Quadruple split

Chapter 575 Ah Sang’s Problem (II)


Mo Tan repeated the sentence softly, and then opened the book of mystery in his hand again, and saw the two lines of African proverbs on the title page again, and responded with special cooperation: "There has been no change, we need to continue. Turn it over?"

[Sure enough, because he has already observed it, does it become an ‘established’?]

Ah Sang nodded slightly in the past, and then replied to his new friends who existed in the normal timeline through the 'voice box' he had previously installed in the wall of the workshop: "No need for now, you guys close the book and open it again in half a minute." , turn directly to the second page.”

thirty seconds later

Ji Xiaoge stood on tiptoes and put her head over Mo Tan's shoulder, exclaiming: "Wow! What a cute Pikachu!"

"Yes, agreed."

Mo Tan moved his head to the side unnoticeably, looking at the yellow electric mouse wearing a cap and holding a master ball on the second page of the book in front of him. He looked so naive and said with a smile: "The drawing is really not bad."

Then Ah Sang's voice sounded faintly around the two of them: "No matter how good you are at painting, it's useless. These days, art students are basically starving to death. I have a senior who changed his career to selling breakfast just six months after graduation. , saying that I can earn three times more than painting the original painting, and I don’t have to stay up late to finish the manuscript.”

Ji Xiaoge covered her mouth and said "Hey", and said in surprise: "Is it so miserable to study art?"

"Uh, not really."

Ah Sang smacked his lips and sighed: "I can only say that selling breakfast is really profitable."

Ji Xiaoge: "."

Mo Tan: "."

"Ahem, I'm off topic."

A Sangqian laughed twice and said seriously: "In short, thanks to you, I finally figured out some things, and the future research direction is somewhat clear."

Before Mo Tan could say anything, Ji Xiaoge raised his little hand like a curious baby and asked out of curiosity: "What's the matter? If it's convenient, can you tell us?"

"Well, if it's convenient."

Mo Tan added just the right thing next to him, because according to his observation, the meaning of what A Sang just said was basically equivalent to "it's not convenient to elaborate", but since Ji Xiaoge has already asked, he can't directly Refuting to the girl next to me who occasionally seems off-kilter.

And he himself is actually quite curious.

"Ah, well, after all, we are all players, so there is nothing bad to say."

As expected, Ah Sang hesitated for a moment, and then said after careful consideration: "It's just that this kind of thing is more difficult to explain, and I haven't unlocked the relevant worldview illustrations until now, so I can't guarantee the authenticity. If you don't suggest listening to my guess, then You can say a few words."

"I don't mind. I don't mind."

Ji Xiaoge nodded with bright eyes and said with a smile: "I feel that this time-related topic is very deep and high-end. I have loved watching this type of movie since I was a child!"

Ah Sang also seemed to be interested, and nodded in agreement: "I like it too! At first glance, it looks like the kind that stays up all night."

"Wow! What do you like to see? I just reviewed your name some time ago."



Mo Tan laughed dryly at the side, thinking that indeed, the circle of Doraqi boys was really made by Ah Sang. Looking at the exquisite craftsmanship, it can only be said that today's art students are really amazing.

Well, it’s really great, although generally I don’t earn as much as if I sold it earlier.

"Okay, then I'll talk to you two about this as much as possible."

One thousand seven hundred and fifty years ago, Ah Sang casually snapped his fingers and summoned a large lounge chair out of thin air in front of the fireplace. Then he leaned back comfortably inside and muttered: "The time that happened to me The problem of misalignment has been roughly mentioned by Mo just now. It is generally correct, but a few points need to be added. First of all, according to what the teacher and I have known for a long time, it is basically certain that this phenomenon is some kind of non-replicable 'force' Or 'phenomenon', although it is not sure whether it appeared 'after the accident' or whether it is the special nature of the character [Mourning] itself, but it exists without controversy. We named it 'pseudo-empty' Time flow' is a phenomenon that only exists for me. You two can understand it as the world's only super invincible limited edition panda blood type. It does not belong to any of A, B, AB, O, or even RH or MNSSU. , P, KELL, KIDD, LUTHERAN and other rare blood types, but it is the only new version of the ship that cannot be copied."

Ji Xiaoge blinked blankly and held it in for a while before he finally managed to say: "I'm going to kill you because I'm a brother?"

Mo Tan shook his head helplessly and said with a wry smile: "Let's not play such old tricks. Based on what you just said, Ah Sang, I think the trait you mentioned should be acquired, that is, it appeared after the accident. Yes, after all, if it is the inherent specialness of your character, according to the conventional routine of the Innocence, there is a high probability that it will appear in your talent, and there will be relevant instructions, but judging from the current situation Come on, that doesn’t seem to be the case.”

"I feel the same way. After all, in terms of character panel, I don't seem to be significantly different from everyone else. Even my talents are relatively conventional."

Ah Sang is not a fool, and naturally he will not be enlightened by the protagonist's unintentional words. Although he has less contact with the player community, he has already thought of this aspect, and has the same conjecture as Mo Tan.

"In short, because I continue to be affected by the pseudo-empty time flow, the period after my 'accident' has always been in the past, that is, before the holy calendar year 9571 of the Innocence Realm, I was wandering, and every time I stayed in one place, I was wandering. It won’t last long, ranging from three to five minutes to no more than half a month. It’s irregular, uncontrollable, and the gaming experience is very poor.”

Ah Sang sighed and said tiredly: "I have been involved in countless incidents. I carried a gun for the Violet Empire, beat up people for the Diesel family, drank water under Guillotine Cliff, and walked into freedom." I have moved bricks, swam in Nicemont, run naked in Ember Valley, sold vegetables in Palmyra Port, and eaten chaff in Undershell. Most of the time, I have been an unknown little person. Well, I am just a newcomer. How strong can a rookie player be in the sky? If players didn’t have to eat, I would have spent the first month of this game begging for food. It’s unfortunate.”

[Cordoba and you should have a good conversation and develop into a close friend. 】

Mo Tan couldn't help but vomit in his heart.

Ji Xiaoge, on the other hand, looked at the surrounding air with special sympathy and muttered: "It's really hard on you."

"Haha, just to put it that way, it's not particularly miserable. After all, I also have unique advantages."

Ah Sang smiled. Although he knew that Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge could not see him, he still patted the big book on his waist and grinned, "Because I exposed myself to Teacher Lu as soon as I came up. Because of his status as a human being, after he accepted me as his apprentice, he specially gave me a book called "General History of the Mainland". Of course, although it is a book, it is not the kind that is circulated in the market. Strictly speaking, it is not a book. It should be a good thing of the nature of the 'Neutral Organization Tianzhu Mountain Internal Archives'. It was written by Albus Diakad, the fifth-ranked high-level observer who has lived for God knows how many years. It records the history of the Innocence Continent. The history from more than 20,000 years before the Holy Calendar to the present is 100% reliable. Although you have permission to read it, anyone who lives in Tianzhu Mountain can read it. The book in my hand is from Year 0 of the Holy Calendar. The version from the beginning to the year 9571 was originally used by Mr. Ogi to help me, a person from another world, to learn about popular science. Unexpectedly, this thing has now turned into something similar to a 'survival guide'."

Ji Xiaoge tilted his head and did not go around the corner for a while: "So why do history books become survival guides?"

"Have you read the online article?"

Mo Tan smiled and looked at the winged girl next to him whose IQ suddenly dropped. He shrugged and said: "Why do you think the protagonists in "Rebirth of XXX" are so powerful? A person who is familiar with history returns to 'History'" It’s not easy to be successful in the Chinese club. Put aside the element of artistic processing, remember that several World Cup champions have spent their entire lives betting on football every four years and have been enjoying life for several lifetimes. Although we players are not locals, we are not guilty. I don’t know much about the history of the world, but Ah Sang, who has the General History of the Continent, will not suffer."

[Sorry, Cordoba. He is still different from you]

After Mo Tan finished speaking, he added in his heart that he was quite concerned about the fact that he intentionally killed Cordoba twice while he was in the "chaotic neutral" state, and felt very guilty.

"Mo is right. In the early stage, I basically relied on this "General History of the Mainland" to survive. The specific reason is the same as what he said, to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

Ah Zang smiled quite proudly, and then said seriously: "It's only now that I have gained some strength that I have begun to consider whether I can find a way to go back, but the pseudo-empty time flow has always been traceless. , completely random and without any warning. To be honest, it wouldn’t be surprising even if I was thrown five hundred years ago in the next second, so the progress has been very slow.”

"Until we show up?"

Ji Xiaoge suddenly smiled and said happily: "We should be able to help you, right?"

Mo Tan keenly captured the information in A Sang's last sentence and hesitated: "Wait a minute, since the progress has been very slow, in other words it is not without progress, right?"

"Yes, there is still some progress, and you really helped a lot this time."

Ah Sang continued to record the voice in the 'Voice Shell', and while asking Taling Doraemon to set the playback time delayed by 1,750 years, he chuckled: "After a series of experiments, I I made an assumption some time ago, that is, the flow of pseudo-space time is not just for me. In fact, my existence itself has the power of pseudo-space time. The argument is very complicated, so I won’t go into it first. Anyway, after discovering this, I built a kind of mage tower called [Chrono Tower], one of which is where you are now."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and followed his train of thought: "Do you want to verify whether the pseudo-empty time flow can affect the creation with your power?"

"That's right, every [Chrono Tower] is completely my creation. Every brick and tile inside is built by me. Even the magic storage pool is made and charged by me without any external force. .”

Ah Sang affirmed in an understatement, and then said helplessly: "Actually, I was thinking about these [Clock Towers] at the beginning, at least whether the [Clock Tower] I was in when I was thrown to another time would be teleported with me. Go, but it turns out that this is a completely nonsense idea. Even if it does contain my power, the pseudo-space time flow will only take me away, so I thought my idea was wrong for a time, until just now."

"We're here! Oh, sorry."

Ji Xiaoge patted Mo Tan's thigh hard, then patted his own thigh hard again after reacting, and said loudly: "And you who are in the past now can talk to us!"

"It's easy to talk to smart people. It's great that you can keep up with the train of thought."

Ah Sang breathed a long sigh of relief and smiled: "Yes, although the method is so primitive and terrible, we are indeed having a conversation now after 1,750 years, because there are certain things that even I don't know. For reasons I don’t understand, several monitoring arrays that have not been maintained for nearly two thousand years have observed you and fed the images back to the 'past', which is where I am now. And I just used those seafood hands from the east. The 'collected voice shells' that were deceived were connected in series with the monitoring array, and several magically modified voice shells were buried in the walls of this room, and a dialogue was successfully established. These operations were theoretically impossible. If it can be established, there is no other possibility except that the [Chrono Tower] is indeed affected by the pseudo-space time flow."

"It's incredible that if the factor of the game is taken away, this kind of thing can happen in a logical and self-consistent world. It is indeed incredible."

Mo Tan looked around at this small workshop that had been ravaged by time, imagining that the 'past' A Sang was sitting here, talking to his 'future' self in front of the warm fireplace, and suddenly he felt a strange sense of dislocation. , sincerely exclaimed: "This is really amazing."

"Yeah, yeah."

Ji Xiaoge also nodded vigorously like a chicken pecking rice, and while shaking his chair restlessly, he asked: "Then what was the 'book-turning experiment' we did with you just now? What was it used for? Also follow Is that pseudo-space time flow related?”

"It's okay to say it's related, and it's okay to say it doesn't matter."

Ah Sang casually waved his hand and took the synthesis book that he had just transformed with great effort into his hand, and said softly: "The 'experiment' just now has nothing to do with the [Time Tower], because this book has two key points. The materials are not my original creations, and I want you to help verify them."

"It's about whether your actions in the 'past' will have an impact on the 'future', right?"

Mo Tan held the dusty book in his hand tightly, his eyes full of admiration.

"I think you did."

Chapter 572: End

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