Quadruple split

Chapter 545 The Night Before (IV)

"What did you say!"

Grand Duke Dantès suddenly stood up, his seemingly dim eyes as sharp as blades. Although he only had the strength of a mid-level mage, at this moment, he still burst out with a breathtaking power, not a murderous aura or anything like that. , but a majesty that can only be developed by staying at the top of the power pyramid for an extremely long period of time. Under this majesty, even ordinary epic-level strong men will subconsciously feel fear.

However, the person sitting in front of him is neither ordinary nor strong, let alone the impressive aura of Grand Duke Dantès. Even if the person lets out a fart that can penetrate the wall, as long as the fart is not He could calmly ignore the current topic.

"I think I have made it very clear, Your Excellency, so please sit down."

Mo Tan waved his hands lazily, took a sip of the bitter tea that Dantès had just brewed, and repeated word for word what he said five seconds ago: "Count the time, our Crown Prince, Your nephew Rebo Bresne is supposed to be dead.”

Dantès slammed the table hard and shouted angrily: "I'm warning you, Anthony Dabus, if you dare to act reckless again..."


Mo Tan interrupted the other party's unfinished threat with a smile, raised his eyebrows and said, "You don't believe it, do you?"

Dantès sat back on his chair with a pale face and said coldly: "That's nonsense, Ribo..."

"He has mastered most of the Redbud Guards who stayed in Salamoon. He placed a large number of people around his half-brother. He secretly raised funds with the resources accumulated over the years and the help of the Dantes family. With a large number of underground forces and the support of nearly forty established noble forces, he worked hard to compile a huge network and create an interesting community of interests with himself as the core. In addition to various transactions under the table, In addition to exchanging or collecting intelligence, they can even directly put pressure on the royal family when necessary.”

Mo Tan took over Dantès's words lightly, and after telling a series of shocking facts, he toasted to the latter: "So what?"

"you you……"

Grand Duke Dantès had even forgotten what he originally wanted to say, but in any case, it could not be what Mo Tan said just now, just like announcing the name of a dish, but that is no longer important. For this old man, now The most important thing is why the other party knows this, and...whether what he said earlier is true.

"You have always underestimated a person, even after he showed his fangs, you still underestimated him."

Of course, Mo Tan could guess Dantès's mood at this moment, so he answered without waiting for the other party to ask the question: "Yes, that person can only be Xubresian. Apart from you, who is hated, Not to mention the old fool who has blinded his vision, even His Highness Ruibo, who is relatively outstanding and often deals with his younger brother, has never seen Xiu clearly. You have neither given him enough trust nor given him enough trust. Be cautious enough about him. Oh, the former doesn't matter. After all, no matter what, Xiu may become an obstacle to His Highness Ruibo's ascension to the throne. Not only Violet, but even in other families in this empire, there are also among the legitimate sons. There may be various problems, big or small, but... you really should be more cautious."

Grand Duke Dantès turned paler.

"In that case...kah, kah, kah, kah...bah!"

Mo Tan rinsed his mouth with the remaining half cup of tea, then sprayed it on the floor next to him in a particularly dishonest manner, wiped his mouth with his sleeve and continued: "At least you can lose in a good way."

"I do not believe……"

Grand Duke Dantès murmured in a low voice. He shook his head vigorously, his face turned from livid to pale, and his bloodshot eyes stared at Mo Tan: "You are lying to me, I don't believe it... I don't believe it..."

Rather than refuting the latter, the old man's current actions seemed more like convincing himself.

"No, no, no, Your Majesty the Duke, in fact, when I mentioned the 'interesting community of interests', you already believed most of it." Mo Tan sneered and said without mercy: "You know that plan, right? Huh? Not only do you know about the plan to directly kill Shubresn in Salamoon and avoid future troubles, but you also personally participated in it, right? In this case, you should know even more, even if you only have the knowledge of what I just said With that information, His Highness Ruibo would not be able to successfully kill his brother, but he must bear the price of showing the knife, which is..."

Dantes suddenly panicked and shouted with a trembling voice: "No, that's not right! You don't want to..."


Mentan stretched out his index finger, slowly scratched at his throat, and smiled infatuated: "Yes, it's death, death, death, death, death, death, haha, hahahahaha, There are no other possibilities, right?"

He laughed more and more crazily, more and more hysterically, and finally he even covered his abdomen and started beating the table, feeling as if he might lose his breath at any time...

But there was no trace of madness in Mo Tan's eyes. He just stared at the Grand Duke Dantès, who was slowly collapsing in front of him, jokingly. His unblinking eyes were cold and joyful, but there was no smile at all.

A few seconds later, Grand Duke Dantès, who seemed to have aged by more than ten years, let out a long breath and fell weakly on the chair. His eyes were gray and dim, and a wisp of blood even spilled from the corner of his mouth. He looked like this. He stared at Mo Tan, who was laughing wildly, without saying a word.

Rebo is dead...

The future king of the Violet Empire, his favorite nephew, and Ruth's only child died...

Everything he had given, everything he had done, everything he had devoted himself to, and that shameful betrayal had all turned into empty talk...

I don't know since when, Grand Duke Dantès has regarded watching Ribo ascend the throne, flex his muscles, and realize his grand ambitions as his only thing and the entire meaning of his life.

Therefore, he is willing to cooperate with Buffy Marshall, whom he is ashamed of, and is willing to betray Clairvaux, who regards him as a brother. He is even ready to be nailed to the pillar of shame.

However, now, shame is still shame, and the fact of betrayal can no longer be reversed. Ribo died at the beginning of his ideal, and fell just after taking the first step.

So what does everything you have done count?

The goal that I have worked hard for for half my life, in the end, turned into an empty talk with extremely ironic meaning.

Under these blows, Grand Duke Dantès collapsed. In less than ten minutes, he changed from a powerful tycoon to a confused old man.


"By the way, to increase credibility, I might as well tell you one more thing."

Just when the Grand Duke Dantès had accepted the reality, Mo Tan, who had had enough laughter, was enthusiastically trying to increase his credibility. He stared maliciously at the other party's eyes that no longer had any sparkle, and whispered softly Said: "Do you know where your brother, Warren Dantes, who gave up the position of head of the family to you a long time ago, is now?"

Grand Duke Dantès looked at Mo Tan blankly. After a while, he clenched his fists as if he suddenly came to his senses and asked tiredly: "Did something happen to my brother too?"

"Haha, that's not true."

Mo Tan shook his head and said with a playful smile: "He should be following our second prince, the future emperor of this empire, right now, following his lead and making up for his mistakes."

"What did you say?"

Although his tone was quite surprised, Grand Duke Dantès's expression remained almost unchanged. He still looked as haggard as if he might die suddenly at any time. He asked numbly: "Brother, has he... made amends for you?"

Mo Tan crossed his legs leisurely and nodded: "Of course, Mr. Warren has been a smart man from the beginning. Although he seemed to have had similar ideas to you a long time ago, he is not hopeless. The point is. Yes, compared to you, the head of the family who inherited the position of Grand Duke, he is the one who really puts the surname 'Dantis' first. Therefore, when he saw the true side of Xubresn , and made a wise choice right away.”

"You mean...brother, he betrayed..."

"Betrayal? No, no, no, that's not betrayal. Didn't I just say it? He is the one who will put 'Dantes' first."

Mo Tan interrupted the other party casually and said calmly: "He did not betray anything he insisted on. Even though he had secretly loyal to Xiu a long time ago, his starting point was still for the entire family, so he had nothing. It’s you who betrayed me...hehe..."

His malicious laughter made Grand Duke Dantès tremble subconsciously, as if he were a weak, ordinary old man without any extraordinary power.

"You are a sister-in-law. As the leader of the Dantès family, you don't know how to assess the situation. You are also blinded by that ridiculous 'hatred'. You have hated Emperor Clairvaux for decades, and even angered him and As for the children of other women, everyone knows that Ruth Dantès voluntarily sacrificed herself to protect the emperor. She did not die of conspiracy or frame-up, but simply died of... haha, died of love."

Mo Tan made a funny expression and said leisurely: "After that, there was an irreparable gap between you and Clairvaux. It was also after that that you completely devoted your feelings for your sister to us. For the eldest nephew, of course, this is not wrong, but for a man who is responsible for the entire family, your paranoia and impulsiveness have gradually made you unqualified."

"Ribo will make this country, Violet, and Dantès prosperous."

Grand Duke Dantès slowly closed his eyes and said solemnly: "I am not wrong."

Mo Tan was happy at that time: "Hey, okay, then since you are not wrong, why did His Highness Ruibo rush to the street like this? Tell me?"

"that is because……"

"Because he's not good enough."

Mo Tan interrupted the other party coldly and said in a cold voice: "So he is dead, defeated, and no longer has a future. It's that simple."

Grand Duke Dantès was silent...

"Our second prince has never fought alone, and the Dantes family has been the staunchest ally of the Violet family from ancient times to the present, but he has never looked for you. Why?"

Mo Tan refilled his cup of tea and said with a smile: "Because he knows very well that you are a blind and poor collaborator, because he already knew that today would happen, so Warren was selected, and you, But he only deserves to end up like this. He will become the king and you will be defeated. There is no other possibility."

"If you're here just to mock me..."

Grand Duke Dantès seemed not to have listened to Mo Tan's words at all. He just pointed at the door with his cane and said, "Then please go back, Mr. Dabbs. I will give everyone an explanation."

"Want to commit suicide?"

Mo Tan understood the other party's thoughts almost instantly and sneered: "It's not yet time, Your Excellency."

The despairing Grand Duke Dantès looked at the former wearily: "What do you want to say?"

"I want to give you a chance to make up for your mistakes, or give the Dantès family a chance to make up for your mistakes."

Mo Tan looked at the old man in front of him calmly and said in a very provocative and sincere tone: "Your Majesty must have thought so too, otherwise he wouldn't have even knocked on you during the meeting today. Your Excellency, you won't really Do you think that... you and Hussein’s obvious move of ‘releasing people’ will not be noticed at all?”

Grand Duke Dantès suddenly hesitated: "What do you mean..."

"His Majesty Clairvaux just feels guilty for you and doesn't want to go into details. The Hussein family has also benefited from you."

Mo Tan shrugged, spread his hands and said: "So... he is actually not a qualified emperor. If he can really achieve great things, he should kill his own brother without hesitation... Well, still Gotta survive.”

Dantès did not react to the sarcasm in Mo Tan's words, and just asked softly: "What should I do?"

"It's very simple. First of all, you need to tell me everything you know, including the contents of the tripartite deal between Dantès, Hussein and the Marshall family, the details of the earlier plan to assassinate the emperor, and..."

Mo Tan snapped his fingers and grinned: "Who is that matchmaker? What are your next plans and plans? Please tell me everything in detail, without leaving out any details. "

"If you say it right, the future Hussein family will still have a place in this empire."

Shuangye blinked at the ashen-faced Grand Duke Hussein, and smiled sweetly: "But, if what you say is not good, wrong, untrue, and incomplete, haha, His Highness Xiu is not His Majesty Clairvaux. , he can make the Marshall family irreversible, and he can make the Hussein family end up with the same fate. Don't talk to me about any hidden rules... I won't accept this about the relationship between the royal family and the lords, and neither will our new emperor. This set."

"Well, it is said that those who know the current affairs are heroes, right?"

"Roughly the same."

"Haha, Ms. Shuangye, do you think I am a hero?"

"Well, seeing how you smile so cheaply, you must be a handsome man."

Chapter 542: End

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