Quadruple split

Chapter 461 Open the door and calm the soul

"Lord Gelbin"

Mo Tan suddenly turned to look at Gelbin and gave a somewhat forced smile: "I'll go to the back to have a rest first and come back later."

The latter was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "No problem, I'll watch from here."

"Thank you very much. Don't worry, it won't take too long."

Mo Tan looked back at Shawa City, where the fire was getting more intense. He thanked Gelbin briefly and quickly turned around and walked back.

two minutes later

In front of Shawa City, behind the temporary station of the joint forces, the alchemy workshop

"Are you sure you're okay?"

While Luna was mixing some kind of first-aid medicine in front of the alchemy table, she turned sideways and looked at Mo Tan in a daze, and asked in an ethereal tone: "Is it really just ordinary fatigue?"

"That's right, I'm just a little tired and plan to take a nap."

Mo Tan sat down next to the cushion in the corner of the first floor of the workshop and slowly closed his eyes: "So come here to disturb me."

Luna nodded, first shook the test tube containing the light red liquid in her hand counterclockwise twice, and then pointed to the spiral staircase next to the entrance: "There is a bed up there, you can go there and sleep well."

"It doesn't matter, I can't sleep too comfortably at this time."

Mo Tan smiled absently, leaned on the cushion Luna usually used to read, and shrugged: "Don't call me, and don't do any weird tests on me. I'll be up in a moment."

Luna tilted her head, put the test tube that had turned bright yellow back on the alchemy table, and then walked upstairs in a hurry, leaving Mo Tan stunned for a moment as he was about to log off in front of her.

half a minute later

"Here you go, cover it."

The girl who returned to the first floor threw a blanket to Mo Tan. It seemed to be woven with some kind of light gray bristles. It felt warm and comfortable to the touch, and there was a faint fragrance on it.

However, Mo Tan didn't notice too many details. He just nodded gratefully, simply covered his legs with the blanket, closed his eyes again, and quickly moved before Luna could take her eyes off him. Logged out.

Luna carefully observed Mo Tan's miraculous act of sleeping seamlessly for a few seconds, and then continued to return to the alchemy table to toss the bottles and jars that became increasingly bad in color and taste.

Real time AM02:21

Mo Tan woke up from the game cabin in a daze. After relaxing for two seconds, he immediately opened the hatch from the inside, got up in a hurry, and went straight to his mobile phone on the table next to him without even wearing slippers. Extremely skillful in finding [A Yuchen] in the address book

After doing some mental work for himself for about five seconds, he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, and called Yuchen for the second time in his life.

By the way, the first call he made was when he unexpectedly went to the mall with Yuchen during the Chinese New Year because he got lost.

It got through as expected.

Unexpected but somehow reasonable, no one answered.

"You really didn't do it?"

Mo Tan frowned deeply, dialed the phone again, and murmured in a low voice in the extremely anxious busy tone: "Or is the phone not around? Or is she taking a shower? Or..."


As a result, just when he was thinking wildly, the phone was connected, and it was a female voice that sounded very 'calm'.

"Yu Chen! That's great. You really listened to me obediently. Uh, what, who are you?"

Mo Tan only felt that the stone in his heart had finally fallen to the ground. He sighed in a panic at first, and then suddenly realized that the other party's voice seemed different from that of a cute boy. He immediately felt that the 'falling stone' had almost reached the ground. He punched himself out and had a perforated stomach. He immediately became incoherent and sweated profusely.

The woman on the other side of the phone was silent for about three years (in Mo Tan's opinion), and then said without audible emotion: "Well, Mo Tan (she seemed to glance at the caller ID), I'm sorry, my daughter is not very good right now. It’s convenient to answer the phone, do you need me to call her?”

"Cough, click."

Mo Tan first made a few sounds that were not related to human speech, and then he shook his head wildly and trembled, "Ah, um, hello, auntie! No, no, no, it's nothing serious. Don't bother me."

He finally came to his senses

The person who answered the phone was Yuchen’s mother!

It's Yuchen's mother!

Yuchen’s mother!

Her mother!


【Oh my god! 】

This guy, whose mental quality was really poor, felt that his vision went dark and his whole body froze.

"Well, I understand."

A calm female voice, or Yuchen's calm-sounding mother said noncommittally, and after a pause of about two years, she chuckled softly: "Oh, speaking of it, my daughter seems to have few abilities. Where is the male friend who called me at this time~"

For some reason, Mo Tan suddenly felt a chill running down his spine.

Fortunately, the mother didn't seem to be too entangled in this matter. Instead, she politely said that she would convey the call from Mo Tan to Yu Chen and then hung up.

And our classmate Mo Tan has been using the words 'um', 'oh oh', 'okay okay', 'yes yes yes', 'um huh', 'aunt' mechanically since the other party's '~' just now. Good night' to cope with it, from an objective point of view it can be said that the performance is very unqualified.

When the call was hung up, he looked as if he had just been fished out of the water.


He staggered to the sofa, threw himself on it, and shouted in extreme despair: "What on earth am I doing!"

Then he lay there and pretended to be dead for two minutes. As for what he thought about during these 120 seconds, because the logical sequence of the context is too confusing, I won't go into details here.

All in all, when he finally remembered why he made that call just now, he suddenly realized that what the aunt said could not prove whether Yu Chen was there or not. After all, there are many forms of "inconvenient to answer the phone". It makes sense whether it is in the game cabin or in the bathroom. If it is the former, then Yuchen is obviously not offline. If it is the latter.


After thinking about it subconsciously, Mo Tan rolled down from the sofa, and then began to grab the ground with his head: "What on earth was I thinking!!!"

Anyway, in a sense, his gain from going offline this time was basically zero. What he wanted to know was not confirmed at all, but he unexpectedly chatted with Yuchen's mother for a few minutes (if that horrible conversation can still be understood) Call it chat).

After a few minutes, he calmed down and lay back in the game cabin again, but his mood was even more uneasy than before.

Game time PM23:41

The night that had been reflected in a red sky two hours ago returned to darkness, and the Shawa City that had been burning for two hours finally no longer had fire rising up, but was replaced by the astonishing billowing black smoke, even in the Under this almost starless night, it can be seen by people a hundred meters away.

"It's almost out."

Cordoba, who had joined the main force an hour ago, walked up to Mo Tan and patted his shoulder gently: "When should we go in?"

Mo Tan took a deep breath of the pungent air and whispered, "Almost."

In a few more minutes, the smoke and embers in the city wouldn't do much harm to everyone.

At that time, the combined forces will reopen the city gate, with Cordoba, Gu Xiaole, Gelbin, Paula and 260 players as the front, the Paladins as the wings, three battle sequences and a preparation sequence. The central lineup battles the remaining mutants.

If there is no accident or miracle, the Princess Guards including Snowmane and other three high-level justice knights and Taylor have been completely wiped out. Even if the raging fire did not burn them to death, even if it was so shocking The suffocating smoke did not choke them to death, and the pile of mutants was enough to kill them.

No one, including Mo Tan, could see the possibility of their survival.

As for Yuchen, if she logs off as planned and waits until zero o'clock in real time before logging back in, she will naturally survive. And Mo Tan has indeed not contacted her during this time, because there is no online or offline in the game of Innocence logo, so there is a high possibility that Yuchen has logged out, but

She may also simply be blind to that information.

Because the player's ID and camp will basically not change even if the character is rebuilt, the [Morning Forgotten Words/Absolute Neutral] at the top of Mo Tan's friend bar cannot be used as a basis.

[Sure enough, I’m still very worried]

Mo Tan sighed, and slowly turned around under the gazes of Cordoba, Knight Gelbin, Yu Ying, Paula, Gu Xiaole, Luna and others, and walked to the square formation that was as neat as possible. He nodded to the war-filled faces and said with a slightly red face, "Well, I'm Hei Fan."

Everyone looked at him quietly and blankly, barely hearing him clearly.

Yu Ying shook her head, walked behind Mo Tan, and tore open an amplification scroll.

In order to ensure smooth command, the joint forces had basically removed all the amplification scrolls from all the magic guilds in Misha County half a month ago.

"Ah, sorry."

Mo Tan smiled, and his slightly embarrassed voice was multiplied by the amplification technology and fell into everyone's ears.

There is no high-spiritedness, no steadfastness, no cold determination. Whether it is his voice or his temperament, he feels like an ordinary young man next door.

He is like a friend who is willing to skip school and hang out with you

He is like a neighbor who smiles and says hello when we meet by chance.

He is like a traveler passing you in a hurry.

He is like a passerby who nods to you during your morning jog

Anyway, he doesn't look like a commander who can lead such a large gang of people to survive this disaster until now.

To be honest, when Cordoba secretly sent Mo Tan a friend message just now, suggesting that he say something, Mo Tan originally wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that he really should say something.

So he stood up and walked in front of everyone in the last few minutes of free time in this battle.

"I am Hei Fan, your half-baked commander."

He said the opening remarks again, and then looked at each other with the firm and solemn eyes in front of him for more than half a minute, and suddenly scratched his hair: "Suddenly I don't know what to say, so what, has everyone eaten it?" ?”


Yu Ying, who was standing behind him, burst out laughing at that moment. Gelbin and the others also looked like they couldn't help laughing. As for the warriors who were not majestic but at least murderous, they were all swaying with laughter.

Mo Tan also laughed. He touched the tip of his nose awkwardly, spread his hands and said, "It seems that he has eaten everything. Okay, let's talk about something else."

To be honest, I really don’t know what I should say, but since I have led everyone to fight for such a long time, it seems inappropriate not to say something.

This disaster killed many, many people, most of whom I did not know.

In order to heal this disaster, I also killed many people. I can remember each of their names.

I don't know if the devastation in Misha County will go down in history, but that doesn't matter.

I don’t know if those of you who died bravely will be engraved on the Heroic Spirit Monument, or if any of your names will be written incorrectly or have been smoothed over by time.

All I know is that I will never forget this terrible time, and neither should you.

I don’t know what you are all gathered here for. Is it honor? Is it justice? Is it responsibility? Is it money? Is it experience? Still have nothing to do.

So I can’t use it as a slogan in any name.

All I can say is that we did the right thing, or at least what we thought was right.

Including me...

I may feel guilty, stressed, and uneasy about the orders that told everyone to die, but I don’t regret it, because the joint force has never asked anyone to obey orders 100%. We can come and go freely without any War Team Supervisor: Well, we don't even have the so-called military discipline, but even so, I still didn't see anyone flinch.

We wiped out the mutants in the north and wiped out every monster in the central area of ​​Misha County with the Gudami Plain as the center. Today, we directly killed three-quarters of the more than 20,000 mutants in the south, and We have to kill the remaining quarter right away.

Please be proud of yourselves, and of course, if you can, it would also be great if you could give me a few compliments. "

Mo Tan made a funny expression.

"Boss Hei Fan is awesome!"

Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted.

"Thank you very much."

Mo Tan saluted somewhat exaggeratedly, then let out a long breath, shook the cross on his wrist and said with a smile: "Perhaps as a believer of the goddess, I should wish her to bless you, but in fact, we have not All the achievements so far have been achieved by ourselves, so everyone should take care of themselves. If we die in battle, our goddess will not have to take the blame."

Everyone burst into laughter, including the well-disciplined paladins who shook their heads and smacked their lips.

"There is no need for command in the coming battle."

Mo Tan shrugged and said with a smile: "After the city gate opens, Priest Hei Fan will officially resign and join the war as an ordinary member of the joint force. I plan to rush to the front. It's not that I want to set an example for you, but um, You also know that a certain saint is still in the city."

Yu Ying took the lead in booing, followed by the players in the crowd, and finally everyone booed.

"Then, please allow me to speak for the last time in the name of the Joint Force Commander."

Mo Tan looked solemn and saluted everyone: "I wish everyone good luck in martial arts!"

"Prosperous military fortune!"

Including Yu Ying and others behind him, everyone agreed with a bang.

"Open the door!"

Mo Tan suddenly turned around, stared at the black smoke billowing from Shawa City, and waved his right hand heavily——

"Soul Soul!"

Chapter 458: End

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