Quadruple split

Chapter 623 True or False

"Be careful, young man!"

The light of the flashlight bloomed in the darkness, and a short middle-aged man wearing a security uniform suddenly rushed out from behind Mo Tan and pushed him to the ground.

Mo Tan, who was pushed down unprepared, immediately changed his expression, and then without any trace, he removed his hand that was reaching for the inside of the windbreaker, and looked up at the uncle wearing a security uniform with a flashlight on and a blank look on his face: "Huh? "

"do not move!"

The security guard shouted without looking back, threw the flashlight into the air, and snapped his fingers: "Kehalet - glow!"

In an instant, the boiler room, which originally only had a meager light source such as a flashlight, suddenly lit up. The source was actually three groups of golden geometric figures floating out of thin air behind the uncle in security uniform. They seemed not to be affected by gravity at all, and they were so stable. Fixed firmly in mid-air, evenly spreading the warm halo to every corner.

This is not scientific at all!

When this incredible scene suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, even Mo Tan, who was under the "chaotic neutral" personality, was shocked at all, and this shock quickly disappeared in less than a second. It turned into a kind of crazy joy and excitement that made him tremble uncontrollably.

"Stay there and don't move. I won't let you get hurt."

As if he noticed Mo Tan's trembling, the man in the security uniform said something wrong without looking back, and then blew out a breeze, causing the flashlight that was about to be smashed to pieces to suddenly flicker. stagnant and fell back to the ground unscathed.

"What...what the hell is going on! What...what kind of monster are you!"

At the same time, the fanatical light in Mo Tan's eyes and the uncontrollable curvature of the corner of his mouth disappeared instantly like magic. The blood on his face faded instantly, and his trembling voice even sounded like he was crying. He was on his hands and knees. Shrinking towards the corner of the boiler room, the originally clean windbreaker became full of dust after he fluttered it a few times, and even a small patch on the back was soaked with sweat.

"Today's young people..."

The uncle in the security uniform sighed melancholy, and while pressing his right hand violently on the cement pillar that Mo Tan had been studying before, he shook his head and sighed: "Either he pounced on the person holding his thigh and said he wanted to learn from his teacher, or he You screamed and wet your pants, is that really... hmm? Are you still pretending?"

Mo Tan was surprised at first, but then he realized that the other person's last words were not meant for him, but for the pillar...or something hidden in the pillar.

"Xun·Li——Xiao Linghuo."

But I saw the uncle raised his left hand, recited a mantra that seemed to have something to do with the Bagua and the Five Elements, and then slapped the pillar suddenly. A spiral flame accompanied by a harsh explosion suddenly exploded from the other side of the pillar. When it came out, there was something on top of the constantly rotating cyan flame at the front.

[This is so fucking exciting, should I pee my pants to show respect...]

Mo Tan thought for a while, and finally decided not to urinate in a hurry, and wait to observe the situation before doing anything else. However, he was not idle at the moment. He first let go of his throat and screamed twice, and then quietly peeed to himself. The tip of his tongue was so strong that blood immediately appeared.

"Oh, Ganqing is just a parasitic thunder glue demon. I wonder why it doesn't even have a demonic realm."

The man in the security uniform had very good eyesight. He could tell what kind of thing he blasted out of the pillar with just a glance. Even then the cool-looking spiral shape dispersed. Flame, with one lunge, rushed forward and pinched the slime-like creature that was almost cut into mud and was completely charred in his hands: "Xun·Gen·Qian·Kun - the four gates of Taiyi Prison the day after tomorrow."

The next moment, the four characters [Xun], [Gen], [Qian], and [Kun] with different colors flashed next to the creature called the parasitic thunder glue demon, and then I saw the resemblance. The slime thing quickly became smaller, and finally turned into a crystal clear lavender bead, which the uncle put directly in his pocket.

[It’s okay to just put it in your pocket~]

Mo Tan vomited in his heart, then sniffed hard, and looked up at the uncle who just turned around, and he didn't look like a master at all.

After their eyes met for five seconds...


Mo Tan rushed over to her with tears streaming down her face, hugging her thighs and started howling: "Master, I've had such a hard time looking for you..."


The uncle didn't talk nonsense, he just smiled dryly and slapped Mo Tan on the shoulder, then lifted him up from the ground with very unreasonable force, and then slapped him again on the penis that had just been blasted out. On the pillar with a large gap: "Gen Kun - Reshape the Clay Buddha."

Then the pillar restored itself strangely, and the process was very miraculous. If I had to explain it, it would probably be the visual effect of "cement growing out of cement."

At this moment, Mo Tan really wanted to yell, 'Coach, I want to learn this', but he had already lost the ability to move the moment he was photographed by the uncle, and now he was just stuck in place like a fool. I can't do anything. I can't control my body at all except that my thoughts are functioning normally.

The uncle ignored him and just silently took out an old-style mobile phone from his pocket. He dialed a series of numbers and put it to his ear: "Hey! Is it Xiao Duan?"

A loud exclamation came from the other side of the conversation: "Ah! Senior Niefeng! What do you want from me?"

"I rely on you to keep your voice down."

The uncle roared angrily and quickly lowered the volume of his cell phone to the lowest level before putting it to his ear again: "You were the one who came to the power plant to deal with the big demon before, right?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Something went wrong!"

"What? Shouldn't you use force to pull out the big explosive bomb? No, it has nothing to do with that. It's a good thing to know how to be flexible..."

"But did you know that you missed a parasitic thunder glue demon? There happened to be a young man wandering here today. Damn it, if I hadn't happened to pass by while shopping for groceries, I would have died!"

"You can't die if you're electrocuted? You're scared to death even if you're electrocuted, okay! Don't talk to me about this useless thing. Why didn't you check the scene that day!"

"Arrived to deliver milk? Work-study program? What the hell..."

"Okay, okay, don't come over here, I've got everything done here."

"Well, it's okay to eat. My wife is in a good mood these days."

"Sister-in-law, your uncle, I'm as rich as your grandfather at this age, so don't get too close to me."

"Okay, that's it. Be careful when riding a bicycle when delivering milk. It's not easy for a kid like you. Please treat me to dinner later."

"Well, okay, bye."

After the uncle said this, he calmly hung up the phone, glanced at Mo Tan, and snapped his fingers.

Then Mo Tan regained his ability to move and speak.


"Come on, don't act like a fool with me. Our organization doesn't need non-staff personnel."

The uncle interrupted Mo Tan impatiently, then whispered something in a low voice, gently brushed his hands on the pillar next to him, then pointed to the place where Mo Tan was staring at at the beginning and asked: "What is this?"

Mo Tan followed his finger and was stunned for a moment before replying: "Wire."

"Electric wires are dangerous, you know?"

The uncle was educating casually while bending down to pick up the flashlight on the ground.

"But then..."

"Don't be but, where are there so many buts? Come on, I'll show you a good one."

The uncle took out another card-like thing from his pocket and flashed it in front of Mo Tan's eyes.

An unreal feeling of dizziness came...

"Be careful, young man!"

When Mo Tan came back to his senses, Mo Tan had been pushed to the ground by the uncle who 'suddenly appeared' from behind him, and then the series of processes in his initial memory of being scolded, looking at the wires, going out to pee, and taking a taxi home...

After that day, Mo Tan never tried to investigate the "marginal people" and the unknown things behind this world, no matter what personality he was under.

It's not that he's not interested, it's just that after a simple weighing, even under the craziest 'chaotic neutral' personality, Mo Tan is very clear that there are certain things that he is not qualified to dabble in now, so 'investigating this world is not a good idea'. This plan was shelved indefinitely by him.

However, putting it aside does not mean that he has forgotten everything that happened that day. On the contrary, whether it is terms such as 'demon realm', 'parasitic thunder glue demon', 'big devil', and 'marginal people' that he has never heard before, or The mantra that the uncle once said, which was similar to a mantra, and even the phone number of the reprimanded milkman, were all firmly in Mo Tan's mind, and he didn't forget a single word.

And now...

[A marginalized person... Although it does sound like a slip of the tongue, it is the kind of slip of the tongue that accidentally reveals the true identity...]

Mo Tan stared at the girl named Pomegranate without blinking. He had so many thoughts for a while that he felt a little lost.

The pretty face of Pomegranate, who was being stared at by Mo Tan, was getting redder and redder, her head was hanging lower and lower, and she was shaking as if she was on vibrating mode.

Qiuyue didn't seem to notice this at all, and still stood nearby with a silly smile. Maybe she felt that Mo Tan was shocked by the two identities of 'Future Man' and 'Messenger of God', and he was extremely proud.

The young man named Smith glared at Mo Tan after he noticed that Pomegranate began to tremble frequently.

As for the other 'Messenger of God' named Ming Sakaki, he stood expressionless, as if everything had nothing to do with her.

In the end, Wang Badan broke the silence. He tilted his body and bumped against Mo Tan gently, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, are you trying to rape?"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Only then did Mo Tan realize that it seemed impolite for him to stare at someone so directly. In addition, the girl named Pomegranate was wearing something similar to a bikini for some reason. Not only did she not show her occupation, but the fabric was very The young master quickly looked away from his mysterious suit and kicked Wang Badan fiercely.

And Qiuyue raised her eyebrows at him with a smile, and said in a tone that she thought was particularly stimulating: "If you are willing to sell that bastard, I can make an exception and let you rub the pomegranate's [DATA EXPUNGED]!"


Pomegranate was stunned at that time, and then she knelt on the ground and shivered as if she had been struck by lightning.

“Don’t just use your members’ bodies to bribe others!!”

Smith rushed forward and shook Qiuyue's shoulders vigorously, roaring at the top of his lungs: "Please consider the feelings of the person involved!"

Qiuyue curled her lips, kicked Smith away, and said calmly: "You don't understand. Pomegranate is far stronger than you think. Her dedication to the regiment is something you will never learn in your life."

"Where is the strength, you bastard! Senior Pomegranate is even crying!!"

"She was so happy that she was so happy that she could make a contribution."

"How happy are you!!!"

"How stupid."

Qiuyue calmly ignored Smith's complaints and walked quickly to Mo Tan with a look of victory: "How is it? Is the deal done?"

Mo Tan subconsciously took half a step back, then shook his head with a dry smile: "No, really no need."

"You really don't want to think about it?"

Autumn moon perseveres.

"You really don't have to think about it."

Mo Tan's attitude was firm.

"Well, it's your loss anyway~"

Qiuyue pouted, then turned back and shouted to the girl named Pomegranate: "Get up quickly, I'm kidding you, I won't let anyone touch you!"

Pomegranate nodded, stood up unsteadily, and quickly hid behind Smith with an expression of survival after a disaster on his face.

"Well, these are my team members anyway."

Qiu Yue, who ran onto Wang Ba Dan's back again at some point, crossed her legs and said to Mo Tan proudly: "There is another person named Gu Shu who stayed in the camp to watch the night, and he is the deputy leader of our regiment. He... "

"He's a bitch."

Smith took the conversation seriously and emphasized: "Very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very bad way."

"you shut up."

Qiuyue, who was pretty when she wasn't talking, gave Smith a fierce look, and then said to Mo Tan seriously: "He is set to be a superpower!"

"set up……"

Mo Tan, who already knew it well, nodded slightly, and after two seconds of silence, he still asked Qiu Yue: "What setting?"

"A setting is a setting."

Qiuyue blinked her beautiful big eyes, spread her hands and said: "My setting is the leader, Pomegranate's setting is the person from the future, Mingsakaki's setting is the messenger of God, and the ancient tree's setting is the superpower. However, Ajiong’s setting is that of a miscellaneous person.”

"Hey Hey hey!"

Smith crossed his arms and glared at Qiuyue with a look of displeasure, and gritted his teeth and said: "Although I don't envy your delusion of being too good at being a middle-class student, why am I the only one in the group who is set to be a handyman! Also, obviously everyone It was introduced with the name in the game, but why did it become a real nickname when it came to me?"

"Well, I think we need a handyman."

Qiuyue touched her smooth chin, then winked at Smith: "And Ajiong is Ajiong."

Smith dropped his shoulders feebly...

"Well, since it's a setting..."

Only then did Mo Tan find a chance to interrupt, and quickly asked Qiu Yue: "Does this mean they are not real people from the future, messengers of God, and people with supernatural powers?"

"Otherwise? Could it still be real? People from the future or something."

Qiuyue was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly looked at Mo Tan with disdain...

"Are you an idiot?"

Chapter 616: End

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