Quadruple split

Chapter 613 Attempted Murder

“That’s it!!”

Huo Yanyang, who was skimming behind the large army, banged his war drum and roared loudly.

OK? What's okay?

The soldiers who were fighting bloody battles in front suddenly felt a little confused.


Huo Yanyang, who had been keeping an eye on his friend's messages and acting as a repeater, also noticed something was wrong at this moment. He coughed awkwardly and said shamelessly, "You can prepare for victory!"


The Sumir warriors, who were already fighting like chickens, became more and more courageous as they fought. They attacked the cultists' phalanx unstoppably according to the established plan, and under the cover of the power of the elements, they killed the opponents to a rout.

At the same time, Huo Yanyang, who was in the limelight, turned his head secretly and gave a thumbs up to the real hero of this battle.


"Come on, hold on."

Looking at Huo Yanyang's overly exaggerated 'lip language', Mo Tan smiled and waved his fist at the former.

[Senior Hei Fan, you are really amazing. 】

The half-dragon female knight with light pink shoulder-length hair, who had been standing behind Mo Tan from the beginning of the battle until now, pursed her lips. Her tense nerves finally relaxed, and she looked at the dark purple eyes of the former's back. She was filled with awe. As the only insider present except for Huo Yanyang and Mo Tan, she knew very well that the reason why this small raiding force was able to take back the Elder's Order with lightning speed relied on It was completely the impeccable command of Hei Fan.

That’s right, impeccable!

This is the only summary of Yizuo Jielet's command of Mo Tan. As a high-level paladin of the Dawn Sect, although her qualifications are still relatively young and she is not a commanding talent, she still has enough combat IQ. For this It is possible to understand a small-scale battle in which the total number of both sides is only four figures. Under this premise, Yi Zuo really can't find any description other than the four words "impeccable".

She was always guarding the side of 'Senior Hei Fan', and she was always paying attention to him. Although Mo Tan never said a word from the beginning to the end, the war priest named Huo Yanyang had obviously been carrying out Mo Tan's instructions. command ideas.

It is true that no one, including Yi Zuo, can find a reason to prove this, but the 'magic sand table' floating in front of Mo Tan is a crucial clue. After a little combination of the formations of the two warring parties, After counting the number of people, Yi Zhao can be 100% sure that the dots on it are replicas of the current battle situation, and every time his silent senior Hei Fan sketches a stroke on it, the priest Huo Yanyang in front will It will immediately shout out the corresponding command, no matter how many times it is repeated, there will be no delay or error.

Thinking again about Senior Hei Fan's shocking record in Misha County, it was not difficult for Yi Zuo to guess the truth on the premise that the other party did not particularly avoid him.

The real commander is Senior Hei Fan!

And the war priest Huo Yanyang, who is said to be a senior fellow, is completely a sounding board.

【Senior Hei Fan did it! 】

Although he had no choice but to share it with others, Yi Zuo would always think with great pride whenever he saw his 'own' troops smashing through the enemy formation with overwhelming force and establishing the battle situation unstoppably.

He can always find the enemy's flaws and deliver a highly targeted strike at the first opportunity; he is always one step ahead of the enemy, with countless changes hidden in every command, accumulating his own advantages; he has always been one step ahead of the enemy. He is not aggressive and will not easily put any soldier in danger, but he is able to maximize the characteristics of each person with ease. Every command interprets the three words of inclusiveness to the extreme.

[In front of seniors, there seems to be no difference between those cultists who only rely on the power of evil gods and whose military literacy is not as good as mine and those undead creatures in Misha County. It would be great if I could also fight under his command. ...]

Seeing those brave warriors on the steps of the ancestors carrying out the final sweep with ease, Yi Zao, who also had a passion for them, envied them from the bottom of his heart, so much so that he clenched his fists involuntarily.

"What's wrong?"

The figure in front of him, who had already been dozens of times taller in his mind, suddenly turned around and looked here with some confusion. The face was not very majestic, and even occasionally made people feel a little unreliable. He looked a little hesitant. , hesitated for a while before asking with concern.


Yizuo Jileite immediately straightened up his rather confident body and replied in a panic: "I'm fine, Senior Heifan! Nothing's wrong at all!"

Then Mo Tan nodded in understanding, said 'oh' and said nothing more.

Yi Zou looked at the appearance of his senior who had just guided a victory like the hand of God. The tension in his heart suddenly faded a lot. Then he quickly organized his thoughts and asked tentatively: " That, senior..."


Mo Tan, who was being bombarded by Huo Yanyang's news, was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the guard knight next to him who had been protecting him for nearly three months, with a helpless tone: "You said you don't need to call me senior, don't Forget about the religious rank alone, you, a high-level paladin, are much higher than me in terms of status, not to mention that I am two years younger than you."

Yi Zuo, who had just celebrated his twenty-fourth birthday, smiled shyly, shook his head and said, "You can't say that. It's a fact that I joined the religion later than you, my senior. If I remember correctly, you should have started teaching ten years earlier. I already joined the sect before."

[But that’s just a setting that Yuchen said casually...]

"All right."

Mo Tan shrugged, stopped trying to ask Yi Xuan to change his name for countless times, and asked casually: "So what did you want to say just now?"

Yi Zuo pursed his lips, nervously held the hilt of the sword at his waist, and whispered: "Well, my injury is almost healed."

"so what?"

Mo Tan asked noncommittally.

"So, if possible, I would also like to help fight!"

Yi Zuo, who finally summoned up the courage, stared at Mo Tan with a calm and firm expression: "I am a high-level paladin. I can undertake many tasks, and the divine power of Dawn also has a certain interference effect on the evil god's power. I have senior command." If so, it will definitely work!”

"Well, although I don't deny this, but..."

Mo Tan sighed and scratched his hair: "Are you sure your injury has healed?"

"Of course, I can definitely join the battle now..."


Mo Tan frowned and gently interrupted the other party's unfinished determination.

At the same time, a distortion visible to the naked eye suddenly enveloped Yi Zuo, covering her like a transparent water film.


The next second, as a very small halo flashed by, the invisible 'membrane' surrounding Yi Zou suddenly dissipated, and her movement, which had been delayed for less than a second, returned to normal. .

"Senior, I..."

Yi Zhao, who had subconsciously shaken off the [Laws and Barriers], looked very worried, but was interrupted again by Mo Tan.

"Are you sure your injury has healed?"

Mo Tan repeated with a smile, spread his hands and said: "If you were in your prime state, the law I just said should be directly immune to you. Don't forget, although you have always regarded me as your senior, Yi Zuo, If we really talk about combat effectiveness, my level of strength should not pose any threat to you."

Yi Zuo shook his head with a red face and whispered: "That's because you... you have become stronger."

"Believe me, no one knows better than me about whether you have become stronger or not."

Mo Tan, who could directly see his character panel, was confident and said softly: "Obviously, your injury has not healed."

"But senior, I no longer have..."

"Is it okay to take a few steps?"

Mo Tan looked at her with a smile.

Then Yi Zhao took two steps in a very obedient manner, and then subconsciously pressed his slender waist with his trembling left hand. His face turned slightly pale, and turned red in the next second.

It was very obvious that after breaking free from the command of Senior Hei Fan, his previous injuries that were still far from being healed suddenly broke out, and the situation seemed to be more serious than he imagined.

Yi Zuo lowered his head in shame, not knowing whether it was because of his clumsy lie just now, or because of his overconfidence, or both.

"Yu Qing, you are my savior. If you hadn't risked your life to protect me from breaking out of the encirclement and joining Huo Yanyang and the others who came to support me, I, a weak and weak third-rate priest, would have died at the foot of the mountain. So from now on From the perspective of repaying a favor, I personally don’t want you to take risks.”

Mo Tan patted Yi Zou on the shoulder, and continued before the other party hurriedly tried to speak: "Yu Li, you can't even break free from my law barrier right now, so when facing This situation is likely to occur when cultists have more bizarre powers. Even with systematic tactical support, it is very easy for unexpected situations to occur if you are really commanded as a high-level combat force. But if you retreat, The first time I consider it based on your injury, it cannot highlight the value of your participation in the battle at all. Therefore, the conclusion is: Due to emotions and reasons, I cannot agree to your request, at least not until your injury is truly healed. "

"I understand, senior..."

Yi Zuo lowered his head with a red face, bit his lower lip and whispered: "I am too willful."

After some analysis by the other party, the female knight felt more and more that she was making unreasonable troubles just now based on her status as being close to her senior, and she felt especially ashamed of herself.

"One more thing is..."

Mo Tan smiled nonchalantly, lowered his voice and said furtively: "Don't ever say anything about me being involved in commanding openly, you know."


Yi Zhao nodded vigorously and said repeatedly: "I will definitely pay attention, senior."

"Well, it would be better if we could change our name. Okay, let's go."

Mo Tan, who had been called senior for several months but was still not used to it, scratched his cheek and said without any expectations, then turned around and walked towards the steps of the ancestors not far away.

"Ah, okay, senior!"

Yi Zuo quickly took two steps, keeping a distance of half a meter behind Mo Tan, fearing that the other party would make a mistake without paying attention.

This is not unfounded worry. In Yi Zuo’s eyes, Senior Hei Fan is a person with extremely poor motor skills, and it may be because he has too many things to think about, which consumes his energy. He has to cultivate a lot in the side hall of the Ancestral Temple every day. For a long time, there may even be sudden fainting. Although the business was never delayed, it still made the female knight feel uneasy.

Looking at the figure of the other party who could not be said to be solid and generous, but was being relied on by many people at the same time, Yi Zou sighed softly, and a flash of anger flashed in his usually gentle and peaceful eyes.

Of course, this is not directed at Senior Hei Fan, but at some people who are so dirty that Yi Zou cannot describe...

Of course, that's not to say that 'certain people' are really that bad, it's just that Izon Jaret, who rarely comes into contact with or uses vulgar language, has a relatively poor vocabulary.

[If that hateful person had not deliberately put Senior Hei Fan in danger...if he really wanted to help Sumir out of trouble, the situation would never be like this! 】

Yi Zuo clenched his fists tightly, and the gloomy and mean face appeared in his mind again, as well as his malicious smile, and...

"Leave it to you, the hero of Misha County, as the future star of the Dawn Sect, the young master who always takes a beautiful knight as a bodyguard when he travels far away. His Highness Wang Yu's love... ah no, it's a lover, I miss you. We will definitely be able to perfectly complete this extremely safe reconnaissance mission.”

That order was unabashedly malicious and akin to murder.

Including himself and Senior Hei Fan, the support team of twenty people was ambushed on their way back, an incredible ambush!

There is no doubt that the commander of the Second Chapter of the Holy Religion United Northern Expeditionary Army, the Golden Crown Priest of the Sun Religion, Warrens Kalleni, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Expeditionary Army behind him, who also belongs to the Sun Religion, Jeff Harrington Knight Want to kill someone.

They almost succeeded, if it weren't for Senior Hei Fan who immediately chose to retreat to the outside of the Holy Mountain instead of the seemingly safer fourth line of defense, and if it wasn't for Senior Hei Fan who contacted that person through some unknown means. The war priest Huo Yanyang, who is very influential among the younger generation of Sumir, came to support him. I am afraid that I have already returned to the embrace of the goddess.

But even so, only five of the other eighteen people in the same team as the two survived, two mid-level knights from the Plenty Sect, two priests from the Justice Sect, three Paladins from the Dawn Sect, and six other people from the Sect of Dawn. All the priests belonging to the Sun Sect, including Lawrence Kalleni, were killed in the battle.

【Don’t even think about succeeding! 】

Clenching her fists tightly, angry flames burned in the clear vertical pupils of the female knight.

Although he is not very sharp, Yi Zou has already vaguely guessed the purpose of those people...



"I will definitely protect you."

"Ah, then I'll leave it to you."


Chapter 606: End

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