Quadruple split

Chapter 546 The Night Before (V)

Game time AM01:25

The Chauvin Empire, the Imperial Capital, Trenn, and the Guilty Lord's Residence

"about there……"

Ji Xiaodao, who was leaning on the bedside reading a book, breathed out lightly, snapped his fingers to extinguish the flames floating quietly beside him, stretched his body gently under the illusive moonlight, and then fell asleep. robe, and quickly put on her main equipment that needs to be updated every five days on average.

Jigui and Yeyu are two common weapons; the quality is at least the only armor and accessories that start out as fine, fully in line with her current level, fighting style, and professional characteristics; after repeated forging, the [Black Curse Rapier] has been barely upgraded to fine quality. ]; Including a large number of functional props including high-end magic scrolls and disposable special-effect daggers, the luxury of Ji Xiaodao's equipment can at least rank among the top ten among the entire player group.

This is under the premise that her level is not enough and many high-end equipment do not meet the wearing conditions.

Unlike the start of most people, Ji Xiaodao never worries about consumables, equipment, supplies, etc. Sitting on the resources of Sin Lord, Duke Garros, Marshal Galahad, and Faraosis Mage Tower, she If you want to change equipment, you usually only need to mention it to someone casually, and then pick it up at the right time. If it is not suitable for your hand, you can still change it. It also has a high degree of autonomy in terms of appearance, as if it is not playing with the mainstream group. Not a game.

For example, if Yuying, who is also a female player, buys a set of clothes that are good in quality, attributes, and effects, but are highly revealing, she will probably have to wear them on herself no matter how shameful she is. Ji Xiaodao, on the other hand, could just throw that thing away and pick another piece of clothing that was not much different in quality but quite in line with his own aesthetic in terms of style.

For another example, if classmate Yu Ying's crossbow is broken, her dagger is blunt, and her medicine is not enough, she has to do various tasks to make money. If the same thing happens to Ji Xiaodao, she only needs to make a list. The next day you will get a batch of brand new and more useful props. Not only do you not need to spend a penny, you can even sell the eliminated equipment for money.

At first glance, Ji Xiaodao looks like a standard krypton gold player...

There is actually nothing wrong with this. After all, this girl has almost all the characteristics of a krypton gold player, but there is one thing that is fundamentally different between her and most krypton gold gamers.

That is, if you put aside external factors such as equipment and props, she is still very strong, very, very strong.

In terms of level, her main profession, which is now level 28, was achieved by completing tasks bit by bit. Although those so-called 'tasks' were a bit special, they were not difficult at all.

Speaking of combat experience, not to mention the 'crushing training' that happens about once a week, Ji Xiaodao will seek advice from strong men like Garros and Galahad whenever he has free time and opportunity. As for the method of asking for advice, , you can refer to Mo Tan’s reward mission in Cassero Grassland. To put it simply, a strong man whose strength is much higher than his own is tortured in various ways.

The difference is that Mo Tan is eligible to be destroyed by NPCs because she triggered a reward mission, while Ji Xiaodao can do such reward missions whenever she has time, and the difficulty she chooses is always 100%. It was done under load, whether it was being cut by a sword or being scratched all over by a wind blade, the pain was the same as in the real world.

Under such circumstances, the speed at which she became stronger was simply unbelievable.

No joke, as long as there are no accidents, if Ji Xiaodao is given another month or so, she can definitely surpass the current Cordoba and take her place in the second place in the combat effectiveness rankings.

She was a genius in combat from the very beginning, and she was a 'monster' level genius. However, this talent could not be used in the real world, so no one, including herself, knew about it until she was forced to play with her by her sister. In the game Zhijie, this talent that has been dusted for many years has gradually awakened.

But even so, Ji Xiaodao still doesn't know what he wants or what he wants to do...

She became more and more accustomed to her current position, staying with that person as a witness and executor. Although the latter's actions made her feel that she should feel angry and sad, these emotions were always suppressed. Isolated from something, it was like something in a dream that made her have no sense of reality.

The player cannot control the player's mind, not even that person's original sin power...

Ji Xiaodao knew it from the beginning, so she knew very well that the problem actually lay with herself.

Is it because of his personality that always makes people feel unhappy?

Is it because you are born ruthless and indifferent?

Is it because his true side is indeed chaotic and evil?

She thought about many possibilities and quickly rejected them one by one.

Ji Xiaodao knows herself very well, so she knows that those are not enough reasons for her to stay with that person until now, let alone an excuse for herself to help others.

She couldn't find the answer, and she tried her best not to get lost or collapse in the process.

She chose to stay, maybe because she wanted to see what that person wanted and what he wanted to do, or maybe because of other reasons that she didn't even know...

Ji Xiaodao only knows one thing, that is, if he really leaves here and leaves that person, he will probably never find the answer.

Is this what is called fate? Just like when he first landed in the Realm of Innocence, there was only a half-open door called [Chaotic Evil] in front of him?

Recently, she would always think like this unconsciously, and then respond to herself with the ridicule of an unbeliever.

[If you can’t figure it out, just don’t think about it. 】

She gently inserted [Lonely Return] and [Yeyu] into the leather sheaths on her back, and fastened the black-cursed thin sword that should have been eliminated long ago to her waist. She turned around and glanced at the puppet-like silent figure. The person lying quietly on the bed is ready to turn around and leave...

Then, her footsteps suddenly stopped, and an idea she had never had before suddenly emerged from the bottom of her heart.

[What does he look like? 】

This unprecedented thought made her freeze in place like a spell. Then, as if possessed, she slowly walked towards the man who was lying on the bed, fully clothed, and moved her trembling, delicate and cold little hand back. The person's cheek is explored...

Innocence is a very realistic game. To what extent is it realistic? It's like a player reaching out to grab another player's helmet. If the latter doesn't resist and the helmet is not soul-bound, it's completely fine. Grab them, and as for those soul-bound things, there must be a good reason why you can't get them.

As far as Ji Xiaodao knows, the half of the mask on Mo's face has never been a high-end product. In all likelihood, it is just the kind of dance mask that can be seen everywhere, so...

So she was completely overthinking it. You must know that although the game allows the above-mentioned 'grabbing' method, it is for players 'in the game'. But if the player is offline, other players will be affected by the system's restrictions. It is impossible to do this kind of operation. NPC can, but if it involves some sensitive areas, it will also be invisibly interfered by the system, such as suddenly becoming a saint like a Buddha.

To put it simply, it was impossible for Ji Xiaodao to take off this mask when Mo Li was offline.

However, her current actions were not blocked by the system!

There is only one reason, and that is...

"You've wasted a long time..."

The cold voice sounded without warning, and there was no emotion in the eyes that slowly opened, clearly reflecting the girl's beautiful face: "Do what you need to do."

Ji Xiaodao bit his lower lip gently, retracted his slightly trembling hand, and looked away: "I'm just... a little curious, when did you go online?"

"You don't want to see that."

Mo stood up slowly and walked to the window with his hands behind his back. His abyss-like eyes stared unblinkingly at the false bright moon in the sky, and said calmly: "There will be no second time..."

The cloak named [Broken Cage] flashed away behind him. Half a second later, the huge cloak disappeared again. The warm and thick nightgown had been replaced by the black dress often worn by the Sin Lord.

"You can only decide whether I can see it or not."

Ji Xiaodao's slightly embarrassed expression has completely disappeared, and he has returned to his usual cold look: "Whether I want to see it or not is my own business."

After saying that, he quickly walked towards the door.

And just before she was about to leave the 'real illusion', Mo suddenly spoke again...

"When the time comes, if you still want to watch it, you can."

"Okay! But when is the time..."

Before Ji Xiaodao could finish speaking, he was forced out of the bedroom by an invisible force, staggering away from the 'real illusion' and appearing in the courtyard outside.

"What a nasty man..."

She glanced back at the big house, which was not penetrated by the moonlight at all, making people feel shuddering. She snorted softly and turned into a faint black shadow, blending into the extraordinarily dense night.

[However, this short-term goal seems quite interesting...]

After a while, in the bedroom

【Dance Mask】

Type: Head Armor

Quality: ordinary

Defense: None

Properties: none

Equipment requirements: none

[Remarks: An ordinary mask]

"Under the mask..."

Mo shook his head and gently took off the simple mask on his face, revealing his face that was exactly the same as Mo Tan in reality and Hei Fan in the game.

Then he opened his taskbar and found a task marked completed.

【The fourth stage of the collapsed country】

Legendary quest chain

Status: Completed

Mission description: Kill Witambohe before the 10th day of the Poetry Moon, and set up a trap to trigger a war between Prince Kunda and the royal family.

Mission reward: Obtain the next stage of the mission, permanently improve the quality of a designated piece of equipment (quality no higher than epic), and bind its soul.

Failure penalty: world collapse reduced by 5%, all professional levels halved, all basic attributes permanently reduced by 100, three pieces of equipment with quality no less than epic level randomly destroyed, the reputation of the Chauvin royal family, Prince Kangda's territory, and Tianzhu Mountain reduced 9999. The talent [Cruelty] has been removed, the talent [Dark Blood] has been removed, the effect of the talent [Simple Power] has been halved, the [Collapsed Country] quest chain has been cancelled, and the civilization attributes: leadership and charisma have returned to zero.

[Remarks: None]

It is necessary to mention that this task chain is not so much a task given by the system, but rather a concrete manifestation of the latter's plan in the form of a task. Its content depends entirely on Mo's subjective thoughts.

Although the reward seems pretty good, the penalty for failure in this task is so outrageous that it seems to be directed at Mo.

But the task was still completed, and it was overcompleted many days ahead of schedule, so none of the punishments became reality.

As for the rewards, Mo didn't plan to use them until now, because he couldn't think of any equipment he had that needed to be deliberately improved in quality.

So, five seconds later...

The surging black light gradually turned into nothingness, but the mask in Mo's hand looked unchanged. It was still a simple ball mask that could only cover half of his face.

But the item description has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes...


Type: Head Armor

soul binding

Quality: only excellent (can grow)

Properties: none


Karma Lock: When equipped, it will invalidate your talents [Crazy], [Ruthless], [Simple Powerful], and [Demon King].

False Hide: When [Karma Lock] is activated, the wearer will continue to accumulate extra magic power and physical energy at a rate of 0.1%/day.

Hideous Appearance: When equipped, you can be immune to one fatal damage and disable the equipment. Cooling time: 72 hours

Phaseless: When equipped, all detection and perception methods are invalid for you.

? ? ?

? ? ?

? ? ?

? ? ?

[Note 1: If you wear the mask for too long, it will grow on your face. If you want to take it off again, you will have to break your muscles and bones to peel off the skin. ——by Lu Xun]

[Note 2: But he did not say whose tendons were injured, whose bones were moved, whose skin was peeled off...]

[Remark 3:? ? ? 】

"very good."

Mo Zhong put the upgraded mask on his face, and instantly felt his power passing away rapidly. At the same time, the various values ​​​​in the character panel also began to slide rapidly, until they fell to three points under normal circumstances. One of them stopped.

This feeling is just like when we go from a relatively healthy state, skipping the process and directly becoming weak after recovering from a serious illness. It will be very, very uncomfortable for any normal person, and it may even be possible for those with poor adaptability. For a while, I couldn't even walk.

But Mo is not a normal person...

So after his strength was forcibly suppressed to one-third by his own mask, he actually laughed softly.

"It's really much more comfortable..."

At the same time, William Boho's study in Troon, Royal Quarter.

"Good evening, Your Majesty..."

With a whisper, Li Fu Astor, the representative of Tianzhu Mountain, wearing a butler's uniform, appeared in front of Emperor William: "Long time no see."

"Good evening, Mr. Li Fo, you should already know that we can no longer..."

"Yes, we can't drag it out like this any longer, Your Majesty, I know, so... we can start."

Chapter 543: End

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