Quadruple split

Chapter 615 The opportunity to break the situation

"What are you thinking about, brother!"

A strong arm circled around fiercely, knocking Mo Tan, who was distracted, to stagger.

Yi Zuo, who was walking behind and was also in a distracted state, immediately became excited. While secretly complaining about his carelessness, he looked at the red-haired orc who was hugging 'Senior Black Fan' and yelling with a very unhappy tone. : "Mr. Huo Yanyang, my senior is still injured, so please pay more attention."

"Ah? Isn't he already full of blood... Uh, no, what Sister Yi Zuo said is that I am a bit careless when I am happy, so don't take it personally."

Huo Yanyang suddenly reacted mid-sentence, and quickly took away his arm that was pressing on Mo Tan's shoulder with a smile, then cleared his throat and said seriously: "We have known each other for a long time, this guy Hei Fan My bones have always been weak. When I was a child, I would get sick from time to time. Fainting, vomiting blood, etc. were commonplace. The local doctor over there...well, the pharmacist said he had kidney disease..."

"It's a very hard life, and you are not kind to the people you meet."

Mo Tan quickly answered the question, then raised his arm and gave Huo Yanyang an elbow on the ribs, and threatened in a low voice: "If you dare to bring up the topic of physical weakness and kidney failure again, In the direction of the class, I promise to accurately deliver your artistically processed personal information to every young brother within ten kilometers of Tan Hua before the start of the next semester."

Huo Yanyang smiled disdainfully, curled his lips and said, "Do you think I would believe such a childish threat?"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Yi Dong to see if my brother can really do such a thing."

Mo Tan replied with a smile, his kind and harmless expression suddenly made Huo Yanyang feel a little cold on his back, and then he added leisurely: "Oh, by the way, you should also know that I am good at computers. Very good, do you want to challenge me and bet on whether I can make you famous locally before turning around?"

[Damn, I almost forgot that this guy is a hacker! 】

Huo Yanyang immediately recalled a certain online gathering where a beautiful girl who was obsessed with her broke in. Sweat started to form on his forehead. He laughed twice and changed the topic in a very stiff manner: "The conductor just now was so beautiful! Did you see those things? The cultist doesn’t look like he’s peeing in the shit, but it feels so good!”


Mo Tan smiled and said nothing, thinking that his proficiency in other COS states was really getting higher and higher. Although it was all fake, his tone, demeanor and speaking tone just now were consistent with the "chaotic neutral" personality. He was exactly the same, and he immediately bluffed Huo Yanyang.

Although the operation of pretending to change one's personality has become a basic skill over the years, when compared with oneself, Mo Tan, who is currently in an 'absolutely neutral' personality, is definitely the best among them. No matter what state he imitates, he can imitate it. To achieve a lifelike appearance, in addition to the external expression, tone, and demeanor, only the 'Black Brahman' can do such a very stream of consciousness thing as the mentality and even the thinking itself, that is, the [Reflection] in the talent column Totally activate this kind of thing.

The success rate of forcing oneself to activate [Reflection] when the character is 'Black Brahma' and in a good mental state is about 10% to 20%, and the maintenance time ranges from five to fifteen minutes. This is what Mo Tan is doing here. The conclusion reached through repeated trials within three months is that as for the two characters 'Tan Mo' and 'Mo' who do not even have the [Reflection] talent, no matter how calm they are or even self-hypnotized when they occasionally try, they succeed. The rate is always zero.

Of course, Mo Tan would definitely not try to activate [Reflection] just because he wanted to scare Huo Yanyang. The two threats that made the latter's spine shiver just now were just to pretend to be a 'chaotic neutral' personality.

However, the effect is still outstanding.

"Hey, get along with your buddy..."

Huo Yanyang patted Mo Tan on the shoulder, came over and winked mischievously: "You and the guardian knight girl..."

"It's a guard knight."

Mo Tan shook his head and corrected, shrugged and said, "Didn't Yi Zuo say it several times? Guardian knights and guard knights are two different things."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. The guard knight is the guard knight."

Huo Yanyang leaned his lips and lowered his voice and asked: "People seem to pay much attention to you. The seniors shouted one by one, alas, the sound is beautiful and beautiful. Every day, except for sleeping every day , even when you were offline, you sat outside the side hall without resting,"

Mo Tan glanced at him expressionlessly: "What do you want to say?"

Huo Yanyang chuckled: "You understand."

"you think too much."

Mo Tan shook his head and said calmly: "It is an order from within the sect that Yi Zuo came here to protect me. She is just doing her duty diligently, so please keep your thoughts pure."

Huo Yanyang looked back with disbelief at Yi Xuan, who had always followed Mo Tan half a meter behind, and his voice dropped a few decibels: "No, this is no longer the scope of conscientiousness and responsibility..."

"Are you in love?"

Mo Tan glanced at him with disdain and said helplessly: "It's not like you don't know my current situation. After the battle in Misha County three months ago, the Dawn Sect created momentum for me for a while. In some cases, In people's eyes, I am already considered a moderate threat. The higher-ups expected that it might be dangerous to throw me out for gold plating this time, so they arranged for Yi Zou to follow me. As you can see, if I hadn't been lucky, I would have been there. Just rebuild the character. Do you think Yi Zou will be able to relax her guard on me after that? Although I don’t think it’s necessary..."

"Just be pretentious. If it were me, I would be so beautiful if I had such a beautiful girl following me every day."

Huo Yanyang rolled his eyes in displeasure, then gritted his teeth and turned his head to look down the mountain: "Are all the superiors of the Holy Religion Alliance that virtuous?!"

Although I have had a lot of objections to the union of holy religions a long time ago, when I was meeting Mo Tan, I saw with my own eyes that the six sun priests resolutely chose to sacrifice themselves to intercept everyone in order to cover everyone's evacuation. Later, I learned that those paladins and justice priests After desperately trying to cover up the last few people who escaped here, Huo Yanyang finally had a lot of changes in his views on these people he once called magicians, and shifted the target of his dissatisfaction to the higher-ups of the Holy Religion Alliance.

"You can't say that."

Mo Tan shook his head and said softly: "Saint Xia Lian, whom Yu Chen and I are very familiar with, is very good. There are also knights and chief priests in the Justice Sect who are familiar with me and whose status is not low. Their character is also very good." They are all very good, but... where there is light, there is shadow. Most organizations, forces, and groups have their own dark sides. The alliance of holy religions is naturally not exempt from this. And although the methods are against objective morality, they can even be It can be called a despicable act, but from the perspective of the other party, they probably don’t feel that they are doing anything wrong.”

Huo Yanyang sneered and snorted: "Isn't this kind of shameless operation called a wrong thing?"

"I mean, from the other side's point of view, it's obviously a big mistake for me, the victim, and I want to make my whole family explode."

Mo Tan smiled, spread his hands and said, "To be honest, I really don't want to get involved in these things. It's too stressful."

Huo Yanyang, who often visited forum posts, swore loudly, shook his head and said: "You deserve a beating now. Think about those people who help old men and old ladies run errands every day, have a meal but don't have a meal, and don't kiss their mother." I don’t like players who want to take on monster-fighting missions but are scorned by all NPCs. As soon as you enter the game, you embrace the Dawn Sect, are regarded as a boss by many player NPCs, and can be hit by epic missions while sitting at home. Do you have the nerve to say, 'This is not what I want', even though you have a high head? Are you shameless?!"

"It depends on the situation whether you want to be shameless or not."

Mo Tan, who was a little tired from walking on the mountain road, slowed down and looked very tired: "Personal pursuits are different, some want to be spectacular, and there are also people like me who want to eat melon and watch others being vigorous."

"You have no ambition."

"Well, who says it's not..."

The two of them just chatted about each other, and the topic couldn't be said to be too nutritious. After all, they had been together for nearly two months, and occasionally met online in real life, so the main body of the conversation was basically complaints. .

Yi Zuo followed the two of them silently, with no intention of participating or eavesdropping. Although her senses were very keen due to her high-level strength, if she was more serious, even if the two of them lowered their voices to talk, they would not be unable to hear the content. Even though Huo Yanyang glanced back at her furtively during the process, he was still very chivalrous and did not eavesdrop. Compared with those colleagues in the City of Light who followed Mo Tan and Yu Chen as a daily routine, their thoughts were different. The realm has become stronger by more than one level.

It took about an hour for them to return to the main peak of the holy mountain Sumir together with the large army. Then Huo Yanyang went to find his teacher to report the results of the battle.

Mo Tan then entered the side hall on the left side of the Enlightenment Temple in a familiar way. After greeting a few familiar faces, he walked straight to his room. He turned around and smiled at the female knight who was always following him: "Go. have a rest."


Yi Zuo nodded slightly, but did not move. Her room was opposite Mo Tan. Huo Yanyang specially asked someone to help arrange it.

"Don't you want to go to the battlefield early?"

Mo Tan scratched his hair in confusion and reminded: "Then heal your injury as soon as possible. I will promise to allow you to participate in the war when the time comes. Haha, don't worry too much about me. This is the center of Sumir. If anyone can really You fought all the way here just to take off my dog ​​head, let alone you, even a great cavalry commander may not be able to do anything, so go and rest quickly."

Yi Zhao said softly again, her eyes hesitant, as if she still had no intention of leaving.

"Oh, forget it..."

Mo Tan shrugged, opened the door, and waved to the female knight who was obviously hiding something on her mind: "Come in and sit down?"


Yi Zuo was stunned for a moment, then raised his head carefully, his eyes a little worried: "Will it disturb the senior's rest?"

"It won't be long. If you have anything to say to me, come in and have a cup of tea."

Mo Tan shook his head indifferently and said without looking back as he pushed the door open and walked into the room: "If you just want to protect my safety, then go back and rest quickly."

Yi Zhao hesitated for a moment, but finally followed Mo Tan into the room, and at the latter's signal, she sat down at the square table in the center of the room very nervously, looking at her nose, her nose and her mouth, and her mouth and her heart.


Mo Tan, who walked to the low cabinet to boil water, turned around and smiled, and asked, "Is Silithus flower and fruit tea okay? Wang Yu brought me a lot before coming here. The way I drink it now is conservative. It probably won’t be finished until next year.”

"Okay, okay! Thank you, Senior Heifan!"

Yi Zuo nodded quickly. She really likes drinking black tea.

"Huo Yanyang can't get used to drinking this stuff. Before Wang Yu, he asked me to bring two kilograms to Mr. Mondo. But when I got here, I realized that the old man only drinks water now." Mo Tan fiddled with the words not very skillfully. Chen previously stuffed the tea set with the tea leaves into his own while chatting casually with Yi Zuo.

Perhaps because he, the senior Hei Fan, has no airs and is too approachable, Yi Zou, who was a little nervous at first, quickly calmed down and said with a smile: "The relationship between the senior and Her Majesty the Saint is really good."

"She's very easy to get along with, but she's a bit shy."

Mo Tan smiled, walked over and put two cups of fragrant black tea on the table, sat opposite Yi Zuo and shrugged, "You should be familiar with each other, right?"

Because the story that a certain priest and Her Majesty the Saint were old friends had spread within the Shuguang Sect, Mo Tan simply did not explain that her relationship with Yu Chen was actually very innocent.

Yi Zuo smiled shyly, nodded and said, "I have received a lot of care from His Highness before."

"I don't believe it. It's more like you taking care of her."

Mo Tan looked disbelieving, then raised the cup and took a sip of tea, and asked softly: "So, what do you want to say to me?"

Yi Zuo pursed his lips, held the cup and hesitated for a long time before speaking: "I...I want to know why senior didn't direct it himself. I can see that Mr. Huo Yanyang was only able to do this because of senior's help. The one who leads us to defeat those blasphemers, although I don’t know the method, the reason why we can win so many battles is actually..."

"Do you think he's taking credit?"

Mo Tan interrupted Yi Zuo and looked at the female knight in front of him with a somewhat unhappy expression: "You think that guy shamelessly asked me to take credit for him just because he is a local and has a good relationship with me?

"Well, isn't it..."

Yi Zuo looked at Mo Tan blankly.

"Of course not. In fact, that guy always wanted me to come to the front desk, but I just refused to give in."


"Because I don't want to be in the limelight, but I still need to have a certain degree of voice, and Huo Yanyang's voice is naturally equivalent to my voice."

"Eh? Why is this?"

"I don't want to be in the limelight because I am determined to be a salty fish, and I want the right to speak because I have found an opportunity to break the situation. It is not only possible to improve Sumir's situation, but also to get revenge."

Chapter 608: End

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