Quadruple split

Chapter 467 Misha’s Diary (I)

【My Misha Diary (End)】

[It is now February 27, 2049. The date in the game is 9571 in the sacred calendar, the month of song, 7th of Melody. This ‘diary’ that has been updated for some time has finally been serialized to the last few pages.

First of all, thank you friends for your support, which allows me, a person who is not very good at telling stories, to persist until now. I have not criticized the ridiculous typos and messy layout in those previous posts. Please believe that this damn input method is indeed the same as I have a grudge (laughs)

Of course, I would also like to thank the moderator @kindly Gyarados for his great support and keeping the "diary" at the top of this page for such a long time. The roasted pigeon sister in the food area next door almost suspected that we had a PY transaction.

Okay, let's get back to business and go back to the protracted war in Misha County that finally put an exclamation point on tonight...well, actually it was this morning.

But to get back to the subject, I actually haven’t come up with a good idea until now to describe the longest night since the day I found out I had gained five pounds three years ago.

So this time please allow me to describe it from my own first perspective...

Yesterday I was stuck on the server opening time and went online. Although it was just a blink of an eye for the NPC, for us, a full 12 hours had actually passed. Those 12 hours were extremely difficult for me and I couldn't eat them. Hour.

As mentioned in the previous diary, our entire joint force was stationed on the Hodir Mountain Road, which is a mountain road located in the north (correct) of the southern border of Misha County. Under the instructions of the boss Hei Fan, we did After making all the preparations we could, everyone was as ready as possible. Both us players and the NPCs were working like crazy in order to fight to the death with those zombies (the official name seems to be mutants).

Since this aspect has been discussed in my previous diary, I will not repeat it here.

All in all, it seems that the issue of morale has not been taken into consideration. The boss of Hei Fan has announced all the details of the Requiem Plan two days ago. There are four stages in total, and he also clearly stated that if there is a problem in any of the links, we will not The whole army could be wiped out, and even if nothing went wrong, it was by no means foolproof.

In the words of the boss, this is a huge gamble with no retreat.

As someone who has joined the joint force since the earliest time in Hofer City, I know very well that he has done the best he can. Many friends who came with me or later also hold the same view. To be honest, if not Lord Hei Fan has His Highness the Saint, and perhaps the few girls with me have already found an opportunity to take action.

In fact, there were a few girls who had a glimmer of hope before, insisting that they still had a chance based on the principle that people and ghosts have different paths. It wasn’t until someone saw Her Highness the Saint’s name in the comprehensive strength ranking list in a public space a few days ago that we finally I know that she is not just a paper wife at all, she is a high-level, real wife!

Ahem, I accidentally digressed again. Anyway, in the words of Mr. Hei Fan, we have made all the preparations we need to do. We have done everything we need, and the rest is up to fate.

So, at seven o'clock in the morning during game time, one minute after I logged into the game, the Requiem Project officially kicked off. Her Highness Xia Lian, the saint of the Dawn Sect, and the Cordoba giant took the lead in taking action. When we got out of the two long bridges, we started to 'draw hatred', the hatred of nearly 20,000 monsters!

I was appointed as the Z21 area observer in the first phase. I had already arrived at the designated location when I logged off yesterday. After briefly contacting Sister Yu Ying, I started to carry out the mission and launched a close-up mission near hundreds of monsters. Observe from a distance and report back every five minutes.

This is not a difficult task. Compared with His Highness Xia Lian and the Cordoba giant, the risks taken by us observers are almost negligible.

But when the Cordoba giant appeared in sight, I was still inevitably shocked. Thousands of monsters following him passed in front of me in a mighty manner. The closest one was less than two meters away. , you can even smell the rotten smell on them.

But the second-largest guy in the personal strength rankings was fearless. He trotted into the distance as if taking a walk, attracting all the monsters in the Z21 area. I was so frightened that it took me half a minute. Only then did he react.

I quickly reported the situation to Sister Yuying, and was told that the mission had been completed, and I immediately returned to Hodil Mountain Road according to the previously prescribed safe route.

After sprinkling myself with some rotten wood-scented death dust, I started running back...

On the way, I also received news from a friend named 'Gordon'. The man in charge of the Z8 area observation mission said that he felt a little bit in his heart and hoped that I would write this matter in today's diary. He said that he wanted to Being famous, in short, is what Gordon felt. (Gordon, remember to send me a red envelope if you see this)

Less than twenty minutes later, I returned to the Hodir Mountain Road without incident. After a brief report, I was assigned to the S17 special surveillance team, responsible for monitoring one of the areas in the second phase, and then... then Boss Hei Fan actually added me as a friend a few minutes later! He even asked me how it was! Ahhhhh I'm dead!

Soon, I set off as a herald with three teammates. They were all NPCs. Although I didn’t know them before, the atmosphere along the way was quite good. Everyone had a great time chatting and they were all very happy. Take care of this little clumsy swordsman like me.

To be honest, I don’t see any difference between them and us ‘real people’.

We climbed up the hillside, sprinkled with death dust and lurked behind a not-so-dense bush. We mainly used the eyes of the mage to observe a group of monsters nearly a hundred meters away. Because we had to give a brief report every half minute, I He had almost no time to pay attention to the target's movements. Most of the time, a few teammates were performing tracking and vigilance work. The first half hour of this process was relatively easy, until the zombies in the distance suddenly left their original positions.

A few minutes later, the relaxed atmosphere that did not make me feel much of a 'decisive battle' disappeared. A series of orders suddenly sent by the Black Van boss put great pressure on our S17 special observation team. For nearly an hour, we were always in a state of being exhausted from all sides, crossing several unmonitored areas to set up glow powder, rushing to the nearest supply point to serve as temporary guards, and going to a designated location to confirm that there were only a few dozen monsters. Did we stay where we were, follow the monster army and mark the way along the way, go to a certain place to stand by for no apparent reason, and then evacuate for no apparent reason? These inexplicable tasks once made me think that the boss of Heifan was deliberately playing tricks on us. However, This is not the case. When I took advantage of the few breaks to send messages and complain to a few friends, I discovered that almost all the teams sent out were exhausted and everyone had a large number of tasks. In comparison, our S17 team It was quite easy. Those teams whose members were code-named 'Eagle Eyes' and were composed entirely of players almost broke their legs. They received almost twice as many orders as our ordinary teams, and everyone was so exhausted that they vomited their words.

It’s hard for me to imagine how tough Heifan boss must be to issue so many instructions at the same time, and I don’t know what the effect of what we people have done is. This is undoubtedly a big game. As chess pieces, we cannot see the whole picture, but the final result is enough to prove that the Hei Fan boss won this game. I remember clearly that at 10:49 that morning, Chen Wangyu, who was the core of the second stage, His Highness and the Princess Guards successfully pulled more than 12,000 mutants away from the tributaries of the Jinhui River and headed straight for the Hodir Mountain Road.

At this point, more than 90% of the second phase has been completed, and we, who have just rushed back to the station, still have less than an hour of rest and preparation time.

I was assigned to the first combat sequence, and was rushed to the alchemy workshop in a daze. I received five bottles of life potion and half a test tube of suspiciously colored 'physical potion' from two pale-faced guys, and then went to the station. We met with the main force. Captain Raymond, who was responsible for leading a total of more than 50 people including me, was very kind. When chatting with us, he always carried a rusty sword that seemed to have a story. His personality and his size Completely inversely proportional, he is a very delicate and intellectual person. He even borrowed a lute and played two songs impromptu to relieve everyone's nervousness. I don't know if it is because the music system of the Innocence is not compatible with reality. , anyway, I think it’s pretty ugly.

There were about a dozen players among the fifty-odd people in the same team, but we didn’t have too in-depth communication, we just said hello briefly. I was so nervous. If I hadn’t been in the game, I would have started to have a stomachache. .

Looking back now, that period of time passed so quickly. It seemed that in just a blink of an eye and a few words, the roar of the No. 0 enemy area could be heard in the distance.

At 11:51 a.m., the third phase officially started, and that was the last time I had time to check the system time.

The first basic line of defense (referred to as the first line) containing a large amount of explosives was detonated. We received the order almost at the same time as the explosion sounded. Under the leadership of the captains, we quickly rushed to the first enemy contact area to stand ready. Everyone clenched the weapons in their hands and prepared to die under the first wave of charges. The war drums of the shamans began to echo in the mountain road, but it did not have much effect on us players. I still Trembling with nervousness.

One after another, the shamans hurried past us and rushed towards the enemy contact area No. 0 without looking back. I don’t know how long it took, but I vaguely heard a roar from the distance, and then I saw a A massive thunder storm.

I know that the mage group has already taken action, and I also know that it is almost our turn...

After the thunderstorm subsided, the boss of Heifan who appeared in front of us at some time relaxedly spread his hands to us and announced that the appetizers were over. Then he took the lead and walked towards Area Zero, followed closely by everyone. I was so nervous that I couldn't speak. I noticed that Captain Raymond was shaking like me. As a professional mercenary, his blood must have boiled, but I was just worrying about gains and losses, although I was not afraid of 'death'. But I am very afraid that all the hard work during this period will be in vain.

Then, I won’t have time to be afraid…

I don’t even know when those monsters rushed over. When I came back to my senses, I was already waving my weapons and fighting with those things. Maybe it shouldn’t be said to be fighting, just mechanical. He just swung his knife at the zombies that had filled his field of vision. The dozen comrades in front were instantly swallowed up. Captain Raymond used his roar to wake up the others, but those monsters had almost passed the first echelon. They swarmed in every place where people could or could not be crowded, tearing apart everything in front of them with their teeth and claws. Many people were knocked down before they had time to react. Half an hour ago, they were having sex with me. The half-dragon brother who was chatting was surrounded by at least a dozen mutants, and in a few breaths he turned into a pool of bright red debris!

The cry of the Black Van Priest came from not far away, instructing the second echelon to go up. In fact, they were already doing so. We barely contained the first wave of impact. The thieves troops rushed in from both sides to help kill those The monsters were already indistinguishable from the first echelon, and the spell casters also began to cover us, desperately throwing their skills at the monsters in the distance, and the battle started suddenly.

It's like a meat grinder running at full power!

Ancient war trees, support sequences, and knights joined the battle one after another, igniting the flames of war throughout the entire Hodir Mountain Road. We were withdrawn, climbed up, and retreated with the army. We retreated again, climbed up again, and retreated with the army. Three battles The sequence was overloaded without exception, with people falling every second and more people jumping on them every second until there was no way to retreat.

Please forgive me for not being able to describe it more carefully, because I don’t even know how I survived the last wave of charges. I can only tell you that when the last mutant fell, the people around me All the comrades collapsed on the ground, and some never even stood up again. In just a few hours, half of the joint force died.

However, there are just as many monsters waiting for us beyond the Twin Cities.

I dragged my exhausted body back to the station. After receiving some simple treatment, I found a nearby place to recover my strength. I used the time that Her Highness Xia Lian and the Cordoba boss fought hard to adjust my state until I was defeated. Sister Ying secretly called to a place a few miles away from the mountain pass.

There are gathered all the players in the combined forces who are still capable of fighting.

After a while, Sister Yuying brought Boss Hei Fan.

The boss asked us if we would like to become a suicide squad and be the vanguard of the final stage.

For a very funny reason, I signed up without hesitation, because at that time I felt that those NPCs who were just intelligent data were worth more than the lives of us players.

I even feel that way now.

So I joined the Suicide Squad and died ten minutes into the final phase. 】

Chapter 464: End

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