Quadruple split

Chapter 507 Dawn Chapel

[Holy calendar year 9571, month of poetry, chanting on 3rd day

Hei Fan can find the north.

——"The Black History Fragments of My Wandering Years" Jun Wu/Contributor: Anne who does not want to be named]

"This, this, this, this"

Mo Tan, who was walking on Yangyan Avenue, looked down at the metal piece in his hand and exclaimed in low decibels: "This is too powerful!"

[Specialized wayfinding board]

Producer: Luna Lynch

Category: Special

Quality: only excellent

Effect: In most cases, it indicates the four directions of 'east', 'south', 'west' and 'north' to the user.

Trait: Orientation recognition

Hidden Traits:? ? ? (You need to discover it yourself or consult the manufacturer)

Current status: Stable working

[Note 1: Do not swallow, use under adult supervision]

[Note 2: 100% new alchemy props]

"But this remark is really malicious."

Mo Tan turned off the description of the item angrily and gritted his teeth: "What does 'do not swallow' mean? What does 'need to be used under adult supervision' mean? It is common sense in this world that anyone over the age of three and a half is You can tell the difference between east, west and north, right? Who are you looking down on!"

Of course, complaints are complaints, but Mo Tan still likes this wayfinding disk very much. Although it is difficult to help him find the right path many times, it can at least tell him the right direction, so that he can To a great extent, avoid the embarrassment when asking for directions, for example.

"Just turn north at the intersection ahead."

"Sorry, is North on the left or right?"

This situation↑

[Really, how embarrassing is this? It’s obviously a normal situation. There will always be people who can’t tell the difference between east, west and north. Otherwise, things like the compass wouldn’t have been invented. Just take care of yourself when pointing the way. It is completely a stereotype to think that the other party can find Bei! Those geniuses who have the ability to find North on their own are unlikely to get lost! Now that you have decided to help enthusiastically, please be a little more considerate! It’s so shameless to repeatedly emphasize that you only know the front, back, left, and right! ! ! 】

Mo Tan walked into the inner city of the City of Light while grumbling in his heart.

There was no interrogation or questioning. The Paladins stationed in front of the gates of the inner city were not so much guards as they were part of the City of Light's convenience services, such as giving directions to pilgrims and temporarily acting as bears. Child storage facilities and child recognition centers are not 'guards' in the conventional sense.

Then the question arises. Some people may be curious, since there are many young brothers and sisters wearing red hoops (to appreciate the spirit) in the City of Light, why did Mo Tan not ask them for help when he was lost?

Naive, so naïve

In fact, of course he had asked, and asked more than once, not just one person, but just like Luna's way of guidance before, the knights also used the profound and professional terminology of 'south, east, northwest' to guide the way, and Mo Even if Tan gets the direction, he is so talented that he will fall into confusion again after turning at most three times or getting distracted, and then he has to ask for directions again. In the end, he is almost regarded as a fool by a lady from the Abundance Sect who is responsible for patrolling, so in order not to give The Dawn Sect (mainly the grumpy, face-saving, and aggressive Xia Lian) was embarrassed, so Mo Tan decided to ask for directions from a passerby who seemed to have nothing to do with the major sects, and then he found Luna.

By the way, even though this is the City of Light, the number of non-believers is quite large.

All in all, after many twists and turns, Mo Tan finally successfully arrived at the Dawn Chapel located in the eastern part of the inner city. Apart from the help of the pathfinder, it was not difficult to find this place, because the so-called 'chapel' was simply a The extremely large-scale building complex has an overall area even larger than the three-color courtyard of the Violet Imperial Capital. Especially the two chapel spiers that are tens of meters high and have the emblem of the Dawn Sect floating on them. It is really difficult for people to miss it. .

As one of the core sects of the Holy Union, Dawn Sect can be said to be quite famous in this place.

But correspondingly, the security level here has also been improved. Even in places where you can visit freely, the Paladins on duty will occasionally stop those unfamiliar faces to politely ask a few questions.

Ever since.

"Hello, pastor."

A rather delicate-looking half-dragon paladin stopped Mo Tan and asked gently: "The chapel is in front of you. Today is not a public Sunday, so if you have nothing to do,"

He smiled a little apologetically.

[High-level Paladins, if we could have a few more powerful men like this at that time.]

Mo Tan looked at the pale golden enchantment mark on the opponent's breastplate and subconsciously sighed in his heart.

"Um, sorry."

The other party turned away with a reddish face, and his tone seemed to be a little cold: "Please be more respectful."


Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that the other party was actually wearing a female knight's armor. He immediately waved his hands in embarrassment and said: "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean anything else. I was just thinking about something."

"Staring at other people's chests and thinking about things?"

The pretty and handsome half-dragon female knight laughed dryly, and then shook her head helplessly: "Anyway, you are not allowed to enter here before the public Sunday. If it is your first time to come to the City of Light, you can go to the Dawn Square on both sides. Visit the obelisk. If you want to pray, the small chapel on the right is open around the clock. In two hours, a nun will come to sing hymns. If you want to find a place to read a book, there is a library on the second floor of the obelisk on the left. Both the scriptures and the magical arts are quite complete, but the degree of openness depends on your religious level. For low-level priests, well, you can’t see much, but it is definitely more complete than other places."

Although she was not happy with Mo Tan's previous rude behavior, the female knight who saw that it was her first time in the City of Light still enthusiastically gave a lot of useful suggestions.

[He is such a warm and kind person, and he is also a good person who helps people explain in detail! 】

Mo Tan was shocked at the time and reacted for a while before shaking his head and saying: "No, actually I"

"I'm sorry, you're a good person."


"But I have a girlfriend."


"That's right, I really don't like men, and of course I can't say that I like women very much. Anyway, I accept your kindness, so be it."


"My name is Yi Zuo, Yi Zuo Jie Laite, okay, then goodbye."

After the half-dragon female knight named Yi Zuo finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the door of the chapel.

"I'm here to see His Highness Xia Lian."

Seeing that this young lady seemed not to listen to him at all, Mo Tan could only speak quickly and get to the point: "She asked me to come see her when I am free today, so..."

"Your Highness Xia Lian?"

The female knight turned around quickly and rushed in front of Mo Tan in an instant, saying in shock: "Are you Senior Hei Fan?!"

Mo Tan let out a confused sound, waved his hand and said, "I am indeed Hei Fan, but not the former."

"It's really you!"

With eyes shining, Yi Zuo grabbed Mo Tan's sleeves with both hands and mysteriously lowered his voice and said, "Are you the senior Hei Fan who turned the tide in Misha County!?"

"Uh, they say I'm no longer a senior."

"That senior Black Brahma who wields weapons like a god!?"

"No, no, no, this is too exaggerated."

"That senior Black Van who led a large number of low-level professionals and civilians to eliminate tens of thousands of monsters!?"

"Our losses were also heavy."

"That senior Hei Fan is an old friend of Saint Wangyu!?"

"Where did you hear this from?"

"Your Highness Xia Lian has told me a lot about you, senior. Oh, by the way, I will take you, senior, to see your highness right now!"

The half-dragon female knight excitedly grabbed Mo Tan's sleeve and strode towards the chapel: "I thought you must be at least three meters tall, with a head bigger than a millstone, with many eyes and a lot of ears."

Mo Tan: "."

"Isn't that what commanders are all like? They have eyes for all directions, ears for hearing, and they are smart."

"This girl, there is something wrong with your entry point."

"Ah, actually I just wanted to make a joke to cover up my previous embarrassment."

"Girl, your sense of humor is questionable."

ten minutes later

The seventh floor of the Dawn Chapel, in front of the Dusk Glow Prayer Room

Dong Dong Dong~

The high-ranking paladin of the Dawn Sect, Yi Zuo Jie Laite, gently knocked on the door.

"Is that so? Let Hei Fan come in, and then you can get busy."

Xia Lian's gentle and kind voice came from behind the door.

"Yes, Your Highness the Saint."

The female knight took half a step back, signaling to Hei Fan that he could enter.


Then Hei Fan went in.

This is an extremely spacious prayer room. The ubiquitous but invisible light golden halo shines on the statue of the goddess, making the latter seem to be bathed in a warm sunset, and also dyes the entire room. A quiet golden color.

"This is the prayer room that symbolizes the light of dusk. Stand there quietly, waiting for me to finish praying."

A soft voice rang in Mo Tan's ears. He took a closer look and saw an elf saint wearing a snow-white dress kneeling in front of the statue. Her delicate white (and extremely powerful) hands were folded on her chest, quietly. Her face was set off by the 'glow of dusk', which made her look sacred and tranquil. She prayed devoutly and whispered with her melodious and sweet voice: "Goddess, please listen to my prayer and bring salvation to the lost lamb. Please To fulfill my obsession, let my cup size be at least two-thirds of Wang Yu’s size.”

【Hello! Your style of painting is completely distorted! By the way, will the goddess really send this kind of salvation? If I remember correctly, she is completely the same as you! Also, why am I not surprised at all when your painting style has collapsed like this? After all, she is a saint. Please pay more attention to your appearance, okay? The Dawn Sect has almost completely disgraced you! By the way, why have I been complaining about Hundan from before to now! 】

Mo Tan roared crazily in his heart, but on the surface he had a completely empty expression, like a salty cough that had lost its dream.

【It’s salted fish, right? What you want to say is salted fish, damn it! 】


[He admitted it shamelessly! ! 】


five seconds later

After finishing her prayer, Xia Lian stood up and turned back to Mo Tan with a smile: "It's been a long wait~"

"It hasn't been long, but it hasn't been long. I'm just a little tired."

Because they were quite familiar with each other, Mo Tan was not too polite to Xia Lian. Together with Yu Chen, when the three of them were in private situations, it was more like a relationship between mentor and apprentice, superior and subordinate. They are very close friends.

"I'm telling you, don't look at me with that 'beware of being struck by lightning' look. The goddess doesn't mind your fuss." Xia Lian shook her long hair, crossed her hands and stretched out a curve. Jiao Hao but just a little flat, then walked to the large French window behind the statue and waved to Mo Tan: "Come here."

Mo Tan walked over as quietly as possible, and then saw an incredible scene. It was obviously the morning, but the City of Light outside the window was actually shrouded in the afterglow of the sunset, beautiful and spectacular.

"This is the power of God."

Xia Lian admired Mo Tan's surprised expression for a while, and said with a satisfied smile: "Here, which means the light of dusk, all you can see is dusk. There is also a prayer room downstairs, which means the light of stars. It will always be there. It’s all night, isn’t it awesome?”

"Well, it's just a miracle."

"No, to be precise, it's a miracle."

Xia Lian laughed, and then waved her hand, which actually dispersed the lingering afterglow around the goddess statue, revealing a long table that had been hidden by the light. On the table was a quill made of secret gold, and a large number of them were constantly circulating. The divine power mark and a girl.

"Yu uh, Wang Yu!"

Mo Tan jumped to the side of the long table and took a closer look at Yu Chen, who had her hands folded on her chest and was wearing a snow-white saint robe, as if she was sleeping peacefully.

Xia Lian also came over. She touched the girl's smooth forehead tenderly, smiled at Mo Tan and said, "In front of me, you can call her 'Yuchen'. It's not the first time anyway."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, and then asked softly: "How is she doing?"

"It's relatively stable. His Majesty the Pope and several important people with the same religious rank as me have seen her. At present, we can only come to the conclusion that her life is safe for the time being. As for how to wake her up, everyone is at a loss. "

Xia Lian shrugged, spread her hands and said, "There is nothing we can do about it. After all, no one except me and Your Majesty understands the situation. It is only natural that the dark divine power in this girl's body should be regarded as the same backlash as me." ’, naturally no constructive conclusion can be drawn.”

"Then you said you did before."

"I do have an idea, but it's just me and I haven't communicated it with anyone else yet."

Xia Lian touched Yuchen's little face and said softly: "Anyway, I want to confirm something with you first."


"Wangyu is also the favored one of the dark goddess Delia, right?"

Chapter 504: End

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