Quadruple split

Chapter 614: Tired and Unloved

Mo Tan didn't think as much as Yi Zhuo. This was not because he was generous. The main reason was that he had been vaguely reminded of some things before setting off, and he was somewhat mentally prepared. In addition, he was more or less under other personalities. I had conducted some investigations into the United Holy Church and learned some inside stories that were not strictly secrets. Therefore, although I felt equally indignant and angry after the incident, I was not carried away by the anger and just kept silent. He kept this account in his heart.

Although even Yi Zou could tell who was behind the previous 'accident', Mo Tan had to admit that the other party's method was really clever. It was so clever that no one could find anything from the surface. question.

Even he, who had always been wary, only suddenly noticed a clue when half of his feet had already stepped into the 'trap'. In the end, he still failed to bring the team back intact. If he hadn't discovered that something was wrong, In an instant, he directly contacted Huo Yanyang through a friend's message, and asked the latter to temporarily organize a group of combat forces to rush to the outskirts of Sumir as quickly as possible, and led everyone extraordinarily forcefully not to retreat but to advance, and did not do what the enemy expected. In that way, they retreated to the Northern Expeditionary Army's defense line that 'happened' to have a fault, but directly penetrated the relatively weak left wing of the cultists, opened a gap and fled to the main peak of Sumir. In all likelihood, these twenty people would have to account for it. In that ambush.

But even so, when Mo Tan finally successfully reunited with Huo Yanyang, more than half of the nineteen people who had always obeyed his command during the process were killed or injured, including the most powerful high-level paladin Yi Zuo. At the end of the battle, the five paladins from the Plenty Sect and the Dawn Sect and the two priests from the Justice Sect had fallen during the breakout process. The six priests from the Sun Sect were helping Mo Tan and Yi Zuo. After the large forces gathered together, they resolutely shouldered the task of breaking up the rear. Without asking for a word of advice from others, they launched the joint magic [Six Rays of Red Sun Formation], successfully covered the evacuation of everyone who hurriedly responded to the battle, and then died as a martyr.

In the end, the only ones who survived were Mo Tan, Yi Zuo, four Dawn Sect priests, and the youngest member of the team, Sun Sect trainee priest Sheila Chenkobel, who would just turn eighteen next month.

The remaining thirteen people were all killed in the battle, and no one survived.

The defense lines changed frequently in the first month, the deterrence was not seeking merit but no fault, the 'crusade' was like military training with almost no smell of gunpowder, the detection sequence was constantly adjusted according to a certain pattern, and the detection sequences from four different sects were The mixed support team, these appearances constantly paralyzed Mo Tan's vigilance, and finally sent him into a fatal trap.

The cultists' unexpected rebound, the Northern Expeditionary Army's second regiment's logical shrinkage, and the four-layer outer defense line's logical changes created a fatal dead end.

In just ten minutes, the support team, which was originally on a normal mission, lost all cover. They were completely exposed to the sight of nearly a hundred cultists. Under the subconscious restraint of the enemy, they were forced to slow down their movement speed and were unable to move. After returning to the rebuilt defense system of the second battle group within the specified time, they were left on the defensive line to face the long-awaited counterattack of the cultists.

This was a murder that was so meticulous and meticulous that it was chilling, but it was also a murder without any evidence.

Because the battle situation is transparent to every soldier in the Northern Expedition, and our own adjustments and deployments are also transparent, so everyone knows when they should do what they should do, what their comrades are doing when, and the entire command The structure is so clear that you can see it at a glance, running tightly like a precise machine.

And this seemingly transparent system is precisely the most brilliant part of this murder.

Precision and rigor mean that the error tolerance rate is infinitely close to zero, so this plan is not realistic enough from the beginning, because humans are not machines, and no one can do exactly what can only be done in theory 'Everything is set up.

But Mo Tan didn't care about this problem at first, because people have difficulty reaching the 'limits' in theory, and they also have 'flexibility' that machines and theories do not have. Although omissions will inevitably occur, this kind of thing It has never been called a problem. Taking into account the normal duty handover distance, if the person who changes the shift is five minutes late, at best, it means that the person on duty can stand for five more minutes, and you can coordinate with each other. After all, Rules are dead, people are alive.

However, at a certain point in time, the 'elasticity' that had always run through the strategic structure of the Northern Expeditionary Army suddenly disappeared.

From the moment...the twenty-man team led by Mo Tan left the station!

The structure of the four lines of defense continued to operate according to the established plan, but it quietly became extremely rigorous under the control of thoughtful people. The total of sixteen brigades involved in defense changes and transfers during this process were truly as precise as a machine.

This was certainly not a mistake, but Mo Tan's team, which had already left the main force, did not expect that the originally relaxed 'elasticity' had disappeared the moment after they left.

Then, the long-awaited backlash from the cultists came!

The defense line, which was as sophisticated as a machine, retracted instantly, and Mo Tan's support team was unfortunately left outside the system.

When a team is in danger, the Northern Expeditionary Army headquarters will naturally not leave it alone, but it takes time to allocate manpower on the spot or choose the right moment for support. At that time, it happened to be the turn of the person in charge of the second battle group who was responsible for the two outermost lines of defense. Warrens Kalleni happened to go to the First Regiment to report on his duties at this time. Although his deputy immediately sent someone to report, by the time Warrens got the news and organized a rescue team, he was far away from Mo Tan and others. A full ten minutes have passed since the person was attacked!

Ten minutes that determine life and death!

If Mo Tan really decided to fight and retreat and wait for rescue, instead of forcing a breakout and attacking the main peak of the Holy Mountain, these ten minutes would have been enough for them to be wiped out twice!

How did the other party do it...

Mo Tan, who first arrived in the holy mountain Sumir, has been thinking about this problem.

The answer was not difficult to guess. Through reverse reasoning, Mo Tan quickly noticed the clue.

On the surface, this accident is just a stacking of a large number of accidents, but in fact, the fact that these accidents appeared at the same time is very strange in itself.


The tentative surprise attack by the cultists was fundamental. This situation has actually happened several times, but this time alone, the elite scouts of the second battle group did not receive any information. This is a huge doubt.

It is true that it is absolutely impossible for anyone in the Northern Expedition to collude with the cultists, but if it is not collusion, but just deliberately suppressing the information that has been learned, it is not a difficult thing to do.

So, assuming that the officiant of the Golden Crown of Warrens, who obviously has ill intentions towards him, has the relevant information, it would not be difficult to deduce the attack time of the cultists. Under this premise, he can secretly attack this person at random. The adjusted battle plan was manipulated to allow Mo Tanca to leave the station at that extremely dangerous time, and then he would give his subordinates a little blow, such as casually inciting morale, or casually mentioning, "Everyone seems to have been there lately." They are all a little slack. If this is the case, the precision of the entire defense system can be greatly improved in the next period of time without leaving any trace.

In this way, the shrinkage of the defense line, which originally took a short period of time, will be greatly reduced in time. In addition, Mo Tan and others will definitely be entangled by the cultists before everyone else, so when they retreat The second battle group, which had suddenly strengthened its execution ability, had naturally withdrawn from the original outermost line of defense.

After designing these contents, Warrens could justifiably delay a few more minutes as long as he knew the time in advance to go to the First Battle Group to report on his duties. Within these few minutes, Mo Tan and others would be dead!

Even if the Dawn Sect is not exaggerating, in this case, no commander can be so miraculous that with twenty average but mid-level combat forces, they can resist until support arrives!

In just one morning in real time, Mo Tan, who had passively switched personalities twice... gathered his own strength to reverse the situation, and realized deeply what a terrible poisonous plan it was.

Perhaps it was just that the Bishop of Warrens noticed through his scouts that the cultists were preparing to fight back soon, but he was still so thorough that it was outrageous. Not to mention the evidence, there was not even the slightest sense of violation. If Mo Mo Tan Zhen died in that accident. After considering the circumstances at the time, there was no need to even investigate, and the word "accident" could be used to deal with it.

"My heart is so tired..."

Compared with the indignation of the half-dragon female knight behind him, Mo Tan only felt tired at this moment, and his whole person looked like he had no energy.

Is it uncomfortable?

It was quite uncomfortable. Although I, Yi Zuo and the other five people all survived, the rest of the team fell to the unscrupulous attacks of those cultists. The seven saints who played a decisive role in the breakout were all killed. Almost no body of the knight was left, and the last flashes of the other war dead when their lives came to an end also shocked Mo Tan. Although he has experienced many big scenes, his psychological quality is really average, and he still thinks of those things often these days. People, think of those figures who took the initiative to leave the group and lay behind them.

You must know that he is not the pivotal commander three months ago. The core that countless people have tried their best to protect, he is just an ordinary military chaplain who is said to be very good at commanding.

And those who died in the war did not resolutely come forward to protect him.

The knights of Dawn and Abundance Sect took the initiative to take on the most dangerous mission. They said that they would not let the priests and priests of the same team fall before them. They did it. Before the last knight fell, the rest of the team Not a drop of blood was left.

The two priests of the Justice Sect, who were not good at healing magic, silently took out the maces after the object of blessing fell, took over the task of the knights, firmly guarded the two wings of the team, and used their thin bodies to bear the overwhelming burden. Part of the pressure, right up to the last minute.

The priests of the Sun Sect rationally analyzed the battle situation, and finally agreed that only the [Red Sun Six-ray Formation] could buy enough time to retreat, so they pushed the youngest among them out and used the combined magic to block him. In front of those murderous cultists, he burned out his last bit of strength.

Under his current personality, Mo Tan does not have a firm will nor is he hard-hearted enough, so naturally he cannot help but feel uncomfortable.

Do you blame yourself?

Maybe there are some, after all, he knows very well that the other party is actually targeting only him, and others can be said to be implicated by him, so every time he recalls the scenes when his companions who have not been together for a short time fell down, he feels that it is He killed the other person.

Before setting off, the Pope of Dawn who called him to the Thousand Lights Dome made it very clear that the Dawn Sect, with the emergence of the new God's Favored Ones, has become much stronger during this period, and he, the man in Misha County, The 'talents' who emerged during this natural disaster also aroused heated discussion in a small circle, and were even regarded as one of the leading figures in uniting the younger generation by many people who participated in that battle. The limelight even overwhelmed some reclusive saints and saints. , which also made the Dawn Sect, which had gained two outstanding young people in just a few months, even more limelight, and even had a large-scale influence among the believers.

But this may not be a good thing...

His Majesty the Pope's expression was very heavy at that time.

"The Holy Religion Union is not monolithic. This has never been a secret..."

The stooped His Majesty Saint Ambrose Asier sighed deeply and smiled bitterly: "Wherever there are people, there will be disputes, although the conflicts within the Holy Church Union are 'mild' than many forces. , but that is only in comparison after all. No matter how pious a cleric is, he will not think that he has too much right to speak. In the eyes of many people, things like status and influence are basically synonymous with spreading the gospel of God. In fact This is not wrong. Although some sects in some alliances are not interested in this kind of struggle, the Dawn Sect, one of the three major sects, cannot escape this kind of thing. In fact, we don’t mind passing it through legitimate means. Means seek a higher status for the sect.”

His Majesty the Pope paused slightly when he said this, obviously wanting Mo Tan to digest what he just said.

The latter could only smile bitterly. He who was born in modern times would naturally not understand this kind of thing.


"I'm sorry, Priest Black Van, we did have some selfish motives in sending you to Sumir."

The old lizard-man pope looked at Mo Tan apologetically, and whispered: "But after the disappearance of Tifilo, the Dawn Sect, which has not seen a favored person for hundreds of years, has been silent for too long. We need to let the believers We see some hope, and you and Wangyu are one of our hopes, but because of this, it would be okay if Wangyu never wakes up after coming back, even the worst competitors will not have the nerve to do anything. Brain, but now... I hope you can understand what I mean, Pastor Heifan, please be sure to protect yourself during the days before returning to the City of Light..."

"I'm so tired that I don't like it anymore."

Mo Tan took a deep breath of Sumir's cold and thin air, and held his forehead feebly...

"Can't this kind of drama of a great responsibility be left to others to do..."

Chapter 607: End

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