Quadruple split

Chapter 576 Ah Sang’s Problem (III)

"In a sense, I did it..."

Ah Sang was silent for a long time, and then said in a solemn tone: "Although I have made speculations before, it was not until just now that I was completely sure that I can indeed have an impact on the future to a certain extent. Of course, there are huge limitations. .”

Mo Tan nodded slightly and asked softly: "If I guessed correctly, after we opened this book for the first time, you should have done something to the first page, right?"

Ji Xiaoge looked at Mo Tan, then turned around and looked around in a circle where strictly speaking there was no third person. He did not interrupt, but just hugged the back of the chair with interest and continued to listen to the two chatting, quietly and Well-behaved...and good-looking.

"It's okay, buddy, I've got you guessing all this."

Ah Sang smacked his lips, with unconcealed surprise in his words, and affirmed: "Yes, in fact, not only after you opened this book for the first time, but also the line of Hakuna Matata on the title page. I added it 'just now' and tore it off 'in the past' after you opened it for the first time."

Mo Tan frowned and pondered: "In other words, before we opened this book for the first time, the line on the title page still did not exist, but after that, even though you tore it up in the 'past' , but that page has not disappeared from the 'present'..."

"That's right."

Ah Sang's tone also became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "However, after I tore off the page, you saw the newly drawn Pikachu on the back. Do you two know what this means?"

Mo Tan nodded slightly, and then glanced at the girl beside him who didn't seem confused.

"I'm following my thoughts very closely~"

Ji Xiaoge smiled playfully, then stroked her smooth cheeks and concluded: "First of all, what is certain is that Ah Sang can indeed change the 'future' to a certain extent, at least in this ninth year of the Holy Calendar. Years in the future, otherwise we would not be able to see the proverb on the title page or the Pikachu at the back, because just ten minutes ago, the content of this book was different from what it is now in every sense."

She did not continue talking, but gave Mo Tan a look, which could be summarized as 'you can tell me later'.

"Secondly, this change has many restrictions, and it can only succeed if relevant conditions are met."

Mo Tan immediately understood and continued to analyze: "Judging from the information we two know now, at least the fact that it has been clearly observed in the 'future' cannot be changed. Just like the title page just now, Ye Ge and I have already seen After reaching that sentence, even if you tear off the page again in the past, Ah Sang, the page will not disappear again. Although it is in the game, I still think this is a way to avoid time paradox... uh... …Adjustment."

"Or correction."

Ah Sang, who was in the past, nodded, tried hard to suppress his excitement, and said quickly: "Your speculation is very accurate. According to my research, the core of changing the future lies in 'cognition'. For example , the creatures in the normal timeline are equal to the people outside the box, and the unlucky cat that Schrödinger and I raised stayed in the box. Suppose you know the fact that the cat in the box is still alive by any means. , then even if I used the forbidden spell to blow Ya to ashes in the past, the process and results would be forcibly corrected by some kind of force, leaving the cat still alive, but..."

Ah Sang took a deep breath, controlled his extremely excited heart and trembling hands, and left a message for the two people in the future: "If no one outside the box observes the cat's life state, , then no matter I kill the cat, feed it, or turn it into a cow, as long as this result does not interact with other 'established facts', for example, the cat I turned into a cow killed a person who could have survived twenty years in advance. By the time I reach the age of two hundred, it will be possible to change the future so that the contents of that box are revealed as the result of my guidance.”

"Well, it feels pretty awesome!"

Ji Xiaoge hugged the back of the chair enthusiastically, swaying slightly while exclaiming: "You can use the history book to change the future in the past. Ah Sang, you can do whatever you want!"

Mo Tan, who was next to him, shook his head and pondered: "No, in my opinion, the restrictions that Ah Sang just mentioned are actually very harsh, not to mention that he cannot violate the 'established facts', even if he wants to make No matter what changes, there is a very high possibility that they will be submerged in the long river of time. After all, the concept of 'time' is not something ordinary people can control."

"Mo is right."

Ah Sang gave a bitter laugh and said helplessly: "Just like the history book you just mentioned, Ye Ge, in fact, the content recorded in the "General History of the Mainland" in my hand is basically a list of things that have absolutely no chance of being affected by me. , I have confirmed this before.”

Mo Tan was slightly stunned and said in confusion: "Have you confirmed it? In other words, you have known that you can influence the future? Then the experiment just now was..."

"The experiment just now allowed me to know whether what I affected was 'reality', which is of great significance."

Ah Sang tapped the armrest lightly, and while pouring pure magic power into the magic storage pool, he smiled and said: "You are right, I have known that my actions in the past can affect the future, um, I found out about it by chance. I lived in the southwest continent nearly two months ago. I stayed on a small farm for a few days and helped the farmer drive away several groups of wild beasts. At that time, I happened to catch up with the farmer’s wife to have a baby. The couple thanked me very much and asked me to name their child. It was not easy for us to shirk the blame, so they casually named Gandalf..."

Ji Xiaoge couldn't help but laugh and said, "In the end, that kid turned into a powerful mage and slayed a dragon?"

"That's not true, but about half a month after that, I was thrown away by the pseudo-empty time flow several times, and I appeared thirty years after I named the child, because I had nothing to do at the time. After I determined the time, I came up with an idea and ran all the way from the northern border of the Griffin Dynasty to that little shabby place back then. Guess what?"

Ah Sang, who was walking over, shrugged, made a funny expression, and said with emotion: "The child has inherited his family's farm, and his name is Gandalf, and his parents can still recognize me."

What happened next was simple. At that time, Ah Sang immediately realized that there was a problem, and after many attempts, he found that he could indeed affect the 'future' to a certain extent, so he launched a series of research on this.

"The conclusion is what I just said."

He stared at the two people in the light curtain in front of him and said in a deep voice: "The act of naming ordinary children from ordinary families will affect the future, but if I take the initiative to influence some events that are 'established facts' in history, , for example, if you try to remind the Dragon Clan back then to be wary of the Sun Dynasty, it will definitely be corrected. There are many ways. For example, I, who is now located 1,750 years ago, go to remind the Dragon King and tell them "Long Eat some snacks, you will be killed by the Sun Dynasty. If this is the case, the pride of the dragon will eventually become the end of the dragon clan. The dragon clan, which was defeated after only persisting for seventeen days, will never be able to persist until the tenth Eight days, maybe because my warning was ignored, maybe because although the Dragon Clan was on guard, the Sun Dynasty sent two more armies, maybe it was because the Dragon King was hit on the head by a big stone and suffered amnesia, and more likely it was' The impact I've made was directly wiped out by some kind of force. All in all, the Dragon Clan must be defeated on the seventeenth day, and the facts cannot be changed."

Ji Xiaoge wrinkled his nose and murmured: "Then what do you mean by 'reality' just now?"

"That's literally what it means."

Ah Sang sighed and smiled bitterly: "Although Teacher Long is a high-level observer of Tianzhu Mountain, and Tianzhu Mountain is the organization that knows the most secrets in the world, what happened to me is still unprecedented, so even if After all the research, Teacher Hao can still only come up with a few hypotheses about my current situation, the most reliable of which is that I was thrown into a timeline that does not exist in reality, an existence similar to a time snapshot. , is like a long documentary. Although I can jump left and right on it at will, and even influence it in the way of 'editing', a documentary is just a documentary after all, not the real history of the world. Maybe I can make some changes to this documentary. The film has been fine-tuned, but it has no chance of affecting reality. For example...well, it's like I copied my homework and changed "The Qin Dynasty fell in 207 BC" to 208, but that only exists for me. In my homework, I won’t really allow the Qin Dynasty to be destroyed a year early, do you understand?”

Both Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge's understanding ability was pretty good, and A Sang's description was more vivid, so it was impossible for them not to understand. The former even thought softly after thinking briefly: "But just now, you It turns out that the hypothesis conceived by Yuu is actually wrong.”

"Yes, just now."

Ah Zang held the thick "General History of the Continent" in his hand with a solemn expression, and said in a deep voice: "You are players like me. You have the only real characteristics in countless timelines. Mo is even in Tianzhu Mountain. After discussing my problem with the teacher, it is obvious that if there is a timeline in Innocence that is absolutely real in every sense, it must be the one where you two, Xiaolu, and all other players except me are. time, but just now, I successfully interacted with you through a book written more than 1,700 years ago. You saw the Hakuna Matata I wrote, and you saw the Pikachu I drew. This means... Phew... it means that the history I have experienced is not a false if or fan route, but real history, real reality!"

Both Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge were suffocated subconsciously, and the latter asked cautiously as if he was witnessing an epic poem: "What next?"

"Huh? There's no more."

As a result, Ah Sang's voice suddenly relaxed and said lightly: "Anyway, this is the situation, this is what happened, and I will study it as I should from now on."


Ji Xiaoge choked on the spot.

"Haha, to put it bluntly, it's just that we have put two ideas into practice so that we can avoid some detours in the future."

Ah Sang, who was leaning in front of the fireplace, smiled and said helplessly: "Knowing the truth may not change my situation, and there are still many unknown mysteries that have not been solved, such as the butterfly effect and other things that can easily cause time paradoxes. Why haven't the possibilities been eliminated, such as the true face and specific mechanism of pseudo-empty time flow? Anyway, I have long been prepared for a protracted war, but now it will definitely be a lot more enjoyable. At least I and you are still playing the same game. , at least I’m not living in a dream.”

Mo Tan also smiled and nodded, and said sincerely: "Come on, if there is anything you can do to help, you can contact us through Lujiang at any time, or we can contact you outside the game."

Then the three of them stopped discussing the issue of 'time'. Ah Sang also exchanged contact information outside the game with Mo Tan, as if they planned to communicate with each other at any time.

They chatted for a long time in this small workshop across a span of 1,750 years. Most of the time, Ah Sang was talking and Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge were listening.

It is not difficult to see that this man who was forced to play single-player not long after the server was launched is really a bit lonely. Although he is no different from everyone else in the real world, he starts playing alone as soon as he enters the game every day. He has no friends or similar people. Such days of running around in the long river of time day after day still make Ah Sang quite depressed, so this time I finally met two "people" in the game. After I opened the chat box, I was called a poor person.

Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge were also happy to chat with him. On the one hand, they could feel each other's depression to some extent. On the other hand, the stories A Sang told were very interesting. For example, the famous XX in history actually had Although XX quirks were not a history they were familiar with, the two of them still listened to them with interest.

Innocence System Standard Time PM19:39

"Huha~ Thank you for staying with me for so long. I'm almost sick from boredom these days."

Ah Sang breathed a sigh of relief, put down the gleaming [Iron Mane Book] in his hand, and said to the two people on the screen: "Yege, you just need to wait until the beacon ends to cool down and leave this [Timer] Tower] You should be able to return to Tianzhu Mountain if you use it again. As for Mo... I can try to adjust the teleportation circle in the workshop here, but since you have already used it in the 'future', it is probably really It’s tough enough to send you back to Diesel’s house, so you may have to walk back... I’m sorry.”

"If anything, it's not your fault in the first place."

Mo Tan shook his head and smiled: "And my trip was well worth it. You helped me complete several tasks in one go."

"What mission?"

Ah Sang and Ji Xiaoge asked in unison.

So Mo Tan briefly talked about the chain of tasks he had completed before.

"Uh... that is to say, the trap I left accidentally destroyed an important clue for your sixth link."

Ah Zang scratched his hair guiltily, and then suddenly his eyes lit up...

"Wait! If you are looking for the Dragon King's tomb, I may have a way!"

Chapter 573: End

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