Quadruple split

Chapter 528 The definition of winning and losing

"This is not a funny joke."

Futaba looked steadily at the other person's crazy eyes and said leisurely: "But if this is not a joke, you must explain to me the purpose of doing this."

Mo Tan leaned back comfortably, leaned back on the chair and smiled: "Of course this is not a joke. As for explanations, is it really necessary? I only need to ensure that His Majesty Clairvaux is killed and you kill Marshall." It would be good if there is no conflict between the purpose of the whole family.”

The girl narrowed her eyes slightly, and after a while she asked softly: "How can you guarantee it?"

"I guarantee it with my character."

Mo Tan patted his chest seriously.

"You also have a personality?"

Futaba sneered and scoffed.

Mo Tan nodded matter-of-factly, and then put a smile on his face: "Yes, if I guarantee it with my own integrity or character, then you can just brush off the previous words, but 'Personality'... I think you can trust me, old man."

"You can call me Futaba or SUN."

The girl pushed up her glasses and looked at Mo Tan coldly: "Who is your old friend?"

Mo Tan smiled and peeled an apple for Futaba with the knife that kept jumping and flipping between the fingers of his right hand: "You have the final say, my dear."

"I can trust you."

Futaba took the apple thrown by the other party, took a bite, and said angrily: "Two conditions."

At the same time, an elemental scissor hand burning with orange flames appeared in front of her.

Mo Tan whistled and chuckled, "But it doesn't matter."

"The first one is a verbal agreement. If you break your promise, you will lose this game."

Futaba wiped his hands on his robe, turned his gaze to the brightly lit camp outside the car window, and said calmly: "Of course, even if you break the contract, I can't do anything to you."

Mo Tan nodded happily: "Yes, if I break my promise, I will give you my name, address, phone number, photo, constellation, and measurements with both hands, and you can do whatever you want."


Futaba nodded absently, yawned and continued: "You must come up with some more convincing reasons to prove that even if Clairva Bresne dies, the Marshall family will never be able to turn around."

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows slightly and asked with a smile: "Is it necessary?"

"Of course there is. After all, if those people really dare to take action, their purpose must be to completely mess up the matter, and then take advantage of the situation to support Rebo Bresne to the top." Futaba curled his lips and said without thinking: "Unloading The possibility of killing a donkey is infinitely close to zero, how can you guarantee that the Marshall family will be completely destroyed?"

Mo Tan gently stroked his chin and smiled mischievously: "I thought you preferred to guess by yourself instead of asking me on the spot."

"You think it's useless."

Futaba snorted angrily and said seriously: "Only in this matter, I must ensure that nothing goes wrong. Since we have come to this step, we must not fail."

"This is the only thing... guaranteed to be foolproof... absolutely not possible..."

Mo Tan repeated these words jokingly, his eyes gradually became colder, and he said softly: "It's so boring to deal with you in front of me, SUN, you can't even make me feel happy now, this is really a thing Sad thing.”

The girl said nothing, just looked at him with a gloomy expression.

"To be honest, you are really not suitable for socializing with others. Although it is only temporary, you still have a bottom line, responsibility and a disgusting sense of mission, just because of a few people who have been with you for a period of time. They're just useless data people." Mo Tan's tone was full of malice and sarcasm. He squinted at the girl with an unkind expression in front of him and said word by word: "To be honest, I'm really happy that those people have now All dead."

Ned, Yinna, Crabbe, Salazar...

Futaba subconsciously clenched her fists. She knew exactly what the other person was saying, but she had no way to refute it.

"Look at your embarrassed appearance, how funny and powerless you are."

Mo Tan grinned and continued to whisper like a devil: "You know, if I wanted to destroy or trick you now, it would be easier than snatching candy from a child, and what about you? , no matter how angry you are, you don’t dare to lay a finger on me now. The reason is very simple. You want to guarantee something... you hope that something will be foolproof... you have exposed all your bottom lines, just for something extremely boring. Trivial matter, you know this very well, you know it better than anyone else, and it is this 'clearness' that makes you look even more powerless in front of me."


A round dark yellow stone suddenly hit Mo Tan's hand, breaking two of his fingers and then turned into pure elements and disappeared.

"Who do you think dare not lay a finger on you?"

Shuangye Yinya bit her teeth lightly and looked at Mo Tan coldly: "Believe it or not, I will kill you now."

In an instant, countless wind blades, fireballs, ice arrows, and rock blocks appeared out of thin air. They slowly rotated around Motan in a complex and unique rhythm. Although they were all low-level magic, they exuded a command. The terrifying power and killing intent, at the same time, the condensed dark elements were also stripped from the air, turning into chains to tightly imprison the latter on the seat.

With just one thought from Futaba, 'Tanmo' can be evaporated in less than two seconds without damaging the environment at all.

"When a person who is proud of his mind and wisdom has tried to use strength to solve a problem, he has completely lost." Despite the desperate situation, Mo Tan's tone was still full of malice and ridicule: "Of course , even if you kill me in anger, I can still forget a lot of the armistice agreement, and will not define you as the loser on my own initiative, but... my dear, if you kill me now, then You must be mentally prepared that the Marshall family is very likely to escape. If you don't care about this, I will be killed by you happily. You can even be considered to have won half the game. It would be a little bit too revealing for me. I’ll give you some threatening but not fatal information.”

Futaba frowned deeply. She knew that the person in front of her was not lying to her, nor could he make any provocation without any back-up plan. Since this 'Tan Mo' had said that the Marshall family might escape, After a disaster, then if I really dare to kill him, the Marshall family will very likely escape the disaster!

Of course, he might be bluffing, but this risk... he couldn't take!

And at this moment, Mo Tan also spoke very 'just right'.

"If you are not mentally prepared, I suggest you get rid of all this mess immediately."

He laughed happily. Although he was tightly restrained in his seat and faced the threat of death, Mo Tan's expression was as calm as a king (without any trouble), and he said slowly: "Then admit it frankly. My own failure."


The next second, with the crisp sound of snapping fingers, the magic around Mo Tan and the restrictions on him disappeared at the same time.

"Wise choice."

Mo Tan took out a bottle of life potion from his bag and took a sip. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Even though I don't really appreciate it."


Futaba's expression suddenly melted. She smiled sweetly, leaned forward and asked, "Why?"

Mo Tan gently brushed away a strand of hair from the girl's forehead and said with a smile: "Because admitting failure frankly is a good thing, but it will make the people who have always cared about you sad."

"It's really hard on you for caring about me so much."

Futaba quirked up the corners of her mouth playfully, patted away Mo Tan's claws that were trying to hook her chin, and asked in a leisurely tone: "But who told you that I lost?"

The latter raised his eyebrows: "Does this mean that a dead duck has a tough mouth?"

"No, no, no, dear BLACK, you made a mistake."

Futaba stood up and patted Mo Tan's cheek gently, and said with a smile: "That is the definition of failure."

Mo Tan looked at Futaba unmoved and narrowed his eyes slightly: "If your so-called failure only has the option of 'being caught by the other party's true identity', I can tell you clearly, then call it a dead duck. The hardest.”

"of course not."

The girl shook her head slightly, covered her mouth and chuckled: "Let's put it this way, in your eyes, the reason why I failed is because I exposed my bottom line for some practical reasons. Not only can I not hurt you, but I will use you in this... You become passive at all times due to the Lord's plan, and your position is so clear that no matter how you move, you will analyze it thoroughly at the first time. As long as you have the intention, you can kill me at any time, who has been thoroughly seen through this game of chess, right? "

"You can say that."

"But the problem is..."

Futaba also took out a bottle of mana potion mixed with a cocktail, clinked the glass with Mo Tan, then took a sip in an inelegant manner, and said with a smile: "Would you do this? To deal with a restrained SUN will make you feel Pleasurable? Of course not, so you will never do anything based on my disadvantage at this moment, nor will you use your own advantages to hinder me. Although you are not a proud or noble person, BLACK, but you seek Those are the things that can bring you pleasure or pleasure, and I can’t give you these now.”

Mo Tan rolled his eyes: "You are sophistry."

"Of course I'm not being sophistical, because you and I are the same kind of person."

Shuangye stared at Mo Tan with burning eyes and said with a sly smile: "This is an extremely simple account. You can't arouse the interest in dealing with me, and I just need your help. Under this premise, as long as We still have a common goal, so what does it matter who controls the overall situation?"

Mo Tan laughed and made a funny expression to Futaba: "So, it turns out that you are superior in skills and you are just using me?"

"That's not true. After all, your target was never me in the first place."

But Futaba shook his head and shrugged: "If I have to say it, I can only say that I took advantage of you a little bit. Why, are you unhappy?"

"No, no, no, it's so exciting, haha, very good. If you had this idea from the beginning, it would really make you happy, hahahahahaha."

Mo Tan covered his face and laughed foolishly. After a while, he stood up and saluted Futaba: "Sorry, I seem to have got a little carried away."

"Oh, man, it's understandable. If you're the kind of person who cares about face, I can even praise you a few times."

"Then why didn't you praise me so much?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

"Haha, okay, very good."

Mo Tan sat back again and said without warning: "I have every reason to believe that the main members of the Marshall family are basically cultists, particularly evil cultists."

Futaba was stunned for a moment, then smiled suddenly and said softly: "That's it."

"not worried?"

"Don't worry, I'm leaving."

"I won't send it away. By the way, I want Baroka to find a good-looking girl to come to my place."

"What are you looking for a good-looking girl for?"

"Peel fruit, feed, put to sleep."

"Can't I?"

"It's okay, so don't leave."

"What a beautiful thought~"

Futaba pinched Motan's nose hard, then disappeared from the car door with a faint scent of fragrance, and ran to another carriage where Lewen, Cassie and dozens of Fire Claw warriors were.

The car became quiet again...

After a while, Mo Tan closed the curtains, blew out the candles, slowly closed his eyes in the hazy darkness, and muttered to himself with a half-smile: "It seems that I did get a little carried away. She pretended to be angry before, but she just wanted to break two of my fingers."

Futaba's sly smile slowly emerged in his mind, and was quickly replaced by a fluttering black mist in the next second.

That's what Mo Tan is now... No, it should be said that it is something Mo Tan cares about under any circumstances.

[The time has completely matched. It seems that the monster Yuchen and the others caught is ‘me’. Ha, in this game, it should be a proper chaotic evil...]

A made-up 'Motan' appeared in his mind, with ragged clothes and a look of madness on his face.

[It’s hard to imagine that ‘that side’ of me would turn into such a virtuous person, but...the possibility of disguise cannot be ruled out...]

He shook his head, reopened his eyes, and showed a rare cautious look: "The light of the apocalypse is one of the three "Mo", "Hei Fan", Yuchen, and Yuying, and the shadow of the apocalypse is the southwest. A certain noble from the mainland chauvinist empire, and my 'that side', always feel a little strange."

He lightly knocked on the table and remained silent for a while before revealing a chilling smile...

"Anyway, Cordoba is coming, so let's find a chance to let him try 'Tanmo'. Xiaoyu will definitely be happy to see me..."

Chapter 525: End

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