Quadruple split

Chapter 506 City of Light

three days later

March 3, 2049

Game time AM09:28

【Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized.】

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, the absolutely neutral Black Brahma, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Northeast of the Innocence Continent, Holy Land, City of Light

Midtown, Dawn Avenue, St. Wright's Dawn Chapel, Superior Suite

"Hey, good evening~"

As soon as Mo Tan opened his eyes, he saw a burly and muscular man-made brother looking at him with a smile, holding an expensive-looking teacup in his hand, sitting at the round table in the main hall reading a book, if not The murderous Fang Tianhua behind him... ahem, three-pointed and two-edged... the punisher's staff, at first glance, it does have a bit of a scholarly feel.

This person is the representative of Tianzhu Mountain, firmly occupying the second place in the player comprehensive strength rankings, single for 22 years, 22 years old, currently the second class soldier of the 7th Special Forces Team of the East Asia Division of the FFF Regiment, and a former Misha County Captain of the Iron Rangers, my grandfather was detained again yesterday for selling banned publications. He is a good brother in the eyes of his friends, a good son in the eyes of his parents, and a bad guy in the eyes of Master Lu. His surname is Cui. Ahem, his surname is Cui and his given name is Xiaoyu. The effective unit of measurement for the book's hidden attribute 'unluckiness' (unofficial), Mr. Cordoba in the Innocence of Innocence!

"I'm not unlucky!!"

Cordoba roared to the sky, then froze for a moment, and smiled awkwardly at the stunned Mo Tanqian: "Well, I always feel like someone is slandering me recently, don't worry, um, good morning."

Mo Tan, who was used to his friend's occasional outbursts, scratched his hair and slid out of the bed listlessly. While taking out his boots from his bag and putting them on, he curled his lips and said, "Let's say good night. After getting up from the bed, It feels so bad to be asked good morning by a man.”

"Have you ever had any experience of being asked good morning by a man before?"

Cordoba rolled his eyes.

"No, there won't be any in the future."

After putting on his shoes, Mo Tan stood up, grabbed a cleanly starched priest's robe from the cabinet and put it on himself, then slowly walked out of the bedroom and picked up the teapot in Cordoba's hand. Pour yourself a glass of cold water: "You seem to be bored."

"It's not bad. I got stuck on it. I just went for a walk around the city. This place is really big."

Cordoba laughed, then glanced sideways at Mo Tan, raised his eyebrows and said, "You seem to be in a bad mood."

It had been three days since he had been able to have a good chat with the active Yuchen in the game. Mo Tan, who had just been forced to explain the dialectical relationship between Ni Lin and Naked Man to Ji Xiaoge for the eleventh time, laughed twice and picked up the cup. He drank a mouthful of cold water and said, "It's nothing."

Cordoba shrugged, then smiled mischievously: "Is it because Yuchen hasn't interacted with you much recently?"

[This guy is kind of awesome! 】

Mo Tan was shocked when his thoughts were touched, but on the surface he still maintained calm and calm: "You are thinking too much."

"In addition, Xia Lian and the others have to study how to treat Yu Chen, so it will be difficult for you to see her these past two days."

Cordoba continued to stare at Mo Tan with a burning gaze, and asked in an extremely sure tone: "So you are even more unhappy, right?"

[You are so poisonous! 】

Mo Tan resisted his desire to lift the table, and hummed with empty eyes: "You're kidding, why should I be unhappy?"

"Hmm, actually, you were secretly happy when you were misunderstood by so many people and were forced to act as a couple!"

Cordoba grinned, revealing a row of big white teeth that exuded light blue runic energy.

[There is no mind-reading skill in this game! No, no, no! It's a waste if you don't read fortune tellers for people! 】

A little cold sweat broke out on Mo Tan's forehead. Without any words to reply, he could only put on a smiley face, trying to use Yan Yi to make the other party stop this round of execution, which was not considered a public execution.

"Oh, young and beautiful love~"

Cordoba sniffed the glass of boiled water in his hand gracefully and said calmly: "Don't worry, when you successfully catch up with classmate Yuchen, as a friend, I will burn you with my own hands."

[Don’t make such a nasty joke in such a serious tone! This makes me think about how many couples you have burned! By the way, the risk of being friends with you is a bit too high, Hundan! 】

Mo Tan grumbled in his heart for a while, then looked at Cordoba seriously, shrugged and said, "I didn't want to chase her."

Cordoba, who felt that the other party was not lying, was stunned and said in astonishment: "Why? Don't say that you don't like Yuchen at all. I'm pretty good at judging people, buddy."

"do not mean that."

Mo Tan shook his head, held his cheek and lowered his head and said, "I didn't say that I didn't like Yuchen. I just didn't plan to pursue her."


Cordoba was startled again, and subconsciously blurted out: "Do you want that little girl to take the initiative to chase you?"


"That means that your two families are feuding, but only you know it now, so you can't pursue her if you know the truth unilaterally?"

"Nowadays, Korean aunties don't dare to write stories like this, man."

"Ah! I remember that classmate Yuchen's mother was a doctor. She was an ace doctor who often performed seven or eight surgeries a day! Did she ever kill someone in your family?"

"So you remember that Yuchen's mother is a doctor, but you forgot that I was an orphan since I was a child, right?"

"Ah! I remember that classmate Yuchen was also adopted, so you two are actually long-lost siblings!"

"Hey, not to mention that this result is not valid from a genetic perspective. I am more than two months older than her. Why are we siblings!"

"Why is that so special! If you have any questions, tell me first. If you don't tell me how I can help you!"

Cordoba's expression was very broken. It must be said that this guy is a particularly contradictory person. Although he kept saying that the couple should die together, he was still very enthusiastic about making suggestions for Mo Tan.

But the latter didn't appreciate it

"Haha, I take it first, but the matter is my personal problem, and others can't help."

Mo Tan shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Can we change the topic?"

Cordoba whistled and smiled teasingly: "Change the topic? Okay, I met Xia Lian in the archdiocese when I was out for a walk. She asked you to go to your Dawn Chapel when you are free. I went there and said that I already have an idea for Yu Chen’s treatment method.”


Mo Tan stood up with a roar and looked at Cordoba intently: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

The latter leaned back leisurely on the chair, crossed his legs and smiled: "People say he is 'free', and you didn't ask before."

"you are vicious."

Mo Tan immediately turned around and walked towards the door, then paused slightly before leaving: "Well, what I just said."

"Heaven knows and earth knows, you know and I know, okay?"



A few minutes later, Mo Tan left the Saint Light Dawn Chapel, which was a temporary residence placed by the Dawn Sect for several guests. In addition to him and Cordoba, General Paula of the Principality of Sri Lanka also lived here. However, they are not as free as the two of them. They got up early in the morning and went to greet people from various major sects that they could talk to.

The Dawn Avenue where Mo Tan is currently located is located in the North District of the City of Light. In addition to a variety of shops, restaurants and various functional facilities on both sides of the road, the most numerous are various churches and chapels, most of which They all belong to the Dawn Sect, and every building looks particularly grand.

The City of Light is different from what Mo Tan and Cordoba imagined. This 'Holy Land', which is three times the size of the Violet Imperial City, is not so serious and old-fashioned. In fact, this place can be said to be quite down-to-earth. .

Thirty percent of the devout believers who come for pilgrimage, 50% of the core members of major churches and businessmen and people resident in the City of Light, and 20% of the floating population covering various people, a total of nearly 10 million people make up the size of this northeastern continent. The largest 'city', it is vibrant, not conservative, not exclusive, orderly and full of vitality. Although it has a history of tens of thousands of years, this place does not give people the slightest feeling of being stale or old. On the contrary, People will see the most popular contemporary dining and entertainment here, and hear the most popular bards. Even those who have never stepped out of the sanctuary for many years can tell you about the trends of this season for twenty minutes. color.

You can easily find Wanderer's Inn, Adventurer's Guild, Mage's Guild, Mercenary's Guild, Knight's Guild, Alchemist's Guild and other facilities here. Even the Thieves' Guild owns a large territory underground in the City of Light. In addition to not allowing those devout believers (it doesn’t matter if they are light believers) who are united with the Holy Religion to oppose the gods (such as the Dark Goddess who is opposed to the Goddess of Dawn) to enter and not undertake illegal services, these people who walk between the two paths of black and white can also Walking openly and honestly in the City of Light, you will not be treated unfairly at all.

As the most religious place in the world, the clergy here are not pedantic. Although there are some people who always say 'my lord' when they open and close their mouths, most of the clergy are no different from ordinary people. They drink in taverns. The priest who was unconscious and was thrown out of the door by his boss, the paladin who stood outside the nuns' dormitory and whistled, the bishop who quarreled with the vegetable seller for cutting a few copper coins, and led the believers to sing hymns in the morning and helped the gold coin merchant association in the afternoon. A high-ranking priest who makes extra money by handing out leaflets, all this amazed Mo Tan, who had just arrived in the City of Light the night before.

It's not that he hasn't heard Yu Chen's description, but only when he actually saw it all, did the solemn, solemn, luxurious, rigid, pedophile, and lifeless religious holy place in his mind really disappear.

This is a city full of vigor and vitality.

"It's just too big!"

Mo Tan, who was soon lost in an unknown street, sat on a bench panting and found that he was lost again with great sadness.

Of course, Mo Tan did not show any panic. On the one hand, he was very, very, very used to this kind of thing. On the other hand, it was because there were many pedestrians around, and any of them had a better sense of direction than him. The locals (in short, everyone) can help him out of his predicament.

So Mo Tan, who was out of breath (he had been jogging before), made a quick decision, got up and walked to a petite girl not far away who seemed to be sunbathing, and asked politely: "Um, I'm sorry, may I ask? How to get to the Dawn Chapel in the city?"

Let me briefly explain here that the City of Light, which covers a huge area, has three urban areas, namely the outer city area, the middle city area and Li Goudan’s joke. It’s actually the inner city area. In short, except for the inner city area, it is divided into major sects. Apart from the slightly aloof place where the headquarters is located, there is not much difference between the other two districts. They are both quite prosperous anyway, and the place Xia Lian asked Mo Tan to go to was the Dawn Cathedral in the inner city, which is the Dawn Sect. ’s headquarters.

"Go straight along this road, turn west at the first intersection, cross two streets and go south along the 'Yangyan Avenue' to enter the inner city. The Dawn Chapel is on the east side of the inner city."

The girl holding a big book in her arms did not raise her head, but answered Mo Tan's question with her ethereal and slightly ethereal voice.

"Uh, thank you very much, but me. Luna?!"

Mo Tan was first fascinated by the things in the other party's words. He reacted for a while before suddenly coming back to his senses. He looked at the girl in front of him with wide eyes and exclaimed: "Why are you here?! "

That's right, this girl whose appearance couldn't be seen clearly because she kept her head down was none other than Luna, the trainee alchemist who arrived at the City of Light with Mo Tan the night before!

"Huh? Hei Fan?"

Luna was stunned for a moment after Mo Tan called out her name, then raised her little face sleepily and asked extraordinarily calmly: "Good morning, have you just gotten up too?"

The corner of Mo Tan's mouth twitched, and he nodded stiffly: "Well, you can put it this way, um, why are you here?"

"Because this is the Alchemist Association where Your Highness Xia Lian asked me to stay temporarily."

Luna pointed at the large hexagonal building behind her and explained calmly: "The night before yesterday, you and Mr. Cordoba helped me move my luggage inside, and Paula invited us to lunch. The place is just across the road, you can see it when you turn around."

Mo Tan: "."

"Want to come in for a cup of tea?"

Luna pointed at the association door behind her where there was a constant stream of people, and invited: "The room has been tidied up. If you are willing, I can make some strong cocoa-flavored tea."

Mo Tan shrugged, spread his hands and said, "I like the taste of cocoa, but Your Highness Xia Lian wants to see me for something, so...well, not now."

His refusal was not tactful, because if he said it too tactfully, Luna would most likely not understand.

"Okay, you wait here."

Luna nodded, turned around and walked into the association gate.

Mo Tan: "."

five minutes later

"Here you go, cocoa tea."

Luna, who walked out of the Alchemist Association again, nodded to Mo Tan, handed him a slightly charred test tube, and then stuffed a smooth oval metal piece into his hand: "The toy I made last year, used After a while, I realized that I didn’t really need it, so I gave it to you.”

Mo Tan lowered his head and saw that the four small characters of 'East', 'South', 'West' and 'North' were written on the four sides of the metal piece, and it was rotating slightly.

"Thanks, Luna."

Mo Tan was almost moved to tears.

"Well, I'll go back first."

Luna yawned and walked into the association gate again lazily.

Chapter 503: End

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