Quadruple split

Chapter 527 Cordoba seeks revenge

After a somewhat painful episode, Mo Tan spent more than ten minutes briefly summarizing his early game story to Cordoba, starting from the Marshall Islands recruiting troops in Dieyan City to the Fenrir Squadron. He went to the Fire Claw Territory to perform a mission, and encountered the Gray Snake squad in the process. In the end, after learning the details of the slave trade, all but two players were killed, and Fenrir's team was eliminated...

Later, Futaba stayed in the Violet Empire and cooperated with Fire Claw, while Mo Tan went north to look for Huo Yanyang in order to get support from the Holy Mountain, and because of his rendezvous with Yuchen, he was accidentally involved in the Misha County incident.

"You've really had a fulfilling life these past few months."

Cordoba glanced at Mo Tan expressionlessly, and then clenched his fists hard: "But that Buffy Marshall really deserves to die, and the double-leaf girl is visually single, so it seems that I really need to run. A trip to the Violet Empire."

Mo Tanqian laughed twice, spread his hands and said, "I suggest you not to provoke that girl, you might get killed."

Yu Chen, who had heard these things from Mo Tan before, looked calm, but still fidgeted with his clothes a little uneasily, and whispered: "It would be great if the Holy Religion Union could help, the slave trade and so on, it's really unacceptable……"

"Stop wondering."

Cordoba curled his lips and said with an unhappy face: "You must know that when the two saints were struggling to survive in the sanctuary, they did not provide much assistance. The people on the holy mountain Sumir have been fighting with the followers of the evil god for dozens of days. We haven’t seen the Holy Religion Alliance formally dispatching troops, so we can’t even think about going to help Ziluo Lan quell the civil strife and kill the rebels.”

Mo Tan also nodded slightly and said softly: "Not only that, even if the Holy Cult wants to help, it has enough execution capabilities. The Violet Empire itself may not be willing to let the former interfere in its internal affairs, but you don't have to worry too much. According to Futaba, According to my intelligence, the Marshall family has been pushed to a dead end. If nothing else happens, with the joint crusade of multiple lords, defeat is only a matter of time, so even if you don't go to Cordoba, it doesn't actually matter..."

"No, I have to go."

Cordoba shook his head and showed a rather ferocious smile: "I still have some scores to settle with the Marshall family."

Mo Tan and Yu Chen were both stunned, and said in unison: "What's your debt with them?"


The rune-clad man in front of him smiled strangely, and asked Mo Tan meaningfully: "Do you really not know?"

Mo Tan:? ? ?

"Well, I should have told you that before I became what I am now, my experience in this game was never very good." Cordoba sighed sadly and said in a deep voice: "I When I first entered the game, there was a human named Cordoba. He was much more handsome than the one he is now. He was exactly the same as us in reality. Then while doing the guidance mission... he was involved in an inexplicable... He died in less than fifteen minutes of fighting."

This is indeed a sad story. Mo Tan and Yu Chen had heard this buddy tell it several times during the Chinese New Year, but both of them were very considerate and did not interrupt him.

"But when playing games, it's quite normal to be killed or injured once or twice, so I didn't get discouraged and immediately created a new character."

Cordoba told the story calmly, with no joy or sadness on his face: "The second time, I turned into a sand goblin. To be honest, I really wanted to delete my account at that time, but because I am from that ethnic group. King, there are many people of my race who admire and believe in me, so I endured it. After that, I made a deal with a mysterious person, saying that I would attack a Laoshizi caravan, because the other party told me that the target's defense was weak. And since we had foreign aid, and the rewards for that mission were really good, I agreed, and then... while I was leading the charge with my team, I was shot in the head by a lizard man who claimed to be the second captain. I heard His last words were 'eat my Idari musket'."

Yuchen's eyes have changed from blank to sympathetic. This girl is the kind of girl who will be moved ten times if you tell her the same story ten times...

Mo Tan's expression gradually became weird. He seemed to have thought of something that needed to be taken care of, and felt a little pain in his balls.

"the third time……"

Cordoba continued, his tone calm: "I turned into a human again and appeared in a city, and then that city was inexplicably massacred. Of course, I was not spared."

He smiled to himself.

Both listeners swallowed subconsciously.

"The fourth time, I became a soldier, an ordinary soldier of the Randian Squadron of the Marshall Autonomous Army in Dieyan City, and lived a peaceful life for a few days."

Cordoba stepped forward and patted Mo Tan on the shoulder, shook his head and said, "Why didn't I see you in the military camp then..."


Yuchen subconsciously covered his mouth and looked at the two of them in shock: "You are actually comrades in arms!"

To be honest, in this situation, if the audio track was deleted and the subtitles were eliminated, then there would be absolutely no sense of disobedience if she said, 'You guys are actually GAY'.

"Yes, they are comrades, but they belong to different teams."

Cordoba looked at Mo Tan sadly, gritted his teeth and said: "After listening to what you said just now, I finally remembered, Mo Tan, you only rushed over to increase my health after our team was completely wiped out and I was seriously injured and on the verge of death. Pastor?"

Mo Tanhan was already down, and he nodded stiffly: "Are you the soldier whose last words were 'the gaming experience is extremely poor'?"

"It's just me!"

Cordoba suddenly roared, pressed Mo Tan's shoulders and shook him hard: "It's me~!"

Seeing that Cordoba was about to shake Mo Tan's head out of the afterimage, Yu Chen immediately said in a panic: "Well, Mo Tan must have wanted to save Xiao Yu at that time, right?"

"Yeah...but I still feel so uncomfortable..."

Cordoba let go of Mo Tan dejectedly and sighed: "If you had come half a minute earlier, I wouldn't have thrown myself on the street."

Mo Tanqian laughed twice, scratched his hair and said with a guilty conscience: "Well, think about it on the bright side. If I had rescued you back then, you would still be at the top of the rankings and become a millionaire. The boss of Cordoba that thousands of girls admire?"

Yuchen tilted his head and rolled his eyes in a rare move.

"Damn, you have a point."

As a result, Cordoba slapped his thigh and suddenly said: "Then I have to thank you for not saving me."

“You’re welcome~”

"thanks, thanks!"

"It should, it should~"

"God should have..."

Cordoba sat on the table dejectedly, holding his cheek and said: "Now you know, it can be said that the Marshall lord indirectly killed us at that time. The mission of the Randian team was to 'rescue' someone. Now that I think about it, Our captain at the time should have been an insider, but he didn’t expect to encounter Fire Claw’s soldiers, and ended up being knocked out of his mind... Well, our entire team was knocked out of his mind.”

Mo Tan glanced at him: "Are you angry with Fire Claw?"

"Oh, if this were in reality, no matter who killed me for whatever reason, I would curse his whole family." Cordoba replied lazily, spreading his hands and saying: "But this is a game after all. And I'm used to it. If I think about it from another perspective, Fire Claw's reasons for dealing with scum like Marshall are completely valid. From a moral point of view, our actions to rescue that scum are only aiding the evil, and we deserve to be killed, so this Let's just leave the blame on Marshall."

Yuchen looked at Cordoba with respect and said softly: "Classmate Xiaoyu is so sensible."

"Because this is a game, classmate Yuchen."

Cordoba stood up, shook his arms, and smiled: "Although death in our world of innocence is equivalent to deleting your account and starting over again, after all, there is still a second time... a third time... and countless times. Chances are, some people may care about their equipment, level, etc., but I’m not that superficial.”

"Actually, it's just because you were at a low level and didn't have any equipment. Simply put, there's nothing to lose even if you die..."

Mo Tan said leisurely beside him.

"What the hell!"

"If you had one or two pieces of epic equipment or something like that, would you still be so calm after being killed?"

"That must not be possible!"

Cordoba gave a decisive answer, and then walked out the door with eight-step steps: "Anyway, I have decided to go to the Violet Empire. I will set off now. You guys can help Xia Lian. Hello, and I must tell the truth to those people in Tianzhu Mountain about the Shadow of Apocalypse you are imprisoning. Although I don’t know if they will come to negotiate for someone or something, but it is always good to make more preparations, and that It’s useless for the monster to stay here, but it’s a hidden danger.”

"Yeah, yeah, I'll tell Sister Saint!"

Yuchen nodded vigorously, and then called to Cordoba with some curiosity: "Um, classmate Xiaoyu, I remember that you only became...so powerful after you failed five times, so what happened the fifth time... …”

She was indeed a little curious. Although Cordoba had said it once during the Chinese New Year, Dang Yuchen happened to be calling his mother to report that he was safe, so it was a pity that he missed the other party's glorious fifth death in battle.

"The fifth time..."

Cordoba paused and said in a deep voice: "A madman stabbed me to death, and that bastard is also the one I have to settle the score with. If I bump into him one day, I will have to beat his SHI out!" "

After that, he strode away...

Mo Tan suddenly became excited and said loudly: "Wait a moment! In fact, there is nothing good about the Violet Empire. If you don't want to consider taking the exam anymore..."

But Córdoba was already gone.

[I don’t want to be hit by you as SHI at all...]

Mo Tan thought a little tangledly, and then kept hoping that Cordoba wouldn't run into him. Because he entrusted [Bai States] to Xiao Ai who stayed in Salamun, 'Tan Mo' looks like now But it was exactly the same as the time when Nen died in Cordoba. If he were caught, he would be beaten to the ground based on his combat power (in any state), so there would be no surprise!


Game time PM21:35

Violet Empire, Hussein leads the southern border

【But why should we obediently accompany him to fight head-on~】

Mo Tan was sitting very comfortably in a rather gorgeous carriage, leaning on the soft cushions, eating fruit and holding back the bad water. He was extremely happy.

"Oh, it's coming soon, it's coming soon."

He casually opened the curtain and looked at the orderly army outside the window, the endless formations, the densely packed soldiers, the brightly lit camps, and the messy battle flags. He lazily stuffed a sour and astringent green fruit into his mouth, and happily Shivering, he laughed playfully: "Violet, Dantes, Baroka, Hussein, Fernand... Although the number of these urgently summoned troops is not too many, their quality and total number are It’s all pretty impressive. If nothing goes wrong, it won’t be too easy to kill the Marshall family, which only knows how to trade slaves and make money. Don’t you think so?”

At the same time, the air in front of Mo Tan was slightly distorted, and a petite and cute girl appeared opposite him and asked lazily: "How did you discover me?"

This uninvited guest is naturally Futaba.

"I didn't notice you, pff~"

Mo Tan laughed foolishly, then spit out the fruit core in his mouth out of the window, blinked and said: "Actually, I just add the sentence 'You think so' at the end of every soliloquy. I just happened to catch you this time."

Futaba stretched out her middle finger to support the frame of the mirror and said casually: "There was something in what you just said."

"Perhaps, if you are not the one who comes here to steal jade and fragrance, then those meaningful, pointed, confident, and extremely awesome remarks I just made will have some effect." Mo Tan smacked his lips and glanced at He glanced at Futaba: "The result... seems to be ogling a blind man."

Futaba grabbed an apple and took a bite. She raised her shoulders and said inarticulately: "First of all, although I wear glasses, it does not mean that I am blind; secondly, please don't use idioms indiscriminately. It’s really off-putting to use this kind of description on yourself; finally, at least when I’m here, you don’t need to be so vigilant. If someone is watching, I will find out immediately.”

"Okay, if that's the case, let's just talk about business~"

Mo Tan casually closed the car curtain, leaned forward slightly, and crossed his fingers in a pose like Commander Ikari: "I want to know how long it will take for your girlfriend's elite army to join the main army, or what do you think? In what way will our naive 'friends' try to kill old Clairvaux?"

Futaba raised her eyebrows: "Emmeline and her people will arrive here in about a day and a half. As for the rendezvous, it will take about three days. As for the second question...heh, is that important? After we have something When taking precautions, is it important how those people take action?"

"Of course it's important."

Mo Tan smiled slyly, a look of madness flashed in his eyes...

"If they can come up with some high-end...or less clumsy methods that are too disgusting, I can definitely consider helping them."

Chapter 524: End

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