than two seconds, Yu Chen's news was flashed in front of Mo Tan's eyes.

The latter's expression darkened visibly, and he immediately returned: 'Why aren't you offline yet? Could it be that he was involved in a fighting situation? ! ’

‘Ah, no, no, they are not in combat mode. Snowmane and the others have already set up a defense line, and none of the mutants have touched me. ’

‘Then why aren’t you offline yet? ’

‘I didn’t have time, don’t worry, I’ll get off now, bye~’

'Hello! Didn’t we already agree on this before? ’

Mo Tan sent a message quite annoyed, but did not receive any reply.

‘Are you still there? ’

Mo Tan edited another message and sent it, but nothing happened.

[Is she really obediently offline? 】

Mo Tan's brows relaxed a little, and after a few seconds he sent another message to Yu Chen: 'Stop pretending! I know you are still here! ’

In the end, there was still no reply, as if Yuchen had indeed left the game.

She should quit the game because this was part of the plan.

The Princess Guards escorted Yuchen to the United Holy Church in Shawa City, and then deployed a defense line to block the entrance to the chapel. Yuchen, who was not dragged into combat by any mutant, would be found in the chapel. A blind spot in the field of vision, offline where Snowmane and others cannot see.

Then, the monsters who have lost their source of hatred may not be too persistent in attacking the defense line. After the Princess Guards collectively use death dust to cover up their vitality, they will find a place to be burned alive.

it's out of the question.

Even if the existence of 'Chen Wangyu' completely disappears from the Realm of Innocence due to being offline, those monsters will definitely target the only living people in Shawa City and kill the entire Princess Guard.

But at least Yuchen can survive.

This is the proper process.

When there is no choice, even if only one person survives, it is better than the entire army being wiped out.

This was the explanation Mo Tan had given Yu Chen before, and the latter simply agreed to his request.


Mo Tan stared at Shawa City in flames, his fists under his robe slightly clenched.

"Why am I so upset?"

Chapter 457: End

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