Quadruple split

Chapter 468 Misha’s Diary (II)

[I don’t regret that the character I finally worked hard to reach level 20 was wiped out, because too many people have died before. Compared with those who have a lot of good things and mission contribution, My losses to my much taller fellow players are nothing at all; compared to those NPC comrades who don’t have a second chance, I am even more lucky to be able to sit in front of the computer, drink juice and write in my diary.

If I have to say a regret, it would be that I didn’t have the opportunity to see the recovery of Misha County with my own eyes, and I couldn’t fight side by side with everyone until the last moment. My newly created character was born on an unknown mountain, and the guidance mission is [Departure]. Now It's not done yet. (PS: The race suddenly changed from elves to dwarfs, which opened up a new world)

Anyway, let's go back to the final stage and talk about what happened before I died...

Due to limited space, I will omit some details that I don’t know much about, and I will re-edit and add them after I have a thorough understanding of the situation.

The Kirov special attack team pre-arranged by the Black Van boss achieved great results. The empty airship that I have never seen (completely) not only successfully brought His Highness Wangyu, uh... I said I was used to it before, but it should actually be Miss Chen Wangyu and the Princess Guards were sent to the other side. In the following period, they used large-scale airdrops to kill thousands of monsters. Although my large army was still on its way south at that time, it never retreated. Two Hawkeye teams witnessed the whole process. One of the brothers, who did not want to be named but has been following the series these days, described it to me as best as he could through private chat.

To sum it up – bang, bang, bang and bang.

My brainstorming ability is limited, but the brother said that he had tried his best, because the Kirov did not engage in anything that had nothing to do with explosions. Even its last attack was as if it was a giant The bomb hit among the monsters, causing an even more violent explosion.

I might be able to imagine it a little bit...

Soon after, we arrived at our destination while deliberately reducing our speed. It was an open space less than one kilometer away from the long bridge in front of Shawa City. The Black Van boss and the knights who had set off first had been waiting for us there for a long time.

Wherever I looked, in addition to the densely packed monsters, there were also densely packed ravines and depressions (or craters?), as well as broken parts and broken limbs everywhere. I even saw a tree that seemed to have both. The toothbrush that acted as an alarm clock was inserted into half of the skull and exploded inexplicably after making a series of harsh buzzing sounds, blowing the skull several meters away.

There is also a crumbling behemoth in the distance to the southwest. It looks like a small half-ship. It emits billowing smoke and is particularly eye-catching among the large number of mutants.

That may be the wreckage of the Kirov after it was destroyed.

Just when I started to think subconsciously, the Cordoba giant who was standing in the distance seemed to give up interception, letting the monsters that had been blocked for a whole day rush across the long bridge like a tide, and the reinforcements on the other side also Made the same move and let those mutants go.

The reinforcements are from the Principality of Scaran. They are said to be very powerful water troops. When this news first spread, it greatly inspired everyone. You must know that the word 'reinforcements' carries real weight at this moment. It is too heavy, even if there are only a few hundred people, it can be called a shot in the arm.

Because there are not many "hundreds" of us survivors in total.

All in all, the preparation for the final stage was completed. All the mutants were attracted by Miss Wangyu and rushed towards Shawa City. The knights with the highest mobility also launched a charge. They chased after those things and harvested as many heads as possible, while the remnants of the joint force headed by our suicide squad followed leisurely and continued to maintain their strength.

Finally, when all the mutants rushed into the city, the Knights stopped their pursuit, and we also successfully encountered the Cordoba giant, reinforcements from the Principality of Skarlan, and several teams that had been wandering nearby on the way. After successfully reuniting, all the resistance forces in Misha County have been assembled. Every major soldier, including me, knows that the final battle is about to begin.

After the only open north gate of Shawa City was blocked, our mages began to light fires. Because they had been prepared before, the entire city was completely engulfed in fire in just a few minutes. Several people were locked inside. Thousands of mutants and Miss Wangyu and their group.

If we are a death squad, then they are a death squad. Except for Miss Wangyu who is a player, the chance of survival for everyone else is almost zero.

Many people are praying in low voices, hoping that a miracle will happen and that those people can survive. It has nothing to do with identity, status, or contribution. Most people, including me, probably just don’t want that tragic death. The sacrifices continued, no matter whether the victim was a respected and beloved saint, or an ordinary warrior.

There are already enough names to be engraved on the Heroic Spirit Monument.

I looked around at the tired faces, trying to imprint them in my mind.

"Guess how many people will come back alive after we rush in?"

An unknown dwarf thief next to me suddenly winked at me and asked an unclear question.

"have no idea."

Not good at words, I answered in a low voice honestly, and then asked him back: "What do you think?"

"Me? I don't know either."

He shrugged at me noncommittally and said in a leisurely tone: "It would be nice to have a little more, but even if we all die here, as long as those things can be completely eliminated, it is still a good deal."

I nodded slightly, agreeing with his idea.

"My name is Brutz, Brutz Dice Shadow."

The dwarf thief wearing a set of brown leather armor seemed to want to chat with me for a few more words. He smiled familiarly and said: "I used to help at the blockade in Inai Town. I just moved here a few days ago. You can call me Dice." .”

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always felt that when he looked at me, his expression was very heavy. Although he was smiling, he felt a little depressed...or rather sad.

He is obviously an NPC with a lot of stories.

"Nice to meet you, Dice, my name is Celia, I am a rookie mercenary from Hofer City."

I also briefly introduced myself, and then asked the other person directly: "You seem to have something on your mind."

This is not difficult to guess, because a person who is not worried will not show that kind of expression. I just hope that his worries are normal, and not because I look like her ex-girlfriend or old classmate, because at that time, I was deeply worried. Feeling depressed, I really want to find someone to chat with, even if it is just some unnutritious words.

"Haha, you can put it that way, because you suddenly reminded me of someone..."

In the end, he actually said such a sentence, which almost made me think that the "Diary" series was finally going to start to get bloody.

I laughed dryly, and because I wanted to end this conversation as soon as possible, I replied to him nonchalantly: "Oh, that's quite a coincidence."

"That girl is an elf too."

The dwarf thief who called himself Dice sighed sadly, and said blankly: "He has green hair like you, is small, and is very young. He is probably less than a hundred years old..."

To be honest, being told by a dwarf that you are 'small' is a very subtle experience. As for the last sentence of 'very young, probably less than a hundred years old', I am too lazy to complain about it. After all, elves are really quite good. Can survive.

I said 'oh', and although I didn't seem impatient, I didn't respond to him enthusiastically either.

As a result, he added with a wry smile: "When I killed that girl, I didn't even know her name."

My expression must have been wonderful at that moment, because Dice immediately waved his hands vigorously and said, "Uh, don't get me wrong..."

I couldn't help but misunderstand him, so I almost ran away.

‘You look like a person. I killed that person. It’s such a pity that I didn’t even have time to ask his name. ’

Listen to what these words are...

The style of painting immediately changed from a gory to a curious one.

"The girl is infected by the plague."

When I was about to make an excuse to leave, he turned away and whispered softly: "She wanted to cross the Inai Town blockade and leave Misha County, which was about to become a hell on earth at that time, but she was infected, no matter how young she was , No matter how innocent she is, she is still infected after all."

I was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood why he looked at me so bitterly before, and I felt ashamed of my previous random thoughts. After organizing my words for a long time, I asked in a low voice: "So you...killed her?"

"The old pastor who is with me is not very capable, but it is easy to tell whether an ordinary girl is infected or not."

Dice shrugged and said to me as if he was recalling what happened many years ago: "I asked him to check it twice, and the results were exactly the same. Although it was not a large-scale infection, the plague did take root on the girl. Gen, how long did that child live? After he was sure that he could not leave, he chose to run away in a panic. Do you know how terrible the plague here is... We can't let a person who may turn into a seed be infected. Thousands of pathogens left, so I had to catch up."

I was speechless, so I nodded silently.

"The girl didn't suffer much pain. Afterwards, I found a passing priest to pray for her."

Dice's face was a little pale, but he continued to talk to himself: "Her last words were 'Sorry for causing trouble to everyone.' Haha, she is actually a very sensible child."

I still don't know what to say, even though Dice seemed to be understating it, he was obviously feeling guilty, and even though he just did the right thing, he was still miserable and upset.

I don't know how to comfort him.

"It was just triggered by the scene. If I hadn't discovered that you are really similar to that girl, I probably wouldn't have remembered it." He showed an obvious panic, and then smiled and said: "By the way, you know that pastor who passed by Who is it?"

I shook my head blankly.

"He said his name was Hei Fan."

Dice laughed, spread his hands and said: "Yes, that's our commander. He was a rookie priest at the time. He said he was going to Hofer City to help Her Majesty the Holy Lady. I thought he was bragging at the time, but it turned out not to be true. Come to think of it, how much time has passed and that boy has suddenly become the boss, and he is still doing a great job."

"Priest Hei Fan is very powerful. If it weren't for him..."

I was just about to say a few nice words to the boss when I was interrupted by Dice waving his hand.

"I know, I know everything."

He shook his head and let out a long sigh: "I was just wondering, if he...or the two holy ladies had come earlier, the child would not have to die."

I'm speechless again...

Dice did not continue talking, because there is no if in this world.

I don't know how long it took, but the fire gradually weakened. Boss Hei Fan returned to the team and gave a 'speech' to everyone. In fact, strictly speaking, it was not a speech. It felt like chatting about family matters. Like...

He said he was a dabbler...

He said he would never forget this terrible time...

He said we at least did what we thought was right...

He makes us proud of ourselves…

From an objective point of view, what he said was not domineering or provocative at all.

But I don’t know why, but I suddenly became much more relaxed.

After a while, the north gate of Shawa City reopened, and we entered the final battlefield.

What is surprising is that Miss Chen Wangyu is still alive, not only her, but also the NPCs in the Princess Guards!

Although we didn't know what was going on with the black light that penetrated the sky and the earth, we still launched the first and final charge against the mutants.

We fought on our own without any rules, squeezing our own strength as much as possible, fighting to the death on the hot battlefield. Our comrades fell one by one, the monsters fell one by one, and there were shouts and howls everywhere. And the sound of flesh being torn apart.

We were all furious. Nearly a hundred of our fellow suicide squad members were killed in an instant, but no one took a step back.

The thief named Dice saved my life at the cost of having half of my neck ripped open by a violent monster.

It was only then that I realized in hindsight, why would he appear in the Suicide Squad when he was obviously an NPC?

Maybe I will never know the answer, but the relieved look in his eyes before he died vaguely made me understand something.

A few minutes later, my health was exhausted due to excessive blood loss, and I died on the way to the charge. I fell on a piece of rubble without the slightest trace of heroism.

Thankfully, we won in the end.

An hour ago, my friend told me that the regional world mission [Rescue Misha] had been completed and we won.

At this moment, I feel that any gorgeous rhetoric is redundant, so I plan to end with a piece of data I got from Sister Yuying...

According to rough statistics:

As of the beginning of the Requiem Plan, the Misha County joint forces had sacrificed a total of 621 people, annihilated the northern border centered on Hofer and Meda City, and liberated the Sprout City, Glen City, and Gudami Plain. As the center of Misha County, it has established a firm foothold in the two cities of Baita and Panshu in the south, saving a total of nearly 20,000 ordinary people. The Saint of Forgotten Words has driven away the plague of nearly 3,000 people.

The first phase of the Requiem Plan: The more than 300 warriors who stood in front of the Twin Cities Bridge to replace Saint Charlene and Cordoba, a total of 267 people were killed.

The second phase of the Requiem Plan: Under the command of Hei Fan, the plan to lure the enemy was completed without casualties.

The third phase of the Requiem Plan: A total of 875 people were killed, including three high-level professionals who died of exhaustion.

By the time the final phase of Project Requiem began, the combined force still had 1,223 active members.

At 01:45 AM during the game time that day, all the mutants in Misha County were wiped out, and the combined forces achieved the final victory.

Total survivors: two hundred and five.

My Misha diary is over

Thanks again to the moderator @kind Gyarados; thanks to the friendly proofreader @Sand Storm Funeral; thanks to @Spring brother, @crab roe bun, @Super Kitakami-sama, @Tianshang who have always supported me Telekinesis, @Peppa the Phantom Thief, etc.; thank you to everyone who fought side by side with me, I love you.

——2049.02.27, Goblin Princess Celia]

Mo Tan was silent in front of the monitor for a long time. He silently liked the post as a tourist and closed the post. He got up and made himself a cup of coffee without adding anything.

A little bitter, a little astringent, a little sweet.

Chapter 465: End

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